Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1837 This matter can’t be finished!

Langxing's eyes turned calm and he said, "You said that the root of trouble lies in the heart. I admit this, but you ignore that there are far more good people than bad people in this world. I have been to Puyunzhou, and even under the rule of the ugly Qianzonghui, the people of Puyunzhou Most of them are kind. Once Qianzonghui is overthrown, Puyunzhou will become as peaceful and friendly as Nanjingzhou. Yuanyizhou is an example. The people of Yuanyi tribe no longer have the same violent temper as before. So it’s not a bad thing to stick together, but the kind of unity that comes out of being deceived is a kind of tragedy.”

The old man nodded slightly and said, "With the heart of longevity cultivator, I may be biased in guessing the human race, but don't forget that there are not only human races in this world. People are born with higher spiritual intelligence, and the orcs can possess it." There are very few people with such high intelligence. They act more based on instinct. This instinct is given to them by heaven. This cannot be improved through teaching. Neither of us is right, and there is another thing you have not considered. In the case of Nanjingzhou, if there are no external enemies, no internal fighting, and no killing, it will soon be overcrowded. How can it be maintained peacefully? So killing is an important law of heaven."

There was a look of thought in Lang Xing's eyes. He felt that what the other party said was reasonable, but he also thought that it shouldn't be the case, and he fell into deep thought for a moment.

The old man showed approval and said, "Your words are also inspiring to me. It is very rare to have such an insight at a young age. No matter how painful your loss is, you have already killed four or five of our elders." You are a monk. You can say you have taken revenge. Stay away from the battlefield. This is not the place you should be. It would be a pity to die in a mortal battle. "

Langxing slowly shook his head and said, "Thank you for your advice. I have no intention of participating in this kind of fighting. When it comes to Tiandaoshang killing, I can't refute your words. It may be right, but we monks can already get rid of it." You have lost part of the shackles of Heaven's way, and your great supernatural powers are almost transcendent of Heaven's way. We are the outliers in Heaven's way. If we blindly fear Heaven's way and act according to Heaven's way, we will never be able to completely escape from Heaven's way. We have the ability. To repair the bad things in the way of heaven.

As a small monk like me, I can protect the tranquility and peace of the mortal world, and you with great supernatural powers can also protect the peace of the world. Due to my state of mind, I have no interest in returning home, but we are capable of doing it, and we are capable of resisting the way of heaven. Our Cihang Immortal Venerable is dedicated to this, and the cultivation world of Nanjingzhou has benefited greatly from it. . "

Having said this, Lang Xing shook his head again, "I have no intention of being a great person, nor do I have the intention of protecting the safety of the whole country. I just want to try my best to take care of the people close to me. That's all I need. And I am reasonable. If the people close to me do something that is harmful to nature, If he gets into trouble, I won't help him, but if anyone violates my needs, I will fight him hard to make him pay the price he deserves!" Lang Xing became excited again, and the two of them got into trouble! The eyes gave off a fierce light.

The old man looked at him thoughtfully, waved his hands and said, "Little fellow Taoist, please don't get angry yet. Revenge is a trivial matter. Your theory of fighting against the way of heaven is quite new. Can you say a few more words in depth?"

Langxing said angrily, "Revenge is a big deal to me. Uncle Xu and Aunt Juan have been kind to me in raising me. They didn't provoke you or provoke you, but you forced them to fight to the death and died miserably on the battlefield. This can’t be finished!”

The old man frowned and said, "According to your opinion, how can this revenge be considered complete? You said that you are reasonable, so let's resolve the revenge issue first. We can't kill all the monks in Shui Qingzhou before we are done." Bar?"

The old man's words made Lang Xing put away his anger. He had advised Lin Zhen on the matter of revenge. He understood the truth better than anyone else, but when bad luck happened to him, he couldn't stay rational. At this moment, the old man's attitude made him lose his temper. Think about this.

After staring at the old man for a while, he opened his mouth and said, "Although I don't think it is right for you to come here to defend the dignity of Shui Qingzhou Huayu monk, but this is due to different views on Taoism, and you don't I only interfere in the war to maintain the fairness of the war. I have no hatred towards you. If you really want to help me relieve the hatred in my heart, I should call you senior."

The old man nodded and said, "This is indeed reasonable. It doesn't matter if you call me senior or not. As long as you can make me think, I am willing to help you dispel your hatred. If our monk who killed your relatives is an insignificant role." If so, I can even bring it to you so that you can have a fair fight with it.”

Lang Xing shook his head and said firmly, "I don't want to target the murderer of my relatives. These little characters are just following orders and are not the culprits. If you want me to calm down the hatred in my heart, please help me find two people who have invaded Nan Jingzhou's heart." The most powerful boss must be the big boss at the late stage of Nascent Soul, let me fight them to the death.”

"Lang Xing!" Qi Jia called anxiously. Although he knew that Lang Xing had several powerful treasures, after all, his cultivation level was too low. He was good at sneak attacks, but a head-on confrontation was another matter.

The old man sighed, "I have seen your methods. It would be better for you to fight on the battlefield than to let you fight in this kind of duel. Then you may still survive. You will not have the slightest chance to face-to-face with the late Nascent Soul monks. I sympathize with your desire for revenge, and I also appreciate the insight of choosing the culprit for revenge, but I advise you to do as I say first. Fight the enemy who killed your relatives first, and then leave the battlefield and wait until your cultivation level is high enough. If you can't resolve this hatred, then look for the culprit." On the one hand, he really wanted to cherish his talent, but on the other hand, he also wanted to persuade the little evil star to leave the battlefield as soon as possible. The combat power shown by this boy was too great. It is so powerful that when combined with a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage, it is almost as powerful as a Feathered monk.

Lang Xing said coldly, "If you don't want to help me, then forget it. I killed before to save my friends. In order to avenge my Uncle Xu and Aunt Juan, I have to kill two more people in the late Yuan Ying stage. Even if you die, just watch, maybe I will kill a few more!" After that, he turned and left.

"Wait a minute." The old man called him. Seeing Langxing turn around, he first said to Qi Jia, Sijia and the Nanjingzhou Huayu monk who was hiding in the distance, "This son died in this battle like this." It's such a pity in the mortal battle. I have the intention to help him once and arrange a battle for him, but I will strictly order those on our side not to hurt his life, not to ruin his path, and to let him retreat when he sees difficulties. I don't know how many of them. You can trust me. My request is that no matter what method you use after the war, you must ensure that he stays away from the battlefield and does not participate in the war again. "

Qi Jia immediately replied with his spiritual thoughts, "Your Majesty must swear an oath with Taoism."

In addition to asking the old man to swear an oath with Taoism, Sijia's reply also asked him not to reveal anything about Lang Xing's performance on the battlefield to others.

The demands of these two people were each more excessive than the other, because they could see that the old man was deeply jealous of the huge threat that Lang Xing's combat power brought to the monster side. Although both of them were eager to let Lang Xing leave the battlefield, But the old man doesn't know this. This advantage cannot be taken for nothing. Langxing's eyes turned calm and he said, "You said that the root of trouble lies in the heart. I admit this, but you ignore that there are far more good people than bad people in this world. I have been to Puyunzhou, and even under the rule of the ugly Qianzonghui, the people of Puyunzhou Most of them are kind. Once Qianzonghui is overthrown, Puyunzhou will become as peaceful and friendly as Nanjingzhou. Yuanyizhou is an example. The people of Yuanyi tribe no longer have the same violent temper as before. So it’s not a bad thing to stick together, but the kind of unity that comes out of being deceived is a kind of tragedy.”

The old man nodded slightly and said, "With the heart of longevity cultivator, I may be biased in guessing the human race, but don't forget that there are not only human races in this world. People are born with higher spiritual intelligence, and the orcs can possess it." There are very few people with such high intelligence. They act more based on instinct. This instinct is given to them by heaven. This cannot be improved through teaching. Neither of us is right, and there is another thing you have not considered. In the case of Nanjingzhou, if there are no external enemies, no internal fighting, and no killing, it will soon be overcrowded. How can it be maintained peacefully? So killing is an important law of heaven."

There was a look of thought in Lang Xing's eyes. He felt that what the other party said was reasonable, but he also thought that it shouldn't be the case, and he fell into deep thought for a moment.

The old man showed approval and said, "Your words are also inspiring to me. It is very rare to have such an insight at a young age. No matter how painful your loss is, you have already killed four or five of our elders." You are a monk. You can say you have taken revenge. Stay away from the battlefield. This is not the place you should be. It would be a pity to die in a mortal battle. "

Langxing slowly shook his head and said, "Thank you for your advice. I have no intention of participating in this kind of fighting. When it comes to Tiandaoshang killing, I can't refute your words. It may be right, but we monks can already get rid of it." You have lost part of the shackles of Heaven's way, and your great supernatural powers are almost transcendent of Heaven's way. We are the outliers in Heaven's way. If we blindly fear Heaven's way and act according to Heaven's way, we will never be able to completely escape from Heaven's way. We have the ability. To repair the bad things in the way of heaven.

As a small monk like me, I can protect the tranquility and peace of the mortal world, and you with great supernatural powers can also protect the peace of the world. Due to my state of mind, I have no interest in returning home, but we are capable of doing it, and we are capable of resisting the way of heaven. Our Cihang Immortal Venerable is dedicated to this, and the cultivation world of Nanjingzhou has benefited greatly from it. . "

Having said this, Lang Xing shook his head again, "I have no intention of being a great person, nor do I have the intention of protecting the safety of the whole country. I just want to try my best to take care of the people close to me. That's all I need. And I am reasonable. If the people close to me do something that is harmful to nature, If he gets into trouble, I won't help him, but if anyone violates my needs, I will fight him hard to make him pay the price he deserves!" Lang Xing became excited again, and the two of them got into trouble! The eyes gave off a fierce light.

The old man looked at him thoughtfully, waved his hands and said, "Little fellow Taoist, please don't get angry yet. Revenge is a trivial matter. Your theory of fighting against the way of heaven is quite new. Can you say a few more words in depth?"

Langxing said angrily, "Revenge is a big deal to me. Uncle Xu and Aunt Juan have been kind to me in raising me. They didn't provoke you or provoke you, but you forced them to fight to the death and died miserably on the battlefield. This can’t be finished!”

The old man frowned and said, "According to your opinion, how can this revenge be considered complete? You said that you are reasonable, so let's resolve the revenge issue first. We can't kill all the monks in Shui Qingzhou before we are done." Bar?"

The old man's words made Lang Xing put away his anger. He had advised Lin Zhen on the matter of revenge. He understood the truth better than anyone else, but when bad luck happened to him, he couldn't stay rational. At this moment, the old man's attitude made him lose his temper. Think about this.

After staring at the old man for a while, he opened his mouth and said, "Although I don't think it is right for you to come here to defend the dignity of Shui Qingzhou Huayu monk, but this is due to different views on Taoism, and you don't I only intervene in the war to maintain the fairness of the war. I have no hatred for you. If you really want to help me relieve the hatred in my heart, I should respectfully call you senior."

The old man nodded and said, "This is indeed reasonable. It doesn't matter if you call me senior or not. As long as you can make me think, I am willing to help you dispel your hatred. If our monk who killed your relatives is an insignificant role." If so, I can even bring it to you so that you can have a fair fight with it.”

Lang Xing shook his head and said firmly, "I don't want to target the murderer of my relatives. These little characters are just following orders and are not the culprits. If you want me to calm down the hatred in my heart, please help me find two people who have invaded Nan Jingzhou's heart." The most powerful boss must be the big boss at the late stage of Nascent Soul, let me fight them to the death.”

"Lang Xing!" Qi Jia called anxiously. Although he knew that Lang Xing had several powerful treasures, after all, his cultivation level was too low. He was good at sneak attacks, but a head-on confrontation was another matter.

The old man sighed, "I have seen your methods. It would be better for you to fight on the battlefield than to let you fight in this kind of duel. Then you may still survive. You will not have the slightest chance to face-to-face with the late Nascent Soul monks. I sympathize with your desire for revenge, and I also appreciate the insight of choosing the culprit for revenge, but I advise you to do as I say first. Fight the enemy who killed your relatives first, and then leave the battlefield and wait until your cultivation level is high enough. If you can't resolve this hatred, then look for the culprit." On the one hand, he really wanted to cherish his talent, but on the other hand, he also wanted to persuade the little evil star to leave the battlefield as soon as possible. The combat power shown by this boy was too great. It is so powerful that when combined with a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage, it is almost as powerful as a Feathered monk.

Lang Xing said coldly, "If you don't want to help me, then forget it. I killed before to save my friends. In order to avenge my Uncle Xu and Aunt Juan, I have to kill two more people in the late Yuan Ying stage. Even if you die, just watch, maybe I will kill a few more!" After that, he turned and left.

"Wait a minute." The old man called him. Seeing Langxing turn around, he first said to Qi Jia, Sijia and the Nanjingzhou Huayu monk who was hiding in the distance, "This son died in this battle like this." It's such a pity in the mortal battle. I have the intention to help him once and arrange a battle for him, but I will strictly order those on our side not to hurt his life, not to ruin his path, and to let him retreat when he sees difficulties. I don't know how many of them. You can trust me. My request is that no matter what method you use after the war, you must ensure that he stays away from the battlefield and does not participate in the war again. "

Qi Jia immediately replied with his spiritual thoughts, "Your Majesty must swear an oath with Taoism."

In addition to asking the old man to swear an oath with Taoism, Sijia's reply also asked him not to reveal anything about Lang Xing's performance on the battlefield to others.

The demands of these two people were each more excessive than the other, because they could see that the old man was deeply jealous of the huge threat that Lang Xing's combat power brought to the monster side. Although both of them were eager to let Lang Xing leave the battlefield, But the old man doesn't know this. This advantage cannot be taken for nothing.

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