Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 184: Unspeakable Hidden Things

Su Wan, who only dealt with people in a friendly manner, became panicked after getting angry. Seeing Xunyi like this, she became even more anxious and said sternly, "If you don't want to make me angry, just stay here and practice hard, otherwise you will do it again in the future." Don’t come to see me either!”

Xunyi lay there quietly, how he wanted to drag this last moment of farewell forever.

He could guess the purpose of Fairy Jingshui coming out to cause trouble. She wanted to use Master's power to stop her trip to Puyunzhou, because it was related to her safety. This allowed him to talk and laugh with his master for a long time, so Xunyi quickly forgave the fairy concubine and was secretly grateful.

But after all, the unbearable embarrassment was only temporarily covered up. After talking about all kinds of bizarre topics, it would reappear like a stone under the melting snow. Xunyi couldn't wait until then to leave. From the beginning, he was planning how to escape. He didn't know whether God liked him too much or was deliberately playing tricks on him. He gave him the opportunity early. He wanted to delay it for a while, but he was afraid that he would make the same mistake again because he was weak-willed. After making up his mind, he slowly straightened up.

At this moment, Xun Yi seemed even more unfamiliar to Su Wan. She couldn't help but take a step back, and asked heartbrokenly, "Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this!" Of course she knew that Xun Yi was making excuses. She had said before There is nothing wrong with her words, so this question contains grievances. In normal times, she can calmly be a kind and dignified master. In the chaos, all that is left is her original self. His true colors.

There was a wry smile on the corner of Xun Yi's mouth, "Disciple is not trying to mess with you, it's just because he made a difficult decision and he felt very sad, so he expressed his emotions."

"You...what decision did you make?" Su Wan became even more panicked, trying hard to show a sharp look in her bright eyes. This was a warning. She was afraid that Xun Yi would say anything involving personal affairs.

Xun Yi said in a deep voice, "Actually, this matter has been hanging in my mind for a long time. When I first met the fairy concubine, she promised to take me to the secret world occupied by their flower fairy to practice after I recovered. There is an inexhaustible spirit

I won’t go into details about the other benefits of liquid nectar. The disciple was very moved when he heard about it, but he hesitated because it would be difficult to come back to that place. Not long ago, the fairy concubine almost recovered due to her cultivation. , mentioned this matter to me again, and said that this opportunity is only once. If I don't let her go, she will go back by herself. This disciple has been so entangled these days that his intestines are twisted into a ball. Alas, what you just said allowed me to make a decision. You have made your choice, why should you seek out a famous teacher? Isn’t the Fairy Concubine the famous teacher in front of you? The disciple is unfilial and for the sake of his own future, he has to go with her. I may not be able to serve you by your side in the future. " At this point, tears filled his eyes and he kowtowed.

The matter was clarified and Xunyi didn't say anything he shouldn't have said. The anger and anxiety in Su Wan's heart were all gone, but the feeling of panic was still the same or even stronger.

"Is this true?" She took two steps forward and saw Xun Yi nodded sadly, she said in a panic, "I have heard of the Flower Fairy Secret Realm, but even your master thinks that It’s just a vague talk, no, I have to ask Fairy Princess about this in person, Yi’er, you...are you really determined to go?”

Xun Yi lowered his head, took out a jade slip, entered a map, and sent it to Su Wan, "This is the place and method to contact the Fox Immortal. I will leave it to the master to save my benefactor."

Su Wan took the jade slip, bit her lips and tried to calm down her turbulent mood. After a while, she said, "Yi'er, don't be anxious about this matter. You must wait until my teacher asks you carefully."

Xunyi raised his head, looked at her with sincere eyes and said, "Master, you don't have to worry about this. It's inconvenient for Fairy Concubine to reveal too much about the secret world. No matter if she keeps silent or talks casually, you are There is no way around it. You can't do this kind of scheming thing compared to the disciples. Besides, the fairy concubine is willing to take the disciples out of repayment, so you shouldn't be suspicious. "

Su Wan really didn't know how to get the truth out of the fairy concubine. After hearing what Xun Yi said, she felt even more anxious.

"But...but how can I let you just go with her? I am your master, and this matter..." At this point, her panic eyes gradually flashed with determination, and she ordered, " Please invite the Fairy Concubine out, I must ask you what you need to ask."

Xunyi reached into his arms and took out the "kidney bean" that had returned to his arms at some point. After sending it into his mind, the Fairy Mirror Water Immortal Concubine immediately appeared as a spiritual body.

Xunyi looked at her calmly and said, "My master has something to ask you, please tell the truth..." As soon as he said this, he felt dizzy and fell down.

The Immortal Concubine Jingshui glanced at Su Wan who took action, but said nothing. There was no joy or anger in her peerless beauty, and her supreme cultivation made her appearance naturally reveal holiness and majesty that no one dared to look up to.

Su Wan hurriedly stepped forward to greet her and said, "The reason why this junior rashly takes action in front of my senior is..."

Fairy Princess Jingshui interrupted in a light tone, "No need to explain. I shouldn't have eavesdropped on your conversation, but because the matter has a lot to do with me, I have to listen. You don't need to ask about the secret world. Find someone else to ask, otherwise you will be in serious trouble, Xun Yi shouldn't tell you."

Su Wan felt bitter in her mouth and said in fear, "My disciple is young and ignorant. I hope my seniors will not sin."

The Fairy Concubine smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about this. To be honest, I really like you as a disciple. Even if I don't have the grace to save my life, I won't make things difficult for him because of his fun."

"He is lucky to have the love of his seniors. Although my apprentice is naughty, he is extremely kind-hearted. If he goes too far in the future, I hope his seniors will be more tolerant."

"He wouldn't be so ignorant." Fairy Princess Jingshui said impatiently in her tone.

Su Wan lowered her head and bit her lips tightly. She refused to ask questions about the secret world. She felt tired of asking others. At this moment, she was frightened and unwilling. In desperation, she knelt down and looked at the fairy concubine and said sadly, "Junior I know it's unreasonable, but it concerns my disciple's safety. As a master, I cannot help but fulfill my responsibility. I beg the senior to reveal something about the secret world. The junior swears not to say a word to outsiders. "

"Confused." Fairy Concubine

Looking down at her, "No wonder Yi'er doesn't trust you to travel alone."

Su Wan couldn't care less about being ashamed, she just knelt there and looked at the fairy concubine with pleading eyes.

"Get up, I won't say anything you shouldn't say even if you kneel here to death, but I do have some things I want to say to you." Seeing that she was still kneeling there and refused to move, the Fairy Concubine glanced at the unconscious woman. Xun Yi said, "Yi'er has always treated me with sincerity. I can't let his master kneel in front of me like this. If you still understand some sense, stop doing these useless stupid things."

Su Wan's timid eyes flashed with stubborn perseverance. She shook her head slightly and said, "I am poor at words and can't express my sincerity. I can only ask for your mercy with such a stupid move. I owe this disciple a lot." Yes, even if I make my senior unhappy, I still have to do my best for him.”

Jingshui Immortal Concubine smiled slightly and said, "How could a person like you accept a disciple like Yi'er? It seems that there is really God's will in the dark. Get up. To tell you the truth, he doesn't want to go with me at all." The secret world, never mention the secret world again.”

"Is he lying to me?" Su Wan stood up and glanced at Xun Yi angrily and hatefully.

"Not entirely."

After hearing what the fairy concubine said, Su Wan looked at her with puzzled eyes.

The fairy concubine looked at her leisurely and had no intention of explaining.

Su Wan could only ask, "I wonder what senior means by this?"

"I can tell you, but you are not allowed to ask him about this." Jingshui Fairy Princess said, pointing at Xun Yi.

Su Wan had no choice but to nod and say, "I will obey the instructions of my senior."

The Immortal Concubine Jingshui looked at Xunyi with a sleeping look on his face, and then she said, "Tell me first why he came to see you invisibly."

"This..." Su Wanqiao blushed slightly, lowered her head and whispered, "There was a misunderstanding between the two of us before. He may be feeling guilty about that, so he doesn't want to meet me."

"What kind of misunderstanding?" Fairy Concubine asked with interest.

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