Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1856 Yes! Can you afford it?

Su Wan was angry and anxious. Last time, Xun Yi and Fu Xing turned around and went to fight to the death. It seemed that these two people had no intention of drawing swords against each other. If Lang Xing was just allowed to go, she would The plan to squeeze the two of them failed.

We must find a way to bring them both together! Su Wan quickly and wisely summoned Tianqing, and then said to Lang Xing, "I've almost finished shopping, and I plan to go back to refine the elixir for you soon. If you and the saint are free, you can go back with me. The medicine will be ready soon."

Langxing immediately agreed, "Okay, I have told her about this. We are quite free now, so Fairy Lao will be there."

Tianqing smiled and said to Su Wan, "In this case, I won't accompany you. I still have some things to buy." He said it quite sincerely.

Su Wan gritted her teeth secretly, Tianqing's ability to stir up troubles and irritating people was as good as Xunyi's.

"The Xuanfang Sect is very close to here. It won't take long to go back and forth. Can't you accompany me?" Su Wan's ears turned red. She had never spoken to anyone in such a resentful tone.

Before Tianqing could speak, Langxing spoke first, "The matter of the elixir is not urgent. If not, we can talk about it later. I'll take my leave now."

When Tianqing saw Langxing turn around and leave, she hurriedly said to Su Wan, "Then I'll go with you."

"Lang Xing!" Su Wan called Lang Xing urgently.

Lang Xing kept turning around and waving his hands and said, "There's really no hurry about the elixir. There's no need to make a trip." After saying that, he hurried away. Seeing Su Wan and Tian Qing's behavior, he didn't want to stay any longer. , although I can’t figure out why I feel this way, I just don’t want to watch it.

They're all bastards! Su Wan cursed bitterly in her heart. With her temperament, she definitely couldn't pursue Lang Xing anymore, and she really couldn't find a suitable reason to pester him again.

Seeing that Tian Qing's expression was a little stern, Su Wan could only think about this first. After all, this person was probably the reincarnation of Xun Yi. Thinking about it carefully, Tian Qing didn't do anything wrong at all. She had secret conversations with Lang Xing one after another. It's normal for Tianqing to be a little unhappy, and he has always been very tolerant and generous. On the contrary, he has a lot of things he can't do to others.

"Let's go. This guy is really weird. He asked for a long time and didn't ask anything."

Tianqing was a little aggrieved and self-consciously bored and explained, "I feel that going with you will only cause trouble, so I don't want to go."

"There's nothing to cause trouble. I have nothing to do with him. Helping him make alchemy is just a favor to him." This can be regarded as a kind of expression of Tianqing. This made Su Wan a little embarrassed. She stepped forward before finishing. Go ahead, she didn't want things to develop so quickly with Tianqing, but things have gotten to this point, and she can't help but express her stance.

Tianqing's smile brightened, and she caught up with Su Wan and said, "I've bought all the things you asked me to buy. Let's go to the place that sells spiritual beasts." He thought it would be better to avoid the two tasks of alchemy and weapon refining first. Katafang City is good.

Langxing returned to Sijia in a very bad mood. Although he tried his best to act like nothing happened, he could only keep his face calm and couldn't force out a smile.

"Have you finished shopping? Show me." Sijia really wanted to see what Langxing had bought for Bai Xiang. Just now when the two of them were shopping, Langxing only picked up good things and bought them. They had already spent a lot of money. A hundred yuan infant stone.

Langxing took out two flying swords, five sets of dresses, shoes and socks, two hairpins, three bracelets, two hairpins, and five or six items of attack and defense.

The treasures, as well as a bunch of odds and ends for daily use, are all of the best quality.

"It's all here, help me think about what else I need to buy."

"Being your disciple has really accumulated great virtues in my previous life. Isn't this too much?" Sijia said while checking.

"If she doesn't like it, you can give it to her little sisters. I can't take care of her myself and leave her to someone else. Of course, I have to give her something."

"Aren't you afraid of spoiling her?"

"She is sensible, otherwise I would not accept her." Lang Xing put away the pile of things and said with a wink, "How about we send her the pills refined by Su Wan right now?" Let Lu Gang and Shu Yan go get it later. I just thought about it and I still don’t want to go to the Xuanfang Sect.”

Si Jia slightly closed his red phoenix eyes and looked at him for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, you can make up your own mind about your own affairs. I am only responsible for watching over you and not letting you go to the battlefield. If you go to find Bai Xiang, let's buy it here." It’s a traveling crane. I really like the elegance of cranes and have long wanted to buy one.”

"Then choose the best one and I'll give it to you."

"I want to choose the strongest one, just so I can see your ability in taming animals."

Langxing smiled confidently. He had already told Sijia in detail about his magical powers. It was no problem to train a docile spiritual bird like the Linghe.

The market that sells spirit beasts has always occupied the largest area. After arriving, the two went straight to the area where spirit birds were sold.

Sijia quickly selected a pair of beautiful cranes with black crowns and white feathers. The female crane is two feet high and the male crane is nearly three feet tall. Although the cranes are tall and tall birds, they are naturally somewhat powerful at this height. potential.

"Two two Yuan Ying stones, a total of 1,500 Yuan Ying stones." The stall owner looked at the two men with little enthusiasm and quoted the price. One was in the early stage of Yuan Ying and the other was in the late stage of Dan formation. He felt that these two people could not afford such a good spirit. crane.

Lang Xing couldn't help but feel a little discouraged after hearing the price, and said to Sijia, "Let's look around again and see if there's anything better."

The stall owner showed a vindictive smile and said, "How good do you want it to be? I also have a top-grade spiritual crane with five thousand Yuan Yingshi. Do you want it?"

"Do you have 10,000 Yuan Yingshi?"

Langxing had that serious look again that made it hard to tell the truth from the fake, but in the eyes of the stall owner, there was no need to tell the difference. This was just making trouble, "Yes! Can you afford it?"

Langxing immediately took out a thousand Nascent Soul Stones, looked at the stall owner expectantly and said, "I can afford it. I can pay the deposit now. You can first show us what the Linghe looks like. If it's worth ten thousand Yuanying Stones, If it’s a stone, we’ll buy it.”

The stall owner looked a little stupid looking at the thousand Nascent Soul Stones.

Si Jiatian smiled and said to Lang Xing, "As long as you have this intention, I think this pair is good. There is no need to spend so many spiritual stones."

"Since you like Linghe, of course I will give you the best." Lang Xing looked at the stall owner with expectant eyes without even turning his head.

The stall owner grinned and waved his hands to Langxing and said, "Put away the spirit stones quickly. I blame my poor eyesight. Fellow Taoist, don't argue with me. I really can't get you a spirit crane worth ten thousand yuan of infant stones. I The best thing here is the pair you chose. You can’t choose a better pair of cranes in this city.”

"Then buy this pair." Sijia bumped Lang Xing's shoulder affectionately. Su Wan was angry and anxious. Last time, Xun Yi and Fu Xing turned around and went to fight to the death. It seemed that these two people had no intention of drawing swords against each other. If Lang Xing was just allowed to go, she would The plan to squeeze the two of them failed.

We must find a way to bring them both together! Su Wan quickly and wisely summoned Tianqing first, and then said to Lang Xing, "I've almost finished shopping, and I plan to go back to refine the elixir for you soon. If you and the saint are free, you can go back with me. The medicine will be ready soon."

Langxing immediately agreed, "Okay, I have told her about this. We are quite free now, so Fairy Lao will be there."

Tianqing smiled and said to Su Wan, "In this case, I won't accompany you. I still have some things to buy." He said it quite sincerely.

Su Wan gritted her teeth secretly, Tianqing's ability to stir up troubles and irritating people was as good as Xunyi's.

"The Xuanfang Sect is very close to here. It won't take long to go back and forth. Can't you accompany me?" Su Wan's ears turned red. She had never spoken to anyone in such a resentful tone.

Before Tianqing could speak, Langxing spoke first, "The matter of the elixir is not urgent. If not, we can talk about it later. I'll take my leave now."

When Tianqing saw Langxing turn around and leave, she hurriedly said to Su Wan, "Then I'll go with you."

"Lang Xing!" Su Wan called Lang Xing urgently.

Lang Xing kept turning around and waving his hands and said, "There's really no hurry about the elixir. There's no need to make a trip." After saying that, he hurried away. Seeing Su Wan and Tian Qing's behavior, he didn't want to stay any longer. , although I can’t figure out why I feel this way, I just don’t want to watch it.

They're all bastards! Su Wan cursed bitterly in her heart. With her temperament, she definitely couldn't pursue Lang Xing anymore, and she really couldn't find a suitable reason to pester him again.

Seeing that Tian Qing's expression was a little stern, Su Wan could only think about this first. After all, this person was probably the reincarnation of Xun Yi. Thinking about it carefully, Tian Qing didn't do anything wrong at all. She had secret conversations with Lang Xing one after another. It's normal for Tianqing to be a little unhappy, and he has always been very tolerant and generous. On the contrary, he has a lot of things he can't do to others.

"Let's go. This guy is really weird. He asked for a long time and didn't ask anything."

Tianqing was a little aggrieved and self-consciously bored and explained, "I feel that going with you will only cause trouble, so I don't want to go."

"There's nothing to cause trouble. I have nothing to do with him. Helping him make alchemy is just a favor to him." This can be regarded as a kind of expression of Tianqing. This made Su Wan a little embarrassed. She stepped forward before finishing. Go ahead, she didn't want things to develop so quickly with Tianqing, but things have gotten to this point, and she can't help but express her stance.

Tianqing's smile brightened, and she caught up with Su Wan and said, "I've bought all the things you asked me to buy. Let's go to the place that sells spiritual beasts." He thought it would be better to avoid the two tasks of alchemy and weapon refining first. Katafang City is good.

Langxing returned to Sijia in a very bad mood. Although he tried his best to act like nothing happened, he could only keep his face calm and couldn't force out a smile.

"Have you finished shopping? Show me." Sijia really wanted to see what Langxing had bought for Bai Xiang. Just now when the two of them were shopping, Langxing only picked up good things and bought them. They had already spent a lot of money. A hundred yuan infant stone.

Langxing took out two flying swords, five sets of dresses, shoes and socks, two hairpins, three bracelets, two hairpins, and five or six items of attack and defense.

The treasures, as well as a bunch of odds and ends for daily use, are all of the best quality.

"It's all here. Please help me think about what else I need to buy."

"Being your disciple has really accumulated great virtues in my previous life. Isn't this too much?" Sijia said while checking.

"If she doesn't like it, you can give it to her little sisters. I can't take care of her myself and leave her to someone else. Of course, I have to give her something."

"Aren't you afraid of spoiling her?"

"She is sensible, otherwise I would not accept her." Lang Xing put away the pile of things and said with a wink, "How about we send her the pills refined by Su Wan right now?" Let Lu Gang and Shu Yan go get it later. I just thought about it and I still don’t want to go to the Xuanfang Sect.”

Si Jia slightly closed his red phoenix eyes and looked at him for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, you can make up your own mind about your own affairs. I am only responsible for watching over you and not letting you go to the battlefield. If you go to find Bai Xiang, let's buy it here by the way." It’s a traveling crane. I really like the elegance of cranes and have long wanted to buy one.”

"Then choose the best one and I'll give it to you."

"I want to choose the strongest one, just so I can see your ability in taming animals."

Langxing smiled confidently. He had already told Sijia in detail about his magical powers. It was no problem to train a docile spiritual bird like the Linghe.

The market that sells spirit beasts has always occupied the largest area. After arriving, the two went straight to the area where spirit birds were sold.

Sijia quickly selected a pair of beautiful cranes with black crowns and white feathers. The female crane is two feet high and the male crane is nearly three feet tall. Although the cranes are tall and tall birds, they are naturally somewhat powerful at this height. potential.

"Two of them, a total of 1,500 yuan ying stones." The stall owner looked at the two people with little enthusiasm and quoted the price. One was in the early stage of nascent soul and the other was in the late stage of pill formation. He felt that these two people could not afford such a good spirit. crane.

Lang Xing couldn't help but feel a little discouraged after hearing the price, and said to Sijia, "Let's look around again and see if there's anything better."

The stall owner showed a vindictive smile and said, "How good do you want it to be? I also have a top-grade spiritual crane with five thousand Yuan Yingshi. Do you want it?"

"Do you have 10,000 Yuan Yingshi?"

Lang Xing once again had that serious look that made it difficult to tell the truth from the false, but in the eyes of the stall owner, there was no need to tell the difference. This was just making trouble, "Yes! Can you afford it?"

Langxing immediately took out a thousand Nascent Soul Stones, looked at the stall owner expectantly and said, "I can afford it. I can pay the deposit now. You can first show us what the Linghe looks like. If it's worth ten thousand Yuanying Stones, If it’s a stone, we’ll buy it.”

The stall owner looked a little stupid looking at the thousand Nascent Soul Stones.

Sijia Tian smiled and said to Lang Xing, "As long as you have this intention, I think this pair is good. There is no need to spend so many spiritual stones."

"Since you like Linghe, of course I want to give you the best." Lang Xing looked at the stall owner with expectant eyes without even turning his head.

The stall owner grinned and waved his hands to Langxing and said, "Put away the spirit stones first. I blame my poor eyesight. Fellow Taoist, don't argue with me. I really can't get you a spirit crane worth ten thousand yuan of infant stones. I The best thing here is the pair you chose. You can’t choose a better pair of cranes in this city.”

"Then buy this pair." Sijia bumped Lang Xing affectionately with his shoulder.

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