Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1861 There are many kinds of skills

Five months later, Langxing came to the gate of Junlu Sect again.

This time he did not go to Ziyun Peak, but asked people to go in and asked Xuan Ling and Xueling to bring Bai Xiang out. He had to let Bai Xiang decide whether he wanted to stay here in an unfettered environment.

Xuan Ling and Xue Ling came quickly with Bai Xiang. The two fairies were particularly enthusiastic about Lang Xing. After leaving the mountain gate for a while, Xue Ling said to Lang Xing excitedly, "We have communicated with Senior Sister Bai Ling through a letter." , she told us to do our best to help you, praising you like a flower, and saying that you were a blessing to her for her life, why didn't you tell us earlier! "

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Senior Sister Bai Ling was afraid that you would treat me lightly, so she exaggerated. It can't be said that it was a blessing to survive. It is true that we two sisters have a deep friendship."

Xue Ling pointed at him with a pursed lips and said, "You're not telling me the truth, are you?" Although Sixth Senior Sister was vague, she could tell that there must be something like this. Third Senior Sister and I guessed that there was probably some secret involved. Yes, that’s why Sixth Senior Sister doesn’t want to elaborate in the letter. Please tell us the truth.”

Lang Xing followed her words and said, "It involves some military secrets. I did something for the Youwei Battalion, but it's not as exaggerated as Sister Bai Ling said. It's not a favor to live, but we sisters." Don’t worry about this.”

"Good boy, you can really hide things!" Xue Ling half praised and half complained, her closeness was beyond words.

Xuan Ling also said with a smile in her eyes, "Bai Ling, please let us ask you for advice. Not only the art of alchemy, but also you are the wisest person she has ever seen."

"Hahaha... Sister Bai Ling is just trying to trick me." After Lang Xing laughed, he looked at Bai Xiang, whose face was shining brightly, and said with a smile, "Don't take their flattery of me seriously, I'll wait for a while Let’s take you out for a few days.”

"Okay!" Bai Xiang happily came to Lang Xing's side, and his closeness and joy almost touched his master. .??.

Xuan Ling praised Bai Xiang and said, "This child is very sensible and can endure hardships. He has been very diligent in training during this period. I don't have to worry about betraying your trust in teaching a child like this."

"Thank you, senior sisters. I have some free time right now, so I'll take her out for a walk." After saying that, he took out the Ten Thousand Years Inner Pill that he got on the battlefield and handed it to Xue Ling. "This is not for you. I took it secretly." Come to your senses and don’t let me know.”

"This is..." Xue Ling's eyes widened as soon as she saw the inner elixir. She hurriedly handed it to Xuan Ling and stared at the third senior sister with inquiring eyes.

Xuan Ling also looked at Lang Xing in astonishment and asked with his spiritual thoughts, "How did you get this Ten Thousand Years Inner Pill?"

Lang Xing winked and said, "I borrowed it from someone, just to give the two senior sisters some insights."

Xuan Ling scolded, "What if something goes wrong? You're really serious. It's not too much trouble for us to help you guide your disciples. Why do you have to put so much effort into repaying us? You have given us enough things."

Langxing smiled and said, "Senior sister, don't worry too much. Since I can borrow it, I'm not afraid of making mistakes. You can just play with it and learn from it. I have some contacts with the Fifth Fairy of the Qingyuan Sect, and I wanted to ask her to borrow an inner elixir." There is still some noodles.”

Xuan Ling said gratefully, "How can we bear this? Junior Brother Langxing, please don't be so polite in the future."

"You have such a close friendship with Fifth Fairy Qi Jia?" Xue Ling asked in surprise.

Lang Xing smiled naively and said, "Thanks to the Fifth Fairy for being so considerate, we can't get along well with each other, so you can give me some face."

"You are so good..." Xue Ling's eyes were full of curiosity and doubt.

"Go and realize it quickly. If it's convenient later, I'll lend you a few more. This is what she needs the most right now."

"Stop!" Xuan Ling waved his hands repeatedly.

"Okay, okay, then I will take Xiang'er away first. You two senior sisters don't need to worry about her. I will take her around the neighborhood."

After saying goodbye to Xuan Ling and Xue Ling, Lang Xing took Bai Xiang and walked leisurely.

"Master, are you particularly capable?" Bai Xiang asked slightly confused. She was now very aware of the world of cultivation, and she also knew that her master's cultivation was not that high, but These two masters at the Nascent Soul stage obviously admired their master very much.

Langxing took the opportunity to teach, "There are many kinds of abilities. Monks often value cultivation the most, thinking that higher cultivation means greater ability. This is wrong. Unless we can escape from the way of heaven, we all have to survive under the constraints of the way of heaven. Then Being able to comply with the way of heaven is a skill, just like sailing with the current. This does not mean that we should blindly follow the way of heaven, but like a fish in the water, we must first master the nature of water before we can consider transforming into a dragon and ascending to heaven. We must first live according to the trend of the movement of heaven. You have to be at ease."

"Master, do you already know what the way of heaven is?" Bai Xiang asked in surprise.

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "It's too early to talk to you about the way of heaven. I don't know the way of heaven, but I believe that the way of the world is part of the way of heaven. To master the world is to comply with the way of heaven. My abilities come more from my friends. Help, treat people with sincerity, and exchange sincerity with sincerity. With the help of friends, your abilities will naturally become stronger, but when I say making friends, I don’t mean to deliberately flatter others, which would be reduced to sophistication. "

"I can understand this." Bai Xiang nodded seriously.

Lang Xing nodded approvingly and asked, "How have you been these days?"

"Very good!" Bai Xiang felt that these three words were not enough to express his inner feelings, so he continued, "Excellent! Thank you, Master, for introducing this disciple to the path of cultivation. I feel like I have reached the sky in one step. I don't know how to repay your great kindness."

Lang Xing smiled and said, "I'm asking if you are still happy and contented here."

"Well! The two senior uncles take great care of me and get along very well with the senior sisters. But... I still want to practice with the master in the future. The more I know about the cultivation world, the more my disciples will appreciate the master. Your great kindness.”

Lang Xing looked at her sincerely and said, "It's just a simple matter for me to lead you to the path of cultivation. There is no need to dwell on it. Everything must be based on your own happiness. I am taking you to the path of cultivation so that you can live a good life." , as long as you live a happy life, it’s enough. You don’t have to think about repaying me all the time. That would make me feel uneasy. It’s right to know how to be grateful, but we are destined. I don’t want you to always miss me. With this kindness.”

Bai Xiang was a little uneasy and said, "Master, do you just want me to stay in the Junlu Sect?"

Lang Xing smiled and shook his head and said, "I said, you can go wherever you want. When the siege of Qianxu Palace is resolved, I will take you back to Qianxu Palace. Compare the two sides and practice on whichever side you think is better." , the early stage of cultivation is based on diligence, it is the same everywhere, the most important thing is to be happy, and the cultivation will go smoothly if you are in a good mood. After you form the elixir, I will personally guide you and find you a more suitable cultivation environment. "Five. Months later, Langxing came to the gate of Junlu Sect again.

This time he did not go to Ziyun Peak, but asked people to go in and asked Xuan Ling and Xueling to bring Bai Xiang out. He had to let Bai Xiang decide whether he wanted to stay here in an unfettered environment.

Xuan Ling and Xue Ling came quickly with Bai Xiang. The two fairies were particularly enthusiastic about Lang Xing. After leaving the mountain gate for a while, Xue Ling said to Lang Xing excitedly, "We have communicated with Senior Sister Bai Ling through a letter." , she told us to do our best to help you, praising you like a flower, and saying that you were a blessing to her for her life, why didn't you tell us earlier! "

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Senior Sister Bai Ling was afraid that you would treat me lightly, so she exaggerated. It can't be said that it was a blessing to survive. It is true that we two sisters have a deep friendship."

Xue Ling pointed at him with a pursed lips and said, "You're not telling me the truth, are you?" Although Sixth Senior Sister was vague, she could tell that there must be something like this. Third Senior Sister and I guessed that there was probably some secret involved. Yes, that’s why Sixth Senior Sister doesn’t want to elaborate in the letter. Please tell us the truth.”

Lang Xing followed her words and said, "It involves some military secrets. I did something for the Youwei Battalion, but it's not as exaggerated as Sister Bai Ling said. It's not a favor to live, but we sisters." Don’t worry about this.”

"Good boy, you can really hide things!" Xue Ling half praised and half complained, her closeness was beyond words.

Xuan Ling also said with a smile in her eyes, "Bai Ling, please let us ask you for advice. Not only the art of alchemy, but also you are the wisest person she has ever seen."

"Hahaha... Sister Bai Ling is just trying to trick me." After Lang Xing laughed, he looked at Bai Xiang, whose face was shining brightly, and said with a smile, "Don't take their flattery of me seriously, I'll wait for a while Let’s take you out for a few days.”

"Okay!" Bai Xiang happily came to Lang Xing's side, and his closeness and joy almost touched his master.

Xuan Ling praised Bai Xiang and said, "This child is very sensible and can endure hardships. He has been very diligent in training during this period. I don't have to worry about betraying your trust in teaching a child like this."

"Thank you, Senior Sisters. I have some free time right now, so I will take her out for a walk." After saying that, he took out the Ten Thousand Years Inner Pill that he got on the battlefield and handed it to Xue Ling. "This is not for you. I took it secretly." Come to your senses and don’t let me know.”

"This is..." Xue Ling's eyes widened as soon as she saw the inner elixir. She hurriedly handed it to Xuan Ling and stared at the third senior sister with inquiring eyes.

Xuan Ling also looked at Lang Xing in astonishment and asked with his spiritual thoughts, "How did you get this Ten Thousand Years Inner Pill?"

Lang Xing winked and said, "I borrowed it from someone, just to give the two senior sisters some insights."

Xuan Ling scolded, "What if something goes wrong? You're really serious. It's not too much trouble for us to help you guide your disciples. Why do you have to put so much effort into repaying us? You have given us enough things."

Langxing smiled and said, "Senior sister, don't worry too much. Since I can borrow it, I'm not afraid of making mistakes. You can just play with it and learn from it. I have some contacts with the Fifth Fairy of the Qingyuan Sect, and I wanted to ask her to borrow an inner elixir." There is still some noodles.”

Xuan Ling said gratefully, "How can we bear this? Junior Brother Langxing, please don't be so polite in the future."

"You have such a close friendship with Fifth Fairy Qi Jia?" Xue Ling asked in surprise.

Lang Xing smiled naively and said, "Thanks to the Fifth Fairy for being so considerate, we can't get along well with each other, so you can give me some face."

"You are so good..." Xue Ling's eyes were full of curiosity and doubt.

"Go and realize it quickly. If it's convenient later, I'll lend you a few more. This is what she needs the most right now."

"Stop!" Xuan Ling waved his hands repeatedly.

"Okay, okay, then I will take Xiang'er away first. The two senior sisters don't need to worry about her. I will take her around the area."

After saying goodbye to Xuan Ling and Xue Ling, Lang Xing took Bai Xiang and walked leisurely.

"Master, are you particularly capable?" Bai Xiang asked slightly confused. She was now very aware of the world of cultivation, and she also knew that her master's cultivation level was not that high, but These two masters at the Nascent Soul stage obviously admired their master very much.

Langxing took the opportunity to teach, "There are many kinds of abilities. Monks often value cultivation the most, thinking that higher cultivation means greater ability. This is wrong. Unless we can escape from the way of heaven, we all have to survive under the constraints of the way of heaven. Then Being able to comply with the way of heaven is a skill, just like sailing with the current. This does not mean that we should blindly follow the way of heaven, but like a fish in the water, we must first master the nature of water before we can consider transforming into a dragon and ascending to heaven. We must first live according to the trend of the movement of heaven. You have to be at ease."

"Master, do you already know what the way of heaven is?" Bai Xiang asked in surprise.

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "It's too early to talk to you about the way of heaven. I don't know the way of heaven, but I believe that the way of the world is part of the way of heaven. To master the world is to comply with the way of heaven. My abilities come more from my friends. Help, treat people with sincerity, and exchange sincerity with sincerity. With the help of friends, your abilities will naturally become stronger, but when I say making friends, I don’t mean to deliberately flatter others, which would be reduced to sophistication. "

"I can understand this." Bai Xiang nodded seriously.

Lang Xing nodded approvingly and asked, "How have you been these days?"

"Very good!" Bai Xiang felt that these three words were not enough to express his inner feelings, so he continued, "Excellent! Thank you, Master, for introducing this disciple to the path of cultivation. I feel like I have reached the sky in one step. I don't know how to repay your great kindness."

Lang Xing smiled and said, "I'm asking if you are still happy and contented here."

"Well! The two senior uncles take great care of me and get along very well with the senior sisters. But... I still want to practice with the master in the future. The more I know about the cultivation world, the more my disciples will appreciate the master. Your great kindness.”

Lang Xing looked at her sincerely and said, "It's just a simple matter for me to lead you to the path of cultivation. There is no need to dwell on it. Everything must be based on your own happiness. I am taking you to the path of cultivation so that you can live a good life." , as long as you live a happy life, it’s enough. You don’t have to think about repaying me all the time. That would make me feel uneasy. It’s right to know how to be grateful, but we are destined. I don’t want you to always miss me. With this kindness.”

Bai Xiang was a little uneasy and said, "Master, do you just want me to stay in the Junlu Sect?"

Lang Xing smiled and shook his head and said, "I said, you can go wherever you want. When the siege of Qianxu Palace is resolved, I will take you back to Qianxu Palace. Compare the two sides and practice on whichever side you think is better." , the early stage of cultivation is based on diligence, it is the same everywhere, the most important thing is to be happy, and the cultivation will go smoothly if you are in a good mood. After you form the elixir, I will personally guide you and find a more suitable cultivation environment for you. "

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