Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1874 This is up to you

Xiyang smiled faintly and said, "Even if you bet right, his talent is higher than in the previous life, then why do you think he will be interested in the Great Dao? His talent in the previous life was not bad, but he would rather give up the Great Dao for Su Wan. Do you think you should make this decision for him? If I were to choose between the Great Dao and you now, I would not abandon you. I hope to enter the Immortal Gate with you. I think he should make the choice himself." Kenxin softened his attitude and said, "I didn't do my best to promote Su Wan and Tianqing. I told Su Wan to be cautious." Xiyang's face became serious and said, "But you hinted to her that Tianqing might be the reincarnation of Xunyi. You are in trouble now. Mislead her intentionally. If the natural love is not a good thing, can you be worthy of Xun Yi? I can obey your wishes in everything, but not in this matter. I have to let my brother make the decision himself. "Jiang Xiao felt a little uncomfortable. "What do you mean by your brother? He is also my brother. I am doing this for his own good. What if he is deeply trapped in the emotional barrier and delays the road, can you bear this responsibility? We don't know what the way of heaven is like. Your approach may not be right. If it can bring him a smooth life, I would rather cheat Su Wan. Even if the chance is small, I am willing to gamble. Let me owe Su Wan this debt. For Xun Yi, I am willing to suffer more hatred. "Xiyang's expression eased a little, "Since we are not sure, we should let him choose for himself. I know you want to help him from the bottom of your heart, but the more you do this, the more you should be careful not to interfere. He is our brother, and we should respect him as a brother at all times." Jiangxiao leaned on Xiyang a little weakly, aggrieved, "I think this is difficult. I also want to follow his wishes, but Su Wan killed him once. I am really scared and don't want to see him fall into the barrier of love. " "Last time it was God's will. If you interfere this time, he may be worse than in the last life. What I mean is that no matter what, Save Su Wan first, don't mess things up because of us."

"You..." Jiang Xiao wanted to ask him if he had guessed that Lang Xing was Xun Yi's reincarnation, but he swallowed the words back and changed his mouth to say, "I didn't want to make the decision for him completely, but you can see how Su Wan treats Tian Qing. It's obvious that she likes Tian Qing. It has nothing to do with whether I misled her or not. Maybe Xun Yi and Su Wan's relationship has ended."

Xi Yang pondered and said, "Maybe she is like this because she thinks Tian Qing is Xun Yi's reincarnation. No matter what she thinks, I think you should first eliminate the misleading to her, and tell her clearly next time you see her that Tian Qing is not Xun Yi's reincarnation." .??.

"What if he is, how can we say for sure."

"He is not!" Xiyang said firmly, "My brother will never become like him, otherwise the way of heaven is a pile of shit!"

Jiangxiao muttered, "Maybe the way of heaven is just such a pile of shit."

Xiyang stopped beating around the bush with her, and said calmly, "It's up to you. If you don't eliminate this misleading information, I will kill Tianqing directly."

Jiangxiao rolled his eyes at Xiyang and said, "Then I will kill Su Wan."

Xiyang said expressionlessly, "It's up to you. If you want to completely lose your brother Xunyi, you can go and gamble."

Jiangxiao bit his lip and said nothing. After a while, he said, "Huang Ying should know where these two people are going, but I don't think she will tell us.

Are we just going to look for them all over the world?"

Xiyang had already planned, "Think of a way to get close to her, and then suddenly take action to control her."

"You want to search her soul?" Jiangxiao opened his eyes wide in astonishment.

"Tell her in a nice way first, and search again if it doesn't work. "You are really going crazy. I can't listen to you on this matter." Jiang Xiao could only hope in his heart that Xiyang would not recognize Langxing as Xunyi's reincarnation. This fierceness was too worrying. If things went wrong, the mystery would be solved in a few days. When Langxing arrived at the temple, Lu Gang and Shu Yan were talking quietly. When Shu Yan saw him coming, she immediately pulled him to sit next to her happily. The three of them sat around and linked their hands and chatted in a secret way. They hadn't sat together so intimately for hundreds of years. "What's going on with Fairy Su? "Shu Yan asked curiously. She and Lu Gang were confused about what happened here.

Lang Xing briefly told them what happened before and after. Of course, he had to hide his entanglement with Su Wan. After he finished speaking, he looked at Lu Gang and said, "The spiritual energy here is still good. You two should practice here for a while. Although the difficulties of the master's sect will be solved soon, Shu Yan is not suitable to return to the master's sect to practice because of the secret of the spiritual eye. I think you don't want to go back to Pu Yunzhou, so let's find a place for ourselves to practice here."

Shu Yan looked at the two of them apologetically and said, "I'm sorry for dragging you down."

Lang Xing pretended to be unhappy and said, "What are you talking about? I have been running around for many years. I don't like the environment of Qianxu Palace. There are too many people and it's too noisy. Even if it's nothing to do with you, I'm too lazy to live in Qianxu Palace for a long time. We are not setting up a new sect. We are still disciples of Qianxu Palace. We just find a place to practice outside. From time to time, we go back to see it. "

Lu Gang said, "That's what I plan to do. Why don't we find a suitable place to practice now? "

Lang Xing said in embarrassment, "Jiang Xiao and Xi Yang need my help with some things, and Fairy Su's matter also needs to be dealt with, you guys wait for me for a while."

"What do Jiang Xiao and Xi Yang want you to help with?" Lu Gang asked calmly.

"Go to a place called Yuhai to help them find a friend. I mean, don't go with me. You have worked hard killing monsters in the military camp these years, so you should take this opportunity to take a break. "

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Lu Gang agreed readily.

Lang Xing didn't think Lu Gang would be so obedient, so he couldn't help but glance at Shu Yan. With Shu Yan's spiritual eyes watching over him, they could chase him at any time. He couldn't stop him, so he simply stopped talking about it and turned to And said, "Before that, I want to send you to a place to see..."

As soon as he said this, chaos suddenly broke out outside.

"Xi Yang and Huang Ying are fighting!" Lu Gang excitedly took out his blood iron stick and rushed out.

"Don't rush to take action yet!" Lang Xing caught up and grabbed Lu Gang's arm and flew to the battlefield with him.

Xiyang and Huang Ying really started fighting in mid-air. Xiyang's cultivation level was much higher than Huang Ying's, and he obviously had the upper hand. Jiangxiao shouted at the side for the two of them to stop, but Xiyang didn't listen at all. A flying sword forced Huang Ying to retreat continuously, and everyone in the Xuanfang sect could only watch from a distance. Their highest cultivation level was only in the late stage of pill formation, and they were unable to get close to the battlefield where the two mid-stage Nascent Soul monks were fighting. Xiyang smiled faintly and said, "Even if your bet is right, he has higher qualifications than in the previous life. Then why do you think he will be interested in Dao? His qualifications were not bad in the previous life, but for Su Wan, he would rather Give up Dao, do you think you should make this decision for him? If you let me choose between Dao and you now, I will not abandon you. I hope to step into the immortal gate with you and push others with myself. I think he should make his own choice.”

She firmly softened her attitude and said, "I didn't try my best to promote Su Wan and Tianqing. I told Su Wan to be cautious."

Xiyang's face became serious and said, "But you hinted to her that Tianqing might be the reincarnation of Xunyi. You are deliberately misleading her. If Tianqing is not a good thing, are you worthy of Xunyi? I will do anything. I can follow your will, but not this matter. I have to let my brother make his own decision."

Jiangxiao felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, "What do you mean by your brother? He is also my brother. I am doing everything for his own good. If he falls into a deep emotional barrier and delays his path, can you bear this responsibility? We don't know. What is the way of heaven? What you do may not be right. If I can get him a smooth life in this life, I would rather cheat Su Wan. Even if the chance is small, I am willing to bet. Let me owe Su Wan this debt. Yes, I am willing to suffer more hatred just for the sake of seeking change.”

Xiyang's face softened slightly, "Since we are not sure, we should let him make his own choice. I know that you are eager to help him from the bottom of your heart, but the more this happens, the more careful you are not to overdo it. He is Our brothers should respect him as a brother at all times.”

Jiangxiao leaned on Xiyang weakly, and said aggrievedly, "I think this is so difficult, and I want to follow his wishes, but Su Wan killed him once. I'm really scared and don't want to see it." Until he falls into a state of depression and can’t get out.”

"It was God's will that played a role last time. If you interfere with it this time, he might be even worse off than in the last life. What I mean is that we must save Su Wan first no matter what. Don't make things worse because of us."

"You..." Jiang Xiao wanted to ask him if he had already guessed that Lang Xing was the reincarnation of Xun Yi, but he swallowed the words and changed his words, "I didn't want to completely make the decision for him, but Look at Su Wan's attitude toward Tian Qing, it's obvious that she likes Tian Qing, and it has little to do with whether I misled him or not. Maybe the relationship between Xun Yi and Su Wan has ended. "

Xiyang thought, "Maybe she is like this because she thinks Tianqing is Xunyi's reincarnation. No matter what she thinks, I think you must first get rid of the misinformation about her. When you see her next time, Tell her clearly that Tianqing is not the reincarnation of Xunyi."

"What if he is? How can we be sure?"

"He's not!" Xiyang said categorically, "My brother will never become like him, otherwise this heaven will be a bunch of shit!"

Jiangxiao muttered, "Maybe the way of heaven is just such a bunch of shit."

Xiyang stopped following her in circles and said calmly, "It's up to you. If you don't get rid of this misunderstanding, I will kill Tianqing directly."

Jiangxiao glanced at Xiyang and said, "Then I will kill Su Wan."

Xi Yang said expressionlessly, "It's up to you. If you want to completely lose your brother Xun Yi, just go gamble."

Jiangxiao bit her lip and remained silent. After a while, she said, "Huang Ying should know where these two are going, but I don't think she will tell us.

Are we just going to search all over the world? "

Xiyang had already planned, "You think of a way to get close to her, and then suddenly take action to stop her."

"You want to search for her soul?" Jiang Xiao opened her eyes in shock.

"Let me tell you nicely first, and then search if it doesn't work."

"You are really going crazy. I can't listen to you on this matter." Jiangxiao could only hope in her heart that it would be best not to let Xiyang recognize that Langxing was the reincarnation of Xunyi. This fierceness was too heart-wrenching. Well, I might have figured out the answer in just three or two days.

When Langxing arrived at the monastery, Lu Gang and Shu Yan were talking quietly about something. When Shu Yan saw him coming, she immediately happily pulled him to sit next to her. The three of them sat around, holding hands with each other and chatting in a secret way. When they got up, they hadn't sat together so intimately for hundreds of years.

"What's going on with Fairy Su?" Shu Yan asked curiously. She and Lu Gang were confused about what was going on.

Lang Xing briefly told them what happened. Of course, he had to hide his dispute with Su Wan. After speaking, he looked at Lu Gang and said, "The spiritual energy here is acceptable. You two should practice here for a while. Although the teacher's problem will be solved soon, Shu Yan is not suitable to return to the teacher to practice due to the secret of his spiritual eyes. I think you don't want to go back to Puyunzhou, so let's find a place for ourselves to practice here. land."

Shu Yan looked at the two of them apologetically and said, "I'm dragging you down."

Langxing pretended to be displeased and said, "What are you talking about? I have been running wild these years, and I don't like the environment of Qianxu Palace. There are too many people and it is too noisy. Even if you don't have anything to do with me, I don't want to stay in Qianxu Palace for a long time." "No, we don't have to establish a separate sect, we are still disciples of Qianxu Palace, we just find a place to practice outside, and we will go back to visit from time to time."

Lu Gang said, "That's what I planned too. Why don't we find a suitable place to practice now?"

Lang Xing wondered, "Jiangxiao and Xiyang still have some things they need my help with, and Fairy Su's affairs also need to be dealt with. Please wait for me for a while."

"What do Jiangxiao and Xiyang want you to help with?" Lu Gang asked calmly.

"Go to a place called Yuhai to help them find a friend. I mean, don't go with me. You have worked hard killing monsters in the military camp these years, so you should take this opportunity to take a break. "

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Lu Gang agreed readily.

Lang Xing didn't think Lu Gang would be so obedient, so he couldn't help but glance at Shu Yan. With Shu Yan's spiritual eyes watching over him, they could chase him at any time. He couldn't stop him, so he simply stopped talking about it and turned to And said, "Before that, I want to send you to a place to see..."

As soon as he said this, chaos suddenly broke out outside.

"Xi Yang and Huang Ying are fighting!" Lu Gang excitedly took out his blood iron stick and rushed out.

"Don't rush to take action yet!" Lang Xing caught up and grabbed Lu Gang's arm and flew to the battlefield with him.

Xiyang and Huang Ying really started fighting in mid-air. Xiyang's cultivation level was much higher than Huang Ying's, and he clearly had the upper hand. Jiangxiao shouted at the side for the two of them to stop, but Xiyang didn't listen at all. A flying sword forced Huang Ying to retreat continuously, and everyone in the Xuanfang sect could only watch from a distance. Their highest cultivation level was only in the late stage of pill formation, and they were unable to get close to the battlefield where the two mid-stage Nascent Soul monks were fighting.

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