Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1876 I killed them all

Jiangxiao, who was watching the wind, saw that Langxing had put all three people in, so he flew back.

Lang Xing said, "You can go in and help them answer their questions. I've told them too many times and I'm a little tired."

Jiangxiao said worriedly, "I'd better protect you. If something happens, they won't be able to get out."

"I'll go back to the Xuanfang Sect and apologize to Huang Ying."

Jiangxiao agreed. Langxing had a close relationship with Huang Ying in his previous life, so he expected there would be no trouble.

When Lang Xing returned, the Xuanfang sect was standing ready, the defensive array had been opened, and all the disciples were nervously guarding the sect.

Huang Ying saw Lang Xing coming back alone, so she opened the magic circle and let him in.

Lang Xing said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Xiyang is too reckless. I'm here to apologize to you."

Huang Ying said reasonably, "That's not necessary. He is also doing it for the good of the family teacher. I won't be angry with him because of his intentions." .??.

"Thank you. I have already persuaded him. Let them calm down outside for the time being. Later, I will give Xiyang a pill and let him take the pill refined by Fairy Su for Lu Gang and Shu Yan. Is it in your hands? If you give it to them as well, just leave Jiangxiao to guard it with you. I'll go check on the situation with Master."

Huang Ying smiled and said, "If you say that, I have to thank Xiyang for making this scene. I have the elixir here." She took out two small jade bottles and handed them to Lang Xing.

Lang Xing took the elixir and sighed helplessly, "You have to push me into an embarrassing situation. What's the matter?"

Huang Ying pursed her lips and smiled, "Don't be embarrassed. I will help you explain it to Master later. However, the location is too remote. It is definitely not possible for you to go there by yourself. I will send you there."

Lang Xing waved his hand and said, "Just help me take care of them. I'll ask a big monk to escort me there."

r\u003e Huang Ying already knew that he had a strong background, so she was relieved to hear what he said.

Langxing stayed in the monastery for three days. When Xiyang and the three of them were almost enlightened, he left the Xuanfang sect and found a secluded place to release a few people on the pretext of picking them up.

When Xiyang and the others were brought back to the Xuanfang Sect, they all seemed a little distracted. Huang Ying couldn't help but feel suspicious. Langxing only said that he gave the three of them some elixirs and then placed them in the monastery. The three men then went into seclusion.

After settling the three people, Langxing was about to go to the place where Su Wan left, but Jiangxiao refused to let him go alone and had to follow him no matter what. Langxing knew Jiangxiao's temper very well. If he forced her to stay, she might be like Xiyang and ask Huang Ying about Su Wan's whereabouts, so he had no choice but to take her with him.

Immediately after Xuanfang sent him, Langxing sat on Linghe's back with his hands on his knees, staring blankly at his toes and thinking.

Jiangxiao sat across from him without saying a word, and occasionally glanced at Langxing who was in a daze. This was the first time that the two of them traveled alone without being monitored by others. Jiangxiao was thinking about Xunyi, looking at Langxing, and felt in his heart I can't help but have a lot of emotions, and the feeling that life is like a dream is stronger than ever.

Langxing was naturally thinking about Su Wan. Although he complained that Huang Ying and Xiyang were pushing him into an embarrassing situation, in fact, even if these two people didn't push him, he would still consider going to that place to visit. He was just hesitant, and these two people just gave him enough excuses.

Why can't you let go of this Su Wan? Could it be that he really fell in love with her? Langxing asked himself again and again, he couldn't figure out how he felt about Su Wan. At first, he could compare Sijia and Yuchan with them, trying to convince himself that Su Wan was just mediocre, but he couldn't.

The more this happened, the more Su Wan's figure lingered, and eventually my heart began to feel clogged. I gritted my teeth to prevent myself from thinking about Su Wan and Tian Qing's appearance, but it was useless.

Seeing his frown getting tighter, Jiang Xiao asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Lang Xing shook his head, looked down and said, "I'm worried about Lu Gang. He's so annoying."

Jiangxiao guessed that he was not telling the truth. He smiled lightly and asked, "Where can I find Su Wan and the others? Can you tell me now?"

Langxing passed the astrological chart of that location to her, "It's very far away. It takes at least ten days to fly." As he spoke, he urged Linghe to speed up.

"This is too far." Jiangxiao frowned worriedly. The location of that place was much further than she expected. Judging from this simple star diagram, it was far beyond the control of the Sky Law Alliance. area.

Langxing said calmly, "You can't blame Xiyang entirely. This Fairy Su is a little ignorant. How could she run so far away with someone she just met? Even if Tianqing is not a bad person, she is so remote." The environment is dangerous enough, and you might encounter a big monster."

"That's right, I didn't expect Su Wan to be so brainless." Jiangxiao took the opportunity to belittle Su Wan, but he couldn't help but feel a drum in his heart. If something happened to Su Wan, it would be difficult for him to explain to Xiyang. ??

"I'm too lazy to mind her business." Lang Xing complained upset.

Jiangxiao moved her lips but didn't know what to say. Originally, she came with the intention of stirring things up if she could. It would be best for Lang Xing to return halfway, but Su Wan put herself in such a dangerous situation. place, she had to take a look.

Before Jiangxiao could make up his mind, Langxing sighed and said, "I can only make this trip to make Xiyang feel at ease."

Jiangxiao was confused this time.

I cursed in my heart, "Don't use Xiyang as an excuse, you bastard just can't let go of her."

"How about we take a detour to pick up Sijia. It won't be a long detour. It will be safer if she follows." Jiangxiao put her mind on Sijia.

"She has gone back to seclusion. Don't disturb her." Not to mention that Sijia has indeed gone into seclusion. Even if Langxing didn't go into seclusion, he couldn't go to Sijia for this matter. In that case, what kind of person would he be.

Jiangxiao looked at Lang Xing and said, "Have you become more capable after being with Shen Qing for so many years? Let me tell you, this journey is too far, and I feel a little uneasy."

Mentioning his ability, Lang Xing smiled. He didn't need to hide too much from Jiang Xiao, "When in trouble, just save your own life first. Even if he is facing a great supernatural power, he won't be able to kill me easily. "

"Blow it!" Jiang Xiao said with a smile and anger, "I heard some rumors about you when I was in the military camp. Tell me the truth."

In order to reassure her, Lang Xing took out the eleven thousand-year elixirs and handed them to her, "See for yourself, I killed them all."

Jiang Xiao took a breath and looked at Lang Xing in a daze. Logically speaking, she shouldn't believe him, but this guy was the reincarnation of Xun Yi, and Xun Yi was omnipotent in her heart.

Langxing proudly showed off, "Didn't I tell you to stay away from the sword in the Qiankun bag? It only takes one sword to kill the late Nascent Soul cultivator, and I have the protective dharma of the Great Immortal Concubine. You guessed it?" Who gave me blessing?"

"Concubine Chan? Have you really found Concubine Chan?" Jiang Xiao opened her eyes in disbelief.

"That's right, you don't have to worry about her anymore. She's fine, and we had a good chat."

"She...where is she now?" Jiangxiao vaguely felt that there seemed to be a problem here. With the relationship between Yu Chan and Xun Yi, Yu Chan would not let go of Lang Xing easily.

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