Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1888 Don’t get yourself involved

The third brother said with fire in his eyes, "Then let's see if you still want her after scratching her face!" As he said this, he was about to rush forward to take action, but was stopped by the big brother with the long face.

"Yuanqing will not abandon me even if my face is scratched!" Fairy Fanzhi shouted to the third brother with confidence. Firstly, she really thought so, and secondly, she was really afraid that the third brother would scratch her face.

"Then try to draw it yourself! You are really cheap and stupid!" The third brother couldn't break free from his elder brother's hand and roared angrily.

Fairy Fanzhi rolled her eyes at her third brother, as if she was looking at an idiot. Even if she was crazy, she wouldn't know how to scratch her own face.

"He's being rude again." Jiang Xiao muttered to herself in a low voice, but it was enough for everyone to hear clearly.

"Yes! I just scolded her! How about it!" The third brother yelled at Jiangxiao angrily. After yelling, he realized that the words were not directed at him. He turned around and shouted to Yuan Qing, "I I scolded her again, she is a bitch!”

Yuan Qing responded with a disdainful sneer, as if she didn't intend to share the same views with him.

Lang Xing felt bored and said to Mingxuan, "If your brother gets hurt because of you, it will be too late to regret it. Forget it, it's not worth it."

The third brother shouted, "I will die without any regrets in order to kill these bastards! Second brother, we must take this stance!" ??

There were tears in Mingxuan's eyes. He looked at his third brother gratefully and said, "I'm sorry for making you work for me for so many years. I'm sorry for you and my eldest brother. Let's go. This matter is over."

The third brother said to Mingxuan angrily, "Second brother! How can you just take advantage of them?!"

Mingxuan sighed, looked at Lang Xing and said, "You don't know my heart as well as this little brother. He said it very clearly. I would rather swallow this shame and endure this bad breath than do something that violates my conscience. Let's go, no one will mention this person to me again." After staring at Fairy Fanzhi, he turned and left.

"Second brother!" Seeing that the second brother left without looking back, the third brother pointed at Yuan Qing and the others and said, "Don't let me touch you again!" After issuing this threat, he hurriedly came to Ming Dynasty.

Xuan chased after him.

The long-faced brother threw a fiery spiritual fruit to Langxing and said, "If the little brother comes near Feiyunchuan in the future, my three brothers will welcome you as honored guests. We have no time to talk at this time, so we say goodbye."

Lang Xing bowed his hand and returned the courtesy and said, "Go and take care of fellow Taoist Mingxuan. We will meet again someday if we are destined."

Jiangxiao moved her mouth to say something, but in the end she just sighed in her heart. These three brothers with deep love and righteousness reminded her of the past scenes of Xiyang, Xunyi, and Gongsun Chong getting along with each other. Her feelings towards the second brother She felt deep sympathy for the encounter. Speaking of it, this person was much more miserable than Xun Yi. At least Su Wan, who was in love with Xun Yi bitterly, was not as inhumane as Fairy Fang Zhi.

When Jiangxiao looked at Fairy Fanzhi with disgust, he saw Fairy Fanzhi hanging her head with a sad expression. It seemed that she was not completely without conscience.

Yuanqing bloomed with a protective divine light to cover Fairy Fanzhi, and at the same time set up an isolation restriction. At this time, he must use some gentle methods to comfort this uneasy fairy.

Tianqing also opened up his body-protecting divine light and covered Su Wan, but he did not use the isolation restriction. You could see that he was talking to Su Wan with a tender look on his face.

Langxing felt that his heart was very blocked. This time it was not just because of Tianqing and Su Wan. He originally planned to encourage these three people to fight Yuanqing and Tianqing, but in the end he had to resolve the fight himself. This made He felt very aggrieved. Firstly, he didn't want to end the fight with Su Wan, a fish in the pond. Secondly, Mingxuan was in such a miserable state that he couldn't bear to take advantage of her anymore, but this was tantamount to blocking Yuanqing and Tianqing. How could he not feel aggrieved in a fight? How could he stay here when he saw Tianqing and Su Wan getting close to each other again?

"Xianzi Su, I have something to tell you." He tried his best to stay calm and prepared to tell Su Wan about the two people's hidden cultivation and leave immediately. Whether Su Wan believed it or not, he would not explain more. .


Su Wan responded and wanted to come over. Tian Qing took her arm and said something else, and then flew over with her.

Lang Xing couldn't hide his annoyance and said to Tian Qing, "I can only tell Fairy Su about this matter."

"Please." Tianqing said politely, but she looked at Su Wan but did not immediately step away, as if she was waiting for Su Wan to express her position.

This put Su Wan in a bit of a dilemma. She could only look at Lang Xing and ask, "Is it about the three people just now?"

Until now, Lang Xing still deliberately kept his gaze from Su Wan, because he felt flustered when he saw the other person's face, so he looked at Tianqing and replied, "No, I can only tell you this matter." "

Tianqing met Langxing's gaze and said with a smile on his face, "Your eloquence is even more useful than Yuanying's later cultivation. With just a few words, the three people left convinced. We should thank you." .?? .

"I just said something sincere, so there's no need to thank you." Seeing that he was deliberately trying to stir things up and refused to retreat, Lang Xing couldn't help but be aroused by the fire of fighting spirit. He raised his hand and grabbed Su Wan's arm, saying, "You Since she refused to avoid it, I could only talk to her through secret transmission of spiritual thoughts.

"Hey!" Tian Qing reached out his hand to stop him in displeasure.

Amelia Su also subconsciously stepped back.

"You..." Lang Xing wanted to ask Su Wan, "Do you want to hear it?" If Su Wan showed any hesitation, he would leave immediately, but the moment he looked at Su Wan, their eyes met, he only said I couldn't say a word, and then I turned my head to the side forcibly.

Tian Qing said to Lang Xing with a bored look, "I just want to express my gratitude to you first. Okay, let's talk about it." After that, he glanced at Su Wan, turned around and left.

Su Wan looked embarrassed and said to Lang Xing, "I didn't react for a moment. Don't get me wrong. What do you want to say to me?"

Tian Qing would definitely be unhappy again, but she had to coax the most angry one, and it was really difficult for these two people to make things difficult for her.

Lang Xing looked into the distance, and said, "It's okay not to say anything. Anyway, I'm not sure about what I want to say." After sending this spiritual thought, he stepped back, never looking at Su Wan again. .

"Langxing." Su Wan called out but didn't know what to say. She was filled with anger but couldn't express it, and she didn't know who to address it to.

Jiang Xiao, who was watching coldly, saw that Lang Xing must have not told Su Wan the secret, so he stepped forward and leaned on Lang Xing's arm to send his spiritual message and asked, "Why didn't you tell her?"

Lang Xing frowned and sent his thoughts back, "I am becoming more and more disgusted with these two people. I really want to peel off their skin to see if they are good or evil."

"Don't get yourself involved." Jiang Xiao had a look of worry in her eyes. She had to worry not only about Tian Qing and Yuan Qing, but also about Lang Xing and Su Wan. She knew in her heart that Lang Xing would She couldn't bear to leave Su Wan behind anymore. Her dislike of Tian Qing and Yuan Qing was completely caused by Su Wan. The current situation made her, a person who knew the secrets of Tian secrets, feel entangled for these two people, but she had seen through Tian Qing a little bit. The trick is to tease people, but the more she can see the clues, the more terrifying she becomes. This net is too big and too deep, but the changes it produces are too complicated. She is also in it. I wonder if there are people who see Langxing like her. He looked at her coldly from a higher position.

"I know it in my heart." Lang Xing answered confidently. He did have some confidence. Even if he didn't have the confidence, he still had to hold on. The look he made with Su Wan just now made him shake his mind. It seemed to be more serious. He felt flustered, and when he came to his senses, he had new feelings for Amelia Su.

The strange thing is that the feeling doesn't seem to be new. Rather, it seems to have existed a long time ago but was blocked. At this moment, it is just that the layer of blocking has been removed. This weird feeling seems to only occur in dreams. His feelings for Amelia Su were completely different. Before he had time to think about it carefully, the inexplicable sense of familiarity made him immediately change his plan to leave.

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