Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1897 Don’t touch me with your legs


The big eagle chirped again. At such a close distance, Langxing's heart was shaken. Through the gaps between the branches and leaves, he saw the ten-foot-tall big eagle walking slowly like a hill. It came over, but the magic protection on the ground withstood its heavy pressure and sharp claws, and the place where it was stepped on was undamaged, which gave Lang Xing some peace of mind.

He didn't want to use his mental powers on this big eagle easily. Good steel must be used on the blade. It's not worth it to reveal his special skills for such a little monster. However, he had to make complete preparations. If he died in It was even more worthless to have such a little monster under its claws, so he held on to the branch and tried his best to cover Su Wan who was squatting below with his body, always ready to launch a mental attack on the big eagle.

Su Wan pulled out the hairpin on her head. It was the invisible treasure "Stab" given to her by Xunyi. At this time, she had nothing to use and could only use the jade as a stone.

Under the nervous gaze of the two people, the big eagle stopped about seven or eight feet away from the vine, and then began to retreat. After retreating more than ten feet away, it stared at them and stopped moving.

"It already understands the rules here." Longxing said softly.

"Huh?" Amelia Su didn't quite understand what he meant. .??.??

Langxing explained, "It knows it can't do anything about these vines, so it just retreats without even trying. These vines are no longer vines in its eyes."

"Oh." Su Wan asked thoughtfully, "If it catches us, will it eat us immediately, or will it take us back to eat?"

This is a very strange question, but Lang Xing understands what she means. If the big eagle catches the prey and takes it back to eat, then it can explain his previous question of not seeing the corpse here.

"You should think more about how to avoid being caught by it." Langxing felt that Su Wan was a bit stupid for asking this, and thought to himself, "Just by eating the few people and monsters that occasionally come in, such a large eagle It won’t survive, either if someone feeds it or there is food to eat here.”

Su Wan made a stabbing gesture at Lang Xing's feet with the assassin, and cursed in her heart, "You understand, who wouldn't have thought of such a simple thing? Are you talking nonsense?!"

Although Lang Xing didn't see her sneaky move, because he was concentrating on using his mental powers, and because Su Wan's complaint in her heart was too strong, he actually sensed it "clearly" , before, he used this magical power to feel at most some vague thoughts of others, which were more emotions and emotions. Although he often used his heart language to convey messages to others, it was still difficult to perceive other people's heart words so clearly. first.

The heart language is indeed wonderful. It is not actually a specific word or sentence, but it is more expressive than a word and allows people to understand its meaning. Langxing subconsciously recited it with his heart, "I thought you hadn't thought of this yet. That’s why I’m reminding you.”

"Ah!" Su Wan cried out after being stunned for a moment. Her face changed color and she raised her head to look at Lang Xing.

Langxing also came to his senses at this time, regretting that he shouldn't have said this, and hurriedly said to his heart, "Don't be afraid, I don't have the ability to see into other people's thoughts. I probably heard you because you complained too loudly." Yes, I would not use this magical power casually, let alone listen to other people's thoughts. Now I have pushed this ability to the extreme in order to deal with the big eagle. "

This explanation did not make Su Wan feel at ease. No matter what, he could still hear what was in her heart. This was too scary. Everything else was fine. If he heard her thinking about Xun Yi, wouldn't it be wrong? No..., she didn't dare to think about it any more, lest he would spy on what she was thinking now.

"You... stay away from me!" Lang Xing suddenly turned into a complete monster in Su Wan's mind, and avoiding him like a snake or a scorpion is not enough to describe her mood at this moment.

"Calm down, calm down." Lang Xing comforted her with his thoughts and tried to step back. He said with a grimace, "There is only such a small place, I can't be further away from you."

Su Wanqiang calmed herself down and said, "Don't touch me with your legs. If you dare to move again, I will break your legs!"

It was as if Lang Xing had done something evil to her just now. Lang Xing was full of grievances and embarrassed, but Su Wan was very smart to cover it up in time. He could only bear the blame.

"I did not do it on purpose."

"Can't we just keep hiding like this?" Su Wan asked pretending to be annoyed. Da Diao had no intention of attacking them. She had to create some chaos for Lang Xing and couldn't let him continue to use his mind power.

"It seems like it's just going to trap us to death and wait for us to get out." Lang Xing said while thinking carefully, "Don't worry, I have a way to deal with it, but you can't act too hastily. Just be patient for a while. This is just the beginning. If If my guess is correct, there will be new troubles soon."

"Then there is only one way to die." Su Wan said sadly, thinking about what Lang Xing said with her heart. Listening to Lang Xing's meaning, she should still suspect that all this is caused by nature. She is not good at pretending. As a person, this kind of situation where she says one thing and thinks another makes her feel very awkward.

Lang Xing's acting skills can only be said to be average. At this moment, he simply kept silent and said to Su Wan with his heart: "Don't disturb me. I won't pry into your thoughts anymore. I can't pry either, but I must now use this ability to strengthen my guard against new dangers.”

"Lang Xing, I don't want to die here..." Su Wan seemed to be a little weak, and moved slightly to Lang Xing's feet, and said, "I had too many things to do just now, and it is inevitable to be crowded in such a small space. I know you didn’t do it on purpose.”

"Uh... That's good." Lang Xing said perfunctorily with a somewhat unnatural expression, thinking that Su Wan might have seen through the trick he was playing.

Su Wan finally understood. Langxing had always suspected that Tianqing was behind the scenes. She had deliberately chosen a bad path before and had to hold his arm. It was just to show Tianqing. If If Tianqing was really peeping, he would definitely feel uncomfortable seeing the two of them in such close contact. It would be reasonable to release a big eagle to cause some chaos for them. Langxing must have judged the new trouble accordingly. It will come soon, that's because it will be even more uncomfortable for them to hide here crowded together.

Could it be like this? Su Wan is very unsure about this. She doesn't believe that Tianqing can be a sinister person. She doesn't even believe that Tianqing hides his cultivation. But she can't ignore the judgments of Jiangxiao and Langxing. She can realize She realized that she was indeed a little obsessed with Tianqing as Jiangxiao said, but she thought she was not blinded yet, so she was willing to cooperate with Lang Xing to do some testing, of course not to find out Tianqing, but to find out Tianqing. Prove Tianqing is innocent and let Langxing stop doubting Tianqing so much. "Qiang~"

The big eagle chirped again. At such a close distance, Langxing's heart was shaken. Through the gaps between the branches and leaves, he saw the ten-foot-tall big eagle walking slowly like a hill. It came over, but the magic protection on the ground withstood its heavy pressure and sharp claws, and the place where it was stepped on was undamaged, which gave Lang Xing some peace of mind.

He didn't want to use his mental powers on this big eagle easily. Good steel must be used on the blade. It's not worth it to reveal his special skills for such a little monster. However, he had to make complete preparations. If he died in It was even more worthless to have such a little monster under its claws, so he held on to the branch and tried his best to cover Su Wan who was squatting below with his body, always ready to launch a mental attack on the big eagle.

Su Wan pulled out the hairpin on her head. It was the invisible treasure "Stab" given to her by Xunyi. At this time, she had nothing to use and could only use the jade as a stone.

Under the nervous gaze of the two people, the big eagle stopped about seven or eight feet away from the vine, and then began to retreat. After retreating more than ten feet away, it stared at them and stopped moving.

"It already understands the rules here." Longxing said softly.

"Huh?" Amelia Su didn't quite understand what he meant.

Langxing explained, "It knows it can't do anything about these vines, so it just retreats without even trying. These vines are no longer vines in its eyes."

"Oh." Su Wan asked thoughtfully, "If it catches us, will it eat us immediately, or will it take us back to eat?"

This is a very strange question, but Lang Xing understands what she means. If the big eagle catches the prey and takes it back to eat, then it can explain his previous question of not seeing the corpse here.

"You should think more about how to avoid being caught by it." Langxing felt that Su Wan was a bit stupid for asking this, and thought to himself, "Just by eating the few people and monsters that occasionally come in, such a large eagle It won’t survive, either if someone feeds it or there is food to eat here.”

Su Wan made a stabbing gesture at Lang Xing's feet with the assassin, and cursed in her heart, "You understand, who wouldn't have thought of such a simple thing? Are you talking nonsense?!"

Although Lang Xing didn't see her sneaky move, because he was concentrating on using his mental powers, and because Su Wan's complaint in her heart was too strong, he actually sensed it "clearly" , before, he used this magical power to feel at most some vague thoughts of others, which were more emotions and emotions. Although he often used his heart language to convey messages to others, it was still difficult to perceive other people's heart words so clearly. first.

The heart language is indeed wonderful. It is not actually a specific word or sentence, but it is more expressive than a word and allows people to understand its meaning. Langxing subconsciously recited it with his heart, "I thought you hadn't thought of this yet. That’s why I’m reminding you.”

"Ah!" Su Wan cried out after being stunned for a moment. Her face changed color and she raised her head to look at Lang Xing.

Langxing also came to his senses at this time, regretting that he shouldn't have said this, and hurriedly said to his heart, "Don't be afraid, I don't have the ability to see into other people's thoughts. I probably heard you because you complained too loudly." Yes, I would not use this magical power casually, let alone listen to other people's thoughts. Now I have pushed this ability to the extreme in order to deal with the big eagle. "

This explanation did not make Su Wan feel at ease. No matter what, he could still hear what was in her heart. This was too scary. Everything else was fine. If he heard her thinking about Xun Yi, wouldn't it be wrong? No..., she didn't dare to think about it any more, lest he would spy on what she was thinking now.

"You... stay away from me!" Lang Xing suddenly turned into a complete monster in Su Wan's mind, and avoiding him like a snake or a scorpion is not enough to describe her mood at this moment.

"Calm down, calm down." Lang Xing comforted her with his thoughts and tried to step back. He said with a grimace, "There is only such a small place, I can't be further away from you."

Su Wanqiang calmed herself down and said, "Don't touch me with your legs. If you dare to move again, I will break your legs!"

It was as if Lang Xing had done something evil to her just now. Lang Xing was full of grievances and embarrassed, but Su Wan was very smart to cover it up in time. He could only bear the blame.

"I did not do it on purpose."

"Can't we just keep hiding like this?" Su Wan asked pretending to be annoyed. Da Diao had no intention of attacking them. She had to create some chaos for Lang Xing and couldn't let him continue to use his mind power.

"It seems like it's just going to trap us to death and wait for us to get out." Lang Xing said while thinking carefully, "Don't worry, I have a way to deal with it, but you can't act too hastily. Just be patient for a while. This is just the beginning. If If my guess is correct, there will be new troubles soon.”

"Then there is only one way to die." Su Wan said sadly, thinking about what Lang Xing said with her heart. Listening to Lang Xing's meaning, she should still suspect that all this is caused by nature. She is not good at pretending. As a person, this kind of situation where she says one thing and thinks another makes her feel very awkward.

Lang Xing's acting skills can only be said to be average. At this moment, he simply kept silent and said to Su Wan with his heart: "Don't disturb me. I won't pry into your thoughts anymore. I can't pry either, but I must now use this ability to strengthen my guard against new dangers.”

"Lang Xing, I don't want to die here..." Su Wan seemed a little weak, and moved slightly to Lang Xing's feet, and said, "I had too many things to do just now, and it is inevitable to be crowded in such a small space. I know you didn’t do it on purpose.”

"Uh... That's good." Lang Xing said perfunctorily with a somewhat unnatural expression, thinking that Su Wan might have seen through the trick he was playing.

Su Wan finally understood. Langxing had always suspected that Tianqing was behind the scenes. She had deliberately chosen a bad path before and had to hold his arm. It was just to show Tianqing. If If Tianqing was really peeping, he would definitely feel uncomfortable seeing the two of them in such close contact. It would be reasonable to release a big eagle to cause some chaos for them. Langxing must have judged the new trouble accordingly. It will come soon, that's because it will be even more uncomfortable for them to hide here crowded together.

Could it be like this? Su Wan is very unsure about this. She doesn't believe that Tianqing can be a sinister person. She doesn't even believe that Tianqing hides his cultivation. But she can't ignore the judgments of Jiangxiao and Langxing. She can realize She realized that she was indeed a little obsessed with Tianqing as Jiangxiao said, but she thought she was not blinded yet, so she was willing to cooperate with Lang Xing to do some testing, of course not to find out Tianqing, but to find out Tianqing. Prove Tianqing is innocent and let Langxing stop doubting Tianqing so much.

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