Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1899 You are just a piece of solid food

Even though Langxing didn't hear Su Wan's inner words, he knew it well. If Tianqing was behind it, there would be no room for maneuver at this point. Just to ensure that this secret realm was not leaked, Tianqing also He must be killed. Since we have led him here, we have reached the final step.

To be honest, Lang Xing really didn't want his suspicions about Tianqing to come true, because if they came true, he would not only have to worry about his own life, but also worry about Jiangxiao, which he wouldn't have to deal with a pill-forming monk. For such a big deal, the main reason why they came here was to target Jiang Xiao, who had the ability to hurt monsters. When he rushed in, he was quite flustered. Now that he calmed down and thought about it, he really should have sent Jiang Xiao away before coming in. .

I hope Jiangxiao can be safe and sound, Langxing prayed secretly in his heart, but he didn't know that when he walked in with his front foot, Jiangxiao followed behind.

At this time, Su Wan stopped at the top of a big tree, looked at the mountains in front of her and asked, "Which direction do you think is the most dangerous?"

"I think you are the most dangerous." Lang Xing said like a resentful little daughter-in-law.

"Okay, let's go straight to the top of the mountain." Su Wan didn't look at Lang Xing this time, as if she didn't care about his resentment at all.

Lang Xing is no longer the honest and honest Zhui'er before, and he immediately said to his heart, "If you want to play, why don't we play more openly until I eliminate my suspicion about him." After passing on his heart, He used his hands and feet to help Su Wan tidy up her hair on the temples.

"Don't do this." Su Wan's pretty face turned red, but the scolding was not too harsh. She was obviously willing to cooperate.

"Hehe..." Lang Xing retracted his hand nonchalantly, looking like a young and lustful person. This was probably his true character. After a while, he stretched out his hand again.

"You're so annoying!" Su Wan said with anger on her face. Although she wanted to cooperate, she couldn't bear the frivolity. The acting was a bit nondescript, and there was more of a warning in her eyes.

"Anyway, I don't have a few more days to live." Lang Zhou said in awe.

, this is undoubtedly the best excuse for indulgence.

"Didn't you say you can't die?" Su Wan took the opportunity to adjust her state, and her words sounded a bit flirtatious.

"I can't die, but you may not be able to live."

Su Wan was furious, secretly cursing that this kid was really a master of irritating people. After letting go of this tone, she glanced at Lang Xing with disdain and said, "You mean you won't share life and death with me?"

Lang Xing put on his serious attitude and said, "It depends on whether you listen to me."

"That includes your frivolity, right?"

"Well..." Lang Xing licked his lips, the answer was unclear.

With a bang, Lang Xing was thrown onto a large upright bluestone. In fact, there was no sound when it hit the protective layer outside the bluestone, but judging from the speed at which Lang Xing was thrown, both of them seemed to have heard the sound. It's the muffled sound that should be heard.

"You're too cruel!" Lang Xing touched his waist and got up, grinning angrily at Su Wan. The fall was really not a light one. He was obviously seeking to avenge himself.

Su Wan walked up to him with a smile and said, "This is to let you know who between us has the final say. Do you know now?"

Lang Xing was unconvinced and said, "Your skills are only of some use to me, but a monster like the one just now won't work."

"But you don't even have the skills like me." Su Wan looked vindictive.

"Then why are you still staying by my side?"

I have to say that Lang Xing has become quite useless now. Su Wan used acting to clean him up, and he immediately launched a verbal counterattack, regardless of whether Su Wan could handle such a situation.

Sharp words.

Su Wan was really choked. She had never been good at arguing with others. After staring at Langxing for a while, she said in a solemn voice, "I brought you here so that I can use you as food to satisfy my hunger."

This ferocious answer made Lang Xing feel a little stupid, and he couldn't help but think to himself, "I think you are telling the truth."

Su Wan was so amused by his silly look and these thoughts that she burst into laughter, and the drama that was going to be a disaster finally resumed.

"Understand? You are just a piece of solid food." She added a bit of cruelty to her smile.

"Let's wait and see." Lang Xing said hard, with a stiff expression on his face. Su Wan had returned to the play, but the guilt he felt towards Yu Chan in his heart broke out again, and he could not devote himself wholeheartedly to the relationship with Yu Chan. Su Wan was laughing.

"What are you looking at? Let's go." Su Wan forced herself to step forward and took Lang Xing's arm. The feelings between lovers are the most sensitive. Although they are pretending, they will become more sensitive once they enter that state. She felt that Lang Xing was awkward, so she felt that her acting was a bit boring. .

"Hehe." Lang Xing had to force himself to continue acting out the scene, so he laughed with an ambiguous look.

"What a fool!" Su Wan yelled with half disgust and half love. After her words came out, she felt that she shouldn't have felt like this. She felt that the acting was a bit too much. Langxing was because of Yu Chan, and she was because of Tian. Affection. .??.

It was too easy for the two of them to fall into the drama under the influence of their previous relationship. Naturally, this drama went overboard as soon as it was performed. They both enjoyed this playful feeling as if they were addicted. If they didn't have concerns in their hearts, this drama would have gone too far. It's hard to say what it will be like.

"Lang Xing..." Su Wan wanted to break the silence, but felt that nothing was appropriate, so she closed her mouth after calling out.

"Go and see that mountain

Hole. "Langxing pointed to a cave in front of him and said, "Someone is coming, don't panic, follow my arrangements." "

Su Wan's heart was shocked, she suppressed the thought of looking into the sky, and calmly took Lang Xing to the cave.

"Don't look up." After Lang Xing conveyed this thought, he pulled Su Wan towards the cave. He sensed that the man was already approaching and stopped in mid-air more than a hundred feet away.

"Be careful, don't rush in recklessly." Su Wan used her words to cover up her inner nervousness.

"Don't be afraid, just follow me." Lang Xing's performance was just right, in line with a man's drive to be a hero in front of the woman he loves. It would undoubtedly be more advantageous to enter the cave at this moment.

"Huh!" A cold snort suddenly sounded at this moment.

The two of them trembled at the same time and turned their heads in fear. Su Wan's trembling was real. She didn't expect the visitor to be so close to them, while Lang Xing was mostly pretending.

Standing in mid-air is an old man with white beard and hair. Although he is an old man, he does not look old at all. Although there are some fine wrinkles on his forehead and the corners of his eyes, he gives the impression that he is handsome and handsome. At this moment, A sullen face shows more majesty.

"Your Majesty is..." Su Wan looked at the old man with wary eyes. The person coming was not Tianqing or Yuanqing, which made her put aside her unnecessary worries.

The old man looked at the two of them with disgust and said, "I just left for a moment, and you guys who don't know how to live or die broke in. It's really hateful. Idiots like you who don't know how to live or die should get the retribution they deserve and die here." Let's go!" After he said that, he disappeared in a flash, as if he felt upset even if he looked at them again.

"Hey! Senior!" Su Wan shouted anxiously.

Lang Xing also shouted, "Senior! Senior, please stay!"

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