Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1906 What a stupid idea?

Su Wan had no choice but to cover his mouth again, but this time Lang Xing avoided it.

"Don't be afraid. If this continues, we will die sooner or later. It's better to end it with him now while Li Shang still has enough energy. I don't think he will come out when he is so hungry that he becomes dizzy and has no chance."

Su Wan looked around nervously and complained to Lang Xing, "Can you please discuss with me before you do anything?"

"Have I not discussed enough with you? You don't listen to me."

"Okay, please stop shouting." Su Wan sat next to Lang Xing anxiously, ready to gag him at any time.

Langxing said with all his heart, "Don't worry, if he dares to come, I have the means to deal with him." This close state of sitting side by side made him feel a little flustered, and he couldn't help but use words to cover up his unnaturalness.

"Don't act nonsense, it will only make our situation worse." Su Wan frowned and advised, she felt that Lang Xing was trying to show off his strength.

Naturally, Langxing couldn't let her think of him as a reckless child, so he continued to think in his heart, "I'm not fooling around. I still have treasures that can be used without spiritual power. As long as they are used properly, they can kill a late-stage Nascent Soul." "Great monk, if anything happens, just hide behind me and don't get in the way of me." ??

The corner of Su Wan's mouth moved slightly, and she held back her words. It was incredible enough to use the alchemy cultivation to deal with the late Nascent Soul monks. If she did this while losing her cultivation, I'm afraid the whole cultivation would be ruined. Not many people in the world would believe it.

Langxing knew that she didn't believe it, so he continued to say in his heart: "You must believe me, this is very important. I may only have one chance to take action, so I can't afford to miss it. It is a treasure that defies heaven." He did not directly mention the fairy treasure. , because Su Wan would definitely not believe it even more if she said she had an immortal treasure.

Su Wan stared calmly at the night ahead. She really had no confidence in Langxing's words to deal with the late Nascent Soul monks. Even though he had great supernatural powers as his backer, what else could she do if she didn't believe him? I have no other means, so I can only hope that he really has this ability.

After Langxing sat in silence for a while, he stretched out his finger and pointed at a small tree a few feet away. After clicking one finger and then another, his expression was very solemn.

His weird behavior made Su Wan's scalp feel numb, and she couldn't help but ask, "What are you doing?"

"Practice." Lang Xing pointed out another finger. This volley finger obtained from Xuan Su's astronomy has never been fully understood. If this ability can be used as he wishes, his self-protection ability will be greatly improved.

"This is..." Su Wan closed her mouth mid-sentence. Langxing's successive weird actions made her really feel like a burden. Whether it was yelling or scolding, or pointing fingers like this, this kid They all looked very serious and profound, but I looked like a child who couldn't understand anything. I hope this kid really has some ability and is not suffering from illness.

Langxing clicked his fingers more than a dozen times before stopping. Seeing the slight frown on his face, it was obvious that he was not practicing well. Su Wan asked, "Have you finished practicing?"

Lang Xing shook his head with a serious expression, "It's still not possible. It won't be understood in a short time."

"Then let's save some energy first." This tone was obviously a bit sinister.

Lang Xing glanced at her and said in his heart, "Don't look down on people so much. This is a spell that Hengguan Immortal Master and I learned together. I have inspired him."

Su Wan looked at the night intently and said nothing, not knowing whether to believe it or not.

Lang Xing closed his eyes and continued to think about that volley of fingers.

There was no buzzing of insects, no sound of wind, not a single sound, which made the two people

His breathing became extremely clear, and he could even hear his heartbeat. This extreme silence was frightening, and the longer it went on, the more unbearable it became.

Su Wan could still bear it, but the feeling of closeness in her heart was causing trouble again. Now that she had someone to rely on, she was reluctant to endure it alone.

"Lang Xing..." She couldn't help calling softly.

"Huh?" Lang Xing opened his eyes. He focused on enlightenment and was less affected by the deathly silence.

"This kind of silence can drive people crazy. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, don't worry about me." Lang Xing closed his eyes again after saying that.

Amelia Su cursed secretly in her heart and had no choice but to resist.

"Are you okay?" Lang Xing seemed to understand and opened his eyes that he had just closed.

"You're fine, can I be okay?" Su Wan said firmly, but her eyes were full of resentment.

"Haha." Lang Xing twisted his body and stretched his muscles. It seemed that he didn't want to continue to comprehend.

Su Wan hurriedly chatted, "You have repeatedly taught me that this is not the time to talk about Taoism, but I have begun to understand it myself."

"Okay, I won't comprehend it any more. It will be a waste of effort to comprehend it now."

A satisfied smile appeared on Su Wan's lips, "Let's talk. Tell me interesting stories about your childhood."

Lang Xing looked at her sideways and said, "Your heart is really broad. I have never seen anyone with a broader heart than you."

Su Wan said angrily, "You have so many secrets, you can't tell me this, you can't tell me that, so we can only talk about your childhood! What else can we talk about!"

"There is no need to talk about me. Why don't you tell me some interesting stories about Xun Yi when he was in the Xuan Fang Sect. I have always been very interested in his past."

"I'm not interested." Su Wan refused. It wasn't that she wasn't interested, but she didn't dare to talk about such overly sensitive topics.

"Did he show extraordinary talent from the beginning?" Lang Xing asked, holding back a smile.

"No, that's very stupid."

"Really? What a stupid idea?" Lang Xing became even more interested.

Su Wan glanced at Lang Xing, and then looked towards the night, "You can't tell the difference between his eyebrows and eyebrows. It's obvious that others are bored and don't want to talk to him anymore, but he still keeps asking endless questions."

"Hahahaha..." Lang Xing was amused and laughed.

Su Wan warned a little worriedly, "Please keep your voice down. You didn't let me shout before and gave you a lot of reasons. Why don't you care now?"

"Okay, okay, I'll keep my voice down." Lang Xing knew he was wrong and admitted his mistake. He held back his laughter and asked, "What else? Why is he so stupid?"

"He forgets everything he said. He is so heartless all day long!" Su Wan felt that the scolding was quite satisfying.

Langxing's shoulders shook with laughter silently. Although Su Wan was scolding him out of trouble, Su Wan's fierce look in the calm was so funny. He admired the unique and charming charm of this smart fairy.

"So happy?" Su Wan asked with a teasing look on her face.

Lang Xing nodded vigorously, "I can't help but laugh when I think about his stupidity."

Su Wan was speechless at Lang Xing's pretending to be stupid, but soon she couldn't help but smile. When Lang Xing said this, it seemed as if there was really a silly Xun Yi, imagining that Xun Yi was being The silly look she painted made her feel warm and warm. Su Wan had no choice but to cover his mouth again, but this time Lang Xing avoided it.

"Don't be afraid. If this continues, we will die sooner or later. It's better to settle with him now while Li Shang is still strong. When he is so hungry and dizzy that there is no chance. I don't think he will come out."

Su Wan looked around nervously and complained to Lang Xing, "Can you please discuss with me before you do anything?"

"Have I not discussed enough with you? You don't listen to me."

"Okay, please stop shouting." Su Wan sat next to Lang Xing anxiously, ready to gag him at any time.

Langxing said with all his heart, "Don't worry, if he dares to come, I have the means to deal with him." This close state of sitting side by side made him feel a little flustered, and he couldn't help but use words to cover up his unnaturalness.

"Don't act nonsense, it will only make our situation worse." Su Wan frowned and advised, she felt that Lang Xing was trying to show off his strength.

Naturally, Langxing couldn't let her think of him as a reckless child, so he continued to think in his heart, "I'm not kidding. I still have treasures that can be used without spiritual power. As long as they are used properly, they can kill a late-stage Nascent Soul." "Great monk, if anything happens, just hide behind me and don't get in the way of my hands and feet."

The corner of Su Wan's mouth moved slightly, and she suppressed her words. It was incredible enough to use the cultivation of pill formation to deal with the late Nascent Soul monks. If she did this while losing her cultivation, I'm afraid the entire cultivation would be ruined. Not many people in the world would believe it.

Lang Xing knew that she didn't believe it, so he continued to say, "You must believe me. This is very important. I may only have one chance to take action. There is no room for failure. It is a treasure that defies heaven." He did not directly mention the fairy treasure. , because Su Wan would definitely not believe it even more if she said she had an immortal treasure.

Su Wan stared calmly at the night ahead. She really had no confidence in Langxing's words to deal with the late Nascent Soul monks. Even though he had great supernatural powers as his backer, what else could she do if she didn't believe him? I have no other means, so I can only hope that he really has this ability.

After Langxing sat in silence for a while, he stretched out his finger and pointed at a small tree a few feet away. After clicking one finger and then another, his expression was very solemn.

His weird behavior made Su Wan's scalp feel numb, and she couldn't help but ask, "What are you doing?"

"Practice." Lang Xing pointed out another finger. This volleying finger obtained from Xuan Su's astronomy has never been fully understood. If this ability can be used as he wishes, his self-protection ability will be greatly improved.

"This is..." Su Wan closed her mouth mid-sentence. Langxing's successive weird actions made her really feel like a burden. Whether it was yelling or scolding, or pointing fingers like this, this kid They all looked very serious and profound, but I looked like a child who couldn't understand anything. I hope this kid really has some ability and is not suffering from illness.

Langxing clicked his fingers more than a dozen times before stopping. Seeing the slight frown on his face, it was obvious that he was not practicing well. Su Wan asked, "Have you finished practicing?"

Lang Xing shook his head with a serious expression, "It's still not possible. It won't be understood in a short while."

"Then let's save some energy first." This tone was obviously a bit sinister.

Lang Xing glanced at her and said in his heart, "Don't look down on people so much. This is a spell that Hengguan Immortal Master and I learned together. I have inspired him."

Su Wan looked at the night intently and said nothing, not knowing whether to believe it or not.

Lang Xing closed his eyes and continued to think about that volley of fingers.

There was no buzzing of insects, no sound of wind, not a single sound, which made the two people

His breathing became extremely clear, and he could even hear his heartbeat. This extreme silence was frightening, and the longer it lasted, the more unbearable it became.

Su Wan could still bear it, but the closeness in her heart was causing trouble again. Now that she had someone to rely on, she was reluctant to endure it alone.

"Lang Xing..." She couldn't help calling softly.

"Huh?" Lang Xing opened his eyes. He focused on enlightenment and was less affected by the deathly silence.

"This kind of silence can drive people crazy. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, don't worry about me." Lang Xing closed his eyes again after saying that.

Amelia Su cursed secretly in her heart and had no choice but to resist.

"Are you okay?" Langxing seemed to understand and opened his eyes that he had just closed.

"You're fine, what can I do?" Su Wan said firmly, but her eyes were full of resentment.

"Haha." Lang Xing twisted his body to stretch his muscles. It seemed that he didn't want to continue to comprehend.

Su Wan hurriedly chatted, "You have repeatedly taught me that this is not the time to talk about Taoism, but I have begun to understand it myself."

"Okay, I won't comprehend it any more. It will be a waste of effort to comprehend it now."

A satisfied smile appeared on Su Wan's lips, "Let's talk. Tell me interesting things about your childhood."

Lang Xing looked at her sideways and said, "Your heart is really broad. I have never seen anyone with a broader heart than you."

Su Wan said angrily, "You have so many secrets, you can't tell me this, you can't tell me that, so we can only talk about your childhood! What else can we talk about!"

"There is no need to talk about me. Why don't you tell me some interesting stories about Xun Yi when he was in the Xuan Fang Sect. I have always been very interested in his past."

"I'm not interested." Su Wan refused. It wasn't that she wasn't interested, but she didn't dare to talk about such overly sensitive topics.

"Did he show extraordinary talent from the beginning?" Lang Xing asked, holding back a smile.

"No, that's very stupid."

"Really? How stupid?" Lang Xing became more interested.

Su Wan glanced at Lang Xing, and then looked towards the night, "You can't tell the difference between his eyebrows and his eyes. It's obvious that others are bored and don't want to talk to him anymore, but he still keeps asking endless questions."

"Hahahaha..." Lang Xing was amused and laughed.

Su Wan warned a little worriedly, "Please keep your voice down. You didn't let me shout before and gave you a lot of reasons. Why don't you care now?"

"Okay, okay, I'll keep my voice down." Lang Xing knew he was wrong and admitted his mistake. He held back his laughter and asked, "What else? Why is he so stupid?"

"He forgets everything he said. He is so heartless all day long!" Su Wan felt that the scolding was quite satisfying.

Langxing's shoulders shook with laughter silently. Although Su Wan was scolding him out of trouble, Su Wan's fierce look in the calm was so funny. He admired the unique and charming charm of this smart fairy.

"So happy?" Su Wan asked with a teasing look on her face.

Lang Xing nodded vigorously, "I can't help but laugh when I think about his stupidity."

Su Wan was speechless at Lang Xing's pretending to be stupid, but soon she couldn't help but smile. When Lang Xing said this, it seemed as if there was really a silly Xun Yi, imagining that Xun Yi was being The stupid look she painted made her feel warm and warm.

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