Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1908 What are you doing!

"What kind of person is he? Why did he hurt you?" Lang Xing asked with an angry look on his face.

Yuan Qing shook her head with a dark face and said, "He is a virtuous man with white hair and beard. Don't mention it. It's my words that are disrespectful. No wonder senior."

Su Wansheng was afraid that Lang Xing would curse loudly again, so she pulled Lang Xing's sleeve nervously.

Langxing used his eyes to signal Su Wan not to worry. He thought for a moment and said, "Then you can rest here while the two of us go find Tianqing and Fangzhi." .??.

Yuan Qing sighed and said, "What else are you raising? It's just a matter of not dying. Let's find them first. Even if we die, we have to take another look at them. Let's look for them separately. I'll keep heading west. If you find them, come after me." ”

Before Su Wan could speak, Langxing rushed to say, "My bones can't last a few days. I don't want to die alone, so I won't act alone. I'd rather be with Fairy Su as my companion. Let's continue walking south."

Su Wan looked at Yuan Qing and said unbearably, "How about we go together? How can you do this?"

Yuan Qing sat down slowly, and said in a calm voice, "This injury is not fatal, but it is difficult to accept this tragic fate for a while. I only hope that Tianqing and Fang Zhi will not suffer any bad luck, and I will die." I fell into a state of grief after seeing you. I finally felt better after seeing you. After I calmed down, I went to find them. I will look for them separately. The hope is greater. I will definitely not be able to sit down while they wait here. living."

"We are here to accompany you." Su Wan wanted to bandage Yuanqing's broken arm, but she looked at her dress and was reluctant to tear it off. This hay-colored dress was made by Xunyi Qiuzhixia for her. , then turned to glance at Langxing's Taoist robe.

Langxing saw what she meant, and turned his head to the side pretending to be confused. Yuanqing also saw what Su Wan was thinking, reached out and tore off a piece of robe from his Taoist robe, handed it to Su Wan and said, "Thank you." ”

After the bandaging was completed, Yuan Qing said to the two of them, "Go find it now. Don't worry about me. I can do it."

"That's fine." Lang Xing said with a smile on his face.

She looked at Yuan Qing affectionately and said.

"I'd better stay with you for a while longer." Su Wan said sadly. Although she and Yuan Qing had no friendship, how could she leave the injured Yuan Qing in the midst of trouble?

"Alas..." Yuan Qing sighed sadly, looking at the grass in front of her feet with dull eyes, not wanting to say anything more to them.

Su Wan looked at Lang Xing. She was afraid that Lang Xing would be unhappy after she had just disagreed with him. Seeing that Lang Xing's face was calm and showed no displeasure, she felt at ease.

"There is no need to be so desperate. Didn't the famous Tiancan Immortal Lord use his mutilated body to practice all the way to the realm of feathering?" Su Wan racked her brains and came up with such words of comfort.

Yuan Qing said bitterly, "We, the disciples of Zuiqing Palace, enter the Tao based on emotion. I have become a disabled person. What love can we talk about?"

"Sister Fanzhi has a deep love for you and will definitely not leave you because of this."

Yuan Qing smiled sadly and said, "I won't drag her down."

"Don't think so. If we truly love each other, how can we say it's a drag or not?"

Yuan Qing shook her head slightly, saying she didn't want to talk about it anymore.

Su Wan looked at Lang Xing for help, wanting Lang Xing to give her some advice.

Lang Xing said calmly, "This is all for later. If we can't find a way out, they will all be dead in ten days."

Yuan Qing sighed again, "Lang Xing is right, don't worry about me. It's important to find Tian Qing and Fang Zhi and find a way out. I can see clearly." After saying that, he closed his eyes.

Su Wan took Lang Xing and walked away a few dozen feet. Looking at Yuan Qing sitting there alone, she couldn't help but feel sympathy.

The sympathy for each other during the illness and the sentiment of being disabled made her truly feel the approach of death. Previously, she and Langxing were both angry and tentative, which diluted the urgency of the impending death a lot.

When she turned her attention to Lang Xing, she saw Lang Xing looking into the distance and not paying attention to her. Although Lang Xing's expression was quite normal, she could feel that Lang Xing must be having trouble with her again. .

Su Wan's feeling was very accurate, but she guessed the reason wrong. She thought it was because she had contradicted Lang Xing just now. In fact, what made Lang Xing feel uncomfortable was her position at the moment. The appearance of Yuan Qing made Su Wan Unconsciously, she kept a slightly larger distance from Lang Xing, which was a little more than the normal distance between them. The extra few feet of distance was a subconscious move on her part, so she didn't notice anything, and Lang Xing It is clear that this extra distance is for Tianqing to see. When Yuanqing sees it, it is equivalent to Tianqing seeing it.

"Let's stay with him for a while." Su Wan said in a low voice with a bit of flattery.

"Huh?" Langxing pretended not to hear clearly and looked at her.

Su Wan pointed at Yuan Qing and repeated in a low voice, "Stay with him for a while."

Lang Xing smiled and nodded, then turned and looked into the distance.

Su Wan bit her lips gently. She could see that Lang Xing was not calm.

Not only was Langxing not calming down, he pretended not to hear Su Wan clearly and refused to come closer to talk to him. Can he not get even more angry?

After a meal, Langxing turned around and walked forward silently.

Su Wan looked at Langxing and Tianqing in embarrassment, and finally shouted helplessly to Yuanqing, "Brother Yuanqing, we are going to find them, how precious are you."

Yuan Qing waved her hand and said nothing.

Lang Xing didn't walk very fast. After Su Wan caught up with him, he kept a calm expression and neither stopped nor looked at Su Wan, just like

There is no such person as Amelia Su.

"What are you doing!" Su Wan complained dissatisfiedly.

Lang Xing waved his hand to her and quickened his pace.

Su Wan frowned and followed silently, feeling that Lang Xing was too playful and Yuan Qing was so pitiful, shouldn't she want to spend more time with him? Lang Xing's attitude is a bit impersonal.

After walking for dozens of miles like this, Langxing said to his heart, "I don't dare to use my mental power when I'm too close to him. It's not that I'm dissatisfied with you, I just think it's useless to stay with him like this." "This is more false than true. It is true that he did not dare to use his mental powers at will, but turning around like this was more because he was angry. After walking for dozens of miles, he had lost his anger. I'm not a petty person. I'm eager to leave because I feel that Tianqing is getting closer and closer. If I stay any longer, I should be able to hear Tianqing's cry.

This explanation did not satisfy Su Wan, but since Langxing took the initiative to explain, she didn't want to worry about it anymore. After all, because of Tianqing, the relationship between Langxing and Yuanqing was almost hostile, and Langxing was against Yuanqing. It is understandable that there is little sympathy.

"Do you think we should send out a call?" This can be regarded as asking for words when there is nothing to say.


Su Wan knew that Langxing would definitely give a negative answer. Langxing had no intention of looking for Tianqing and Fangzhi. He didn't care about the lives of these two people, but she couldn't ignore Tianqing.

"Didn't you yell last night to lure that senior out?"

Lang Xing said with all his heart, "If you want to shout, just shout later. Don't shout now."

Su Wan blocked the word "why" in her throat. Since Lang Xing made this request carefully, it must be inconvenient to say it openly. She felt that Lang Xing was hiding something from her, which made her feel uneasy.

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