Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1917 Should I be ordered by you? !

Su Wan stamped her feet anxiously and said, "You are crazy! How can you two beat them? You will die if you go! Besides, it's not necessary to fight to the death. Lang Xing, calm down. Let's talk about it when we get back."

Lang Xing looked at her with a cold gaze, "You don't know how capable I am. Do you think I am a fool who doesn't care about anything when I get impulsive? Don't worry about this matter. You can't do it. I must peel off their skin today. Don't worry, I won't kill innocent people if I can't find any evidence. At most, I will only avenge the humiliation. But if I interrogate him, the old man will not live. I will keep your love for you!"

Su Wan stared at Lang Xing in a daze. She couldn't recognize the Lang Xing in front of her at all. How could he be a young cultivator in the Jindan stage? She felt the bone-chilling coldness and the invisible pressure, which made her feel as if she was a cicada. The pressure that could make her, a person in the perfect state of the middle stage of the Yuanying, feel this way can only be exerted by a cultivator in the late stage of the Yuanying stage.

Lang Xing was really anxious. He had to get back the face he had lost. Now he didn't care about hiding his cultivation or Su Wan's feelings. This was not much different from what he said about being a fool who didn't care about anything when he got impulsive.

"You..." Su Wan couldn't help but take a few steps back, turned her head and looked at Jiang Xiao and said another word, "He..."

Jiang Xiao came to Su Wan and looked at Lang Xing and said, "Don't get angry. Tell me the matter clearly. I believe you. I will follow you to kill anyone you want."

"You don't need to follow me. Just give Wu Hei to me. You take Fairy Su back first. I will catch up with you." Lang Xing's tone softened. He knew there was no reason to lose his temper with Su Wan. If he did that, he really couldn't control his anger. Secondly, he wanted to cut the Gordian knot and shock Su Wan so that she wouldn't make trouble. He didn't want to explain more to Su Wan.

"No!" Jiang Xiao raised his eyebrows, "Lang Xing, you know my temper, you can't be willful about this matter!" Su Wan took a step forward and said, "Lang Xing, you said that I would be impressed by you, and you said that I would just admit that I was stupid. Now I know how stupid I am. I didn't expect you to be so capable. I have always treated you with sincerity, but you treated me like a fool." The word "you" also blamed Jiang Xiao. Jiang Xiao wanted to explain, but was stopped by Su Wan. She stared at Lang Xing and continued, "I know how angry you are, but you have to think about it. You have scolded him a lot in the past two days. It's not too much for him to retaliate against you. You are a reasonable person. You can't be unreasonable when you get angry." "That's not what you said at all!" Lang Xing couldn't say what he was thinking. He felt that this was the old man and Tian Qing acting, deliberately humiliating him. Su Wan would definitely not believe his speculation now. Speaking out would only make Su Wan think he was too stupid and stubborn. Su Wan looked at him helplessly and said, "No matter how stupid I am in your eyes, no matter how much you disdain me, I still want to sincerely advise you to calm down. If you don't want to listen to me, then listen to Jiang Xiao." After a pause, she couldn't help but add, "Who made me stupid? Thank you very much for making me realize how stupid I am." Seeing that Su Wan was also angry, Jiang Xiao hurriedly advised, "Don't argue about stupidity, tell me who the old man is first." Lang Xing was in no mood to continue, and felt ashamed to stand in front of Su Wan again, leaving a sentence, "I have my own reasons for hiding my cultivation, not to lie to you." After that, he moved and gritted his teeth and flew towards the canyon. He didn't want Wuhei and Xuan'a anymore. Jiang Xiao and Su Wan chased after him at the same time. Lang Xing wanted to get rid of them by his skills, but Jiang Xiao really couldn't catch up with him. What Lang Xing didn't expect was that Su Wan could follow him closely. He didn't know that the Piaoying skills Su Wan used were the ones he taught her in his previous life.

"Lang Xing, do you just ignore my advice?" Su Wan felt like something was stuck in her heart, but she had no time to figure out what it felt like.

"You don't understand! Don't follow me." Lang Xing stared at the front with a firm gaze. Although he wanted to avenge his shame, he also wanted to find out the true identity of these people for Su Wan. He had to do this.

"You just think I'm stupid, right!" Su Wan finally couldn't help but explode.

"You're not stupid, maybe I'm the one who's stupid, so I have to figure it out."

This made Su Wan calm down a little, and she slowed down her tone and said, "I understand how you feel now. Although my suspicion of Tianqing and Yuanqing has been eliminated, I will still remember your warning in my heart. Tianqing promised to go to Xuanfang Sect to find me, and it won't be too late for you to interrogate him then."

"I can't wait, and I don't have the leisure to waste so much time with them. That old thing dared to humiliate me, and I will let him know today who is ignorant of the world!"

"Are you sure you can defeat him?" Su Wan had to care about this issue. Lang Xing's momentum was too strong. If Lang Xing was really sure of defeating the old man, she would be less worried.

"As long as you don't make trouble."

Su Wan was silent. If Lang Xing had the ability to defeat the late Nascent Soul cultivator, then there would really be no room for her to interrupt. At this moment, Lang Xing reminded her of breaking into the Xuantu Rift Plain to confront Xiaoyao Immortal alone. Xun Yi, who had shot several cases, both of them were not very good at cultivation but were confident and domineering. Xun Yi had some extraordinary methods that she knew about, and Lang Xing also showed some unnatural methods to her. People who have close connections with supernatural powers are really not something she can predict.

"Stop following and help me block Jiang Xiao."

"Should I be ordered by you?!" Su Wan choked back unceremoniously. In the past, Lang Xing's cultivation level was low, so she naturally had to be more tolerant. Now she knows that this kid's cultivation level is even higher than hers. She didn't need to be so polite, and at the moment she was still full of anger at being fooled.

Lang Xing was choked and speechless. He didn't expect that this gentle fairy would suddenly throw out such a sharp sentence. He paused for a moment before saying, "I'm afraid you will cause trouble to me."

"You can't kill Tianqing before you figure things out." Su Wan's face was filled with frost. Making this request would definitely make Lang Xing unhappy, but she had to say that in the past, she was afraid that Tianqing would hurt Lang Xing, now he has to worry about Tianqing.

"I just said I would keep it for you!" Although he was trying to restrain himself, Lang Xing's tone still sounded cruel.

"As you can see, his plea for mercy to you just now was extremely sincere." Su Wan really lacks experience in human relations, so it would be better not to say this.

Lang Xing looked at her with anger in his eyes and said in his heart, "You still don't believe that he has hidden his cultivation, right? Okay, then I will peel off this layer of his skin for you, and you can see clearly for me in a while. Look what kind of cultivation he has!"

Su Wan bit her lips. The profound cultivation skills displayed by Lang Xing would undoubtedly make his words more credible. If Tian Qing and Yuan Qing really hid their cultivation skills, then Lang Xing would soon They were facing three great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage. Su Wan was so anxious that she stamped her feet and said, "You are crazy! How can you two beat me?! If you go, you will die! Besides, this is not a desperate matter. Langxing, calm down. If you have anything to say, we can talk about it when we get back."

Langxing looked at her with cold eyes, "You don't know how capable I am. Do you think I'm a fool who doesn't care when he's impulsive? Don't worry about this matter. You can't control it. I'm here today." I have to peel off their skins and take a look. Don't worry, I won't kill innocent people indiscriminately if I can't find any real evidence. At most, I will only avenge the humiliation. But if I am found out, the old guy will never survive. You I will keep it for you!"

Su Wan looked at Lang Xing blankly. She could not recognize the Lang Xing in front of her at all. How could he be a young monk in the alchemy stage? She felt the bone-chilling chill, and also felt the invisible pressure, the pressure that made her feel as silent as a cicada. The kind of pressure that could make a person in the middle stage of Yuanying feel like this could only happen in the late stage of Yuanying. Only monks can do it.

Lang Xing was really anxious. He had lost such a big face and had to get it back. Now he could neither hide his cultivation nor care about Su Wan's feelings. This was exactly what he said when he was impulsive. The same thing goes for idiots who don't care.

"You..." Su Wan couldn't help but take a few steps back, turned to look at Jiang Xiao and said one more word, "He..."

Jiang Xiao came to Su Wan, looked at Lang Xing and said, "Don't spread your anger. Tell me clearly. I believe you. I will go with you whoever you want to kill."

"You don't need to follow me, just give me Wu Hei. You take Su Xianzi back first, and I will catch up with you." Lang Xing's tone softened. He knew there was no reason to lose his temper with Su Wan, so he did this He really couldn't control his anger. Secondly, he wanted to scare Su Wan out of trouble quickly and stop her from causing more trouble. He had no intention of explaining to Su Wan.

"No!" Jiang Xiao raised his eyebrows, "Langxing, you know my temper, there is no reason for you to be willful in this matter!"

Su Wan took the courage to step forward and said, "Langxing, you said you would impress me. When you say it, just let me admit that I am stupid. Now I know how stupid I am. I really didn't expect you to be so stupid." I have always treated you sincerely, but you treat me like a fool."

The word "you" blamed Jiangxiao too. Jiangxiao wanted to explain, but Su Wan stopped her. She stared at Langxing and continued, "I know how angry you are, but you also have to Think about it, you have scolded him a lot in the past two days, so it is not an exaggeration for him to retaliate against you. You are a reasonable person, and you cannot be unreasonable when you get angry. "

"It's not what you said at all!" Lang Xing couldn't say what he was thinking. He felt that this was the old man and Tianqing acting, deliberately trying to humiliate him. Su Wan would definitely not do it again now. I believe his guess, saying it will only make Su Wan think that he is too stupid and stubborn.

Amelia Su looked at him helplessly and said, "No matter how stupid I am in your eyes, no matter how disdainful you are of me, I still want to sincerely advise you to calm down. If you don't bother to listen to me, , just listen to what Jiang Xiao has to say." After a pause, she couldn't help but add, "Who made me stupid? Thank you for making me realize how stupid I am."

Seeing that Su Wan was also losing his temper, Jiang Xiao quickly advised, "You two, stop arguing about stupidity. First tell me who that old man is."

Lang Xing was not in the mood to talk anymore, and felt ashamed to stand in front of Su Wan again, saying, "I conceal my cultivation for a reason, not to lie to you." After that, he stretched out his body and gritted his teeth towards that person.

Dao Canyon flew away, and he didn't want Wuhei and Xuan'a either.

Jiang Xiao and Su Wan chased after him at the same time. Langxing just wanted to get rid of them with his body skills, but Jiangxiao really couldn't catch up with him. To Langxing's surprise, Su Wan could follow him closely. He didn't know that Su Wan used the floating shadow to catch up with him. The Dharma was exactly what he taught others in his previous life.

"Lang Xing, do you just not take my advice seriously?" Su Wan seemed to have something stuck in her heart at the moment, but she had no time to distinguish what it felt like.

"You don't understand! Don't follow me." Lang Xing stared ahead resolutely. Although he wanted to avenge his shame, he also wanted to find out the true identity of these people for Su Wan. He had to do this.

"You just think I'm stupid, don't you?" Su Wan finally couldn't help but burst out.

"You're not stupid, maybe I'm the stupid one, so I have to figure it out."

These words made Su Wan less angry, and she softened her tone and said, "I understand how you feel now. Although my doubts about Tianqing and Yuanqing have been eliminated, I will still remember your warning in my heart. Tianqing agrees." Come to Xuanfang Sect to find me later, and it won’t be too late for you to question him again.”

"I can't wait any longer, and I don't have the time to waste so much time with them. That old guy dares to humiliate me, and I will let him know who he is today and he doesn't know how high the sky is!"

"Are you sure you can defeat him?" Su Wan had to worry about this issue. Lang Xing's momentum was too strong. If Lang Xing was really sure of defeating the old man, she would have less to worry about.

"As long as you don't cause any trouble."

Su Wan was silent. If Lang Xing had the ability to defeat the late Nascent Soul cultivator, then there would really be no room for her to interrupt. At this moment, Lang Xing reminded her of breaking into the Xuantu Rift Plain to confront Xiaoyao Immortal alone. Xun Yi, who had shot several cases, both of them were not very good at cultivation but were confident and domineering. Xun Yi had some extraordinary methods that she knew about, and Lang Xing also showed some unnatural methods to her. People who have close connections with supernatural powers are really not something she can predict.

"Stop following and help me block Jiang Xiao."

"Should I be ordered by you?!" Su Wan choked back unceremoniously. In the past, Lang Xing's cultivation level was low, so she naturally had to be more tolerant. Now she knows that this kid's cultivation level is even higher than hers. She didn't need to be so polite, and at the moment she was still full of anger at being fooled.

Lang Xing was choked and speechless. He didn't expect that this gentle fairy would suddenly throw out such a sharp sentence. He paused for a moment before saying, "I'm afraid you will cause trouble to me."

"You can't kill Tianqing before you figure things out." Su Wan's face was filled with frost. Making this request would definitely make Lang Xing unhappy, but she had to say that in the past, she was afraid that Tianqing would hurt Lang Xing, now he has to worry about Tianqing.

"I just said I would keep it for you!" Although he was trying to restrain himself, Lang Xing's tone still sounded cruel.

"As you can see, his plea for mercy to you just now was extremely sincere." Su Wan really lacks experience in human relations, so it would be better not to say this.

Lang Xing looked at her with anger in his eyes and said in his heart, "You still don't believe that he has hidden his cultivation, do you? Okay, then I will peel off this layer of his skin for you, and you can see clearly for me in a while. Look what kind of cultivation he has!"

Su Wan bit her lips. The profound cultivation skills displayed by Lang Xing would undoubtedly make his words more credible. If Tian Qing and Yuan Qing really hid their cultivation skills, then Lang Xing would soon They were facing three great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage.

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