Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1928 Do you dare to challenge!

"Master, I have really thought about it. You don't have to feel sorry for me." Seeing that Master's tearful eyes were turning red, Bai Xiang anxiously stepped forward and pulled Master's sleeves to comfort him.

Lang Xing remembered and said "I have thought about it" as soon as he met Bai Xiang. However, he was distracted by Xue Ling's injury and did not listen carefully to what Bai Xiang said.

Lu Puzi looked at Lang Xing's grief-stricken look and felt a little bored. As a person of status, he couldn't kill this little monk. Seeing how virtuous he was, he could barely understand the evil in his heart. , after the anger calmed down a little, he wanted to leave some room for himself to pursue Su Wan. If the quarrel continues, I am afraid Su Wan will never see him again.

"It's been such a frustrating day today, Fairy Su, let's not care about it and don't hurt our friendship. Junior Sister Xiangyun and the others were alerted. Let them talk to you. I'll go back first. I'll be with you tomorrow. Fairy, apologize." After he finished speaking, he saw Su Wan looking at Lang Xing with concern, and just waved her hand to him perfunctorily. He couldn't help but hold his breath and waved to several disciples, preparing to take them back.

"Stop." Lang Xing said in a low voice, then slowly turned around, turning his head and looking at Bai Xiang with sad eyes. He didn't turn his head to Lu Puzi until he turned around, and looked at Lu Puzi's eyes were still full of sadness.

"I don't want to argue with you anymore." Lu Puzi said impatiently, waving his hands to a few disciples with fierce gleams in their eyes, signaling them to stay quiet.

"I want to argue with you." Lang Xing's voice was still low, but the sadness in his eyes disappeared little by little. As the mist-like sadness receded, the sharp cold light below was revealed.

"Don't be ungrateful!" Ci Ling scolded angrily. In fact, he was scolding Su Wan more.

"Lang Xing!" Su Wan called out with anxious eyes.

Langxing ignored Su Wan, stretched out his hand and pointed at the thorn feather, and said in a calm voice, "Come, stand over, you are injured. The promise of a thousand feet has been changed to a hundred feet. If I come within a hundred feet of you, and you kill yourself, I will If I can't get close, I'll kill myself."

Su Wan pressed her lips hard. The calmer Lang Xing acted, the more worried she became. She could see that Lang Xing was getting ruthless and determined to kill. She knew very well that Lang Xing had no intention of killing before. Yes, Bai Xiang's cessation of cultivation caused Lang Xing to lose restraint.

"Lang Xing!" She couldn't help calling out in a higher tone, but Lang Xing still didn't look back at her.

At this time, Qing Ling had already come to the front of the formation with a look of disdain on his face, curling his lips and said, "No need to change, it's still Qianzhang. Master Tao can kill you as easily as killing an ant!" Although his eyes were looking at Lang Xing, all his thoughts were focused on him. They were all placed on Amelia Su's side, lest this bitch take action against him again.

Langxing flew forward slowly, his eyes looking forward but not like looking at the thorns. His eyes flickered slightly, as if he was struggling in his heart. He was indeed fighting against the overwhelming sorrow and hatred, and fighting against the overwhelming sorrow and hatred. The surging blood was fighting. Although taking this step was a relief and hatred, there was no turning back. Not only would his cultivation be exposed, but more secrets would be exposed in the subsequent battle with Lu Puzi.

He could choose to endure it for the time being and look for a suitable opportunity to settle accounts with Lu Puzi later, but he couldn't control his emotions and couldn't wait for a moment. What flashed in front of his eyes was Bai Xiang's gratitude and respect for him before. eyes, and a bright smile full of hope for the future. As a master, he failed to fulfill his due responsibilities, causing Bai Xiang's dream to be shattered at the beginning. For a person who has just embarked on the path of cultivation, What a heavy blow! But Bai Xiang still told him with a smile on his face, "I have looked away."


star! "Xuan Ling and Xiang Ling flew over to block Lang Xing. They neither wanted Lang Xing to make things worse, nor did they want to see Lang Xing die here.

"You don't have to worry about it. This is my grudge against them and has nothing to do with you, Purple Mist Peak." Lang Xing looked forward and was still struggling in his heart.

At this time, three elders of the Junlu Sect arrived together, including Fairy Xiangyun, the ninth elder who was familiar with Su Wan.

"You two, get out of the way!" Lu Puzi sternly ordered Xuan Ling and Xiang Ling after using his spiritual mind to inform his three fellow disciples of what happened here.

Fairy Xiangyun was a beautiful woman in her thirties. At this moment, she came to the center of the battle between the two sides. She first told the disciples of Ziwu Peak, "You guys get out of the way first." Then she turned to Langxing, frowning and said, "You Stop making trouble, who is your master? When the siege of Qianxu Palace is over, we will send people to discuss how to resolve this matter. You can leave with Fairy Su first. "For Su Wan's sake. , she thought it was polite enough to say this to a young alchemy-forming monk.

Langxing smiled. The smile looked miserable and evil. He looked at Fairy Xiangyun with a rather disrespectful look and said, "My master? You don't deserve to ask. Get out of the way. It has nothing to do with you here."

Fairy Xiangyun was furious and turned to look at Su Wan.

Su Wan, who was forced to a dead end, flew over with a livid face and said to Fairy Xiangyun, "I will advance and retreat with Langxing for today's matter. Senior Sister Xiangyun, my little sister has offended me. Langxing and I are friends in need, and we cannot abandon them." No matter, I hope senior sister can show some kindness to my little sister and stay on the sidelines for now."

Fairy Xiangyun looked at Su Wan in astonishment and did not respond to Su Wan's several divine thoughts. This made her feel that things were not as simple as she thought, so she had to retreat with suspicion.

"Lang Xing, I hope you can calm down..." Su Wan wanted to persuade Lang Xing again, but just in the middle of her words, Lang Xing's figure suddenly rushed out.

There was still about two thousand feet between Langxing and Ci Ling. When he rushed through the thousand feet in front, his speed exceeded that of the early Yuanying monks. All the great monks couldn't help being surprised, but what happened next surprised them even more. What happened was that Qing Ling was surprised and just sent out a burst of spiritual power to knock Lang Xing away. Lang Xing actually accelerated again. After dodging the incoming spiritual power, his figure flashed in front of Qing Ling. At that speed, It has almost reached the limit that a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul can achieve.

Under the astonished gazes of everyone, Langxing quickly retreated to a thousand feet away from the thorn feather. His eyes were still flashing at the empty place, and he murmured like a dream, "You can kill yourself." "

"What a bastard! You actually hid your cultivation. This kind of deceptive bet cannot count!" Lu Puzi scolded Lang Xing while stepping forward to seal Ci Ling. He had to rescue Ci Ling, and he couldn't Let Qing Ling end up breaking his word.

Lang Xing's eyes no longer flickered, and finally only the sharp cold light remained in his bloodshot eyes. He stared at Lu Puzi and gritted his teeth and said, "Shameless thing, have you hidden your cultivation skills?" The late-infant monk can't see clearly? You can't protect him, you can't even protect yourself. Come here, it's your turn. I want to seek justice for my disciple Bai Xiang now. This is a personal grudge. Lu Puzi, do you dare to fight? !”

Langxing stretched out his hand and pointed straight at Lu Puzi, saying "Do you dare to challenge!" The five words "Do you dare to challenge!" were heard in the sky. His gesture was like a murderous god possessing him. Although Nanjingzhou is a place with laws, the Heavenly Law Alliance will not care about private duels that both parties voluntarily participate in. Lang Xing shouted this sentence to show that he has not been completely overwhelmed by hatred.

Lu Puzi handed Ci Ling to the disciple on the side, looked at Lang Xing with a truly angry smile and said, "If you want to die, I will help you!" "Master, this disciple has really thought about it. , You don’t have to feel sorry for this disciple.” Seeing that Master’s tearful eyes were starting to turn red, Bai Xiang anxiously stepped forward and pulled Master’s sleeves to comfort him.

Lang Xing remembered it, and said "I've thought about it" as soon as he met Bai Xiang, but he was distracted by Xue Ling's injury and didn't listen carefully to what Bai Xiang said.

Lu Puzi looked at Lang Xing's grief-stricken look and felt a little bored. As a person of status, he couldn't kill this little monk. Seeing how virtuous he was, he could barely understand the evil in his heart. , after the anger subsided a little, he wanted to leave some room for himself to pursue Su Wan. If the quarrel continues, I am afraid Su Wan will never see him again.

"It's been such a frustrating day today, Fairy Su, let's not care about it and don't hurt our friendship. Junior Sister Xiangyun and the others were alerted. Let them talk to you. I'll go back first. I'll be with you tomorrow. Fairy, apologize." After he finished speaking, he saw Su Wan looking at Lang Xing with concern, and just waved her hand to him perfunctorily. He couldn't help but hold his breath and waved to several disciples, preparing to take them back.

"Stop." Lang Xing said in a low voice, then slowly turned around, turning his head and looking at Bai Xiang with sad eyes. He didn't turn his head to Lu Puzi until he turned around, and looked at Lu Puzi's eyes were still full of sadness.

"I don't want to argue with you anymore." Lu Puzi said impatiently, waving his hands to a few disciples with fierce gleams in their eyes, signaling them to stay quiet.

"I want to argue with you." Lang Xing's voice was still low, but the sadness in his eyes disappeared little by little. As the mist-like sadness receded, the sharp cold light below was revealed. .??.

"Don't be ungrateful!" Ci Ling scolded angrily. In fact, he was scolding Su Wan more.

"Lang Xing!" Su Wan called out with worried eyes.

Langxing ignored Su Wan, stretched out his hand and pointed at the thorn feather, and said in a calm voice, "Come, stand over, you are injured. The promise of a thousand feet has been changed to a hundred feet. If I come within a hundred feet of you, and you kill yourself, I will If I can't get close, I'll kill myself."

Su Wan pressed her lips hard. The calmer Lang Xing acted, the more worried she felt. She could see that Lang Xing was getting ruthless and determined to kill. She knew very well that Lang Xing had no intention of killing before. Yes, Bai Xiang's cessation of cultivation caused Lang Xing to lose restraint.

"Lang Xing!" She couldn't help calling out in a higher tone, but Lang Xing still didn't look back at her.

At this time, Qing Ling had already come to the front of the formation with a look of disdain on his face, curling his lips and said, "No need to change, it's still Qianzhang. Master Tao can kill you as easily as killing an ant!" Although his eyes were looking at Lang Xing, all his thoughts were focused on him. They were all placed on Amelia Su's side, lest this bitch take action against him again.

Langxing flew forward slowly, his eyes looking forward but not like looking at the thorns. His eyes flickered slightly, as if he was struggling in his heart. He was indeed fighting against the overwhelming sorrow and hatred, and fighting against the overwhelming sorrow and hatred. The surging blood was fighting. Although taking this step was a relief and hatred, there was no turning back. Not only would his cultivation be exposed, but more secrets would be exposed in the subsequent battle with Lu Puzi.

He could choose to endure it for the time being and look for a suitable opportunity to settle accounts with Lu Puzi later, but he couldn't control his emotions and couldn't wait for a moment. What flashed in front of his eyes was Bai Xiang's gratitude and respect for him before. eyes, and a bright smile full of hope for the future. As a master, he failed to fulfill his due responsibilities, causing Bai Xiang's dream to be shattered at the beginning. For a person who has just embarked on the path of cultivation, What a heavy blow! But Bai Xiang still told him with a smile on his face, "I have looked away."


star! "Xuan Ling and Xiang Ling flew over to block Lang Xing. They neither wanted Lang Xing to make things worse, nor did they want to see Lang Xing die here.

"You don't have to worry about it. This is my grudge against them and has nothing to do with you, Purple Mist Peak." Lang Xing looked forward and was still struggling in his heart.

At this time, three elders of the Junlu Sect arrived together, including Fairy Xiangyun, the ninth elder who was familiar with Su Wan.

"You two, get out of the way!" Lu Puzi sternly ordered Xuan Ling and Xiang Ling after using his spiritual mind to inform his three fellow disciples of what happened here.

Fairy Xiangyun was a beautiful woman in her thirties. At this moment, she came to the center of the battle between the two sides. She first told the disciples of Ziwu Peak, "You guys get out of the way first." Then she turned to Langxing, frowning and said, "You Stop making trouble, who is your master? When the siege of Qianxu Palace is over, we will send people to discuss how to resolve this matter. You can leave with Fairy Su first. "For Su Wan's sake. , she thought it was polite enough to say this to a young alchemy-forming monk.

Langxing smiled. The smile looked miserable and evil. He looked at Fairy Xiangyun with a rather disrespectful look and said, "My master? You don't deserve to ask. Get out of the way. It has nothing to do with you here."

Fairy Xiangyun was furious and turned to look at Su Wan.

Su Wan, who was forced to a dead end, flew over with a livid face and said to Fairy Xiangyun, "I will advance and retreat with Langxing for today's matter. Senior Sister Xiangyun, my little sister has offended me. Langxing and I are friends in need, and we cannot abandon them." No matter, I hope senior sister can show some kindness to my little sister and stay on the sidelines for now."

Fairy Xiangyun looked at Su Wan in astonishment and did not respond to Su Wan's several divine thoughts. This made her feel that things were not as simple as she thought, so she had to retreat with suspicion.

"Lang Xing, I hope you can calm down..." Su Wan wanted to persuade Lang Xing again, but just in the middle of her words, Lang Xing's figure suddenly rushed out.

There was still about two thousand feet between Langxing and Ci Ling. When he rushed through the thousand feet in front, his speed exceeded that of the early Yuanying monks. All the great monks couldn't help being surprised, but what happened next surprised them even more. What happened was that Qing Ling was surprised and just sent out a burst of spiritual power to knock Lang Xing away. Lang Xing actually accelerated again. After dodging the incoming spiritual power, his figure flashed in front of Qing Ling. At that speed, It has almost reached the limit that a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul can achieve.

Under the astonished gazes of everyone, Langxing quickly retreated to a thousand feet away from the thorn feather. His eyes were still flashing at the empty place, and he murmured like a dream, "You can kill yourself." "

"What a bastard! You actually hid your cultivation. This kind of deceptive bet cannot count!" Lu Puzi scolded Lang Xing while stepping forward to seal Ci Ling. He had to rescue Ci Ling, and he couldn't Let Qing Ling end up breaking his word.

Lang Xing's eyes no longer flickered, and finally only the sharp cold light remained in his bloodshot eyes. He stared at Lu Puzi and gritted his teeth and said, "Shameless thing, have you hidden your cultivation skills?" The late-infant monk can't see clearly? You can't protect him, you can't even protect yourself. Come here, it's your turn. I want to seek justice for my disciple Bai Xiang now. This is a personal grudge. Lu Puzi, do you dare to fight? !”

Langxing stretched out his hand and pointed straight at Lu Puzi, saying "Do you dare to challenge!" The five words "Do you dare to challenge!" were heard in the sky. His gesture was like a murderous god possessing him. Although Nanjingzhou is a place with laws, the Heavenly Law Alliance will not care about private duels that both parties voluntarily participate in. Lang Xing shouted this sentence to show that he has not been completely overwhelmed by hatred.

Lu Puzi handed Ci Ling to the disciple on the side, looked at Lang Xing with a truly angry smile and said, "If you want to die, I will help you!"

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