Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1936 Breaking the oath and passing on the law

Bai Xiang woke up from the nightmare and looked at Lang Xing with horror in his eyes. When he recovered, he hugged Lang Xing's arm tightly and started crying again.

Lang Xing caressed her head and said, "Don't be sad. Although your uncle Xue Ling's death is related to us, we can't say that it was you who killed him. I have already avenged her. Don't cry. I I have something to tell you."

Bai Xiang stopped crying, wiped her red and swollen eyes, and knelt respectfully in front of Lang Xing.

Lang Xing patted her shoulder and said, "From now on, just be casual in front of me. You don't have to be so strict about etiquette. This time I made you suffer a big sin in vain. I feel very sorry for you..."

"Master, please don't say that. It's all the disciple's fault. You are so good to the disciple, how can the disciple bear to say such things again?" Bai Xiang kowtowed with tears.

Lang Xing held her arm, his throat a little clogged and said, "Don't be afraid, and don't despair. Master will do his best to help you resume your cultivation path."

Bai Xiang squeezed out a smile and nodded. Although she lacked knowledge, Xue Ling, Xuan Ling and others had already told her the truth. The damage she suffered could never be repaired. Since the master said so at this moment, she had no choice but to cooperate. one time.

Langxing said sternly, "I'm not trying to coax you. I have a cure, but I can't say that I'm sure yet, and the treatment will definitely cause great pain. You not only have to endure the pain, but you also have to devote yourself to it wholeheartedly." It is extremely important to have trust in your teacher and believe that your own Qi can be repaired. Your confidence is the key to success. "

"Can it really be cured?" Bai Xiang looked at the master suspiciously, she really couldn't believe this.

Lang Xing nodded vigorously, "Don't be affected by the judgment of Uncle Xuan Ling and the others. You saw with your own eyes how Master crippled their fourth uncle. Whether it is knowledge or means, I am far superior." They, I want you to just believe my words now.”

Bai Xiang became excited, and tears shone in her eyes that were as swollen as peaches. The tears were full of longing and joy, "Master, I believe in you. I only believe in your words. If I can be cured, , how much pain can this disciple endure! Master..." She was so excited that she crawled over to her knees and grabbed Master's arm tightly. Being able to resume cultivation was like coming back from the dead. Her lifeless body Suddenly my heart was filled with vitality.

"Okay! Xiang'er, as long as you have firm faith, Master will definitely be able to cure you!" Lang Xing's eyes flashed with perseverance, and he was determined to pass on the set of exercises taught to him by Sister Minglan. Bai Xiang, although he had sworn an oath, he risked his life for Bai Xiang, even if he was punished by heaven, Bai Xiang's injuries were too serious, and healing the injuries from the Qi Palace would not be able to repair the bones and muscles. If Bai Xiang could do it himself By using the technique of mind to cooperate, the hope of cure will be greater, and even if it cannot be cured, Bai Xiang can use this set of exercises to modify the technique of mind in the future.

Before Ming Lan taught Lang Xing the Kung Fu, he wanted Lang Xing to swear an oath based on his parents' spirits in heaven that he would never teach it to anyone else. Out of respect for his parents, Lang Xing would rather not learn it than take the oath. In the end, both parties compromised and swore an oath based on Taoism. I have to say This can be regarded as Bai Xiang's blessing. If Lang Xing had really made an oath with the spirit of his parents at that time, he would never dare to think of teaching the skills to Bai Xiang now.

"I will first teach you a set of healing techniques. Now put aside all distracting thoughts and the things you have learned before. Just treat them as wrong.

, everything is based on this set of exercises, do you understand? "

"Yeah!" Bai Xiang nodded vigorously, but confusion flashed in his eyes.

The skills of the Lingxin Clan are passed down through thoughts rather than orally. "Be still and concentrate, and let your mind wander. Open your eyes after your mind is calm and calm." After giving instructions to Bai Xiang, Langxing himself closed his eyes. .

Out of her trust in Master and her desire to resume cultivation, Bai Xiang quickly got rid of the hesitation in her heart. However, it took a lot of effort to calm down her agitated mood. When she opened her eyes, she saw that Master was still closed. Looking at it, it seems that it is not ready yet.

Lang Xing was not ready yet. It was his first time to use the teleportation technique with his mind. He had to do some figuring out. At the same time, he had to take care of Su Wan in the Qiankun Bag. Su Wan started to stop as soon as he regained consciousness inside. asked.

After answering a few of Su Wan's questions, Langxing had no choice but to send her away, "You can comprehend it yourself first. I have to take care of Xiang'er." After passing on the secret to entering that continent to Su Wan, he She took back her spiritual thoughts and stopped caring about Su Wan.

When Bai Xiang felt a little uneasy waiting, Lang Xing opened his eyes, stared at Bai Xiang and said, "Look at my eyes."

Bai Xiang was immediately immersed in an unspeakable state, as if he had seen countless bizarre scenes.

Lang Xing breathed a sigh of relief and turned back to take care of Su Wan, "Don't run around. If you run far away, you will get lost. I won't be able to find you back."

Su Wan, who had already run hundreds of miles, pointed forward and asked, "What is that hanging in the distance?"

"That's one of my treasures. Don't get close to it. I can't fully control it." Langxing moved the Shui Ting Sword to a farther place before putting Su Wan in. This was both for fear of hurting Su Wan and for wanting to Keep this powerful treasure a secret.

Su Wan flew back obediently, continued to look at the secret place with surprised eyes, and asked, "How did you get this treasure?"

"Why do you still have the leisure to ask this? Just concentrate on understanding." No wonder Lang Xing said this. Among all the people who entered the Qiankun Bag, Su Wan's question seemed to be too leisurely.

Seeing that he refused to answer, Su Wan didn't have the time to ask any more questions, and began to calm down and realize the magic of this space.

Bai Xiang and Su Wan both became quiet. Lang Xing looked at the sky in the distance and secretly confessed to Sister Minglan in his heart. Although he had no choice but to teach the skills to Bai Xiang, trampling on his oath not only made him feel sorry for Sister Minglan, but also made him feel terrified. , When the Taoist heart is lost, it is lost, but I don’t know what else will be lost with the loss of the Taoist heart.

Monks are gods to mortals. Because they are already miraculous, they believe in and fear the immortal world more than mortals. Moreover, divine punishment is no longer a legend for them. Many people have witnessed it with their own eyes. Langxing himself was struck by thunder. Therefore, swearing can gain the trust of others in the world of cultivation. Even ruthless people like Lu Gang and Hua Hu dare not make fun of swearing. Only people like Xunyi who neither want to become immortals but also seek death can do it. He didn't take the oath seriously, and Xun Yi was limited to swearing on his Taoist heart and his own life, and he didn't dare to make any other oaths.

The situation of Bai Xiang and Su Wan was a bit beyond Lang Xing's expectation. For three days in a row, both of them were immersed in their own understanding, which showed that both of them had very high understanding. Bai Xiang woke up from the nightmare and looked at Lang Xing with horror in his eyes. When he recovered, he hugged Lang Xing's arm tightly and started crying again.

Langxing caressed her head and said, "Don't be sad. Although your uncle Xue Ling's death is related to us, we can't say that it was you who killed him. I have already avenged her. Don't cry. I I have something to tell you."

Bai Xiang stopped crying, wiped her red and swollen eyes, and knelt respectfully in front of Lang Xing.

Lang Xing patted her shoulder and said, "From now on, just be casual in front of me. You don't have to be so strict about etiquette. This time I made you suffer a big sin in vain. I feel very sorry for you..."

"Master, please don't say that. It's all the disciple's fault. You are so good to the disciple, how can the disciple bear to say such things again?" Bai Xiang kowtowed with tears.

Lang Xing held her arm, his throat a little clogged and said, "Don't be afraid, and don't despair. Master will do his best to help you resume your cultivation path."

Bai Xiang squeezed out a smile and nodded. Although she lacked knowledge, Xue Ling, Xuan Ling and others had already told her the truth. The damage she suffered could never be repaired. Since the master said so at this moment, she had no choice but to cooperate. one time. .??.

Langxing said sternly, "I'm not trying to coax you. I have a cure, but I can't say that I'm sure yet, and the treatment will definitely cause great pain. You not only have to endure the pain, but you also have to devote yourself to it wholeheartedly." It is extremely important to have trust in your teacher and believe that your Qi Palace can be repaired. Your confidence is the key to success. "

"Can it really be cured?" Bai Xiang looked at the master suspiciously, she really couldn't believe this.

Lang Xing nodded vigorously, "Don't be affected by the judgment of Uncle Xuan Ling and the others. You saw with your own eyes how Master crippled their fourth uncle. Whether it is knowledge or means, I am far superior." They, I want you to just believe my words now.”

Bai Xiang became excited, and tears shone in her eyes that were as swollen as peaches. The tears were full of longing and joy, "Master, I believe in you. I only believe in your words. If I can be cured, , how much pain can this disciple endure! Master..." She was so excited that she crawled over to her knees and grabbed Master's arm tightly. Being able to resume cultivation was like coming back from the dead. Her lifeless body Suddenly my heart was filled with vitality.

"Okay! Xiang'er, as long as you have firm faith, Master will definitely be able to cure you!" Lang Xing's eyes flashed with perseverance, and he was determined to pass on the set of exercises taught to him by Sister Minglan. Bai Xiang, although he had sworn an oath, he risked his life for Bai Xiang, even if he was punished by heaven, Bai Xiang's injuries were too serious, and healing the injuries from the Qi Palace would not be able to repair the bones and muscles. If Bai Xiang could do it himself By using the technique of mind to cooperate, the hope of cure will be greater, and even if it cannot be cured, Bai Xiang can use this set of exercises to modify the technique of mind in the future.

Before Ming Lan taught Lang Xing the Kung Fu, he wanted Lang Xing to swear an oath based on his parents' spirits in heaven that he would never teach it to anyone else. Out of respect for his parents, Lang Xing would rather not learn it than take the oath. In the end, both parties compromised and swore an oath based on Taoism. I have to say This can be regarded as Bai Xiang's blessing. If Lang Xing had really made an oath with the spirit of his parents at that time, he would never dare to think of teaching the skills to Bai Xiang now.

"I will first teach you a set of healing techniques. Now put aside all distracting thoughts and the things you have learned before. Just treat them as wrong.

, everything is based on this set of exercises, do you understand? "

"Yeah!" Bai Xiang nodded vigorously, but confusion flashed in his eyes.

The skills of the Lingxin Clan are passed down through thoughts rather than orally. "Be still and concentrate, and let your mind wander. Open your eyes after your mind is calm and calm." After giving instructions to Bai Xiang, Langxing himself closed his eyes. .

Out of her trust in Master and her desire to resume cultivation, Bai Xiang quickly got rid of the hesitation in her heart. However, it took a lot of effort to calm down her agitated mood. When she opened her eyes, she saw that Master was still closed. Looking at it, it seems that it is not ready yet.

Lang Xing was not ready yet. It was his first time to use the teleportation technique with his mind. He had to do some figuring out. At the same time, he had to take care of Su Wan in the Qiankun Bag. Su Wan started to stop as soon as he regained consciousness inside. asked.

After answering a few of Su Wan's questions, Langxing had no choice but to send her away, "You can comprehend it yourself first. I have to take care of Xiang'er." After passing on the secret to entering that continent to Su Wan, he She took back her spiritual thoughts and stopped caring about Su Wan.

When Bai Xiang felt a little uneasy waiting, Lang Xing opened his eyes, stared at Bai Xiang and said, "Look at my eyes."

Bai Xiang was immediately immersed in an unspeakable state, as if he had seen countless bizarre scenes.

Lang Xing breathed a sigh of relief and turned back to take care of Su Wan, "Don't run around. If you run far away, you will get lost. I won't be able to find you back."

Su Wan, who had already run hundreds of miles, pointed forward and asked, "What is that hanging in the distance?"

"That's one of my treasures. Don't get close to it. I can't fully control it." Langxing moved the Shui Ting Sword to a farther place before putting Su Wan in. This was both for fear of hurting Su Wan and for wanting to Keep this powerful treasure a secret.

Su Wan flew back obediently, continued to look at the secret place with surprised eyes, and asked, "How did you get this treasure?"

"Why do you still have the leisure to ask this? Just concentrate on understanding." No wonder Lang Xing said this. Among all the people who entered the Qiankun Bag, Su Wan's question seemed to be too leisurely.

Seeing that he refused to answer, Su Wan didn't have the time to ask any more questions, and began to calm down and realize the magic of this space.

Bai Xiang and Su Wan both became quiet. Lang Xing looked at the sky in the distance and secretly confessed to Sister Minglan in his heart. Although he had no choice but to teach the skills to Bai Xiang, trampling on his oath not only made him feel sorry for Sister Minglan, but also made him feel terrified. , When the Taoist heart is lost, it is lost, but I don’t know what else will be lost with the loss of the Taoist heart.

Monks are gods to mortals. Because they are already miraculous, they believe in and fear the immortal world more than mortals. Moreover, divine punishment is no longer a legend for them. Many people have witnessed it with their own eyes. Langxing himself was struck by thunder. Therefore, swearing can gain the trust of others in the world of cultivation. Even ruthless people like Lu Gang and Hua Hu dare not make fun of swearing. Only people like Xunyi who neither want to become immortals but also seek death can do it. He didn't take the oath seriously, and Xun Yi was limited to swearing on his Taoist heart and his own life, and he didn't dare to make any other oaths.

The situation of Bai Xiang and Su Wan was a bit beyond Lang Xing's expectation. For three days in a row, both of them were immersed in their own understanding, which showed that both of them had very high understanding.

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