Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1946: Mysterious Realm or Confused Realm

Su Wan would not have expected that this place was terrible in Xunyi's heart. If he were still alive, he would not come here again even if he was beaten to death, because there are shameful memories here that make him feel ashamed when he thinks about it. That was what happened when he and Su Wan were living together. At that time, Su Wan forced him to unblock his spiritual eyes. In order to spend more time with Su Wan, he hid it after the spiritual eyes were opened. When Su Wan found out, he was filled with shame. Those who escaped were so ashamed that they hid in the dense forest for a year or two before meeting Gongsun Chong and the others.

This scandal is one of the things that Xun Yi least wants to recall. Although she has had many good memories here, this incident is enough to obliterate all the good memories. Su Wan would not have thought that that incident would Xun Yi had such a huge impact that I felt inexplicably unhappy when I arrived here in this life.

This time the verification failed again for Su Wan. Not only did it fail, it also reduced the possibility that Lang Xing was reincarnated.

A drink or a peck may not all be predetermined, but what you did in the past life will definitely have an impact on this life.

"Master, I think this place is very good." Bai Xiang said to Lang Xing with expectant eyes. She had just suffered a disaster and now she just wanted to avoid the crowd. Only a secluded corner could make her feel safe.

"Okay, if you think it's good, let's stay here first." Langxing once again showed his doting on Bai Xiang, making Bai Xiang smile with a warm smile.

"Xian'er lives in a wooden house, which one do you choose?" Su Wan seemed a little uninterested, but she still had to show her loyalty as a landlord.

Lang Xing pointed in a direction and said, "I'll live over there."

"Okay, there is a spiritual root vein in this wooden house, but there is not much spiritual energy left. I will take you to have a look." Su Wan led the two of them to the wooden house to check it out, and then accompanied them again. People wandered around in this small world.

When he came to the fruit forest, Bai Xiang picked a fruit and took a bite. He said to Lang Xing, "It's quite delicious. Master, do you want to try it?"

Langxing smiled and waved his hand and said, "No, I don't think this fruit is sweet anymore. You can eat it." After that, he glanced at the orchard and flew away to set up a residence for himself.

Su Wan carried Bai Xiang to the branch of a fruit tree, and sat on the branch of a fruit tree opposite. She looked at Bai Xiang with her legs dangling and said, "I used to like to sit here, think about things, and eat." Fruit.”

"Oh." Bai Xiang followed her example and swayed his legs, "My brother also liked to sit on the tree like this when he was a child. I was always afraid that he would fall down, and he wouldn't listen to me no matter what I said."

Su Wan asked casually with a somewhat melancholy look, "Do you miss your brother?"

Bai Xiang frowned slightly and said, "I kind of want to, but I'm more worried that he won't make progress and can't take good care of my mother."


Bai Xiang wanted to continue talking, but saw that Su Wan's eyes were blurred and she looked like she was thinking about something, so she wisely closed her mouth.

Lang Xing and Su Wan built their own residences at the east and west ends of the world, and the three of them settled down.

Su Wan entered a state of seclusion five days later. This retreat did not last long, only three months.

After leaving the seclusion, Su Wan saw Bai Xiang frowning and thinking about something in the wooden house, but Lang Xing was missing. She spread her consciousness and searched, and found that Lang Xing was nearly a thousand miles southeast of the magic circle. She He got up and flew over.

"What are you doing here?"

Lang Xing leaned against a large tree that was more than ten feet thick, twisting a dead leaf in his hand. He looked leisurely or bored.

"Did not do anything

, it’s too stuffy inside, come out for some air. "

"It seems that you really don't like this place of cultivation." Su Wan's emotion sounded like a sigh.

"As long as Bai Xiang likes it, I can live anywhere." Lang Xing raised his hand and pointed upward at the tree crown, "I'll live here these days. It's fine. You don't have to worry about me."

Su Wan smiled helplessly, changed the subject and said, "Even the retreat is different from before. I thought it would last several years like before. I didn't want it to end in just three months."

Lang Xing said with a clear look, "In the past, everything you thought about in retreat was more or less related to your cultivation, so your cultivation was still functioning and you could be immersed in the mysterious realm for a long time. Now you are thinking more." It’s a problem related to thoughts, so it’s easy to wake up.”

"Was it a mysterious realm or a confusing realm?"

Langxing replied calmly, "It can't be said to be a state of confusion. After all, that kind of state can allow people to capture some things that they can't usually comprehend. But if you just follow this path, you will inevitably become addicted. In the end, it's just It can be an irreversible ending.”

Su Wan sighed and said, "Well, once you appreciate the new world, you will inevitably feel anxious for the monks all over the world."

Lang Xing showed a serious look and said, "You're not worried about others yet. It's hard to say whether our road will work or not. Maybe it's a road of death, and we're still going through all the difficulties." At this stage, people with ordinary qualifications cannot join. If you shake their inherent Taoist heart, you will only harm them. "

"I understand." Su Wan put away her anxious expression of pity for the monks in the world and nodded seriously.

Lang Xing still warned uneasily, "This is a road full of heavenly catastrophes. It touches the secrets of the heavens, which is dangerous enough. If you add the crime of leaking the secrets of the heavens, it will be even more difficult to save your life."

Su Wan thoughtfully said, "You have to be more careful. Although I am very lucky to have been led down this road by you, I don't want to see you suffer disaster because you leaked the secret to me and Bai Xiang."

Langxing looked at her and said, "Xian'er is easy to say, I will teach her to stop. I am a person who has no intention of becoming an immortal. Just don't rush forward too fast. I don't think what you want to do now is to comprehend." , but you have to think clearly about what you want to get.”

Su Wan asked back, "Do you just want to live like this forever? Have you been living in the cultivation world like this for thousands or tens of thousands of years?"

Langxing reasoned with her seriously, "That's not what you said. People can say whatever they want to do. I am living a pleasant life now, but I have no interest in the fairy world, so there is no need to give up the good life in front of me." Taking risks for the fairyland that I am not interested in, maybe one day I will get tired of living, and then it will not be too late to explore the fairyland, and there will be nothing to regret even if I die. "

"What if you never get tired of it?"

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Isn't that the best? If you can always live a meaningful life, you will live like a fairy. Then why are you looking for a fairyland?"

Su Wan smiled half-heartedly and said, "I know you are not interested in the fairy world because you have a goal. You dream of being neighbors with others. At least you have to wait until this goal is realized before you can think about the next step."

Lang Xing looked slightly embarrassed and said, "That's just part of it. There are many people that I miss and care about. Being with them makes me feel very happy. The reason why you want to become an immortal is because there is nothing in this world worthy of your nostalgia. "

Su Wan gently shook her head and said, "There are people in this world who are worthy of my nostalgia, so you don't have to worry about me rushing forward. Even if I can become an immortal right now, I will stop without hesitation." Su Wan would not have expected that, This place was terrible in Xun Yi's heart. If he were still alive, he would not come here again even if he was beaten to death, because there are shameful memories here that make him feel ashamed when he thinks about it, that is, living together with Su Wan What happened at this time was that Su Wan forced him to unblock his spiritual eyes. In order to spend more time with Su Wan, he concealed it after the spiritual eyes were opened. After being discovered by Su Wan, he ran away full of shame. He was so ashamed that he was in the dense forest. Zhong hid for a year or two before meeting Gongsun Chong and the others.

This scandal is one of the things that Xun Yi least wants to recall. Although she has had many good memories here, this incident is enough to obliterate all the good memories. Su Wan would not have thought that that incident would Xun Yi had such a huge impact that I felt inexplicably unhappy when I arrived here in this life.

This time the verification failed again for Su Wan. Not only did it fail, it also reduced the possibility that Lang Xing was reincarnated.

A drink or a peck may not all be predetermined, but what you did in the past life will definitely have an impact on this life.

"Master, I think this place is very good." Bai Xiang said to Lang Xing with expectant eyes. She had just suffered a disaster and now she just wanted to avoid the crowd. Only a secluded corner could make her feel safe.

"Okay, if you think it's good, let's stay here first." Langxing once again showed his doting on Bai Xiang, making Bai Xiang smile with a warm smile.

"Xian'er lives in a wooden house, which one do you choose?" Su Wan seemed a little uninterested, but she still had to show her loyalty as a landlord.

Lang Xing pointed in a direction and said, "I'll live over there."

"Okay, there is a spiritual root vein in this wooden house, but there is not much spiritual energy left. I will take you to have a look." Su Wan led the two of them to the wooden house to check it out, and then accompanied them again. People wandered around in this small world.

When he came to the fruit forest, Bai Xiang picked a fruit and took a bite. He said to Lang Xing, "It's quite delicious. Master, do you want to try it?" .??.

Langxing smiled and waved his hand and said, "No, I don't think this fruit is sweet anymore. You can eat it." After that, he glanced at the orchard and flew away to set up a residence for himself.

Su Wan carried Bai Xiang to the branch of a fruit tree, and sat on the branch of a fruit tree opposite. She looked at Bai Xiang with her legs dangling and said, "I used to like to sit here, think about things, and eat." Fruit.”

"Oh." Bai Xiang followed her example and swayed his legs, "My brother also liked to sit on the tree like this when he was a child. I was always afraid that he would fall down, and he wouldn't listen to me no matter what I said."

Su Wan asked casually with a somewhat melancholy look, "Do you miss your brother?"

Bai Xiang frowned slightly and said, "I kind of want to, but I'm more worried that he won't make progress and can't take good care of my mother."


Bai Xiang wanted to continue talking, but saw that Su Wan's eyes were blurred and she looked like she was thinking about something, so she wisely closed her mouth.

Lang Xing and Su Wan built their own residences at the east and west ends of the world, and the three of them settled down.

Su Wan entered a state of seclusion five days later. This retreat did not last long, only three months.

After leaving the seclusion, Su Wan saw Bai Xiang frowning and thinking about something in the wooden house, but Lang Xing was missing. She spread her consciousness and searched, and found that Lang Xing was nearly a thousand miles southeast of the magic circle. She He got up and flew over.

"What are you doing here?"

Langxing leaned against a big tree that was more than ten feet thick, twisting a dead leaf in his hand. He looked leisurely or bored.

"Did not do anything

, it’s too stuffy inside, come out for some air. "

"It seems that you really don't like this place of cultivation." Su Wan's emotion sounded like a sigh.

"As long as Bai Xiang likes it, I can live anywhere." Lang Xing raised his hand and pointed upward at the tree crown, "I'll live here these days. It's fine. You don't have to worry about me."

Su Wan smiled helplessly, changed the subject and said, "Even the retreat is different from before. I thought it would last several years like before. I didn't want it to end in just three months."

Lang Xing said with a clear look, "In the past, everything you thought about in retreat was more or less related to your cultivation, so your cultivation was still functioning and you could be immersed in the mysterious realm for a long time. Now you are thinking more." It’s a problem related to thoughts, so it’s easy to wake up.”

"Was it a mysterious realm or a confusing realm?"

Langxing replied calmly, "It can't be said to be a state of confusion. After all, that kind of state can allow people to capture some things that they can't usually comprehend. But if you just follow this path, you will inevitably become addicted. In the end, it's just It can be an irreversible ending.”

Su Wan sighed, "Well, once you appreciate the new world, you will inevitably feel anxious for the monks all over the world."

Lang Xing showed a serious look and said, "It's not to the point where you are worried about others. It's hard to say whether our road will work or not. Maybe it is a road of death, and we are still going through all the difficulties." At this stage, people with ordinary qualifications cannot join. If you shake their inherent Taoist heart, you will only harm them. "

"I understand." Su Wan put away her anxious expression of pity for the monks in the world and nodded seriously.

Lang Xing still warned uneasily, "This is a road full of heavenly catastrophes. It touches the secrets of the heavens, which is dangerous enough. If you add the crime of leaking the secrets of the heavens, it will be even more difficult to save your life."

Su Wan thoughtfully said, "You have to be more careful. Although I am very lucky to have been led down this road by you, I don't want to see you suffer disaster because you leaked the secret to me and Bai Xiang."

Langxing looked at her and said, "Xian'er is easy to say, I will teach her to stop. I am a person who has no intention of becoming an immortal. Just don't rush forward too fast. I don't think what you want to do now is to comprehend." , but you have to think clearly about what you want to get.”

Su Wan asked back, "Do you just want to live like this forever? Have you been living in the cultivation world like this for thousands or tens of thousands of years?"

Langxing reasoned with her seriously, "That's not what you said. People can say whatever they want to do. I am living a pleasant life now, but I have no interest in the fairy world, so there is no need to give up the good life in front of me." Taking risks for the fairyland that I am not interested in, maybe one day I will get tired of living, and then it will not be too late to explore the fairyland, and there will be nothing to regret even if I die. "

"What if you never get tired of it?"

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Isn't that the best? If you can always live a meaningful life, you will live like a fairy. Then why are you looking for a fairyland?"

Su Wan smiled half-heartedly and said, "I know you are not interested in the fairy world because you have a goal. You dream of being neighbors with others. At least you have to wait until this goal is realized before you can think about the next step."

Lang Xing looked slightly embarrassed and said, "That's just part of it. There are many people that I miss and care about. Being with them makes me feel very happy. The reason why you want to become an immortal is because there is nothing in this world worthy of your nostalgia. "

Su Wan gently shook her head and said, "There are people in this world who are worthy of my nostalgia, so you don't have to worry about me rushing forward. Even if I can become an immortal right now, I will stop without hesitation."

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