Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1956 Are you not ready?

After entering the Zixiao Palace, Bai Xiang was even more confused. The Junlu Sect was considered a big sect, but compared with the Zixiao Palace where all sects used teleportation arrays, the Junlu Sect was not worth mentioning. , the luxury and size of Zixiao Palace exceeded her imagination.

Bai Xiang cannot ride on the teleportation array. Xin De thinks Linghe flies too slowly and wants to take Lang Xing and Bai Xiang to the inland sea.

Langxing was afraid that his senior brother would take the opportunity to investigate Bai Xiang's injury, so he was about to refuse when the figure of the second senior sister appeared in front of him.

"Second Senior Sister!" Lang Xing excitedly stepped forward and grabbed the Second Senior Sister's arm. The closeness was beyond words.

Zhixia's eyes were filled with smiles, and Langxing was looking up and down. His joy was beyond words. It was rare for a Feather Feather to show such emotion.

Xin De secretly told Zhixia about Bai Xiang with his spiritual thoughts. Zhixia turned his attention to Bai Xiang, took her hand and inspected the injury and couldn't help but frown slightly.

Langxing said to the second senior sister with his heart: "Don't let others know about her injury. I am trying to find a way to heal her. Second senior sister, I have no intention of giving her a position in Zixiao Palace, but I have accepted her as a disciple." Yes, I also said that this is her sect. You can't let me break my promise to my own disciples. Although I am the master's close disciple, I will not fight for anything in Zixiao Palace. Second Senior Sister, you know my little brother. ”

Zhixia nodded to him, first conveyed these words of Langxing to Xinde with his spiritual thoughts, and then said to Bai Xiang in Nanjingzhou language with a friendly look, "Don't be so nervous, this is your sect, and your master is Immortal Lord, you are the great disciple of Zhangmai. Although Zixiao Palace is large, there are not many people who are qualified to control you. Your second uncle makes the decision for you."

Lang Xing's eyes turned red when he heard this, and he said to Bai Xiang with a slightly choked voice, "Hurry and pay homage to the senior uncle and the second junior uncle." It didn't matter to him that he was wronged a little, what he feared most was that Bai Xiang would be wronged, and the second senior sister gave him face like this. He felt indescribable gratitude.

Bai Xiang, who was feeling uneasy in his heart, saw that the second uncle of the Great Divine Power was so kind to him. At that time, he cried with excitement and his body became stiff.

Dazed and crying, he bowed to Xin De and Zhi Xia.

Zhixia looked at the surrounding disciples outside the Zixiao Palace and said in the language of Nanjingzhou, "Bai Xiang will be the first palm disciple of the Eight Immortals from now on. Although she is young, who dares to mess up because of this?" According to the etiquette of seniority, the following crimes will be punished according to the laws of the palace, and there is no mercy. "

She is now the Concubine of the Feathered Immortal. Her words follow the rules, and her words carry much more weight than those of the Second Immortal. In the past, Xin De and the others could discuss and argue with her, but now she is connected with the Great Immortal who is the leader Jun Xinde could only obey this junior sister's instructions.

The disciples in Waihai all know in their hearts that no one can protect whoever the Second Immortal Concubine wants to deal with, and their master's intervention is useless. Therefore, as soon as the Second Immortal Concubine's decree came out, everyone Bai Xiang's juniors all bowed to Bai Xiang as juniors. Hundreds of monks bowed their heads, and the sound of worshiping was heard.

Bai Xiang was so panicked that she didn't even care to cry. She leaned hard against Lang Xing and looked at the large group of monks saluting her. She didn't know how to deal with this scene.

Lang Xing waved his hands to everyone and said, "No matter where I see her in the future, I have to ask you to take more care of her for me. Let's go."

Everyone agreed in unison and dispersed one after another. Many people felt dumbfounded. Since the Little Seven Immortal Lord came to Zixiao Palace, the following rules have become extremely dangerous. The Little Seven Immortal Lord is no longer here. A younger Eight Immortal Lord has come, and that’s not all. This Little Eight Immortal Lord has just cultivated his alchemy, and he got them a little girl with no cultivation as their elder. If this Eight Immortal Lord loves to accept disciples so much, From now on, there will be a lot of excitement in Zixiao Palace. Why don't you punish the one who commits the crime every now and then?

Xinde looked slightly embarrassed and took out a colorful jade pendant and handed it to Bai Xiang.

Liang said with a smile on his face, "From now on, Zixiao Palace will be your home. Practice well. Whatever you need, just tell me. If they don't give it to you, come to Zhengheng Island to find the great uncle. This jade pendant has excellent Take the detoxifying power with you, I will prepare some more interesting gadgets for you later."

Since the eighth junior brother has made it clear that he will not fight for any power in Zixiao Palace, it doesn't matter whether Bai Xiang becomes the palm disciple or not. Moreover, Zhixia has stepped forward to make the decision. Even if he still has any concerns, he can only do this first. Bai Xiang is a grown up girl, and she can definitely see that she was unwilling to recognize her as her nephew just now. She has to make up for it now, and there is no need to offend this child for nothing.

"Thank you, Master." Bai Xiang thanked Xinde with eyes full of gratitude. For her, the fact that Master Bo recognized her was enough to make her burst into tears.

At this time, another group of eleventh-generation disciples from Zixiao Palace in crimson clothes came hurriedly. These were the disciples from the inner sea who came to greet Lang Xing after hearing the news. They were different from the disciples from the outer sea. They were all smiling. A strong feeling of closeness came to my face.

Xin De turned around and left knowingly.

Lang Xing and the others let loose and happily introduced Bai Xiang to them. Qing Yu and the others inevitably made fun of Lang Xing, and the fact that Lang Xing accepted a disciple made them laugh out loud.

The warm atmosphere made Bai Xiang feel at ease and happy. Because he couldn't understand what they were saying, he could only giggle.

After letting them joke for a while, Zhixia said to Lang Xing, "Let's go and meet the senior, third and fourth senior sisters. They are all here."

"Oh!" Lang Xing felt a little panicked. The third senior sister and the fourth senior sister were both here thinking that they were here to extend their master's life.

Zhixia held Lang Xing in one hand and Bai Xiang in the other, and used his magical power to fly back to the inner sea.

In an elegantly decorated hall on Baihua Island, Langxing saw the people waiting for him here.

Three senior sisters.

The three of them were all very kind to Bai Xiang, but they did not express their doting directly like Zhi Xia did. After seeing the ceremony, Xiao Chun wanted his disciples to take Bai Xiang out, but Lang Xing insisted on keeping Bai Xiang by his side. Everyone had no choice but to follow his wishes. Since Bai Xiang didn't understand Puyunzhou's language, they were not afraid that she would hear something they shouldn't.

After the four of them sat down, Bai Xiang knelt down behind her master, obediently lowering her head and not even daring to make a sound. Although these people were very kind to her, there were two great supernatural powers and two Nascent Souls sitting here. A late-stage great cultivator, and she is almost a mortal. She can be said to be the two types of people at the bottom and the top of the cultivation world.

"I came back mainly to ask Master how the preparations for extending his life are going." Lang Xing couldn't wait to ask this question. As he spoke, he took out the vial given by the second senior brother and handed it to the second senior sister, "This is The life-extending elixir obtained by Second Senior Brother.”

No one responded, and all four senior sisters showed a hint of sadness on their faces.

Lang Xing became even more panicked and stared at the second senior sister and asked, "Are you not ready?"

Nuan Dong replied on behalf of the second senior sister, "We have been thinking of ways. We have done this kind of thing once eight or nine hundred years ago. Maybe there are too few ways to extend the life of Monk Huayu. Last time, Master relied on his supreme cultivation. He condensed his own vitality and extended the master's life for a thousand years. Although the senior sister and the second senior sister have become feathers, they still don't have the master's magical powers. "

"Then... what should we do?" Lang Xing never expected it to be like this, and looked at the second senior sister in panic.

Zhixia shook her head gently and said, "Don't be anxious now. Your Third Senior Sister and Fourth Senior Sister came back to the palace to wait for the Master, but no one knows whether the Master will come back. You are still young, and we are I don’t want to talk more about this matter with you, but since you came back specifically for this, I have to tell you. Don’t hold out too much hope, the master will probably not come back.”

"Ah..." Lang Xing was dumbfounded, and his heart suddenly became cold.

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