Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1958 We have no master anymore...

After a wild chase, Zhixia shed her tears and led Langxing in a circle.

"Where is Master?!" Lang Xing shouted anxiously after noticing something was wrong.

"Gone." Zhixia said sadly.

"Let me go!" Lang Xing felt that he had been deceived.

Zhixia pointed forward and landed silently beside a sand dune in the white desert. After letting go of Lang Xing, she took a step forward and disappeared.

“Second Senior Sister!” Lang His eyes were filled with tears.

"This..." Lang Xing was stunned for a moment before he realized that this hut must have been lived in by his master. He hurriedly knelt down behind the second senior sister and couldn't wait to use his spiritual consciousness to look into the sand house.

The room was empty, with no beds, tables, etc. There was only a wooden box and a light blue sword placed on the ground in the middle.

"Where is the Master?" When Lang Xing saw that there was no Master in the room, he immediately flew to look for him.

Zhixia said in a seductive voice, "Don't you understand Master's intention?" As she spoke, tears rolled down her eyes.

Lang Xing thought of his master's last mission, and he sat down on the ground. Looking at the hut, tears fell down one by one and fell on the white sand beneath him.

Zhixia entered the house, bowed to the two things left by the master, then took them out, sat next to Lang Xing, who had red eyes and shed tears, looked at the two things, and said like a babble: "There is no world in the world." It’s hard to find such a loving master. He didn’t trust us, so he came here to protect us in his last days.”

Lang Xing burst into tears and said in agony, "It was my ignorance that forced Master to leave. If I didn't clamor to find Master, Master would not have left..."

Zhixia's voice is still like babble,

Ethereal and slow, "Don't be stupid. Master waited until he saw you and felt that you could reassure her, and then he left with peace of mind."

"Then I shouldn't have reassured her. If I cry too hard, Master will come out to see me..." Lang Xing was filled with regrets. He looked left and right, not knowing how to regret.

Zhixia sighed, the hazy color in her eyes dissipated, and her voice no longer sounded like babble, "It's not too sad. Although we haven't seen Master, Master has seen us, so she can leave with peace of mind. , we should be happy.”

Langxing's throat was blocked and it was difficult to speak, so he said with his spiritual thoughts, "You are right, thank you. If you hadn't dissuaded me and Fourth Senior Sister, Master would have gotten angry because of us. I was wrong. I shouldn't just care. I should think more about my feelings for my master. Thank you, Second Senior Sister, for helping us fulfill this last act of filial piety."

"It's best if you can think it through. You've done a good job. Master sees that you understand the truth and feel at ease. If you want to cry, just cry for a while. We were well prepared for our farewell, but you thought it would extend Master's life. I know you are the one who suffered the most, but you have great wisdom and I believe you can handle it. "

Lang Xing looked at the second senior sister with dark eyes, "Do you think there is an underworld?"

Zhixia understood what he meant, so he nodded and said, "I think so. Don't worry, there are few people as kind as Master in the world. Master will definitely be rewarded."

The corners of Lang Xing's mouth curved upward, and he looked up at the sky and said, "Although I don't think God is very kind, but I think that God, no matter how cruel he is, will not make things difficult for someone like Master. I believe that Master's destiny must be very good." ”

Zhixia was afraid that he would think about reincarnation, so he took the light blue

He handed the long sword to him and said, "This treasure is called 'Qing Lian'. It is a protective treasure used by Master after he transformed into a feather. Can you try to use it?"

Lang Xing shook his head bitterly. How could he be in the mood to test the treasure at the moment?

Zhixia opened the wooden box again, handed it to Lang Xing and said, "This is the treasure that Fairy Chan gave to Master after she entered the middle stage of becoming a feather. It's called 'Qiancheng Mansion'. It's also a treasure that can only be activated by the cultivation of a feather. Master has never been able to refine it. When we last met, Master wanted to give it to me, but I didn’t want it.”

Langxing looked at the rectangular stone surrounded by black mist in the wooden box, but his mind was not on that at all.

Seeing that he couldn't separate his thoughts, Zhixia put away the two treasures and said with a sad expression, "We don't have a master anymore..."

This move worked immediately, and Lang Xing burst into tears, crying so hard that he couldn't hold back his tears.

Zhixia sat quietly, guarding him, and let him vent the grief in his heart. Now he could let his junior brother cry happily. A moment ago, his junior brother thought that he could extend his master's life. In the blink of an eye, he could extend his life. This cruel reality ushered in. This kind of blow was too heavy and too sudden. It was really painful for him.

When Lang Xing was about to faint from crying, Zhixia whispered, "Master will be reunited with him soon."

Lang Xing's cry was paused, and then he stopped crying after a few more words. He looked at the second senior sister with red eyes with an expression on his face that he couldn't tell whether he was crying or laughing. .??.

"Isn't it?" Zhixia asked calmly.

"Yeah." Lang Xing wiped away his tears. This statement made him feel much better.

"We have dragged Master down for long enough. It's time for Master to reunite with Master, right?"

"Yeah." Lang Xing was like a coaxing child. At this moment, he was willing to believe anything that was beneficial to his master.

"Then don't be sad, and don't be sad again in the future, so as not to make Master worried."

"Well, Second Senior Sister, I thought about it, but I can't go back to the palace at this moment. Please help me comfort Fourth Senior Sister and the others. I can't help anymore. I want to go out for a walk. Don't worry, I'm not going I’m looking for Master to meet Shen Qing.”

"Can you calm down? Send two people to follow you." Zhixia asked with some worry. Returning to the palace would inevitably be emotional. She agreed to let Langxing go elsewhere first, but she was afraid that something might happen to him if his mood was unstable. .

Langxing handed his hand to the second senior sister, "Can you check if my mood is stable? Don't worry about me, I really figured it out."

After Zhixia checked it out, she stared into his eyes and said, "Your level seems to have improved a lot. I felt it as soon as we met. How far has it improved? Can you tell me about it?"

"Beheaded several large demonic beasts in the late Yuan Ying stage, crippled a late Yuan Ying great monk in Nanjingzhou, and even faced off with a great magical power in the feathering stage for a while. I will tell you more about it when I get back. Say it.”

Hearing that he had fallen into the trap of Huayu's magical power, Zhixia was quite frightened and handed him his master's "Qing Lian" sword and said, "Try to use it."

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "This is Master's personal treasure. Keep it in the palace. I don't want it."

Zhixia frowned and said, "Since you have provoked the great supernatural powers, you must have a treasure that can deal with them. It is not appropriate to publicize the master's affairs. Just talk to the senior sisters and the others, let them know that the master is at ease." Going will make them feel better. Just say to the outside world that Master has disappeared. Don't say more to your senior brothers. If you can use this young practitioner, just take it with you. Just say that I gave it to you. ”

Lang Xing still said firmly, "I don't want it. I have the Shui Ting Sword to use. You can keep this."

s:?Thank you?jiy?brother for reminding me to update.

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