Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1972 We can’t play together

Wu Xia floated up and stood on De Yi Diao's back, and said to Lang Xing expressionlessly, "Fly quickly." After saying that, she glanced at De Yi Diao strangely, but De Yi Diao didn't even notice her move to stand up. Any resistance, which was a little unexpected from her.

Lang Xing, who was lying there, didn't make any move, as if he really didn't have any precautions against her.

"Why fly faster?" Langxing asked calmly.

"Don't let Mo Hui, whom you hate so much, come looking for you." There was a teasing look in Wu Xia's slightly hazy beautiful eyes. To put it bluntly, it was like teasing a child.

"Are you afraid that I will kill your baby?" Lang Xing came up with such a domineering sentence as a counterattack, and then gently patted Deyi Diao on the back twice, and Deyi Diao immediately accelerated and rushed forward.

"Did you really go to the front to play?" Wu Xia asked with disbelief on his face.

"Yes." Lang Xing responded seriously. He put his head in his hands and looked at this uniquely beautiful woman with blinking eyes, without any unnecessary expression.

"I don't believe it." Wuxia looked coldly at this evil-looking boy.

"I don't expect you to believe it." After Lang Xing said this, he looked away from her face and shook his legs leisurely, as if he was enjoying flying on an eagle.

"Are you originally a monk from Nanjingzhou?" Wuxia asked, a bit out of words. This bright star aroused her interest.

"Yes, I went to Puyunzhou to play, and then became a disciple of Zixiao Palace." Langxing replied with a somewhat plain tone. Although he was amazed by the Sixth Fairy of Yin Yang Palace, he had not yet recovered from the blow of losing his Taoist heart. Walking out, my heart was full of laziness, and my interest in this beautiful woman had dropped a lot in just a short while. If she left Langxing at this moment, there would be no way to hold her back.

"Traveling from Nanjingzhou to Puyunzhou? It seems that you really love to travel." Wuxia naturally did not believe this nonsense, and his tone was obviously teasing.

"Well, I just love to travel so much, and I have even been to Yuanyi State." Langxing said one after another, lacking enthusiasm but not being disrespectful.

"Have you ever been to Yuanyizhou?" Wuxia became even more interested. She had not left Puyunzhou yet.

"I also visited Shui Qingzhou in front of me." Langxing looked at Wuxia with a smile in his eyes, and there was a hint of contempt in his eyes.

Wu Xia felt hurt and snorted disdainfully, "What's the point of showing off after being taken around a few places? You're so childish." She was deliberately stabbing Lang Xing's weakness.

This did not hurt Lang Xing, because Lang Xing had already shown his strength to her, and I believe it was enough to shock her, otherwise he would not have accelerated his flight to avoid Mo Hui coming.

"Yes, I am just a child. I can't help but want to go play in Shui Qingzhou."

"Are you really going to Shui Qingzhou?" Wu Xia slightly frowned her slender eyebrows. Lang Xing's indifferent expression made her feel a little uneasy. To put it simply, this boy made her feel a little weird. , ever since she saw this kid, she has been checking to see if there is anyone around her secretly protecting him, and she hasn't found anything yet.

"Yes, there are a lot of spiritual herbs over there." Lang Xing took out an ice flower and threw it to her, "This is what I picked last time, and I gave it to you."

Wuxia looked at the ice flower, and when she looked at Langxing again, there was a sense of scrutiny in her eyes. She really couldn't see through this kid.

Lang Xingfeng Qingyun said calmly, "Go back, we can't play."

If we come together, if something happens to you, I won’t be able to explain it to your Yin Yang Palace. "

"You brat, you really think you are that great!" Wu Xia scolded her with a bit of gritted teeth. This boy actually dared to treat her like a weak child.

"I'm not taking you anyway." Lang Xing asked De Yidiao to slow down.

Wuxia was so angry that he laughed, looked at him with mocking eyes and said, "You don't dare to let me accompany you because you are afraid that your lies will be exposed, right? I really don't believe you dare to go to Shui Qingzhou alone!"

Langxing also laughed and admitted, "Isn't this nonsense? If I really go to Shui Qingzhou, I will really go to feed the monsters."

Wuxia suddenly felt that the weird aura surrounding Lang Xing was much lessened, and he couldn't help but spit out angrily, "You are really good at putting on pretense, I almost believed it."

Lang Xing said with an unclear smile, "You're too easy to fool, go back quickly. For your innocence and naivety, I won't do anything bad to you."

"It's not over, right!" Wuxia stepped forward and kicked Lang Xing's leg, yelling, "Get up! Don't be so unruly!"

"We at Zixiao Palace don't have so many rules." Lang Xing showed a little indifference. She was getting closer intentionally. He didn't want to embarrass Wu Xia, but he really wasn't in the mood to coax her.

Wu Xian felt bored and had to find a way for himself and said in a provocative tone, "What bad idea do you want to play against me? Tell me."

"I'll sell you, you're so easy to deceive."

"Hmph." Wu Xia snorted disdainfully and then said with a sincere expression, "Lang Xing, can we have a good talk? Although the relationship between Zixiao Palace and Yin Yang Palace is not very good, neither of us have a good relationship. You are involved in the dispute, I think you are special and I want to talk to you."

"What do you want to talk about?" Lang Xing looked at the sky and said. Jun Wuji, the Four Immortals of Yin Yang Palace, died in his hands. Not only did he get involved in the dispute, he was also at the forefront.

Wu Xian saw that he still had no intention of sitting up. It would be impossible to have a good conversation with one lying down and the other standing, so he had to take two steps back and sit down a few feet away from Lang Xing. He asked in a friendly tone, "What are you doing?" Where are you planning to go?”

"There is no definite target. Just keep heading northwest and go to the end of the map."

"Where is your map?" Wuxia showed his sincerity and sent Langxing an astrological map of the northwest.

"It's further away than yours." Lang Xing also passed an astrological map to her. What the two of them passed was not the northwest end of their respective maps.

Wuxia narrowed her eyes slightly, a little embarrassed. She didn't expect Langxing's map to extend to such a far place. Yin Yang Palace is a Northern Xinjiang sect, and there is no reason why the map here should be smaller than the Zixiao Palace.

"Where did you get this map? Your Zixiao Palace is really capable."

Lang Xing said calmly, "This is the place I visited last time. The map of Zixiao Palace is not that big."

Wu Xia frowned and said suspiciously, "We are talking properly, don't be so cloudy, otherwise I will be unhappy."

Lang Xing looked at her without any change in his expression and said, "I'm just talking to you. Your map only reached the edge of the sea and mountain area, while I flew deep into the depths for a long time. There was nothing there. This time I I want to explore again and see if I can get to the end.”

Wu Xia stared at him for a while, and then said with enlightenment, "If this is really the case, you are tired of living. I think you are really a bit depressed." Wu Xia floated up and stood on De Yi Diao's back, facing him. She said to Lang Xing expressionlessly, "Fly quickly." After saying that, she glanced at Deyi Diao strangely. Deyi Diao actually didn't resist her move to stand up, which was a bit beyond her expectation.

Lang Xing, who was lying there, didn't make any move, as if he really didn't have any precautions against her.

"Why fly faster?" Langxing asked calmly.

"Don't let Mo Hui, whom you hate so much, come looking for you." There was a teasing look in Wu Xia's slightly hazy beautiful eyes. To put it bluntly, it was like teasing a child.

"Are you afraid that I will kill your baby?" Lang Xing came up with such a domineering sentence as a counterattack, and then gently patted Deyi Diao on the back twice, and Deyi Diao immediately accelerated and rushed forward.

"Did you really go to the front to play?" Wu Xia asked with disbelief on his face.

"Yes." Lang Xing responded seriously. He put his head in his hands and looked at this uniquely beautiful woman with blinking eyes, without any unnecessary expression.

"I don't believe it." Wuxia looked coldly at this evil-looking boy.

"I don't expect you to believe it." After Lang Xing said this, he looked away from her face and shook his legs leisurely, as if he was enjoying flying on an eagle.

"Are you originally a monk from Nanjingzhou?" Wuxia asked, a bit out of words. This bright star aroused her interest.

"Yes, I went to Puyunzhou to play, and then became a disciple of Zixiao Palace." Langxing replied with a somewhat plain tone. Although he was amazed by the Sixth Fairy of Yin Yang Palace, he had not yet recovered from the blow of losing his Taoist heart. Walking out, my heart was full of laziness, and my interest in this beautiful woman had dropped a lot in just a short while. If she left Langxing at this moment, there would be no way to hold her back.

"Traveling from Nanjingzhou to Puyunzhou? It seems that you really love to travel." Wuxia naturally did not believe this nonsense, and his tone was obviously teasing.

"Well, I just love to travel so much, and I have even been to Yuanyi State." Langxing said one after another, lacking enthusiasm but not being disrespectful.

"Have you ever been to Yuanyizhou?" Wuxia became even more interested. She had not left Puyunzhou yet.

"I also visited Shui Qingzhou in front of me." Langxing looked at Wuxia with a smile in his eyes, and there was a hint of contempt in his eyes.

Wu Xia felt hurt and snorted disdainfully, "What's the point of showing off after being taken around a few places? You're so childish." She was deliberately stabbing Lang Xing's weakness.

This did not hurt Lang Xing, because Lang Xing had already shown his strength to her, and I believe it was enough to shock her, otherwise he would not have accelerated his flight to avoid Mo Hui coming.

"Yes, I am just a child. I can't help but want to go play in Shui Qingzhou."

"Are you really going to Shui Qingzhou?" Wu Xia slightly frowned her slender eyebrows. Lang Xing's indifferent expression made her feel a little uneasy. To put it simply, this boy made her feel a little weird. , ever since she saw this kid, she has been checking to see if there is anyone around her secretly protecting him, and she hasn't found anything yet.

"Yes, there are a lot of spiritual herbs over there." Lang Xing took out an ice flower and threw it to her, "This is what I picked last time, and I gave it to you."

Wuxia looked at the ice flower, and when she looked at Langxing again, there was a sense of scrutiny in her eyes. She really couldn't see through this kid.

Lang Xingfeng Qingyun said calmly, "Go back, we can't play."

If we come together, if something happens to you, I won’t be able to explain it to your Yin Yang Palace. "

"You brat, you really think you are that great!" Wu Xia scolded her with a bit of gritted teeth. This boy actually dared to treat her like a weak child.

"I'm not taking you anyway." Lang Xing asked De Yidiao to slow down.

Wuxia was so angry that he laughed, looked at him with mocking eyes and said, "You don't dare to let me accompany you because you are afraid that your lies will be exposed, right? I really don't believe you dare to go to Shui Qingzhou alone!"

Langxing also laughed and admitted, "Isn't this nonsense? If I really go to Shui Qingzhou, I will really go to feed the monsters."

Wuxia suddenly felt that the weird aura surrounding Lang Xing was much lessened, and he couldn't help but spit out angrily, "You are really good at putting on pretense, I almost believed it."

Lang Xing said with an unclear smile, "You're too easy to fool, go back quickly. For your innocence and naivety, I won't do anything bad to you."

"It's not over, right!" Wuxia stepped forward and kicked Lang Xing's leg, yelling, "Get up! Don't be so unruly!"

"We at Zixiao Palace don't have so many rules." Lang Xing showed a little indifference. She was getting closer intentionally. He didn't want to embarrass Wu Xia, but he really wasn't in the mood to coax her.

Wu Xian felt bored and had to find a way for himself and said in a provocative tone, "What bad idea do you want to play against me? Tell me."

"I'll sell you, you're so easy to deceive."

"Hmph." Wu Xia snorted disdainfully and then said with a sincere expression, "Lang Xing, can we have a good talk? Although the relationship between Zixiao Palace and Yin Yang Palace is not very good, neither of us have a good relationship. You are involved in the dispute, I think you are special and I want to talk to you."

"What do you want to talk about?" Lang Xing looked at the sky and said. Jun Wuji, the Four Immortals of Yin Yang Palace, died in his hands. Not only did he get involved in the dispute, he was also at the forefront.

Wu Xian saw that he still had no intention of sitting up. It would be impossible to have a good conversation with one lying down and the other standing, so he had to take two steps back and sit down a few feet away from Lang Xing. He asked in a friendly tone, "What are you doing?" Where are you planning to go?”

"There is no definite target. Just keep heading northwest and go to the end of the map."

"Where is your map?" Wuxia showed his sincerity and sent Langxing an astrological map of the northwest.

"It's further away than yours." Lang Xing also passed an astrological map to her. What the two of them passed was not the northwest end of their respective maps.

Wuxia narrowed her eyes slightly, a little embarrassed. She didn't expect Langxing's map to extend to such a far place. Yin Yang Palace is a Northern Xinjiang sect, and there is no reason why the map here should be smaller than the Zixiao Palace.

"Where did you get this map? Your Zixiao Palace is really capable."

Lang Xing said calmly, "This is the place I visited last time. The map of Zixiao Palace is not that big."

Wu Xia frowned and said suspiciously, "We are talking properly, please stop being so cloudy, otherwise I will be unhappy."

Langxing looked at her without any change in his expression and said, "I'm just talking to you. Your map only reached the edge of the sea and mountain area, while I flew deep into the depths for a long time. There was nothing there. This time I I want to explore again and see if I can get to the end.”

Wu Xia stared at him for a while, and then said with enlightenment, "If this is really the case, you are tired of living. I think you are really a bit depressed."

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