Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1974 Is this something humans do?

"Thank you, Fairy!" The five people received the Nascent Soul Stone and their gratitude was beyond words.

The leader of the team was extremely worried and said, "This place is already in danger, and it will be even more dangerous if we go forward. The fairy is a body of ten thousand gold, and it is not suitable to go forward. If you must go forward, please allow me to wait and explore the way." ." The other four people all nodded vigorously in agreement, quite willing to go through fire and water.

Wu Xia maintained his majesty and said without any pretense, "You have great righteousness in your heart and have the courage to stand up to protect the territory. You are all loyal and righteous people in our northern border. Will Qianzong forget you, and Puyunzhou Xiujie will not forget you." "

Lang Xing felt nauseous when he heard it. His second senior sister had also taught him this kind of mandarin clichés to deal with the situation. As a disciple of the Nine Sects, he had to learn some, but he felt sick even listening to it, let alone speaking it out. Now, he probably doesn't say these words very often when he looks flawless. Both his expression and tone seem a bit stiff, but under the majesty of the late Nascent Soul monk, this flaw is not so obvious.

The five soldiers of the Northern Han Camp pursed their lips and looked at the aloof fairy with determination and excitement. For them, it was a great honor to receive personal praise from the tenth generation disciple of Yin Yang Palace. Dead and unshakable!

After saying these clichés, Wu Xia continued, "Just do your job well. You and I and the Eight Immortals don't need to worry too much."

"Please Fairy and Immortal Lord, please let us go explore the road! There is no fun here!" The leader was so anxious that the veins on his forehead popped out, and he wished he could take out the loyalty in his chest and show Wuxia.

Wu Xia frowned slightly with impatience and said to Lang Xing, "Hurry up and get rid of them."

When the Deyi Eagle fluttered its wings and rushed out, the five people chased after it unwillingly, shouting and wanting to be the vanguard, but in the blink of an eye the Deyi Eagle flew away and disappeared.

Langxing sat down, rolled his eyes at Wuxia and said, "What you said is really disgusting."

Wu Xia said with a look of disgust on his face, "You think I'm willing to say it? I don't even want to say a word to these idiots, but with our status, we have to show off. Didn't your master teach you?"

"No, my second senior sister told me."

Wu Xia put on a guidance posture and said, "That's it. There are some things that we can just talk about among ourselves and must not be spread out. Since you have become an Immortal Lord, you have to deal with these superficial things. The higher your status in this regard." You have to pay more attention, otherwise you will be punished.”

Lang Xing said disdainfully, "I would never say such disgusting things anyway. You can really say it."

Wu Xian looked at him with the eyes of an experienced person and said, "This is for ourselves. Where did your luxurious life come from? I don't even bother to do this kind of thing. When you have a group of disciples and need to spend a lot of money to take care of them, you will You’ll understand.”

Lang Xing said with increasing disdain, "Exploiting them, enslaving them, letting them rush to the forefront of the battlefield in times of crisis, and fooling them into tears of gratitude, is this what humans do? I didn't even think about it when I was in Nanjingzhou. I don’t believe this is true. After I came here, I realized how many shameless lies you made up to fool them. You guys are really good. I have never seen anyone more despicable than this."

Wu Xia said displeasedly, "You have scolded your master, master, senior brother, and senior sister. Do you know?"

Lang Xing did not back down and said, "I know

Dao, everything comes down to the same code, and what they did in this matter is wrong. "

Wuxia shook his head and said, "You are from Nanjingzhou, so your thoughts are naturally different. But since you have become the Immortal Lord of Zixiao Palace, you have to say less. If you say these words to outsiders, you Master and the others will never help you. Even if you don’t think about yourself, you still have to think about Zixiao Palace. If you don’t want to do such things or say such things, just try to avoid such situations. I am So."

Seeing that Lang Xing was still angry, she waved her hands and said, "I'm too lazy to talk about these things. Let's talk about something else."

Lang Xing breathed out and said, "I have no intention of upholding justice for the people, but Pu Yunzhou's behavior of fooling the public is really unbearable. Look at those people just now. Apart from that shirt, they look like nothing. , there is no other decent thing, how poor you are after being exploited, yet you are sent to such a dangerous place and still have high morale, and even want to go through fire and water for you. I can't believe such a stupid person. How is it possible to cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage?”

Wuxia pointed down and said, "Because the world in Puyunzhou is like this. They have received this kind of teaching since childhood. Even if some can wake up, they will not live long if they dare to talk nonsense. Do you understand? I really I don’t want to talk about this. If you don’t understand, go back and ask your senior brothers and sisters. In fact, with your qualifications, you don’t need to worry about these things. Just follow your sixth senior brother and ignore the Qianzonghui affairs. As long as you don't deliberately violate the taboos, let me tell you something, there are some taboos that even your sixth brother cannot violate, even if he is now a monk, the same cannot be done. "

Lang Xing said with waning interest, "I don't want to talk about these things anymore. The more I talk about it, the more I feel panicked. Now I understand why my seventh senior brother left Puyunzhou. Don't say those disgusting words in front of me in the future. I I feel that it stains your beautiful face, and I feel sorry for your elegant attire."

Wu Xia spat, "You brat, do you still look down on me?"

Lang Xing rolled his eyes and said, "That's right. If I see you say it again, I won't be interested in talking to you."

Wu Xia sighed and said, "I have passed the age where I can be willful. Fortunately, if you want to hide in most situations like this, you can avoid it. I don't mean to get any benefits from Qian Zonghui. I am just playing tricks on the occasion." Think about the teacher."

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Hey, what do you mean? Do you really want to go to the sea and mountains with me?" Lang Xing asked with raised eyebrows.

Wu Xia said with a smile, "Don't you want to invite me to travel with you? I agreed."

"Don't you think I'm too young?"

Wu Xian couldn't help laughing and said, "Of course you are still a child. You can't grow up all at once. Senior sister is afraid that something will happen to you, so I will go and look after you."

"The senior sister from Yin Yang Palace takes care of the junior brother from Zixiao Palace? You can say it out loud." Lang Xing glanced at her angrily and lay down again.

The smile on Wu Xia's lips widened a little, "You are so young, how can I care about the grudges between sects with you?"

Langxing pointed to the area at the back of the sculpture and said, "Stay away from me, sit over there, and be quiet and don't talk. I'll just add a pleasing decoration. You can bring more with you before you get tired of looking at it." How many days do you leave?”

"Why do you have such a bad mouth? Believe it or not, I'll beat you up." Wu Xia looked sideways and threatened. "Thank you, Fairy!" The five people received the Nascent Soul Stone and their gratitude was beyond words.

The leader of the team was extremely worried and said, "This place is already in danger, and it will be even more dangerous if we go forward. The fairy is a body of ten thousand gold, and it is not suitable to go forward. If you must go forward, please allow me to wait and explore the way." ." The other four people all nodded vigorously in agreement, quite willing to go through fire and water.

Wu Xia maintained his majesty and said without any pretense, "You have great righteousness in your heart and have the courage to stand up to protect the territory. You are all loyal and righteous people in our northern border. Will Qianzong forget you, and Puyunzhou Xiujie will not forget you." "

Lang Xing felt nauseous when he heard it. His second senior sister had also taught him this type of mandarin cliché to deal with the situation. As a disciple of the Nine Sects, he had to learn some, but he felt sick even listening to it, let alone speaking it out. Now, he probably doesn't say these words very often when he looks flawless. Both his expression and tone are a little stiff, but under the majesty of the late Nascent Soul monk, this flaw is not so obvious.

The five soldiers of the Northern Han Camp pursed their lips and looked at the aloof fairy with determination and excitement. For them, it was a great honor to receive personal praise from the tenth generation disciple of Yin Yang Palace. Dead and unshakable!

After saying these clichés, Wu Xia continued, "Just do your job well. You and I and the Eight Immortals don't need to worry too much."

"Please Fairy and Immortal Lord, please let us go explore the road! There is no fun here!" The leader was so anxious that the veins on his forehead popped out, and he wished he could take out the loyalty in his chest and show Wuxia.

Wu Xia frowned slightly with impatience and said to Lang Xing, "Hurry up and get rid of them."

When the Deyi Eagle fluttered its wings and rushed out, the five people chased after it unwillingly, shouting and wanting to be the vanguard, but in the blink of an eye the Deyi Eagle flew away and disappeared.

Langxing sat down, rolled his eyes at Wuxia and said, "What you said is really disgusting."

Wu Xia said with a look of disgust on his face, "You think I'm willing to say it? I don't even want to say a word to these idiots, but with our status, we have to show off. Didn't your master teach you?"

"No, my second senior sister told me."

Wu Xia put on a guidance posture and said, "That's it. There are some things that we can just talk about among ourselves and must not be spread out. Since you have become an Immortal Lord, you have to deal with these superficial things. The higher your status in this regard." You have to pay more attention, otherwise you will be punished.”

Lang Xing said disdainfully, "I would never say such disgusting things anyway. You can really say it."

Wu Xian looked at him with the eyes of an experienced person and said, "This is for ourselves. Where did your luxurious life come from? I don't even bother to do this kind of thing. When you have a group of disciples and need to spend a lot of money to take care of them, you will You’ll understand.”

Lang Xing said with increasing disdain, "Exploiting them, enslaving them, letting them rush to the forefront of the battlefield in times of crisis, and fooling them into tears of gratitude, is this what humans do? I didn't even think about it when I was in Nanjingzhou. I don’t believe this is true. After I came here, I realized how many shameless lies you made up to fool them. You guys are really good. I have never seen anyone more despicable than this."

Wu Xia said displeasedly, "You have scolded your master, master, senior brother, and senior sister. Do you know?"

Lang Xing did not back down and said, "I know

Dao, everything comes down to the same code, and what they did in this matter is wrong. "

Wuxia shook his head and said, "You are from Nanjingzhou, so your thoughts are naturally different. But since you have become the Immortal Lord of Zixiao Palace, you have to say less. If you say these words to outsiders, you Master and the others will never help you. Even if you don’t think about yourself, you still have to think about Zixiao Palace. If you don’t want to do such things or say such things, just try to avoid such situations. I am So."

Seeing that Lang Xing was still angry, she waved her hands and said, "I'm too lazy to talk about these things. Let's talk about something else."

Lang Xing breathed out and said, "I have no intention of upholding justice for the people, but Pu Yunzhou's behavior of fooling the public is really unbearable. Look at those people just now. Apart from that shirt, they look like nothing. , there is no other decent thing, how poor you are after being exploited, yet you are sent to such a dangerous place and still have high morale, and even want to go through fire and water for you, I really can’t believe such a stupid person How is it possible to cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage?”

Wuxia pointed down and said, "Because the world in Puyunzhou is like this. They have received this kind of teaching since childhood. Even if some can wake up, they will not live long if they dare to talk nonsense. Do you understand? I really I don’t want to talk about this. If you don’t understand, go back and ask your senior brothers and sisters. In fact, with your qualifications, you don’t need to worry about these things. Just follow your sixth senior brother and ignore the Qianzonghui affairs. As long as you don't deliberately violate the taboos, let me tell you something, there are some taboos that even your sixth brother cannot violate, even if he is now a monk, the same cannot be done. "

Lang Xing said with waning interest, "I don't want to talk about these things anymore. The more I talk about it, the more I feel panicked. Now I understand why my seventh senior brother left Puyunzhou. Don't say those disgusting words in front of me in the future. I I feel like it’s a stain on your beautiful face, and I’m sorry for your elegant attire.”

Wu Xia spat, "You brat, do you still look down on me?"

Lang Xing rolled his eyes and said, "That's right. If I see you say it again, I won't be interested in talking to you."

Wu Xia sighed and said, "I have passed the age where I can be willful. Fortunately, if you want to hide in most situations like this, you can avoid it. I don't mean to get any benefits from Qian Zonghui. I am just playing tricks on the occasion." Think about the teacher."

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Hey, what do you mean? Do you really want to follow me to explore the sea and mountains?" Lang Xing asked with raised eyebrows.

Wu Xia said with a smile, "Don't you want to invite me to travel with you? I agreed."

"You don't think I'm too young?"

Wu Xian couldn't help laughing and said, "Of course you are still a child. You can't grow up all at once. Senior sister is afraid that something will happen to you, so I will go and look after you."

"The senior sister from Yin Yang Palace takes care of the junior brother from Zixiao Palace? You can say it out loud." Lang Xing glanced at her angrily and lay down again.

The smile on Wu Xia's lips widened a little, "You are so young, how can I care about the grudges between sects with you?"

Langxing pointed to the area at the back of the sculpture and said, "Stay away from me, sit over there, and be quiet and don't talk. I'll just add a pleasing decoration. You can bring more with you before you get tired of looking at it." How many days do you leave?”

"Why do you have such a bad mouth? Believe it or not, I'll beat you up." Wu Xia looked sideways and threatened.

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