Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1976 Don’t be so heartless

Wu Xing watched Lang Xing close his eyes after finishing speaking. He moved his lips and finally restrained himself from making a sound. He watched as the boy's breath gradually became calmer and his face became peaceful. He actually just lay down and entered into meditation. In this state, the hazy look in her eyes became even stronger. This Eight Immortals from Zixiao Palace was almost, if not the most peculiar person she had ever seen.

Although she didn't dare to hurt Lang Xing easily, the two of them were in hostile camps after all. This boy could actually enter into unprotected meditation in front of her. This courage alone was enough to amaze her. Yes.

What makes this kid eager to enter enlightenment? I had no time to recall the words of the sparrow and the phoenix, the green lotus and the sludge, and gradually fell into deep thought.

At midnight, the Deyi Eagle quietly changed its flight direction and headed towards the cold and mysterious North Sea.

When Wu Xian came back from her thoughts, the red sun had already burst out of the sky, and she saw Lang Xing still lying there, looking at her with a wicked smile.

"Why are you holding back your bad intentions!" After Wu Xia said this, he realized something was wrong, and he stared and said, "Why are you flying to the North Sea?"

The evil smile in Lang Xing's eyes spread on his face, he stood up and stretched his muscles and said, "I don't want to go to the sea and mountain area. It's empty there. You can go there at any time. Since you have a great monk like you to protect you, why not go to Beihai for a while?" Well, I haven’t been there yet.”

Wuxia lowered his face and said, "Nonsense! You really don't understand the heights of the sky. Are you allowed to wander into the North Sea? Turn back quickly and stop flying forward."

Lang Xing said scornfully, "How dare you, a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage, be so courageous? If you are afraid, just go back by yourself. I am determined to go to Beihai for a visit."

"You are seeking death, do you know? Just forget about me being afraid? Just turn around and go back." Wu Xia helplessly lowered her attitude to persuade her. She felt that Lang Xing was trying to show off as a hero in front of her and pursue her wealthy children. There are many, she has seen this kind of stupid behavior from men too many times.

Langxing glanced at her, then turned to admire the magnificent sunrise scenery, and said, "This is my trip. If you don't want to go to Beihai, just go back. I would like to advise you again, try to stay away from Qianzonghui. Try to stay away from the dispute between Zixiao Palace and Yin Yang Palace, and don’t let me lose even this sense of appreciation at this moment when I see you next time.”

Wu Xian felt something was wrong. This boy was not trying to be a hero, but really wanted to drive him away. He couldn't help but asked in confusion, "You...what are you trying to do?"

"I just want to take a trip to Beihai." Lang Xing turned around and looked at her with calm eyes.

Wuxia stared at him with a serious face and said, "This is definitely not possible. Putting aside the grudges between the two of us, just looking at the overall situation, now Northern Xinjiang not only has to beware of the monster beasts from Shuiqingzhou attacking from here, but also We have to be careful of them joining forces with the Beihai forces to launch an attack. We have already broken up with Shui Qingzhou. It would be okay if you go to Shui Qingzhou, but as the Immortal Lord of Zixiao Palace, if something happens here in Beihai , that is likely to add new chaos to this already dangerous situation, which is related to the safety of our northern border, so I must stop you. "

Lang Xinghun said nonchalantly, "I'm just walking around casually, and I'm not here to cause trouble. Do you think I'm the kind of person who makes nonsense?"

Wu Xia said with worry in his eyes, "You've already caused enough nonsense. If you don't stop, I'll have to stop you first."

Lang Xing looked impatient, looked at her with cold eyes and said, "If you dare to take action, there will be no friendship between us."

But tell me, I guarantee you will regret it. Do I still have to be controlled by you wherever I want to go? I said I won't cause trouble, so I won't cause trouble. Go back quickly. "After saying that, he urged the Deyi Eagle to fly quickly towards the depths of the North Sea.

Langxing teased her out of appreciation for this fairy, but now his interest has dropped, and he has said everything he wants to say to her, so he wants to push her back, and then go to the Haishan Region by himself. The attitude became tougher.

As you advance, you have to retreat. Lang Xing's tough stance made Wu Xia have to soften his face a little, and advised him with sincerity, "Lang Xing, although we are in two hostile sects, I can see that you are a person with extremely high moral character." You are also sincere to me. I really don’t want to see anything happen to you. Go back. It’s not too late to go to Beihai after the disaster caused by the monster is over. Even then, you can’t go by yourself. You must You need someone to accompany you.”

"I accept your kindness, but I don't want to listen to any more advice." Lang Xing looked forward with a cold face.

Wu Xian frowned in confusion. To say how worried she was about Lang Xing's safety, it was definitely not true. Not long ago, she was hoping that the two people from Beihan Camp would kill Lang Xing. After this period Although she had a bit of a liking for this boy after her contact with him, she was not worried about his safety. What worried her most was the fear that Lang Xing would cause trouble to Northern Xinjiang.

If she really didn't dare to take action against Lang Xing, on the one hand, the strong self-confidence shown by Lang Xing made her already feel guilty, and on the other hand, if she annoyed this kid, she would be in trouble for herself, Yin Yang Palace Over the years, they have been nervously afraid that the Little Demon Lord will come to settle accounts with them. If Lang Xing holds a grudge against her, the consequences will be hard to predict. After all, the Little Demon Lord is a lawless one and will kill the Immortal Lord of the Nine Sects. , Fairy has long been a common thing for him, not to mention that now he has transformed into a feather.

In silence, the Deyi Eagle continued to shoot towards the depths of the North Sea like lightning across the sky. The scenery below changed from the solid ice covered with white snow to the undulating sea surface of floating ice, and then turned into deep blue. Colorful ice-free sea.

The two of them were exhausted. Lang Xing hoped that Wu Xia could run away as soon as possible, while Wu Xia hoped that Lang Xing would retreat and turn around soon.

"It will be too dangerous to go any further." Wu Xia's tone was obviously pleading.

"Where did you go just now?" Lang Xing said disdainfully, and then he lay down relaxedly.

"Lang Xing, can I beg you? Go back, you will drag me down."

"If you're afraid of being dragged down, just go back. You don't need to worry about me."

Wuxia endured his anger and said with emotion, "Can I just ignore it? You are kind and righteous to me. If you let me go like this, if something happens to you, how can I feel relieved?"

Langxing rolled his eyes and said, "Okay, Fairy Six, do you really treat me like a child?"

"You..., Langxing, please don't be so arrogant!" Wuxia complained resentfully.

"Haha..., I..." Lang Xing paused mid-sentence as if he felt something, and then hurriedly continued, "I'm not a wolf-hearted person, but I won't be sentimental either."

Before he could finish speaking, Wuxia made a silent gesture and stared forward with nervous eyes.

"What's wrong?" Lang Xing asked with his spiritual mind.

"Stop! There are extremely powerful people fighting!" Wuxia tried to control the Deyi Eagle when he sent back this spiritual thought. Wu Xing watched Lang Xing close his eyes after finishing speaking. He moved his lips and finally restrained himself from making a sound. He watched as the boy's breath gradually became calmer and his face became peaceful. He actually just lay down and entered into meditation. In this state, the hazy look in her eyes became even stronger. This Eight Immortals from Zixiao Palace was almost, if not the most peculiar person she had ever seen.

Although she didn't dare to hurt Lang Xing easily, the two of them were in hostile camps after all. This boy could actually enter into unprotected meditation in front of her. This courage alone was enough to amaze her. Yes.

What makes this kid eager to enter enlightenment? I had no time to recall the words of the sparrow and the phoenix, the green lotus and the sludge, and gradually fell into deep thought.

At midnight, the Deyi Eagle quietly changed its flight direction and headed towards the cold and mysterious North Sea.

When Wu Xian came back from her thoughts, the red sun had already burst out of the sky, and she saw Lang Xing still lying there, looking at her with a wicked smile.

"Why are you holding back your bad intentions!" After Wu Xia said this, he realized something was wrong, and he stared and said, "Why are you flying to the North Sea?"

The evil smile in Lang Xing's eyes spread on his face, he stood up and stretched his muscles and said, "I don't want to go to the sea and mountain area. It's empty there. You can go there at any time. Since you have a great monk like you to protect you, why not go to Beihai for a while?" Well, I haven’t been there yet.”??

Wuxia lowered his face and said, "Nonsense! You really don't understand the heights of the sky. Are you allowed to wander into the North Sea? Turn back quickly and stop flying forward."

Lang Xing said scornfully, "How dare you, a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage, be so courageous? If you are afraid, just go back by yourself. I am determined to go to Beihai for a visit."

"You are seeking death, do you know? Just forget about me being afraid? Just turn around and go back." Wu Xia helplessly lowered her attitude to persuade her. She felt that Lang Xing was trying to show off as a hero in front of her and pursue her wealthy children. There are many, she has seen this kind of stupid behavior from men too many times.

Langxing glanced at her, then turned to admire the magnificent sunrise scenery, and said, "This is my trip. If you don't want to go to Beihai, just go back. I would like to advise you again, try to stay away from Qianzonghui. Try to stay away from the dispute between Zixiao Palace and Yin Yang Palace, and don’t let me lose even this sense of appreciation at this moment when I see you next time.”

Wu Xian felt something was wrong. This boy was not trying to be a hero, but really wanted to drive him away. He couldn't help but asked in confusion, "You...what are you trying to do?"

"I just want to take a trip to Beihai." Lang Xing turned around and looked at her with calm eyes.

Wuxia stared at him with a serious face and said, "This is definitely not possible. Putting aside the grudges between the two of us, just looking at the overall situation, now Northern Xinjiang not only has to beware of the monsters from Shuiqingzhou attacking from here, but also We have to be careful of them joining forces with the Beihai forces to launch an attack. We have already broken up with Shui Qingzhou. It would be okay if you go to Shui Qingzhou, but as the Immortal Lord of Zixiao Palace, if something happens here in Beihai , that is likely to add new chaos to this already dangerous situation, which is related to the safety of our northern border, so I must stop you. "

Lang Xinghun said nonchalantly, "I'm just walking around casually, and I'm not here to cause trouble. Do you think I'm the kind of person who makes nonsense?"

Wu Xia said with worry in his eyes, "You've already caused enough nonsense. If you don't stop, I'll have to stop you first."

Lang Xing looked impatient, looked at her with cold eyes and said, "If you dare to take action, there will be no friendship between us."

But tell me, I guarantee you will regret it. Do I still have to be controlled by you wherever I want to go? I said I won't cause trouble, so I won't cause trouble. Go back quickly. "After saying that, he urged the Deyi Eagle to fly quickly towards the depths of the North Sea.

Langxing teased her out of his appreciation for this fairy, but now his interest has dropped, and he has said everything he wants to say to her, so he wants to push her back, and then go to the Haishan Region. The attitude became tougher.

As you advance, you have to retreat. Lang Xing's tough attitude made Wu Xia have to soften his face a little, and advised him with sincerity, "Lang Xing, although we are in two hostile sects, I can see that you are a person with extremely high moral character." You are also sincere to me. I really don’t want to see anything happen to you. Go back. It’s not too late to go to Beihai after the disaster caused by the monster has passed. Even then, you can’t go by yourself. You must You need someone to accompany you.”

"I accept my kindness, but I don't want to listen to any more advice." Lang Xing looked forward with a cold face.

Wu Xian frowned in confusion. To say how worried she was about Lang Xing's safety, it was definitely not true. Not long ago, she was hoping that the two people from Beihan Camp would kill Lang Xing. After this period Although she had a bit of a liking for this boy through her contact, she was not worried about his safety. What worried her most was the fear that Lang Xing would cause trouble to Northern Xinjiang.

If she really didn't dare to take action against Lang Xing, on the one hand, the strong self-confidence shown by Lang Xing made her already feel guilty, and on the other hand, if she annoyed this kid, she would be in trouble for herself, Yin Yang Palace Over the years, they have been nervously afraid that the Little Demon Lord will come to settle accounts with them. If Lang Xing holds a grudge against her, the consequences will be hard to predict. After all, the Little Demon Lord is a lawless one and will kill the Immortal Lord of the Nine Sects. , Fairy has long been a common thing for him, not to mention that now he has transformed into a feather.

In silence, the Deyi Eagle continued to shoot towards the depths of the North Sea like lightning across the sky. The scenery below changed from the solid ice covered with white snow to the undulating sea surface of floating ice, and then turned into deep blue. Colorful ice-free sea.

The two of them were exhausted. Lang Xing hoped that Wu Xia could run away as soon as possible, while Wu Xia hoped that Lang Xing would retreat and turn around soon.

"It will be too dangerous to go any further." Wu Xia's tone was obviously pleading.

"Where did you just go?" Lang Xing said disdainfully, and then he lay down relaxedly.

"Lang Xing, can I beg you? Go back, you will drag me down."

"If you're afraid of being dragged down, just go back. You don't need to worry about me."

Wuxia endured his anger and said with emotion, "Can I just ignore it? You are kind and righteous to me. If you let me go like this, if something happens to you, how can I feel relieved?"

Langxing rolled his eyes and said, "Okay, Fairy Six, are you really treating me like a child?"

"You..., Langxing, please don't be so arrogant!" Wuxia complained resentfully.

"Haha..., I..." Lang Xing paused mid-sentence as if he felt something, and then hurriedly continued, "I'm not a wolf-hearted person, but I won't be sentimental either."

Before he could finish speaking, Wuxia made a silent gesture and stared forward with nervous eyes.

"What's wrong?" Lang Xing asked with his spiritual mind.

"Stop! There are extremely powerful people fighting!" Wuxia tried to control the Deyi Eagle when he sent back this spiritual thought.

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