Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1987 Get a fake Yuanying?

Ming Lan responded to Lang Xing's eager treasure offering with a roll of her eyes and silence. Lang Xing had so many powerful treasures, which made her feel much more at ease. Although she gave him a Yu Chan treasure, but with the temperament of this boy in his previous life, a treasure The treasure is simply not enough for him to send out, and now it seems that the situation is not bad.

Langxing wisely stopped mentioning the matter of swallowing the sky, and instead asked, "Is Concubine Chan okay? Have you seen her recently?"

I had already mentioned Yu Chan when I was talking about the Immortal Qiankun Bag. The Qiankun Bag was taken out of Yu Chan's treasure, and the location of the treasure was told to him by Minglan. Yuchan also said that Minglan was her friend, so he suppressed his emotions the moment he saw Minglan. Just asking this question.

"She's very nice. I just met her not long ago." Ming Lan said calmly. Although this was the most important issue she had to solve when meeting Lang Xing, this sentence was enough.

"Oh..." Lang Xing was obviously relieved. He had no reason to doubt Sister Minglan. Since Sister Minglan said this, he could completely put away this worry.

"Do you miss her very much?" Ming Lan's expression had a different meaning. The scene when Lang Xing and Yu Chan hugged each other when they parted last time made her teeth itch even thinking about it.

Lang Xing sensed the meaning in Minglan's expression, and couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed and said, "No, I just always feel uneasy in my heart. I vaguely feel that her situation is not good, and I can't explain the reason."

"You miss her too much." The meaning in Minglan's expression became more obvious. Seeing that Langxing's face turned red in embarrassment, she stopped trying to push him and said in a relaxed tone, "If it is really just a feeling of uneasiness in my heart, If so, then rest assured, she is fine."

"Hehe, okay, I'm relieved now." Minglan made Langxing anxious to avoid the topic of Yuchan, and then said, "Sister Minglan, let me show you my cultivation, although I'm not as good as you. It’s said that it will take about a thousand years to become a great supernatural power, but I think it’s pretty good.”

"Okay, let's show it off." Minglan knew how guilty he was about Yu Chan, so she understood his eagerness to change the subject. This was just right, as she didn't want to talk more about Yu Chan.

Langxing first demonstrated the movement technique, of course the movement technique of the fused shadow technique. He could not directly pass the shadow technique to Minglan, he could only use it to give Minglan some inspiration.

Minglan's eyes were really a bit blurry when she saw it. Langxing's movement technique was much better than that of the Spirit Heart Tribe. It was obvious at a glance that the technique of creating a clone was extremely mysterious and definitely not an ordinary blind method. .

Seeing Minglan's interest, Langxing performed it over and over again, and also told some of his insights. Although he couldn't reveal the technique of the Shadow Art, he could talk about the essence of the Shadow Art and himself. The experience of how to integrate the two practices is still good.

"Okay, stop now." Ming Lan asked Lang Xing to stop after he had used it more than twenty times. There was a deep look of thought in her eyes that were concealed in black.

"You should think about it carefully first. If it doesn't work, I will tell you more, can't mention the following things to others. This is the big secret of Qianxu Palace." Lang Xing has a point. With a risk-taking mentality, he passed on other people's secret skills to Bai Xiang, so it was only fair to leak the untold secrets of Qianxu Palace to others. At most, it would be his own misfortune. In order not to owe others, he was willing to bear the retribution.

"No need." Ming Lan replied

Waving his hands, he stopped thinking for a moment, looked at Lang Xing and said, "If you continue to work so hard and try to repay me at any cost, then we can't be friends. After you saved Bai Xiang, do you expect her to try her best to repay you?" ?"

Lang Xing sighed and said, "Sister Minglan, I understand, and I won't do anything to make you feel uncomfortable again."

"That's right, show me any progress you have made in the set of exercises I taught you." The reason why she limited the progress in that set of exercises was because she didn't want Lang Xing to use her mental powers on her.

Lang Xing used the power of his mind to smash a fist-sized stone, and then explained, "I get a severe headache when I concentrate my mind hard, so I can't use this power better, but I know that it is that set of skills." The Fa has brought me to a new realm, which has greatly improved me in all aspects." Then he showed off his powerful spiritual consciousness and spiritual attacks.

Ming Lan pretended to think, "You look too unlike a Dan-Jie monk. The path you are taking now is very strange, and I can't figure it out. You'd better find a way to make yourself look like a Nascent Soul monk." , create a fake Nascent Soul in the Qi Mansion."

"Get a fake Yuanying?" Langxing blinked twice in succession.

Minglan nodded and said, "Your reality is almost close to the late stage of Nascent Soul. What's missing is the changes brought about by breaking through the realm. Since you think you can use the power of your mind to heal Bai Xiang, you can also try to see if you can use it." It changes your body, but it has to be done with extreme caution."

Lang Xing grimaced and said, "I have thought about this, but if I am not careful when using the power of my mind, I will get a headache and lose control, so I dare not try it easily."

"Then don't worry, wait until the headache problem is solved later, but you can try to condense a fake Nascent Soul now."

"Okay!" Lang Xing's eyes flashed with excitement. This is very interesting. If you can do it, you can save a lot of trouble of covering up.

"Think about it for yourself. I also want to understand these peculiarities of yours." After Minglan finished speaking, she went to meditate.

Langxing pointed to his heart and said, "Sister Minglan, I still have a secret. I rely on this kind of innate magical power to activate Qiancheng Mansion and other spiritual treasures. I can send messages with my heart, and I can easily communicate with the spirit treasures." Communicate with the spirit beasts.”

But she is really honest. Ming Lan complained in her heart, but a smile appeared on her face and she said, "I saw it when you activated Qiancheng Mansion. I have seen this kind of talent and magical power from others more than once. Moreover, people also taught me some cultivation methods. Don’t show this magical power to me. It may allow you to get a glimpse of some secrets of cultivating this magical power from me. I don’t want to reveal the secret to others. "

"Ah?" Lang Xing was greatly surprised. There are actually people with such innate magical powers. Then he nodded with great admiration and said, "Okay, okay, Sister Minglan, you are really amazing. You have more knowledge than many great powers."

Ming Lan smiled and said, "Of course there are benefits to living as a family all over the world, otherwise I wouldn't be keen on it."

"It seems that I will have to go around more in the future." Lang Xing only agreed. He was not interested in the avenue, let alone the pursuit of novelties.

"Go and think about how to create a fake Nascent Soul. After I've finished my enlightenment, I'll go into your Qiankun Bag to see it." After Minglan finished speaking, she floated to a bluestone in the distance and began to meditate.

Lang Xing also sat down and began to think. Ming Lan responded to Lang Xing's eager treasure offering with a roll of her eyes and silence. Lang Xing had so many powerful treasures, which made her feel much more at ease. Although she gave him a Yu Chan treasure, but with the temperament of this boy in his previous life, a treasure The treasure is simply not enough for him to send out, and now it seems that the situation is not bad.

Langxing wisely stopped mentioning the matter of swallowing the sky, and instead asked, "Is Concubine Chan okay? Have you seen her recently?"

I had already mentioned Yu Chan when I was talking about the Immortal Qiankun Bag. The Qiankun Bag was taken out of Yu Chan's treasure, and the location of the treasure was told to him by Minglan. Yuchan also said that Minglan was her friend, so he suppressed his emotions the moment he saw Minglan. Just asking this question.

"She's very nice. I just met her not long ago." Ming Lan said calmly. Although this was the most important issue she had to solve when meeting Lang Xing, this sentence was enough.

"Oh..." Lang Xing was obviously relieved. He had no reason to doubt Sister Minglan. Since Sister Minglan said this, he could completely put away this worry.

"Do you miss her very much?" Ming Lan's expression had a different meaning. The scene when Lang Xing and Yu Chan hugged each other when they parted last time made her teeth itch even thinking about it.

Lang Xing sensed the meaning in Minglan's expression, and couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed and said, "No, I just always feel uneasy in my heart. I vaguely feel that her situation is not good, and I can't explain the reason."

"You miss her too much." The meaning in Minglan's expression became more obvious. Seeing that Langxing's face turned red in embarrassment, she stopped trying to push him and said in a relaxed tone, "If it is really just a feeling of uneasiness in my heart, If so, then rest assured, she is fine."

"Hehe, okay, I'm relieved now." Minglan made Langxing anxious to avoid the topic of Yuchan, and then said, "Sister Minglan, let me show you my cultivation, although I'm not as good as you. It’s said that it will take about a thousand years to become a great supernatural power, but I think it’s pretty good.”

"Okay, let's show it off." Minglan knew how guilty he was about Yu Chan, so she understood his eagerness to change the subject. This was just right, as she didn't want to talk more about Yu Chan. .??.??

Langxing first demonstrated the movement technique, of course the movement technique of the fused shadow technique. He could not directly pass the shadow technique to Minglan, he could only use it to give Minglan some inspiration.

Minglan's eyes were really a bit blurry when she saw it. Langxing's movement technique was much better than that of their spiritual heart clan. It was obvious at a glance that the technique of creating a clone was extremely mysterious and definitely not an ordinary blind method. .

Seeing Minglan's interest, Langxing performed it over and over again, and also told some of his insights. Although he couldn't reveal the technique of the Shadow Art, he could talk about the essence of the Shadow Art and himself. The experience of how to integrate the two practices is still good.

"Okay, stop now." Ming Lan asked Lang Xing to stop after he had used it more than twenty times. There was a deep look of thought in her eyes that were concealed in black.

"You should think about it carefully first. If it doesn't work, I will tell you more, can't mention the following things to others. This is the big secret of Qianxu Palace." Lang Xing has a point. With a risk-taking mentality, he passed on other people's secret skills to Bai Xiang, so it was only fair to leak the untold secrets of Qianxu Palace to others. At most, it would be his own misfortune. In order not to owe others, he was willing to bear the retribution.

"No need." Ming Lan replied

Waving his hands, he stopped thinking for a moment, looked at Lang Xing and said, "If you continue to work so hard and try to repay me at any cost, then we can't be friends. After you saved Bai Xiang, do you expect her to try her best to repay you?" ?"

Lang Xing sighed and said, "Sister Minglan, I understand, and I won't do anything to make you feel uncomfortable again."

"That's right, show me any progress you have made in the set of exercises I taught you." The reason why she limited the progress in that set of exercises was because she didn't want Lang Xing to use her mental powers on her.

Lang Xing used the power of his mind to smash a fist-sized stone, and then explained, "I get a severe headache when I concentrate my mind hard, so I can't use this power better, but I know that it is that set of skills." The Fa has brought me to a new realm, which has greatly improved me in all aspects." Then he showed off his powerful spiritual consciousness and spiritual attacks.

Ming Lan pretended to think, "You look too unlike a Dan-Jie monk. The path you are taking now is very strange, and I can't figure it out. You'd better find a way to make yourself look like a Nascent Soul monk." , create a fake Nascent Soul in the Qi Mansion."

"Get a fake Yuanying?" Langxing blinked twice in succession.

Minglan nodded and said, "Your reality is almost close to the late stage of Nascent Soul. What's missing is the changes brought about by breaking through the realm. Since you think you can use the power of your mind to heal Bai Xiang, you can also try to see if you can use it." It changes your body, but it has to be done with extreme caution."

Lang Xing grimaced and said, "I have thought about this, but if I am not careful when using the power of my mind, I will get a headache and lose control, so I dare not try it easily."

"Then don't worry, wait until the headache problem is solved later, but you can try to condense a fake Nascent Soul now."

"Okay!" Lang Xing's eyes flashed with excitement. This is very interesting. If you can do it, you can save a lot of trouble of covering up.

"Think about it for yourself. I also want to understand these peculiarities of yours." After Minglan finished speaking, she went to meditate.

Langxing pointed to his heart and said, "Sister Minglan, I still have a secret. I rely on this kind of innate magical power to activate Qiancheng Mansion and other spiritual treasures. I can send messages with my heart, and I can easily communicate with the spirit treasures." Communicate with the spirit beasts.”

But she is really honest. Ming Lan complained in her heart, but a smile appeared on her face and she said, "I saw it when you activated Qiancheng Mansion. I have seen this kind of talent and magical power from others more than once. Moreover, people also taught me some cultivation methods. Don’t show this magical power to me. It may allow you to get a glimpse of some secrets of cultivating this magical power from me. I don’t want to reveal the secret to others. "

"Ah?" Lang Xing was greatly surprised. There are actually people with such innate magical powers. Then he nodded with great admiration and said, "Okay, okay, Sister Minglan, you are really amazing. You have more knowledge than many great powers."

Ming Lan smiled and said, "Of course there are benefits to living as a family all over the world, otherwise I wouldn't be keen on it."

"It seems that I will have to go around more in the future." Lang Xing only agreed. He was not interested in the avenue, let alone the pursuit of novelties.

"Go and think about how to create a fake Nascent Soul. After I've finished my enlightenment, I'll go into your Qiankun Bag to see it." After Minglan finished speaking, she floated to a bluestone in the distance and began to meditate.

Lang Xing also sat down and began to think.

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