Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1997 You two are one

After chatting with the Sixth Senior Brother for a while, Langxing stood up and said to the Second Senior Sister who was waiting at the side, "Go back to the palace. The Sixth Senior Brother asked me not to disturb him within a month."

Zhixia took him flying towards Zixiao Palace and asked, "Did you leave Xiang'er with Shen Qing? I think her injury is extremely difficult to heal. You don't have to spend too much energy on this."

"Well, Shen Qing is helping me take care of her." Lang Xing did not answer the question of healing. He had just lost his Taoist heart, so he had to be more cautious about any topics involving the spiritual heart clan's skills.

After arriving at Zixiao Palace, she knew that Xia was going to pass the Immortal Qiankun Bag and let Lang Xing go to make out with everyone. She knew that Lang Xing would definitely have to go to the Xu Shui Secret Realm, so it would be better for her to keep the Qiankun Bag for safety first.

Lang Xing wandered around the islands in the Inner Sea, and soon he was followed by a large group of people. Now his popularity in the Inner Sea is more likely to exceed that of Xun Yi. There are others inside and outside. He is a closed disciple of the Inner Sea. These people I feel a special closeness to him.

Even Qingyu and others didn't know the reason for his sudden departure last time. Naturally, Langxing would not tell them the truth. He only said that he felt that there were some signs, so the second senior sister went to the Pure Land to seek a breakthrough. This excuse was used by everyone. Everyone believed it.

Among these people, Ping'er has the deepest feelings for Lang Xing. The two were playmates when Lang Xing first entered Zixiao Palace. Thanks to Lang Xing's blessing, she not only went to the Xu Shui Secret Realm but also got a small Monkey's spirit fruit, she is now in the late stage of pill formation. Compared with her qualifications, it is already very good to be able to practice to this point, so she is very satisfied and happy. Under Zhixia's personal guidance, she is not If you continue to practice so hard, you should pay attention to relaxation and relaxation in the later stage of elixir formation.

She wants status and wealth, and her cultivation has reached a level that she never dared to imagine before. In short, Ping'er feels that her life now couldn't be better, and she is even more grateful for the kindness of the Seven Immortals.

"I'll give this to you." Langxing remembered the long and agile knife on the way to Shuangping Island, took it out and handed it to Ping'er.

"Yo~" Qingyu made a strange and meaningful sound, his eyes full of jokes between the two.


Ping'er's face immediately turned red. She glared at Qingyu before declining to Zhui'er, "I have a lot of treasures, so there's no need to give them to me."

Langxing was no longer the naive Zhui'er who let Qingyu tease him. With a smile in his eyes, he pointed the knife at Qingyu and said, "If you dare to make fun of us again, don't blame me for being rude to you, uncle."

Qingyu curled her lips and smiled and said, "Why are you so rude? Don't press me with the following laws. If you hit you, it will be in vain. Do you still expect Uncle Second Master to punish me?"

Langxing nodded to Ping'er and said, "Let's beat her!" After saying that, he swung his knife towards Qingyu.

Ping'er glanced at Master Yan Bing and saw that Master was smiling and silent, so she activated a flying sword and attacked Qingyu with a smile on her lips.

The tenth-generation disciple led a thirteenth-generation disciple to chase and beat up a twelfth-generation disciple, and bursts of joyful laughter echoed outside Shuangping Island.

After a while of commotion, Langxing threw the long knife to Ping'er, waved his hands to everyone and said, "I'm going to see Sister Yuehong, don't follow me." After that, he flew towards Wuqing Island.

Yuehong was extremely happy to see Langxing. She really missed Langxing after not seeing him for so many years.

Before the two of them could say a few words, Little Yuanying came, pulled up Langxing and ran over there. Yuehong regarded Little Yuanying as if she were her own child, so she had to let her take Langxing away. Langxing was also anxious. I want to see the little monkeys.

Little Yuanying didn't want to take Langxing to see the little monkey directly. She had a lot to say to Langxing. After entering Xu Shui, she deliberately took Langxing to a mountain of spiritual stones far away from the little monkey, and hugged him with both hands. Lang Xing's neck whispered to Lang Xing.

Talking about Taoism with a Nascent Soul is a very special experience. This opportunity is not only worth cherishing but also interesting.

The two of them chatted for more than two hours before Xiao Yuanying was satisfied and took Lang Xing to see the little monkey.

The little monkey was naturally very close to Lang Xing when it saw him. It squeaked and pushed Lang Xing onto the rock, and jumped excitedly on Lang Xing's belly. This has become its fixed way of expressing its closeness to Lang Xing. .

The little monkey doesn't seem to have changed much. If Xun Yi, who has the spiritual eye to check the void, looks at it, the change will be huge. The golden light on the little monkey is much stronger than before.

The little monkey jumped out of the clouds and ran out. Only then did Langxing remember that Tuntian was still in his arms. He broke out in a cold sweat, fearing that Tuntian couldn't stand the environment here. After checking, he let out a long sigh. Tuntian, who was in the seal, was safe and sound. He wanted to release Tuntian and let him experience the Xu Shui secret realm, but he was afraid that something would happen, so he had to suppress this idea for the time being.

After the little monkey had danced enough, Langxing asked it how it was doing this time. The little monkey was already familiar with this kind of mental question and answer. Langxing clearly understood several of its meanings. One was that it I like being here very much. One of them is complaining about little Yuanying because he doesn't always come down to accompany him. The other is that he misses Lang Xing and Jiang Xiao very much.

"If you like it here, just stay here."

"Little Yuanying will stay with you more often in the future."

"Jiang Xiao and I miss you too."

After Langxing told the little monkey these meanings one by one with his heart, he then said, "Guozi, give me two fruits from the tree."

The little monkey happily ran to the distant tree and picked up two big fruits for Long Xing.

"Hehe." Lang Xing patted the little monkey's head to express his gratitude, but he was thinking that it would be less. It should be no problem to ask for two more at this time. Let's talk about it in a few days. Don't ask for it one after another.

With Lang Xing around, the little Yuanying naturally had to try his best to be nice to the little monkey. After playing with them for a while, Lang Xing handed the little monkey and the little cloud to the little Yuanying, and began to breathe and meditate. It would be a pity not to make good use of this place with abundant spiritual energy.

Two days later, Lang Xing noticed that the little Yuanying brought Shao Ling here, so he stopped meditating and stood up to meet Shao Ling.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Shao Ling sent the little Yuanying away, then put her hand on Lang Xing's arm and whispered, "I know she told you a lot of secrets. Lang Xing, I want to ask you to help me. Don't let her think of leaving me. I'm getting more and more worried about this now." Lang Xing nodded and whispered, "You don't need to tell me about this. I've been telling her not to be disloyal to you. Her situation is too special. I'll try my best to find a solution for you." Shao Ling said gratefully, "Thank you so much. Lang Xing, you have extraordinary wisdom. I feel much more at ease with you helping me." "It should be. Don't worry too much. You two are one. It would be bad if she felt that you were on guard against her. Even if you reach the late stage of the Nascent Soul, there is still a lot of time to solve this problem. You just need to grow up with her wholeheartedly now. If you have any other thoughts, both of you will be finished. "

"I understand. Second Senior Sister and the others also told me so. Do you have any news about my master?"

Lang Xing blinked at her and said, "Just don't worry. Fairy Concubine Chan is very good. I have seen her, but she doesn't let me tell anyone more. I can only report to you that she is safe."

"Really?!" Shao Ling was surprised and happy. She hadn't seen her master for nearly a thousand years. She was worried to death. She didn't expect that she would get such great news by asking casually.

Lang Xing nodded to her vigorously, "It's true. Don't tell anyone."

Shao Ling nodded repeatedly, and tears flashed in her eyes with excitement.

s: I wanted to add more chapters yesterday, but I posted the next chapter and missed the previous one. Sorry, sorry.

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