Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1999 I came here specially to pay off the debt

Nuan Dong took the ten-thousand-year inner elixir, looked at it, nodded and said, "I'll keep this one of yours. I also have the inner elixir of the ten-thousand-year beast hidden here. Let's learn about it instead." After she finished speaking, I went to Zangbao Mishi to get a dark green inner elixir and gave it to Lang Xing.

Lang Xing put it away without any hesitation and said, "Okay, I'll return it to you when I finish my meditation. It's useless for me to keep this thing."

Nuan Dong praised sincerely, "You are more generous than your seventh senior brother. Sometimes I really feel that you two are quite similar, especially your open-mindedness and your benevolent heart."

Lang Xing smiled and said, "I think the most important thing is that we are both children, that's why you think we are similar."

Nuan Dong also smiled and said, "Of course this is related, but there are also big differences between children. You and Xinqing are similar in spirit but not in form. He seems to be more ghostly than you. It's a pity that we are not blessed to have him." Two such good junior brothers." At this point, Nuan Dong's voice became sad again.

"Okay, let's not talk about my seventh senior brother. It's been more than a thousand years and you are still so sad when I mention it. How can I trust you about Master's matter?"

Nuan Dong raised his hand and patted him on the head, and said angrily, "You started to pant even as I was talking, you are so old-fashioned!" After scolding him, he sighed, "You have never gotten along with your seventh senior brother, he is too special. He is really so likable, but the ending is so tragic. He suffered a misfortune at a young age. Because of this, we can't help but feel sad when he is mentioned. Please keep your own good. Xiao Ming, Second Senior Sister won't let us interfere with your affairs, but I still have to tell you not to do risky things. No matter what difficulties you have, just speak up and we will do our best to help you solve it. Don't be stupid. It’s okay, you have four senior sisters, we can help you stop even the biggest things.”

"I know, I know. Just don't worry, Fourth Senior Sister, I won't be as stupid as Sixth Senior Brother. I will definitely ask you for help if I need help."

Nuan Dong felt funny and patted him on the head again, "If you dare to say that to your Sixth Senior Brother, be careful he skins you!"

Long star

He laughed and said, "I'm not afraid. I have four senior sisters."

Nuan Dong was so amused by him that he couldn't help laughing.

After staying in Biyu Lake for two days, Langxing flew in the direction of Yunxing Pavilion, which was heading to Nanjingzhou, and took a detour to see the senior sister and her family. Lingxiang is worth it.

Xiaochun was naturally very pleased to see Langxing's energetic appearance.

Lingxiang looked a little guilty, but she quickly recovered and became more confident and calm than before. Langxing knew that she longed for his company, so she spent two of the three days she stayed here with him. Chatting with her, he gave her a small monkey spirit fruit before leaving, and Lingxiang packed a large box of apricot fruit for him.

After bidding farewell to Senior Sister and Lingxiang, Langxing went straight to Nanjingzhou.

The last time he returned to Nanjingzhou, he was in a happy mood to see Sijia. This time, it was to see Su Wan. His mood was no longer just happy, but also a little frightening. He didn't even want to admit it. The emotions towards Su Wan and towards Sijia are obviously different. For Sijia, it is an ambiguous emotion with a close meaning, while the emotion towards Su Wan is much stronger and clearer.

In order to avoid the area where demonic beasts interacted with Puyunzhou, Langxing did not take a shortcut, but followed the old path back to Nanjingzhou last time and made a circle. Near the junction of the two continents, he released the Deyi eagle and rode the spirit crane instead. Return to Nanjingzhou for the second time.

Along the way, he could hardly see the monsters in Shui Qingzhou. He changed his direction and moved towards Qianxu Palace to see what was going on over there. On the third day of his journey, he saw scattered monsters. From the beast's den, it seems that the monster has not been completely driven out yet.

After flying for two more days along the edge of the area where monsters were entrenched, I encountered the first Skylaw Alliance team, which was a patrol team.

, after asking about the current battle situation, he followed the instructions of these people and headed southwest to look for Fifth Senior Sister Qi Jia's army.

When they found the Tian Ping camp, Fifth Senior Sister was not there. Although everyone here knew him, the deputy commander's whereabouts would definitely not be told to him, and he could not be allowed to enter the camp. So Langxing asked the people on guard to help him find it. Painted pot.

Huahu had already changed into the red-robed law guard's shirt. When he saw Lang Xing, he shook his shirt and said proudly, "Look, the three of us got out, and now we are the red-robed law guard."

Langxing said with a slightly joking smile, "Congratulations to you, be careful and don't sneak back into Yilingwei again. You three are capable of this."

Huahu laughed, patted him on the shoulder affectionately and said, "You have finally given birth to a baby. Where are Xiyang and Jiangxiao?"

"They're pretty good." Lang Xing took out the ink cone and handed it to him, "I came here specifically to pay off the debt."

"Really?" Huahu held the ink cone and licked his lips. This treasure really made him greedy.

"Okay, put it away quickly. Don't leave it to my mother-in-law and mother-in-law. I don't lack this treasure now."

"Okay! It's so damn refreshing. I'm determined to be your friend!" Huahu put the ink cone away excitedly.

Lang Xing asked with concern, "How is Hei Si?"

"It's okay. If you can recover, don't worry about it. It's a favor I owe and it has nothing to do with you." Huahu waved his hand after saying this.

Lang Xing used his spiritual thoughts to ask, "Is the deputy commander okay?"

Huahu grabbed his arm and said secretly, "I was seriously injured and went back to the Qingyuan Sect for training. Don't tell anyone."

Lang Xing nodded with a worried look on his face, and then asked, "How long do you think it will take before the siege of Qianxu Palace is solved?"

Hua Hu shook his head and said, "It's really hard to say. The battle front where the monsters have shrunk has now become a stalemate again."

, although the victory or defeat is no longer in suspense, the specific time is hard to say. We want to consume the strength of Pu Yunzhou, so we have slowed down the offensive. "

Lang Xing said helplessly, "That would be a disaster for us, Qianxugong."

Huahu's eyes flashed and he said, "Anyway, your Qianxu Palace didn't join the Heavenly Law Alliance. I don't need to explain this clearly, right?"

Langxing looked at his master and was speechless. He had promised not to go to the battlefield again, and this was something he could not control with his own strength.

Hua Hu patted Lang Xing and said, "Don't worry about getting angry. This can only be like this. Is there anything else we need to help with? After receiving such great benefits from you, I feel like I am not being righteous anymore. I just take care of things." He said, now we can take leave and go out. After selling our lives for so many years, we will definitely get it if we take leave. "

Lang Xing muttered, "Xiyang and Jiangxiao want to go to Yuhai to find a friend. They haven't decided yet. If they need help, I will come to you again."

"Yuhai?" Huahu's eyes flashed with excitement, "I've heard of this place. It's very chaotic there. If you want to go, I'll go with you. I'll be sick if I keep killing monsters."

"Let's talk about it later. I don't have to go yet. Okay, I have to go. Take care of yourself." Huahu's excitement made Lang Xing a little confused. He wanted to find more helpers, but it seemed that Huahu The pot didn't seem like a suitable candidate.

"If you decide to go, be sure to tell me." Huahu asked excitedly.

Saying goodbye to the painting pot, Lang Xing felt a little more relaxed. The debt was finally paid. With the Purple Sun Sword and Qiancheng Mansion, the Feng Ling Hairpin could also be given to Su Wan, and there was also a high-quality one used by the Feathering Monk. The spiritual treasure is stored in the treasure hiding place that Senior Xiaoyao created for him. He can get it back after the monsters retreat. The treasure is enough.

s?Thank you to senior brother heenoy for the reward, thank you to senior brother for becoming the elder of this book, and thank you to senior brother for your continued support.

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