Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2016 The Pavilion in the Secret Realm

Yuan Qing was afraid of what tricks he might use, so she jumped forward without waiting any longer! The reason why he acted fearful was because he had already heard a few words from the old man. The old man was seriously injured. After bringing Lang Xing into this space, he had to rush to nurse the injury, and he didn't even care. Say a few more words to Yuan Qing.

"Hey!" When Yuan Qing pounced on him, Langxing's body floated backwards and launched a mental attack at the same time.

Yuan Qing, who was flying in the air, trembled and fell to the ground as stiffly as a tree stump. His eyes were full of fear. Without any cultivation, the mental attack exerted a greater effect on Yuan Qing.

Langxing didn't expect to knock Yuan Qing down with a mental attack. He had known that it would be unnecessary to expose his physical skills. Taking advantage of Tian Qing's distraction, he hurriedly used the power of his mind to launch another mental attack on Yuan Qing. .

"Ah!" Yuan Qing let out a scream, rolled her eyes and stopped moving.

Lang Xing touched his aching head and felt that the power of his thoughts seemed to be much stronger than before, but the headache caused by concentrating his thoughts became smaller. He suspected that it was caused by this strange environment, but in fact it was It was the result of Minglan unlocking part of the seal for him.

After confirming that Yuan Qing was not hit to death, Lang Xing quickly stepped forward, grabbed both of Yuan Qing's arms and kicked them off. It would be impossible not to be cruel at this time.

The severe pain revived Yuan Qing, but his heart was almost crushed by the power of his thoughts, which was enough to cause him to collapse. At this moment, his two arms were broken again, and his face was pale from the pain. I was sweating profusely and couldn't exert any strength.

Langxing still worriedly took off his belt and tied his feet and hands behind his back. He originally wanted to send Yuanqing into the Qiankun bag, but now it seems that there is no need to reveal the secret of the Qiankun bag. He has to guard against the old man. Maybe he's checking the situation here.

After tying up Yuanqing, Langxing pinched Yuanqing's throat, looked around with a fierce look in his eyes, and asked, "Where is this place? How to get out?"

Yuan Qing said with difficulty, "Who are you?"

Lang Xing tightened his grip on his hand and said fiercely, "Just answer whatever I ask you, or I will crush you to death!"

"This... is a secret realm. Only... that senior can enter and exit. You... loosen up a little, or I won't... say anything."

Lang Xing relaxed his grip on his hand and snorted coldly, "That old guy is also from your Drunken Love Palace, right?"


Before Yuan Qing could finish speaking, Lang Xing tightened his grip on his throat again, until Yuan Qing rolled her eyes before letting go, "Speak! If you don't tell the truth, you will never have a chance to speak again. ”

"He is not from our Zuiqing Palace." Yuan Qing did not change his words.

Although Lang Xing had to use his mind and magical powers to be wary of the old man's arrival, he could still sense that Yuan Qing was telling lies, because the emotion in the other person's heart was too obvious.

"Where is the old guy now?"

"I don't know, who are you?" Yuan Qing wanted to know who Lang Xing was. No matter whether it was a mental attack or a mental attack, he failed miserably. In his eyes, Lang Xing was just a weird person. of evil spirits.

Lang Xing grabbed him by the throat and picked him up. The bones of this bastard were too hard. It seemed that he couldn't get anything out of this question, so he had to give him a hard time first. He was half dragging and half carrying him.

With Yuanqing, he walked cautiously towards the hanging flower door.

It was pitiful that Yuan Qing, a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, was being dragged around by the neck like a dog. The pain and suffocation made him break into a cold sweat and roll his eyes. He felt as embarrassed as he wanted.

The hanging flower gate connects a large courtyard with a small forest and a lake. There are several houses with beautiful scenery among the trees. There is a five-story purple wood pavilion by the lake. The scenery is beautiful and full of artistic conception.

Langxing picked up Yuan Qing, grabbed his ankles with one hand and pinched his throat with the other, and placed him across his chest. He used him as a shield for the time being, and then cautiously moved towards the rooms that were closer to each other. Walking towards the house by the forest.

As he walked, Langxing said in a gloomy tone, "If there is any trap here, you'd better tell it now, otherwise I will definitely let you die miserably."

Yuan Qing closed her mouth tightly with an unyielding expression. He wanted to delay for a little longer, hoping that the old man would come to save him as soon as possible.

Langxing didn't talk nonsense to him and walked straight towards those houses, because he felt that this ghost place was already in a desperate situation and there should be no more traps.

The house seems to be just a resting place. Judging from its furnishings, one is a pure room for meditation, one is a bedroom with a bed, another is a reception area, and the last one is a treasure room. I only looked at it from the outside, didn't even enter the treasure room, and turned towards the pavilion.

This pavilion has an elegant shape. Looking through the open door, the halls and corridors inside are all normal.

"What is this place?" Langxing asked Yuanqing. He didn't expect Yuanqing to answer. After asking, he wanted to walk in.

"There is a magic circle trap here, don't go in!" Yuan Qing said with a worried look in her eyes.

"Oh?" Lang Xing rolled his eyes and used his spiritual power to sense Yuan Qing's mood. Yuan Qing really didn't want him to go in, but it didn't seem out of fear, more like he wanted to hide something.

"Where is the trap? If you don't tell me, I will throw you in as a stepping stone." Lang Xing threatened.

Yuan Qing shut her mouth tightly again. For him, it could be delayed for a while. As long as he gritted his teeth and didn't say anything, this kid wouldn't dare to go in at will. Throwing him in like a stepping stone is just an intimidation. That's all, in his opinion, Langxing would not lose himself as a hostage easily.

As soon as Yuan Qing made up her mind, her body was thrown into the pavilion door.

"Ah! Ah~~"

The first cry was an unexpected exclamation, and the second cry was caused by the severe pain from the broken arm when it fell to the ground.

After throwing Yuan Qing, Lang Xing saw that nothing happened, so he rushed in and grabbed him by the throat and lifted him in his hands. The opponent he wanted to be wary of at the moment was in the Feather Stage, so he had to Try to tighten the throat of the hostage as much as possible to prevent others from taking advantage of him. The range of his mind's perception is only more than a thousand miles, which is a distance that can be crossed in an instant for a feather monk.

Standing in the spacious hall on the first floor, Langxing looked at the rooms on the left and right, and asked Yuanqing, "Where is the trap?" While asking, he made a gesture to throw Yuanqing to the left again.

Yuan Qing said nothing. He would rather let Lang Xing throw him all the way, but also try to buy as much precious time as possible. What disappointed him was that Lang Xing just made a show and didn't really throw him out. He held him in front of him and walked to the left. Yuan Qing was afraid of what tricks he might use, so she jumped forward without waiting any longer! The reason why he acted fearful was because he had already heard a few words from the old man. The old man was seriously injured. After bringing Lang Xing into this space, he had to rush to nurse the injury, and he didn't even care. Say a few more words to Yuan Qing.

"Hey!" When Yuan Qing pounced on him, Langxing's body floated backwards and launched a mental attack at the same time.

Yuan Qing, who was flying in the air, trembled and fell to the ground as stiffly as a tree stump. His eyes were full of fear. Without any cultivation, the mental attack exerted a greater effect on Yuan Qing.

Langxing didn't expect to knock Yuan Qing down with a mental attack. He had known that it would be unnecessary to expose his physical skills. Taking advantage of Tian Qing's distraction, he hurriedly used the power of his mind to launch another mental attack on Yuan Qing. .

"Ah!" Yuan Qing let out a scream, rolled her eyes and stopped moving.

Lang Xing touched his aching head and felt that the power of his thoughts seemed to be much stronger than before, but the headache caused by concentrating his thoughts became smaller. He suspected that it was caused by this strange environment, but in fact it was It was the result of Minglan unlocking part of the seal for him.

After confirming that Yuan Qing was not hit and killed, Lang Xing quickly stepped forward, grabbed both of Yuan Qing's arms and kicked them off. It was impossible not to be cruel at this time.

The severe pain revived Yuan Qing, but his heart was almost crushed by the power of his thoughts, which was enough to cause him to collapse. At this moment, his two arms were broken again, and he turned pale with pain. I was sweating profusely, and I couldn't exert any strength.

Langxing still worriedly took off his belt and tied his feet and hands behind his back. He originally wanted to send Yuanqing into the Qiankun bag, but now it seems that there is no need to reveal the secret of the Qiankun bag. He has to guard against the old man. Maybe he's checking the situation here.

After tying up Yuanqing, Langxing pinched Yuanqing's throat, looked around with a fierce look in his eyes, and asked, "Where is this place? How to get out?"

Yuan Qing said with difficulty, "Who are you?"

Lang Xing tightened his grip on his hand and said fiercely, "Just answer whatever I ask you, or I will crush you to death!"

"This... is a secret realm. Only... that senior can enter and exit. You... loosen up a little, or I'm going to... say something."

Lang Xing relaxed his grip on his hand and snorted coldly, "That old guy is also from your Drunken Love Palace, right?"


Before Yuan Qing could finish speaking, Lang Xing tightened his grip on his throat again, until Yuan Qing rolled her eyes before letting go, "Speak! If you don't tell the truth, you will never have a chance to speak again. ”

"He is not from our Zuiqing Palace." Yuan Qing did not change his words.

Although Lang Xing had to use his mind and magical powers to be wary of the old man's arrival, he could still sense that Yuan Qing was telling lies, because the emotion in the other person's heart was too obvious.

"Where is the old guy now?"

"I don't know, who are you?" Yuan Qing wanted to know who Lang Xing was. No matter whether it was a mental attack or a mental attack, he failed miserably. In his eyes, Lang Xing was just a weird person. of evil spirits.

Lang Xing grabbed him by the throat and picked him up. The bones of this bastard were too hard. It seemed that he couldn't get anything out of this question, so he had to give him a hard time first. He was half dragging and half carrying him.

With Yuanqing, he walked cautiously towards the hanging flower door.

It was pitiful that Yuan Qing, a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, was being dragged around by the neck like a dog. The pain and suffocation made him break into a cold sweat and roll his eyes. He felt as embarrassed as he wanted.

The hanging flower gate connects a large courtyard with a small forest and a lake. There are several houses with beautiful scenery among the trees. There is a five-story purple wood pavilion by the lake. The scenery is beautiful and full of artistic conception.

Langxing picked up Yuan Qing, grabbed his ankles with one hand and pinched his throat with the other, and placed him across his chest. He used him as a shield for the time being, and then cautiously moved towards the rooms that were closer to each other. Walking towards the house by the forest.

As he walked, Langxing said in a gloomy tone, "If there is any trap here, you'd better tell it now, otherwise I will definitely let you die miserably."

Yuan Qing closed her mouth tightly with an unyielding expression. He wanted to delay for a little longer, hoping that the old man would come to save him as soon as possible.

Langxing didn't talk nonsense to him and walked straight towards those houses, because he felt that this ghost place was already in a desperate situation and there should be no more traps.

The house seems to be just a resting place. Judging from its furnishings, one is a pure room for meditation, one is a bedroom with a bed, another is a reception area, and the last one is a treasure room. I only looked at it from the outside, didn't even enter the treasure room, and turned towards the pavilion.

This pavilion has an elegant shape. Looking through the open door, the halls and corridors inside are all normal.

"What is this place?" Langxing asked Yuanqing. He didn't expect Yuanqing to answer. After asking, he wanted to walk in.

"There is a magic circle trap here, don't go in!" Yuan Qing said with a worried look in her eyes.

"Oh?" Lang Xing rolled his eyes and used his spiritual power to sense Yuan Qing's mood. Yuan Qing really didn't want him to go in, but it didn't seem out of fear, more like he wanted to hide something.

"Where is the trap? If you don't tell me, I will throw you in as a stepping stone." Lang Xing threatened.

Yuan Qing shut her mouth tightly again. For him, it could be delayed for a while. As long as he gritted his teeth and didn't say anything, this kid wouldn't dare to go in at will. Throwing him in like a stepping stone is just an intimidation. That's all, in his opinion, Langxing would not lose himself as a hostage easily.

As soon as Yuan Qing made up her mind, her body was thrown into the pavilion door.

"Ah! Ah~~"

The first cry was an unexpected exclamation, and the second cry was caused by the severe pain from the broken arm when it fell to the ground.

After throwing Yuan Qing, Lang Xing saw that nothing happened, so he rushed in and grabbed him by the throat and lifted him in his hands. The opponent he wanted to be wary of at the moment was in the Feather Stage, so he had to Try to tighten the throat of the hostage as much as possible to prevent others from taking advantage of him. The range of his mind's perception is only more than a thousand miles, which is a distance that can be crossed in an instant for a feather monk.

Standing in the spacious hall on the first floor, Langxing looked at the rooms on the left and right, and asked Yuanqing, "Where is the trap?" While asking, he made a gesture to throw Yuanqing to the left again.

Yuan Qing said nothing. He would rather let Lang Xing throw him all the way, but also try to buy as much precious time as possible. What disappointed him was that Lang Xing just made a show and didn't really throw him out. He held him in front of him and walked to the left.

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