Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2018 Don’t trample on my trust in you

"Listen to me...explain..." Yuan Qing made a difficult voice.

"Where is that old bastard? Is he recovering from his injuries?" This is what Langxing is most concerned about.

"Yes, you injured him, but he's not here."

"Then where is he?" Lang Xing was impatient this time and twisted Yuan Qing's severed arm hard, causing the bones to rub against each other and making a horrifying creaking sound.

"He is outside this secret realm!" Yuan Qing had to reveal a little bit of the truth in exchange for the other party stopping.

"How badly injured is he?" Lang Xing stopped. He was not a ruthless person, and he had no choice but to torture Yuan Qing like this.

"It's quite serious. I'm afraid it will be difficult to recover for a while. Really, it's serious enough that I have to heal it immediately, otherwise I would have come in to find you." Yuan Qing told this truth to make Lang Xing relax a little. , so that he can take a breather.

After hearing what he said, Langxing's eyes flashed twice and then he activated the Immortal Qiankun Bag. After taking Yuanqing in, he immediately sealed him while he was shocked, and then fell as quietly as possible away from him. At the edge of Su Wan's land, the smaller piece of land is the ultimate refuge left by Immortal Xiaoyao for him. He can only enter and exit with soul breath, and cannot enter with his soul.

Because he knew that Su Wan's retreat was quite important and might affect her situation, he still didn't want to disturb Su Wan until now.

But Su Wan was still disturbed. As soon as Langxing landed on the ground, she frowned and flew over.

"What's going on?" Su Wan looked at the miserable Yuan Qing and asked confused.

Lang Xing said with a complicated mood, "It's my fault for being too pushy. After you retreated, I was bored and wanted to look for Tianqing and the others. I found them, but I didn't expect that old bastard turned out to be a great magician. I fought with him." Although he was seriously injured, he was sent to the secret realm last time. "

Su Wan opened her eyes in disbelief. She didn't quite believe that the old man had the magical power of transforming into feathers, let alone

Xinlangxing can injure a great magical power of Huayu.

Langxing used several methods on Yuan Qing to seal his Qi and meridians, then released the seal on him, looked at Su Wan and said, "I don't have time to tell you more, just search for his soul." After that, he left. go.

Amelia Su held his arm tightly and asked, "Where are you going?"

Langxing said with a worried look in his eyes, "The old guy is recovering from his injuries. Maybe he can't pay attention to the situation here at the moment. I have to get out quickly, and then wait for him to come to me and find a way to get him in."

"No!" Su Wan shook her head vigorously, "Lang Xing, if he really has great supernatural powers, how can you defeat others when we are trapped in their territory? I can't let you take this risk. We have to go together!" "

Lang Xing also shook his head, looked at Su Wan apologetically and said, "It was me who put you in danger. You have to fight for it no matter what. Hiding here is not an option. After I go out, you can spread your consciousness as much as possible. If I If you die, maybe this Qiankun Bag will absorb your consciousness and recognize you as its master. I don’t know if this method will work. If it doesn’t work, you will have to use this Yuanqing as a hostage to deal with them. Be careful, these gangs Humans are all beasts, and everything will be clear once you search their souls.”

"No!" Su Wan's eyes were extremely determined, "Langxing, you don't have to feel that you owe me. I put you in this desperate situation last time. We just made it even. This matter is related to our life and death. I I don’t want to let you make arrangements in a daze, especially if you are not sure about this matter. I hope we can make a decision after discussing it. "

"We don't have that much time!" Lang Xing was a little anxious, but he didn't dare to secretly attack Su Wan, because the situation was changing rapidly, and he might be fatally attacked by the old man as soon as he went out.

The attack requires Su Wan to keep her consciousness dispersed at all times. Although this method may not ensure that Su Wan becomes the next owner of the Qiankun Bag, there is some hope after all.

He didn't dare to do evil things to Su Wan, but Su Wan dared to do evil things to him. Although Lang Xing was on guard, when Su Wan's spiritual power invaded, he sighed secretly and did not resist, because his He was full of tangles in his heart. He really didn't have the slightest confidence that he could trick the old man. He didn't need Su Wan to remind him of this. He was a Huayu monk, and he was in their trap. After the previous fight, He will never underestimate the enemy again. In front of a cautious supernatural power, his tricks will probably be difficult to work.

If going out is a narrow escape, he really hopes to choose to stay with Su Wan in this world for a few more years. It is his sense of responsibility that makes him have to choose to go out and fight. Su Wan's firm attitude makes him get off the donkey despite hesitation. .

He said with a helpless expression, "Let me go. I listen to you. I can observe the situation outside here. If there is an appropriate opportunity, we must seize it immediately. I am telling the truth."

Su Wan looked at him with deep eyes and said, "Okay, I trust you, Langxing, don't trample on my trust in you, otherwise I will not forgive you."

Langxing nodded solemnly. After Su Wan released the ban on him, he pointed at Yuan Qing and said, "I also hope you can trust me. Just search for his soul. Don't interrogate, save your money." time."

Su Wan looked at Yuan Qing, whose eyes were full of anger and anxiety, and couldn't help but hesitate. Yuan Qing could hear and see, but he couldn't speak. He hoped that he could use such eyes to gain a chance for himself.

Langxing showed his dissatisfaction with Su Wan's hesitation. He showed the image of the room on the fourth floor of the pavilion without expression and said lightly, "He has killed that stupid Fang Zhi."

. "

"This is..." Su Wan looked at the strange scene of three women standing in front of several cases with different expressions and couldn't figure out what was going on.

"These three women are all dead. They were destined to die at the most charming moment. The other three were also like this." After finishing speaking, Langxing closed his eyes and pretended to be sensing the situation outside. In fact, he could do it with his eyes open. "See" the scene outside.

Su Wan looked at Yuan Qing in disbelief. Yuan Qing blinked and rolled his eyes. It seemed that if he could speak, he would rush to defend himself.

"Senior Brother Yuanqing, I'm offended, please retreat to the mourning platform." Su Wan said this with difficulty. This choice was indeed very difficult for her. Searching for souls is not a trivial matter. Once done, her relationship with Yuanqing will be ruined. There is no room for relaxation in the relationship, which means Tianqing is also offended.

Logically speaking, she should give Yuan Qing a chance to defend herself, but Lang Xing's attitude forced her to make a choice. Although Lang Xing did this because of the emergency, she could understand it, but she could also see that Lang Xing This was meant to measure her trust in him, and Lang Xing made this point too obvious. Yuan Qing is just a touchstone. What needs to be verified is whether she believes more in Lang Xing or Tian Qing.

Su Wan could see that Langxing was extremely confident in the evidence she had obtained, but she should not be blind to such an important matter. Even if Langxing showed the images of Fairy Fanzhi and others, it would not be enough to convince her. She made a clear judgment, because there was probably a misunderstanding, and Yuan Qing's anxious look made her full of doubts. But now she and Lang Xing were talking about trust, and she had to make a choice.

The moment she put the jade finger on Yuanqing's forehead, Su Wan made the biggest bet in her life. If Langxing's judgment was wrong, it would not only lead to irreparable rifts in her relationship with Tianqing. , and the relationship with Lang Xing is not much better.

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