Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2032 Are you done?

Su Wan took out the picture of living in the wild from her sleeve, shook it at Lang Xing and said, "If you are in a hurry, go in and get it yourself, but you have to remember that you owe me a fairy treasure."

Lang Xing pretended to be displeased and said, "It's pointless to joke about Xiang'er's injury. The sooner the injury can be healed, the better. Take it out for me quickly."

Su Wan threw the wild residence picture to him and curled her lips and said, "Don't threaten me with this. Xiang'er is your disciple, what does it have to do with me? If you are anxious, just go in and get it yourself. Don't say that I was the one who delayed the treatment of Xiang'er." , I will not bear this crime.”

Lang Xing shook his head helplessly and said, "I have more treasures than I can use. I would rather give them to the Second Senior Sister of Zixiao Palace or Shen Qing, but this is something we both fought for desperately. I I’ve already agreed to share it with you, so don’t make it difficult for me.”

Su Wan frowned and said, "It's natural for you to take this treasure, but if you want to give it to others, I won't agree to it. This is an immortal treasure."

Lang Xing caught the clue and said, "You just kept saying that you wanted to give it away."

Su Wan was so choked that she stared and spat, "I was just joking. How stupid do you have to be to take it seriously?!"

Lang Xing laughed and said, "Since I admit it's a joke, then stop teasing me and accept it quickly."

Su Wan was in trouble. She was very clear about Xun Yi's lavish virtues. Lang Xing's performance in this regard could only be said to be worse. If he really let him give this treasure to others, she would be too embarrassed. She was reluctant to give up the fairy treasure. She felt very happy to recommend this fairy treasure to Lang Xing, because it showed that the affection between the two people was more valuable than the fairy treasure. She would never be so courteous to the second person. But it’s an immortal treasure that can turn couples who have been together for thousands of years and brothers who have been together for thousands of years into enemies!

She looked at Lang Xing sincerely and said, "I really feel guilty for taking this treasure, but I really don't want you to give it to anyone else. Lang Xing, don't make it difficult for me. If you feel that you can't monopolize it, If it’s appropriate, then give me another piece of your top-grade spiritual treasure, and I won’t return the Phoenix Ling Hairpin to you. Is that okay?”

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "You can't use the Shui Ting Sword and Qian Cheng Mansion. The Purple Sun Sword is useless to you."

It's much less powerful. Don't be polite to me. We may have to accompany Jiang Xiao to the Jade Sea next. The stronger your treasure is, the safer it will be for us. This is good for everyone. "

Su Wan couldn't help but shake her head.

"Then give it to Jiangxiao first. It is important to ensure the safety of the trip to Jade Sea."

"No! You can't give it to her!" Su Wan was a little anxious.

"Why not? Just give it to Jiangxiao!" Langxing said vindictively, because he knew that Su Wan and Jiangxiao couldn't get along, so he deliberately ran against Su Wan.

Su Wan snatched the Yeju picture from Lang Xing's hand and stuffed it into her sleeve. Then she sat on the back of Linghe and looked ahead expressionlessly and stopped paying attention to Lang Xing.

Lang Xing opened his mouth and laughed silently, extremely happy. In his previous life, he didn't dare to violate Su Wan's rules, but in this life, he was unscrupulous.

Su Wan used her spiritual consciousness to see the bad look on his face, but pretended not to notice and ignored him. She knew that Lang Xing was teasing her on purpose, and she was not as awkward as before when interacting with this "Xunyi". Scrupulous, after all, Lang Xing and Xun Yi are two completely different people, so she couldn't help showing a childlike attitude during the previous play, but that was also because there was too much joy in her heart, and it was a little difficult to control herself when venting. Now She had to be herself and let this accelerated emotion return to nature.

Women who know how to be reserved are attractive. Although Su Wan has never thought about this, her own temperament and cultivation have given her this kind of charm. Being herself means showing her own unique beauty.

Seeing that people ignored his pretentious gesture, Langxing giggled awkwardly.

Su Wan turned her face and glanced at him from the corner of her eyes, still ignoring him.

"Just kidding, Jiangxiao already has a high-grade spiritual treasure. Besides, even if he really gives it away,

It has to be given to my second senior sister, no one else’s turn. " Langxing explained while leaning on Linghe's back. In order to avoid suspicion, he didn't even mention Shen Qing this time.

Su Wan calmly moved to the side to make room for him.

Lang Xing sat down with some restraint, and Su Wan moved to the side again, pretending to keep a distance from him.

"Hey, you're not so angry, are you? I told you it was just a joke." Lang Xing subconsciously wanted to scratch his head, but remembering Yu Chan's admonishment, he lowered his hand halfway up.

"Who's angry?" Su Wan's tone was calm and somewhat arrogantly disdainful.

"That's good, that's good." Lang Xing said repeatedly with a playful smile. After saying this, he felt that he was a bit too cheap, so he added, "You are not angry. What are you doing?" Unfortunately, this suddenly left The sudden move made him unable to grasp the scale properly, and the sarcasm in his tone became more obvious, almost turning into a question, which made him nervous again.

"Thinking about something." Su Wan replied calmly, seemingly not caring about his provocative tone.

Lang Xing secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile on his face, "What are you thinking about? It's the picture of living in the wild, right? Don't take it so seriously, it's nothing, it should be yours, this is called stupidity. Stupid Fu.”

Su Wan turned to stare at him with cold eyes.

Lang Xing held back his laughter and explained, "Isn't that what happened? You were stupid and caused these troubles. You have admitted it several times yourself. If you weren't stupid, how would these things have happened? Of course. I won't be able to get these treasures." He was afraid of offending Su Wan, but he couldn't help but want to attract others, and he had a bit of a mentality of playing with fire without risking his own life.

"You're right." Not only did Su Wan not have an attack, she also suppressed the cold light in her eyes and looked forward again.

"Then what are you waiting for? What else is there to think about? I'm waiting to understand the 'Repair Immortal Technique'." After Lang Xing finished speaking, he was waiting for the thunder in his head.

His head exploded, and he was waiting for the anger to sweep through his body. This is the virtue of a bastard, just because he wants others to pay attention to him.

Su Wanming continued to look forward calmly. Not only did she not show any signs of attack, but she also seemed to know that she was in the wrong and could not retaliate despite being scolded. She needed to accumulate more resentment, and at the same time let Lang Xing have more fun. , after all, it is a fairy treasure.

"You're so serious!" Lang Xing complained again guiltily, and then he didn't dare to say more. He felt that he was in danger.

"Are you done?" Su Wan turned her head and asked calmly.

Lang Xing insisted, "What else do you want me to say!"

"Okay." Su Wan took a deep breath and solemnly said to Lang Xing, "If you have nothing more to say, then this wilderness residence picture will belong to me."

When Su Wan took a deep breath, Langxing was ready to be beaten. He couldn't help but be a little stunned after hearing what they said.

Su Wan repeated again, "Did you hear me clearly? I will keep this treasure. When I get to a safe place, I will take out the secret book of the 'Repair Immortal Technique' and give it to you."

"Oh! Then what?" Lang Xing asked with increased vigilance.

"No more." Su Wan looked forward again. Although she tried hard to remain calm, her expression still showed a bit of peace of mind that encouraged herself.

"That's it?" Lang Xing seemed to understand.

"That's it." Su Wanfeng said calmly, and raised her hand to elegantly smooth the hair on her temples.

"Haha!" Langxing suppressed his evil laughter twice. Seeing that Su Wan didn't pay attention to him, he jumped up in the air and ran in front of Linghe. He laughed loudly and galloped away as if he couldn't bear it. went.

Su Wan felt a little feverish on her face. This immoral thing was really hateful. Such laughter made her calm and indifferent attitude completely artificial, making her sit there unable to get up or down. But I can only continue to be so stubborn.

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