Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2038 I’m here

The small pavilion was filled with too much tenderness and sweetness. Both of them were afraid that the relationship would develop too quickly and get out of control, so Su Wan sent Lang Xing away on the grounds that she needed to meditate to recover.

At dusk the next day, Su Wan called Langxing into a stone room in the cave. There was no furnishings in the stone room. Su Wan, who was sitting on the futon, pointed to the wild dwelling picture spread on the ground and said, "I'm going to start."

Lang Xing nodded solemnly, standing there looking at Su Wan motionless with a worried look that seemed to contain a thousand words.

Su Wan smiled at him and said, "Don't worry so much, just go to the entrance of the cave and guard it for me." ??

Langxing slowly withdrew, feeling anxious and uneasy as if he was the one who was in danger.

Su Wan took a deep breath, tapped her jade finger, and the picture of Yeju, which exuded a strange light light, floated up. After using her spiritual consciousness to look at Lang Xing, who was worried at the entrance of the cave, she closed her eyes and concentrated the remaining half of her consciousness. The knowledge of living in the countryside is sent to the picture.

In order not to disturb Su Wan, Langxing only used a very subtle ray of consciousness to observe the situation in the stone room. When he felt a burst of heart palpitations, he saw Su Wan disappear! Lang Xing's heart suddenly tightened and he reached the door of the stone room in a flash. At this time, the picture of the wild house that fell like fallen leaves had not yet landed.

Lang Xing's heart was beating violently. He stood at the door and stared at the wild residence picture closely, watching it fall to the ground and watching it spread out on the ground without any change.

When he was sucked into the Qiankun Bag, Xi Yang, who didn't know why, was so scared that he collapsed on the ground. Although he was not as panicked as Xi Yang now, he was more worried than Xi Yang.

Su Wan actually entered the wilderness. Is she still alive at this moment? Can it come out smoothly? The answer will be revealed in the next few breaths. Langxing feels that if Su Wan can come out, she will come out as soon as possible. She will not let herself be too anxious.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths..., with each breath that passed, Langxing's heart tightened a little more.

Twenty breaths later, Lang Xing’s throat-grabbing heart was so happy

He began to sink, staring straight at Yejutu as he walked over step by step. His legs were a little weak. After walking a few steps, he sat down in front of Yejutu.

He searched randomly on the wild residence map with panicked eyes, his mind and heart were in a mess, and the strong panic prevented him from thinking too much or not.

After an unknown amount of time, Langxing stopped searching and stared blankly at the strangely glowing picture scroll in front of him, because he could not find anything. Although the size of the picture was not large, the area it painted was However, it covers thousands of miles. Even if Su Wan can be seen from the outside, it is at most a pinpoint-sized dot. The screen is covered with trees, grassland, and mountain ravines. Without the ability to use spiritual sense to detect, it is extremely difficult to spot such a spot with eyesight. A smaller target.

The feeling of panic turned into heartache at some point. The dazed Lang Xing was awakened by the feeling of heartache. He carefully held the wild residence picture and went outside. Under the bright light, he started going crazy again. He searched from top to bottom, from left to right, over and over again, not letting go of every tree as small as a mote of dust, not letting go of every ravine as thin as a fiber, until his eyes were so sore that it was difficult to see.

After closing his eyes and using his spiritual power to relieve the fatigue of his eyes, he started searching again. He repeated this until his eyes were bloodshot and he had to take a good rest.

Looking back, this crazy search lasted for three days and three nights. Tears flowed from his red, swollen and closed eyes. Lang Xing couldn't tell what he felt in his heart. Anyway, the sky was falling and the earth was falling on him at this moment. He didn't care anymore. Only then did he realize how important Amelia Su meant to him.

"You can be willful! Why don't you listen to me!" Langxing looked up to the sky with tears in his eyes and screamed in a tearful voice. If he didn't shout out, he would go crazy.

After yelling, he lowered his head and choked to himself:

"I never expected it to be like this. What happened? What should I do..."

Lang Xing, who was completely confused, looked at Ye Jutu with tears and thought of the second senior sister. Although the second senior sister may not be able to help, the second senior sister has the magical power of Huayu after all and is the closest person to him. He can only go to the second senior sister. Senior sister thought of a solution. Just now, he felt that he was a figure who could look down upon the cultivation world because he killed Zui Qing, the great magical power of metamorphosis. In the blink of an eye, he was knocked back to his original form, and he became a little monk crying and asking for help from his second senior sister. .

After wiping away his tears, he carefully rolled up the picture of living in the wild little by little. When he was about to stuff it into his sleeves, his heart moved, and then he quickly rushed into the pavilion and rolled up the picture of living in the wild little by little. He unfolded it on the stone table, then opened his red eyes and searched for the blank area on the screen. If Su Wan was still alive, with her intelligence, she would definitely run to an open place so that she could find it. He had to look carefully. Again.

When his eyes moved to the courtyard on the upper left, Langxing's eyes and body froze at the same time. The entire courtyard on the screen was only the size of a fingernail, and the several open spaces he wanted to search were even smaller, including The garden where he beat up Yuan Qing, but he actually saw four words above the garden - "I am here"

The four characters are small, but they span the entire garden on the screen. Based on the size of the garden, each character is estimated to be at least twenty or thirty feet in size.

The frozen Lang Xing immediately trembled, his eyes flashed with ecstasy, and his body began to tremble uncontrollably.

Upon closer inspection, the four words were flashing and flashing. It was obvious that Su Wan had condensed them with spiritual energy, and was driving them to shine.

"Clever!" Lang Xing was too excited to look for Su Wan's location. He hurriedly condensed the three small words "Ke'anhao" with his spiritual energy and tried to attach them to the edges of the four words, but he couldn't. As soon as the three words came close to the scroll, the strange brilliance emitted could no longer go on, although it seemed far away from Su Wan's

The four words were less than half an inch apart, but Langxing felt that Su Wan might not be able to read them.

Seeing the hope, Lang Xing did not panic this time. In his haste, he recalled his experience of seeing the changes of light and shadow in the scroll. He stretched out his hand to block the light in the courtyard, and then moved his palms regularly to let the light in. He took photos of that area intermittently. To avoid being blocked by his palms, he rolled up the lower corner of the scroll and folded it over the position of the house.

After working for a while, when I looked at it again, the writing there had changed to "I know."

Langxing cried with joy. While wiping away his tears, he composed the four words "Can you see" and appended it.

Su Wanning's words quickly changed to "I'm okay"

The answer was wrong. Langxing confirmed that she couldn't see the words she had condensed, so she stopped trying and just stared at that place attentively.

Su Wan's handwriting immediately changed again, each time it was three or four characters. After several changes, Langxing understood the situation. Although Su Wan entered the Wild Residence Map, the spiritual consciousness sent in twice was not there. If you can take it back, you will be very weak but your life will be safe.

"Keep it a secret" were the last four words Su Wan Ning uttered, and then there was no more writing in that place.

Lang Xing focused his eyes on that place and looked hard. He seemed to see a small dot that was vague. He could not be sure that it was Su Wan. After several times, it is now certain that this treasure can isolate his mental perception. This is the same as the Immortal Qiankun Bag. From this, it can be further determined that it is an Immortal Treasure level treasure.

s? I am reading the book "Concerns in the Deep History" recently. One of the articles is "? The Secret of the Hydrogen Bomb"? It is very interesting. If you are interested, you can search it and read it. If you don't like the beginning, you can jump to the beginning of the story. .

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