Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2068 Great Monk Xiyang

"You are really blessed. I don't know how you achieved such great blessing." Huang Ying glanced at the wooden fan inserted into Bai Xiang's waist, and pinched Bai Xiang's cheek with emotion.

Bai Xianghan smiled and said, "How can I be blessed? It's all given by Master."

"Meeting him is your greatest blessing. Your master is probably a blessed boy from heaven descending to earth. Anyone who comes into contact with him will receive blessings. Even someone like me has received a lot of honor. You are his disciple. How lucky should this be?" A shrewd person like Huang Ying must have been able to coax Bai Xiang correctly, and Bai Xiang could only giggle happily.

"Come, show me your fan." Huang Ying said in a big sister's affectionate tone.

Bai Xiang handed the fan over without saying a word, and said with pride, "This is a spiritual treasure. Master gave it to me. Senior sister, please be careful and don't get hurt by the spirit of the artifact."

After Huang Ying checked it out, she confirmed that it was really a spiritual treasure. She couldn't help but feel funny and sour at the same time and said, "I got a spiritual treasure from my junior brother in the late stage of pill formation. I think I'm good enough. You just There is one thing when you start practicing. It’s so annoying. But come to think of it, why did your master give you the spiritual treasure so early? "

Bai Xiang pursed his lips and smiled and said, "I heard that Lingbao is a good thing when I was in the Junlu Sect. I saw Master and Uncle Jiang playing with this Lingbao earlier. I just wanted to see it and open my eyes. I don’t want Master to just give it to me when he sees that I like it.”

Huang Ying glanced at Bai Xiang speechlessly, which made Bai Xiang even more proud and smiling even happier.

"Senior Sister Huang, why did you ask your junior brother to give you a spiritual treasure? Is your junior brother more powerful than you?"

Huang Ying raised her chin and said proudly, "Of course my junior brother is great. In terms of luck and ability, he is no worse than your master. Have you heard that..."

As soon as she said this, Huang Ying's expression changed slightly and she looked in the direction of Donggua Mountain, and said to Bai Xiang urgently, "Quickly concentrate on this."

Sit down, it seems like someone is about to break through! "After saying that, she flew away quickly.

When Huang Ying flew away, a fiery red auspicious light had already appeared on the top of Winter Melon Mountain, and spiritual energy from thousands of miles around began to flow toward that direction.

Bai Xiang was somewhat knowledgeable. She sat attentively according to Huang Ying's instructions, nervously welcoming the process of a great monk breaking through for the first time in her life. She knew that this was a rare blessing because they were too far away. , she couldn't see exactly where the auspicious light was, and she secretly hoped that it would be her master who broke through.

Huang Ying flew to a stop about 40,000 to 50,000 feet away from Donggua Mountain, and hurriedly landed on the ground and began to meditate. Whether it was Xiyang or Jiangxiao, this was the breakthrough in the late Nascent Soul stage. She did not dare to rely on it. Being too close, the senior sister of the Xuanfang Sect has a lot of knowledge, but unfortunately there is a lack of senior monks in the sect. Most of her knowledge comes from hearsay from outside. It is inevitable that she will feel guilty at critical moments, so she has to be more cautious.

Along with the surge of spiritual energy, the auspicious light on Dongguan Mountain slowly rose into the sky, and sitting in the light group was Xiyang.

After Xiyang guessed that Langxing was the reincarnation of his brother, his mood, which had been depressed for thousands of years, suddenly became brighter. He was even happier than Jiangxiao. Jiangxiao even compared Langxing and Xunyi to compare and figure out the difference. How to deal with the emotional entanglement between Lang Xing and Su Wan, Xiyang doesn't care at all. As long as the brother comes back, as long as the brother still maintains his kind heart, he has nothing else to ask for. , this was enough for him to sincerely thank God, so his state of mind during this period was surprisingly good. After entering the Qiankun Bag twice to meditate, he finally ushered in this breakthrough.

In terms of Xiyang's qualifications, this breakthrough can be said to be a complete surprise.

, it can also be said that it is thanks to the blessing of the brothers of life and death. If it were not for the stimulation and realization of great sorrow and joy such as Xunyi's resurrection from death, it is really hard to say when he will enter the late stage of Nascent Soul, or even whether he can cross this path in this life. It's hard to say.

The cultivator is as afraid of emotional barriers as a tiger, but the deep friendship between brothers in life and death, after deeply hurting Xiyang, sent him to a height that he could not reach originally.

It can be seen that whether a love disorder is a blessing or a curse cannot be judged by temporary gains and losses. Even if the person you love deeply leaves you, he can still help you in another way. This is how Xun Yi is in Xiyang , what about Xunyi himself? It can be said that he was directly killed by his emotional disorder. Is his emotional disorder a blessing or a curse? From an ordinary perspective, Xun Yi's death undoubtedly verifies the consensus among cultivators that emotional disorders are disasters. However, if we look at the length of reincarnation, it is still difficult to draw a conclusion on this matter.

The heaven and earth within the magic circle with a radius of thousands of miles were soon illuminated into a world of auspicious auspicious light, and the magic circle set up by the two fairy concubines could not block the light that broke through the realm. The auspicious light penetrated tens of thousands of miles away. , the news of the birth of a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage is quite big.

Because the exercises practiced in Xiyang are mainly based on the fire attribute, the auspicious light shows a relatively pure red color. In the red sea that is like a substance, two firebirds fly around intoxicatedly, one is the torture fire bird. Spirit, it is spinning around Xiyang. Even though it is intoxicated in the wonderful mysterious realm, it still adheres to the duty of guarding its master. The other is Wu Hei. To say that the one who has benefited the most here is Wu Hei. It is like It floated around like a drunken person. When the red light gradually subsided, it landed on a big tree, closed its eyes and became quiet.

Xiyang, which had risen to a height of ten thousand feet, stayed above it for more than half an hour. The spiritual energy that surged in gathered into a milky white sphere of more than five thousand feet in size. The red mysterious light illuminated it into a magnificent large lantern, floating in the air. of

Ruicai decorated it to make it even more fantastic and shocking. After nine contractions and nine expansions, this huge infant palace condensed by spiritual energy was slowly absorbed by the Nascent Soul.

The process of breaking through the realm was complete at this point, but an unexpected situation occurred. The dimmed mysterious light suddenly bloomed again, and then a piece of red mist floated down from the sky, and the renewed mysterious light dimmed again.

The blood mist was the blood vomited by Xiyang. Only God knew that he had just passed through the gate of hell. Although Xiyang was unconscious in the mysterious realm, he almost lost his life because of a thought planted in his heart. That thought was planted by Langxing. Langxing's continuous breakthroughs in the realm gave Xiyang It left a lot of doubts that he has been thinking about until today. He just unconsciously tried to take another step forward, but ended up with blood spurting. Any mistake in breaking through the situation would be fatal. He was already very lucky. .

When the western sun sets back to Donggua Mountain, the heaven and earth in the magic circle are so peaceful that no sound can be heard. The insects do not sing and the birds do not cry. Although these ordinary birds and beasts cannot understand the wonders of the mysterious realm, they are still intoxicated. The flowers are smiling, the water is affectionate, and the mysterious realm makes the sky and the earth more spiritual.

After Huang Ying recovered from the mysterious realm, she first looked at Bai Xiang. Seeing that Bai Xiang's face was peaceful and still immersed in the wonderful realm, she felt relieved and turned to look at Donggua Mountain and Daiyuan Mountain. , Langxing and Jiangxiao were both silent. I thought there would be no trouble for these two people. The valley where Xiyang lived still had the auspicious light that had not dissipated. She did not dare to disturb everyone and quietly retreated to Bai Xiang's side. , continue to meditate and reflect on the insights in the mysterious realm.

Three days later, Bai Xiang woke up and glanced at Huang Ying who was meditating. She tiptoed back into the house, grabbed a spiritual fruit from the fruit plate and ate it. Logically speaking, she should have a good aftertaste. But I was so hungry that all I could feel when my stomach growled was hunger.

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