Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2075 I think your senior sister is very good

Huaying snorted with a frosty face. She was now a great monk in the late stage of becoming a feather. She had a bigger temper and was more arrogant. She was very dissatisfied with Lang Xing's busy work. Her soft hum made Guangpu, Huahu and the others move away knowingly. Huahu was indeed brave. He was not afraid of Huaying, so before walking away, he made an ambiguous statement to Langxing. The evil smile.

Lang Xing looked at Huaying a little embarrassed and said, "Is the situation broken?"

Huaying said coldly with resentment, "I just remembered to ask?"

Lang Xing chuckled and said, "Aren't you afraid that they will cheer me up? Okay, okay, don't be unhappy. I have another senior sister who is in the late Nascent Soul stage. No one will dare to bully me in the future."

"Hmph, you are so capable, who dares to bully you." Huaying became increasingly unhappy, and the word "senior sister" made her very uncomfortable.

Lang Xing grimaced and said, "I have something urgent to do, so I can't delay it. Let's talk slowly after we finish the matter. You should take care of yourself. Lu Gang also went to the master's door. If you encounter me, help me." Take care of him."

Seeing that he was in a hurry to leave, Huaying ignored his temper and asked angrily, "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to meet someone, and I can't take you with me." Lang Xing took out a jade slip, sealed the contents he taught Yueyang and Yuexi first, handed it to her and said, "This is what I learned recently, you See if you can understand it, and I’ll explain it to you in detail when I have time.”

"What is it?" Huaying said while checking the contents of the jade slip. She is proficient in the art of talisman, which is a skill closely connected with the art of restraint, so she can be considered an expert in restraint. , I frowned when I saw it, and I was immediately attracted by the contents. .??.

Lang Xing took the opportunity to go to Xieyun. Xieyun had already sent those people from Xuanjiayuan far away. When he saw Langxing coming, he looked at Langxing with a smile and said, "Finally a baby?"

Lang Xing laughed, "I'm about to reach the middle stage of Nascent Soul. Didn't you say that once I break through the bottle?"

Your neck is bound to grow rapidly, you are really right. "

Xie Yun half-joked and half-seriously said, "Your magnanimity is a bit low for a middle-stage Nascent Soul monk. I think if I don't get rid of you, I won't have a chance in the future."

Lang Xing laughed again, clenched his fist and gestured at him and said, "What are you thinking about? I could kill you last time, and you are still dreaming."

Xie Yun stopped making this joke and said with a sincere expression, "What have you been busy with recently? Are you interested in killing some monsters together? Just the two of us."

Lang Xing sighed and said, "No, I have something urgent to do, and I don't even have time to say a few more words. We can only talk when we meet later."

Xie Yun looked interested, "What are you going to do? Do you need help?"

Lang Xing said in a joking tone, "Forget it, let's do it next time. This time it's a bit tricky. If you don't have enough cultivation, you will die."

Xie Yun smiled proudly and said, "It's okay if you don't say this. In that case, I have to ask, how painful is it? If I help solve it, can you say 'accept'?"

"Stop being crazy about me. If you can help me solve this matter, I can kowtow to you. Hahaha, okay. See you later. I really have to go."

"Hey, Langxing, don't leave yet. You have to keep your word. I'll take this matter. Tell me, what exactly is it? I have to make you kowtow to me." Xie Yun stopped Langxing.

The two of them had developed a sympathy for each other the last time they had a confrontation in Yuanyizhou. Xianyun had just invited Langxing to kill the monsters because he felt so close to them, and now he wanted to help Langxing to make things right.

Of course Lang Xing understood, so he wanted to laugh and joke

He sent him away in a hurry. Although he was in great need of help, he was not familiar with them. He couldn't involve them in such a dangerous matter. Moreover, Qiyun was the senior disciple of Qianjie Sect's Yun generation. If anything happened, he would be in big trouble. .

Faced with Xieyun's sincerity, Langxing said gratefully, "Thank you, senior brother, for your kindness, but I don't want to trouble senior brother with this matter. If there is any need for senior brother's help in the future, I will not be polite to senior brother."

Xieyun said in a bored tone, "If that's the case, forget it. I won't delay you anymore. You can go and do your work."

His attitude put Lang Xing in a bit of a dilemma. Xieyun was an arrogant person, and he kept showing his kindness but was rejected again and again, so he couldn't help but show his displeasure on his face.

Lang Xing stepped forward and took his arm, saying secretly, "I want to go to the Wanfu Cultivation Domain. This trip is too far, so don't go. Don't tell me about this. If they know about it, they will definitely know it." It will be blocked."

Xieyun's eyes narrowed, and he sent back his thoughts and said, "Is what you said true?"

"It's absolutely true." Lang Xing let go of his hand, nodded to him, and then went to see Huahu and the other three.

"I'll go with you." After Xieyun said that, he turned around and flew towards the disciples of Xuanjie Academy.

"Hey, Senior Brother Xieyun!" Lang Xing wanted to catch up, but Xieyun waved his hand at him without looking back.

Langxing frowned worriedly, and as soon as Xianyun left Huahu, the three of them came over.

Huahu looked at Xieyun who was leaving, patted Langxing's shoulder and said, "Okay, boy, you have a wide circle of friends. You Qianxu Palace and Qianjie Sect are in the same position, but you actually call yourself brothers and sisters with people from Xuanjie Academy." "

Lang Xing didn't have time to say more to them. He glanced at Hua Ying in the distance who was deep in thought. He took Hua Hu's hand and said secretly, "I have something urgent and I have to leave right away. Keep an eye on my senior sister. If she catches up, help me block her.

Live her. "

Huaying showed an ambiguous smile and sent back his thoughts, "We won't help you with this kind of work. We would rather demolish ten temples than break up one marriage. You can bear the romantic debts you have incurred by yourself. I think you are a very good senior sister." I want to look good, I want to cultivate myself, I am much better than you, are you still not satisfied?"

Langxing glared at him with dissatisfaction, frowned and said, "I'm really in a hurry. I'll help you settle your matter with the people in Xuanjieyuan. If there's no grudge, stop fighting. I have to leave, hurry up." Go help me keep an eye on my senior sister."

Huahu grabbed his arm with his backhand, looked at him suspiciously and said, "What's your emergency?"

"Don't worry about it." Lang Xing shook off his hand and quietly flew up to the Linghe. He waved his hand gently to Senior Brother Guangpu who was looking this way, and then controlled the Linghe to fly forward silently.

As soon as Linghe flew not far away, Qiyun caught up with him. He was explaining things to his fellow disciples. Before he could finish the explanation, he saw Lang Xing trying to run away, so he had to leave his fellow disciples behind and rush over.

Lang Xing didn't dare to make any noise at the moment, so he had no choice but to let him get on the Linghe. Qi Yun didn't say anything. He stood next to Lang Xing and looked at Hua Hu and the three of them with interest. The three of them were acting like thieves at this moment. While paying attention to the painting, they quietly mounted a four-winged giant roc, which was their mount.

Guangpu and all the Xianlin Academy disciples looked at this quiet scene in front of them with amusement. Everyone could see that Langxing wanted to sneak away while Huaying was distracted. Most of these people Some of them have a good impression of Lang Xing, so they will not cause trouble for Lang Xing. Although Ke Jun, Xing Peng and others have enmity with Lang Xing, Lang Xing has now become a powerful figure. Last time, he relied on his own efforts. The battle between Xianlin Yuan and Xuanjie Yuan was resolved, and this time the fight between the Huahu trio and Xuanjie Yuan was resolved with just a few words. Now Lang Xing was something they did not dare to offend. Although they I really want to cause some chaos to Lang Xing but I don't have the courage.

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