Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2099 This slut is quite tasty

Hua Hu and Ling Xiang did not move. Wang Chaozi said that he would handle everything after arriving at Lingbo Sect.

Wang Chaozi came to the rescue and said, "Let me find out their details first. These are quite thorny. I was injured a little, so I can't be careless. I will send them to you after I have pulled out all the thorns on them."

"I can do it myself." Fairy Mianchao's expression was serious. She glanced at Lang Xing and the three of them and said, "Why are you still injured after cleaning up such a few little things? What methods do they have?"

Wang Chaozi looked a little embarrassed and said as if he didn't want to mention the embarrassing incident, "Let's wait until I search their souls. Is there any latest news coming from the front? I heard that the Linhai Sect has also fallen. The situation is not good now. You’d better focus on raising your guard first.”

"It's no big deal." Fairy Mianchao responded to Chaozi's teaching tone with a nonchalant attitude, then looked at Lang Xing and said, "This one looks quite likable. How come they all have such good qualifications?" she asked. After asking this question, there was suspicion in her eyes.

"That's why I have to check carefully..."

As soon as Wang Chaozi said this, a ray of cyan light suddenly shot out from Xieyun's body. The reason why he took action decisively was not only because Fairy Mianchao was suspicious, but also because she chose him among the three choices, although he was very interested in it. This coquettish woman has no interest at all. Although he disdains judging people by their appearance, it still makes people feel uncomfortable.

"Yeah!" Fairy Mianchao, who was suspicious, was on guard. When the blue light came over, a fine white mesh opened outside her body, but the distance was too close, and she underestimated it. The means of helping others and the defensive treasures failed to block the green light. After breaking through the silk screen, the green light hit her body-protecting divine light that was hastily opened.

This time everyone saw it clearly. It was a cyan dagger. It looked a bit like an inkstone. It was made of jade and had a simple shape. It looked like a jade piece for playing with.

This sudden attack was not only beyond the expectations of Fairy Mianchao, but also beyond the expectations of Langxing and the others. Huahu's reaction was fast enough, but he thought

When Fairy Mianchao took a stab at her, the coquettish fairy had already fled away, and there was only a small piece of blood mist left in the air that had just been sprayed out but had not yet dispersed. This meant that Fairy Mianchao was on guard. , otherwise this little life will definitely be lost.

Wang Chaozi stamped his feet anxiously, and said bitterly to several people, "Wait for me!" Then he rushed towards the canyon where Xiyang was imprisoned. In fact, he had other ideas. There were powerful facilities in that canyon. He has been hesitating whether to assassinate this group of people. It depends on the situation. If these people are careless and enter the trap, he will take action. If this group of people is more cautious, he will take action. He had no choice but to help them rescue Xiyang in exchange for the antidote. Xieyun's action completely put an end to his thoughts.

At this time, there were loud shouts within the Lingbo sect, and seven or eight disciples in the middle stage of Nascent Soul rushed over from everywhere.

"Your grandma is so happy." Huahu cursed Xieyun, flew towards the disciples of the Lingbo sect who were coming to kill him, and continued to use his spiritual thoughts to complain to Xieyun while killing him, "This scumbag is quite good. It's interesting, I still want to be with her, you can really do bad things and good things."

Xie Yun laughed, but secretly used his spiritual consciousness to vigilantly observe the movements of enemies everywhere.

Hei Si shook his head and rushed after Huahu helplessly. Lingxiang was shaking his fan and observing the surrounding situation like Xieyun. Although a large number of Lingbo disciples were swarming in, this point in the Nascent Soul Stage His disciples are not enough of a threat to Hua Hu and Hei Si.

Lang Xing frowned slightly and used his mind and magical powers to guard against the sneak attack of the great monk. He complained about the inconvenience of Xie Yun's hasty attack. Moreover, Xie Yun's attack could not be miscalculated. However, this attack caused Hua Hu to kill everyone. He had been worried that Huahu would start killing people within the Lingbo sect after rescuing Xiyang, but he didn't have to worry this time.

This is true

The tiger has joined the flock of sheep. The empty Lingbo Sect is really like a sheepfold after losing the defense of the magic circle. As Huahu and Hei Si rush back and forth, the disciples of the Lingbo Sect fall from the sky like raindrops. Hei Si Although he has benevolent intentions, he has experienced many battles and knows that he must not be soft at this time, so the ruthlessness of his attack is no worse than that of painting a pot.

The disciples of the Lingbo Sect were quickly killed and became timid. The people who rushed behind them did not dare to come closer. They formed a circle thousands of feet away and looked at the five people with horrified eyes.

At this time, Wang Chaozi's spiritual thought came over, "Let's go, I'll take Xiyang out." He was invisible, which means he had a guilty conscience, although at this stage, his behavior of colluding with foreign enemies was very serious. It was difficult to clean up, but he still wanted to cover it up.

"Let's go!" Langxing sent out his spiritual thoughts to everyone. He could use his spiritual power to sense that Wang Chaozi was indeed with Xiyang.

Huahu, who was in the middle of the charge, immediately turned around and retreated. He understood the importance. The most important thing at the moment was to escort Xiyang out.

After leaving the Lingbo Sect's defensive formation, several people rode on the four-winged giant roc and retreated quickly. At this time, Wangchaozi appeared. Next to him was Xiyang with dull eyes. Xiyang looked miserable, but he was originally strong. The mighty man has now become shabby and gray, making it almost impossible for anyone to recognize him.

"What's going on!" Huahu stared at Wang Chaozi fiercely and asked.

Wang Chaozi said with a bitter face, "Partly because of the torture and partly because of the injuries he suffered. I have never tortured him."

Langxing withdrew his finger from Xiyang's forehead and asked, "Who placed the seal? Can you break it?"

Wang Chaozi shook his head and said, "It's a magic spell cast by my master. You have to ask the great magical power of Huayu to help dispel it." He didn't dare to tell the truth. His master's Taoist name is Yushen, who is the most proficient. The most powerful thing is the art of confusing the gods. No ordinary magical power can break this seal.

his words

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Xiyang's dull eyes flicker, which made him widen his eyes.

Langxing's face showed a hint of joy, and he continued to call Xiyang with his heart, "Wake up, I am Langxing, we have rescued you, and Jiangxiao is safe and sound."

Xiyang's eyes flashed again, but then they became scattered again. It seems that this spell of enchantment is not so easy to break. Lang Xing is very experienced in this aspect. He originally rescued Shen Qinghe who was trapped in the sea of ​​meditation. The senior sister woke them up with a loud shout in the end, but he was not sure whether violent shouting would cause the Dharma to harm Xiyang, and Xiyang was too weak at the moment, so he had to be careful, but As long as the mental power works, there's nothing to worry about.

The flash in Xiyang's eyes made Wangchaozi feel panicked in his heart. With a guilty conscience, he naturally doubted whether his master was secretly causing trouble, so he pitifully said to the painting pot, "I've done everything you asked me to do. Can you give me the antidote?" He couldn't wait to leave here and leave these people.

"Wait a minute!" Huahu glared and scolded. He still had to learn more about the Dharma of the Gods from Wangchaozi, and he also needed to ask Wangchaozi to serve as their bodyguard for a while longer, waiting until they were far away from the Wanfu Cultivation Domain. It's not too late to give him the antidote.

"Okay, okay." Wang Chaozi promised humbly. A great monk who had gotten to this point really had no dignity to talk about. Who made him unlucky? When he encountered this group of super-powerful villains, he could only take care of himself first. Save his life. Not only are these people super powerful in combat, but the poison they gave him is also very overbearing. If sold in the market, it would be worth at least tens of thousands of spirit stones. To be honest, he is also very curious about the origins of this group of people. , but I didn’t dare to ask any more questions.

When Langxing patiently called Xiyang, he suddenly felt a warning sign. It was Xiaoyunduo warning him. In such a fright, he did not bother to use his mental power to sense the other party's position, and decisively activated Yiguang. !

s: The prompt is sensitive and I can’t post it all the time. Alas, it’s annoying.

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