Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2105 Xunyi is my best friend

When the annoying waves dissipated, Langxing saw that he was already in a small courtyard with a very unusual architectural style. The houses here looked like upright cylinders, and the material should be the bones of some kind of giant sea beast.

Gongsun Chong stood a few feet away from him with a smile on his face, cupping his hands and apologizing, "I've offended you so much, I've offended you so much. I had to do this for your safety. Don't blame Brother Yu."

Langxing said expressionlessly, "Have we reached your Yuhai territory now? Is it safe? Then why do you still want to ban my cultivation?"

Gongsun Chong said with a smile, "Little brother Langxing, don't be angry. I'm afraid you'll lose your temper. Your methods are so powerful, Brother Yu can't stand it. I will naturally lift the ban on you when the words are made clear."

Lang Xing wasn't angry, he hadn't figured out Gongsun Chong's intention yet, he had to stay calm now, because after falling into Yunshui, he didn't know what was going on outside, so he asked, "Where are Xiyang and my friends? "

"They are all safe and sound. It's just that the friend from Qianjie Sect escaped early. Don't worry, Yu Shenzuo has promised that Wanfu Xiuyu will not embarrass him. With his status, no one dares to hurt him easily."

Langxing stared into Gongsun Chong's eyes and said, "I want to meet Xiyang and three other friends."

Gongsun Chong said cheerfully, "Of course, no problem. Let's talk first. Once the misunderstanding is resolved, I will take you to see them. Don't worry, I have even brought you the two spiritual birds you are riding on."

"As long as you let us go immediately, I have nothing to misunderstand."

Gongsun Chong laughed loudly and said, "Little brother, you are really a smart and interesting person. I fell in love with you as soon as I saw you. Don't worry too much. Xiyang and I have been friends since we were young. We only had Kai Rong Xiu when we started traveling together in the world." Because we have experienced countless life and death disasters together, I will not do anything to disappoint him."

"This is the best." Lang Xing used his mental power to sense that Gongsun Chong's heart was not as bright as his smile.

, but he couldn't say that there was any hostility. He couldn't tell what his thoughts were. In short, it was very complicated, so he came to the conclusion that he could not trust this person easily.

"The Royal God said that you are the eldest disciple of Qianxu Palace's Ling generation. Is this true?" Gongsun Chong asked tentatively.

"Yes, my Taoist name is Lingxing." There was no way to deny this. Langxing readily admitted it, but he didn't want to reveal another word.

"Which Immortal Master is this?" Gongsun Chong said with joy on his face, as if he was very happy for this little brother.

Lang Xing shook his head, "It's not convenient for me to talk about this. Please forgive me, senior brother."

Gongsun Chong smiled considerately and said, "Of course, of course. At your age, you are probably a closed disciple, so you should naturally be more cautious."

Lang Xing did not answer the question, thinking in his mind who Gongsun Chong was and what his intentions were at this moment.

"Little brother Langxing, how did you get to know Xiyang and the others?" Gongsun Chong was quite friendly, speaking like a little brother, and having the attitude of a loving elder brother.

Lang Xing had no intention of talking to him about this. He looked at Gongsun Chong with complicated eyes, as if he wanted to see through his inner thoughts.

Gongsun Chong felt a little uncomfortable being looked at, and smiled slightly awkwardly, "You still don't believe me?"

Langxing did not return directly, but said in a deep tone, "Since I met Jiangxiao, I often heard her mention the time when she went to the South China Sea. I can tell that she misses those days and Xunyi very much. I miss you and have been thinking about coming to Yuhai to find you for decades, but it has been delayed due to repeated changes. In the end, she came, and ended up losing her Taoist companion and ending her cultivation path. "

Gongsun Chong

With a sad look on his face, he said painfully, "I know, it's all because of me, I'm sorry for her."

Lang Xing narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "I can't blame you. After all, you don't know, but she must be suffering at this time. If you feel sorry for her, you should find a way to send us back immediately. I don't want to be here for a moment." Stay longer.”

"This matter is not that simple." Gongsun Chongjin said with a frown. Perhaps he was afraid that this would cause Lang Xing to misunderstand, so he hurriedly explained, "You have to be careful of those great magical powers in Wanfu Xiuyu. It is too dangerous to send you back at this moment." It’s better to wait for some time until they relax.”

"We are not afraid." Lang Xing could not directly say that he had the ability to fight against great supernatural powers, so he could only express it with his eyes.

Gongsun Chong seemed to understand something from his eyes. He looked into Langxing's eyes and fell silent for a moment. After a while, he said, "You'd better stay in peace for a few days. Yu Shen has cast a special spell on Xiyang." If the seal is not unlocked, he will be a useless person. I have to find a way to deal with this matter first. "

Lang Xing immediately said, "His master is a great fairy concubine in the middle stage of becoming a feather. I guess this is not a big deal to her."

Gongsun Chong looked solemn and said, "His master is indeed a great fairy concubine? Can you tell me who she is?"

Langxing hesitated for a moment and said, "Immortal Concubine Yuchan of Puyunzhou, my cultivation level is sealed now, so I can't show you the immortal concubine's appearance."

Gongsun Chong raised his eyebrows and asked, "The fairy concubine who defeated the Yuanyi Prefecture Xiujie to save Xun Yi?" Yuhai is too far away from Nanjingzhou, so he can find out not much news, but she defeated the Yuanyi Prefecture Xiujie. The World War was a major event that shocked the world, and he had heard a little bit about it.

Lang Xing nodded and said, "Exactly. Concubine Chan took care of the friendship with Xun Yi and accepted Xi Yang and Jiang Xiao after Xun Yi passed away."

speaking of

Xun Yi, Gongsun Chong lamented, his eyes were a little red and said, "Xun Yi is my best friend, I didn't take good care of him, can you tell me about him?

Seeing his appearance, Lang Xing felt a different kind of feeling in his heart. He could tell without using his mind or magical powers that Gongsun Chong's feelings for Xun Yi were extremely sincere. This showed that he was not a ruthless person. people.

"I'm not in the mood to talk about this now, and I don't know much. If you have a chance in the future, you can ask Jiang Xiao and Xi Yang."

Gongsun Chong looked speechlessly in the direction of Nanjingzhou. The sad look on his face made Lang Xing feel sad. He couldn't help but want to say something he knew to comfort his heart, but he didn't say anything before. , Gongsun Chong turned back and said, "I'll go see Xiyang first, and I'll come over to talk to you later."

Lang Xing guessed that he was not in the mood to continue talking because he missed Xun Yi. This made him feel more at ease. He thought that based on his feelings for Xun Yi, he would not have any evil intentions towards them.

Gongsun Chong turned around and walked back after taking two steps. He took out the Purple Sun Sword and handed it to Lang Xing and said, "How can you use such a high-level spiritual treasure?"

Langxing took the Purple Sun Sword, smiled and said, "This is a secret that cannot be told, please understand, senior brother."

"Your secrets must be far more than this. Qianxu Palace is truly well-deserved." After Gongsun Chong finished speaking, he turned around and left. He did not ask Lang Xing how he discovered his master's sneak attack. Lang Xing would definitely not tell this secret. of.

After leaving the small courtyard where Langxing was, Gongsun Chong frowned slightly. Although this young monk who was only a thousand years old was still immature, he was very independent. It hit the nail on the head, forcing him to resort to painful drama to deal with it for the time being. He was indeed a Lingzi disciple of Qianxu Palace. It seemed impossible to persuade him to stay.

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