Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2116 We will be brothers from now on

Trust is not easy to establish, especially in the situation these two people are in. On the one hand, Gongsun Chong is worried about betrayal, and on the other hand, trust at this moment means entrusting his life to the other party.

But if there is fate, trust can be established overnight, and a close friendship can be far better than years of being together, because fate has its roots, and it itself contains trust from the previous life.

Lang Xing never had deep hatred for Gongsun Chong's betrayal, which was quite abnormal. Gongsun Chong never thought of harming Lang Xing. After hearing what Xi Yang said, he couldn't wait to find Lang Xing. , although he said that others are deceiving themselves and others because they want Xun Yi to be reborn too much. Isn't that true of him? Yang and Jiangxiao are different.

After looking at Lang Xing for a long time, he seemed to think that this kid looked a bit like Xun Yi. This was actually a bit wishful thinking. He could always find some similarities when putting the two people together, but after Lang Xing picked up the ice After Narcissus, his feeling suddenly became stronger.

Jiangxiao is not the only one who has an almost superstitious admiration for Xunyi. He also has a little bit of it. From the first time he saw Xunyi use Li Yan to kill robbers, the idea that Xunyi was great was deeply rooted in his heart. Although Xunyi also did things that damaged his image by asking him to become a sworn sworn brother, overall, Xunyi's performance in those years was outstanding.

Although he is not as superstitious as Jiang Xiao that there is nothing in this world that cannot be done by Xun Yi, but in his mind Xun Yi is also extremely reliable and a person who can always create miracles. As long as Xun Yi is by his side, he can do it. His courage doubled, and the star in front of him made him feel that way again - magical, reliable and sincere!

So he killed the Ice Water Fairy without hesitation, and the look he looked at Langxing was similar to the look he looked at Xunyi at the beginning. It was a look full of trust and friendship. The gloomy look that had accumulated in his eyes for thousands of years was completely eliminated at this moment. He longed to gain Lang Xing's trust, not only to save his life, but also to regain that brotherhood.

The desire for friendship.

He has betrayed many people, and now he no longer takes betrayal seriously, but he does not want to betray Xun Yi. Xun Yi is the only brother that he can risk his life to protect. Whenever he thinks that he also has brothers in life and death, A sense of pride and happiness will arise spontaneously, but he almost lost this brother completely. If Xiyang was cheated this time, he would not even dare to think about Xunyi in the future, so the pain he has suffered these days is unbearable. Speaking of which, it is not difficult to understand what kind of mood he was feeling at this time. Even if he was unlucky enough to die at the hands of Ancient Water Immortal Lord, he would not hesitate!

Sincerity cannot be faked. Although Langxing still felt that Gongsun Chong's change was a bit sudden, Gongsun Chong's eyes made him feel that he could trust him.

"Besides ancient water and ice water, are there any other great magical powers here?" He put away the Water Ting Sword and the Purple Sun Sword, hesitated for a moment and then put away the Yiguang.

Gongsun Chong said a little anxiously, "This island is gone. Don't think about it so much. Get rid of Gu Shui first. Lock up your cultivation. Let's go there quickly. I will trap him first. You can just use the That treasure will take care of him."

"Okay..." Lang Xing flew to Gongsun Chong, blocked his cultivation and handed his hand to Gongsun Chong.

Gongsun Chong grabbed Lang Xing's hand and squeezed it tightly, and said excitedly, "We will be brothers from now on!"

Lang Xing nodded perfunctorily. Although he could trust Gongsun Chong at the moment, he was still wary of him. It was too early to call him a friend.

The two of them were nervously discussing the details of the next action while flying towards Jade Sea Palace. At this moment, Lang Xing seemed more calm and composed. Firstly, he was more confident in fighting the monk Huayu. Secondly,

What Gongsun Chong wants to do is to deceive his master and destroy his ancestors. Although the Ancient Water Immortal Lord has no bad intentions towards him, this is an act of killing his master after all, and anyone else would inevitably feel a little panicked.

In fact, Lang Xing can't be said to have any hesitation. He also has hesitation and timidity in his heart. Killing the Ice Water Fairy Princess was a narrow escape. After experiencing this disaster, he really wanted to escape back and invite his senior brothers and sisters. Help, because he was a little scared, mainly because he was afraid that it would implicate Su Wan. Su Wan's strategy of insisting that he take Yejutu with him was still very effective, but the current situation gave him no choice and he had to be tough. The scalp broke forward.

There was another thing that made Lang Xing feel dangerous. He had noticed that the spirit of Tianting had become weaker. After repeated consumption, there was not much left of the Tianting it had absorbed. He did not tell Gongsun Chong about this. Firstly, he was afraid of shaking Gongsun Chong's determination. Secondly, the Shui Ting Sword was not unusable, and he also had the Purple Sun Sword, Little White Board, and Qiancheng Mansion. As long as Gongsun Chong could trap the Ancient Water Immortal Lord, with these few treasures It's enough to put him to death.

When passing by a reef that was only a few feet in size, Gongsun rushed down and hid something. When he came back, he said to Lang Xing, "You can't bring ice water things over here. Let's divide these treasures after killing Gu Shui." He was greedy for money. His problem has not changed. He originally did not intend to tell Lang Xing about the treasures he secretly obtained from the Ice Water Fairy, but after thinking about it for a while, he felt it was inappropriate and finally told him.

When approaching Yushui Island, Langxing originally wanted to rescue Huahu and the three of them first, but Gongsun Chong said that the location where the three were trapped was already within the detection range of Ancient Water Immortal Lord, and he could not risk that. It was too risky, so Langxing had to give up.

Under the leadership of Gongsun Chong, the two of them arrived at the underground palace unimpeded. As soon as they entered the underground palace, they were greeted by senior brother Jinchuan and third senior brother Xiuling who were guarding Xiyang.

Jinchuan looked at Lang Xing and asked Gongsun Chong, "Why did you bring him here?"

Gongsun Chong pretended to be helpless

He said, "This little brother insists on seeing Xiyang. I will discuss it with the master."

Jinchuan and Xiuling nodded and got out of the way. This junior brother was more popular than them in front of the master, and he had just woken up Xiyang. There was no need for them to do something that would be a thankless thing.

Gongsun Chong frowned slightly and said to the two of them, "Take some manpower and go to Uncle Master's Jinghua Island to have a look. Just now, Senior Sister Xinshuang called Uncle away, saying that she found that there were sea monsters gathering near Jinghua Island. They should be there." After hearing the news about our massive attack on Wanfu Xiuyu, I wanted to take advantage of it. "

Jinchuan showed a wicked smile and said, "Oh? Then they are here. We have to kill them all without coming back. Leave it to us. You can just guard Yushui Island here." After he said that, he pulled Xiulingxing. They rushed away, fearing that Gongsun Chong would steal the credit from them.

Langxing secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Gongsun Chong indeed lived up to the reputation of a deep city. His expression and tone were just right, and he easily sent away the two powerful enemies. On the way, he saw Gongsun Chong's face was uncertain. I was also worried that he would delay things.

As soon as the two of them arrived in front of the room where Xiyang was imprisoned, the voice of the Ancient Water Immortal came out, "Did Shuang'er call your uncle back?"

Gongsun Chong said with a smile, "Yes, you don't have to worry. I will immediately take people to provide backup for Senior Brother and Third Senior Brother. With Uncle Senior here, those sea monsters are just sending us a batch of inner elixirs for nothing."

Langxing was scratching his head at this moment and said, "You have to let me see Xiyang. If you don't let me see you, don't blame me for doubting your good intentions! Xiyang! Xiyang, are you okay?" This was what they were discussing on the road. Okay, it's time for him to come out and disrupt the situation.

"I'm okay." Xiyang's deep voice came out, and he felt very sad. After all, it still dragged down Lang Xing.

"Let me in! Let me meet him!" Lang Xing struggled to shake off Gongsun Chong's hand and rush into the house.

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