Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2120 You are really a shady boy.

Hua Hu looked at Lang Xing with one eyebrow lowered and the other raised, "Let's go? Aren't the two palace masters already dead? What else is there to be afraid of? We haven't killed you yet. If you want to leave, you can leave. We can't do it anyway." Let's go." After saying this to Langxing, he looked at Xiyang and said with a smile, "Are you okay? You owe us a favor this time. Why don't we take care of the revenge for you as well? Go back to Wanfu. Xiuyu will help you kill a few, and tell me the people you must kill."

Lang Xing showed an unhappy look and said, "We have decided to go back. Xiyang is very weak now. Let's wait until he recovers to take revenge. If you don't leave, how will you let him leave?"

Huahu said with a bad smile, "Then you just stay here and guard him. Wait until we avenge him before we leave together. We will first clean up the threats from Jade Sea Palace."

"Don't make trouble for me!" Lang Xing was a little anxious.

Huahu said nonchalantly, "Xi Yang has been rescued. Just take him back. The three of us have done our duty. You can leave the rest alone."

"You are trying to bully someone!" Langxing was so angry that his eyes were about to burst into flames, but Huahu was his brother, so he had nothing to do.

Xiyang saw that Langxing was really angry, so he said to Huahu, "Don't make Langxing anxious. I have remembered the kindness of the three of you in rescuing me. Please give me some face and follow us back first. I will come back to you later." Let’s take revenge together.”

I'm still a little reluctant to paint pots. It's frustrating to come all the way and be trapped before I can even use my skills. .??.??

Lingxiang suddenly pointed to the northwest and said, "There seems to be a big monster. Let's kill it first." After saying that, he took the painting pot and left.

Lang Xing rushed up to block them and said, "No! Not at all!"

Lingxiang avoided Lang Xing's gaze with some sternness. He also wanted to continue killing. After the trick was exposed, there was nothing to say.

Hei Si looked at his two brothers helplessly. He made up his mind not to help either side.


Gongsun Chong tried to smooth things over and said, "If you don't think it's easy to kill him, then it's easy. Xiyang's injuries will recover quickly, and it won't take long for him to come back for revenge, up to three years."

Hua Hu said angrily, "After we go back, we may not be able to come out in thirty years." He knew it in his heart. The punishment for stealing the four-winged giant roc was enough to make them stay in the law enforcement guards for a few years.

"Okay, let's go back and talk about it first. Don't let little brother Langxing get angry. He's doing it for everyone's good." Gongsun Chong persuaded and said secretly, "I will choose a path where I can encounter trouble, and I will definitely be able to survive." Let you kill him happily, let's secretly plot against Lang Xing, just don't let him know."

Huahu cursed secretly in his heart, you are really shady, which made him dislike Gongsun Chong even more. However, this was indeed an acceptable method, so he said nothing more and secretly told Ling the idea. fragrant.

The dispute was thus settled.

Gongsun Chong took them to retrieve the imprisoned four-winged giant roc and the spiritual crane. Then he said that he needed to get some belongings and left with Lingxiang and Huahu, leaving Hei Si as a guard.

Lang Xing wanted to stop him, but Xi Yang waved his hand to Lang Xing. In order not to embarrass Su'er, he used his spiritual thoughts to say, "This man is willing to give up his life rather than his wealth. He won't be able to change at any time. Don't worry about it." Can't stop it."

Lang Xing had no choice but to give up. After a long time, even Su'er became impatient with the wait. Only then did Gongsun Chong and the three of them return on a black sea eagle that was bigger than the four-winged giant roc. Everyone had a rope hanging around their waist. There are several Qiankun bags, which shows how many things have been collected.

"Go this way." Gongsun Chong drove the sea eagle to lead the way.

Lingxiang flew to the four-winged giant roc, handed a Qiankun bag to Xiyang and said, "This is what Brother Gongsun has prepared for you. In addition to the practical objects, there are two magic weapons. You can make use of them first." After that, He also threw a Qiankun bag to Hei Si, which was filled with all kinds of treasures. There would be no shortage of treasures in Yuhai Palace. Gongsun Chong naturally wanted to take good care of these three people, which could be regarded as repaying Xiyang's favor, anyway. Be generous to others.

When they left, chaos had spread from Jade Sea Palace, and rainbow lights were shuttled back and forth on the island, but few people knew what happened.

Gongsun Chong and Su'er looked at the place where they had lived for thousands of years, getting farther and farther away and gradually turning into a small black dot. Both of them felt a little uncomfortable in their hearts.

Only Langxing felt quite relieved. He finally rescued Xiyang without any danger and could go back safely. It was not that he didn't feel sorry for the treasures that Xiyang and Jiangxiao had lost. They were three high-grade spiritual treasures, but Treasures are nothing compared to small lives. With the strength of people like them, it is too risky to challenge Wanfu Xiuyu. It is not worth it for a few treasures.

After staying away from Yushui Island, Gongsun Chong came to the back of the giant roc and sent a ruby ​​bracelet and an animal head bone hairpin to Lang Xing, saying, "This is Bingshui's treasure. I'll take advantage of you. We are alone." One piece, you pick first, and the rest is mine.”

Langxing smiled and said, "It's all yours, I don't want it anymore." Just now, Gongsun Chong made them wait for so long in order to collect his property. He was a little angry. In his previous life, he was quite tolerant of Gongsun Chong's greed for money. Then It's because the two are friends in times of need, and he doesn't have much friendship with Gongsun Chong now.

Xiyang saw that Langxing was about to suffer a loss, so he reached out and took the jade bracelet and said, "Don't want it. This is your gift to Jiangxiao. She has no Xuan'a sword and is missing a suitable treasure."

Gongsun Chong hurriedly smiled and said, "I also think this bracelet

The color of the bracelet suits Jiangxiao very well. I thought that if Brother Langxing chooses the hairpin, I will give this bracelet to Jiangxiao, which will be just right. "

In the past, Xiyang would not have allowed him to say such cheap things, and would have immediately forced him to give the bone hairpin to Langxing. But Gongsun Chong also had a wife. In front of Su'er, Hei Si, and Ling Xiang, he had to Save some face for Gongsun Chong.

Gongsun Chong saw Xi Yang's forbearance and hurriedly took out an ice-patterned long sword and handed it to Lang Xing and said, "You can't lose it, little brother. This is a famous treasure in Yuhai. The Ice Jade Sword is truly top-grade." Lingbao, it’s a piece of my mind.”

"No need, my treasure is enough, I accept it with all my heart." The resentment in Lang Xing's heart has almost disappeared, because he can see that this sword is indeed very good, and Gongsun Chong's willingness to take it out is considered sincere. Yes.

Gongsun Chong pretended to be displeased and said, "If you don't hold it, you don't treat me as a brother."

Before Langxing could refuse, Xiyang took the sword and put it into his hand and said, "It's rare for Gongsun to be sincere, so just take it."

As soon as Xiyang intervened, the treasure would definitely not come back. Gongsun Chong, who had no hope, simply showed his sincerity to the fullest and said repeatedly, "Yes, yes, I sincerely want to make you my friend. With Xiyang and With Jiang Xiao's relationship, we should be brothers."

The kindness was hard to refuse, so Langxing had no choice but to pass the ice jade sword to Su'er and said, "Then I'll give it to my sister-in-law."

Su'er waved her hands repeatedly and said, "I can't use this kind of thing, just keep it."

Gongsun Chong raised his big finger and said, "My little brother is really a righteous man. Keep it. Your sister-in-law can't use these treasures of ours. Besides, they are of ice nature, so she can't even touch them."

Lang Xing couldn't refuse anymore, so he thanked Gongsun Chong, put the ice jade sword into the Qiankun bag, and thought about asking Shen Qing if he liked it later.

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