Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2124 What does this mean?

Gongsun Chong took the initiative to soften his tone at this time and explained to the two immortals, "It was indeed Langxing who awakened Xiyang, but because he used the secret technique of Qianxu Palace, even the master was not around to avoid suspicion. Look, the two Immortals have the same status as our masters, so I hope they won’t make things difficult for us juniors.”

Silver Pocket Immortal Lord mocked, "It's rare that the Nine Immortals of Jade Sea Palace actually bow their heads sometimes."

Gongsun Chong smiled and said, "You two are my elders, so I naturally respect you. How can I dare to act wild in front of you two?"

Yu Shen Xian Zun was a little hesitant. Although the mysteries about these people made him feel itchy, they had the support of the Huayu monks behind them. If Gongsun Chong continued to be tyrannical, he could still find a reason to capture these people back, but Gongsun Chong had already given in, and it made no sense to attack them again. After all, he had a family and a career, so he had to consider his disciples and grandchildren, and he could not act recklessly.

Silver Bag Immortal is the ancestor of Linhai Sect and has thousands of disciples and disciples, so he has the same concerns as Yushen Immortal.

At this time, Yushenxianzun's eyes were fixed on Xiyang's face, because only Xiyang's eyes were the most unyielding, and even contained a bit of hatred. He wanted to find some excuse from Xiyang.

With Xiyang's fierceness, he would naturally disdain to bow to his enemies. Yushenxianzun had sealed him, so he would not give this person a good look.

"You seem to be resenting me, right?" he asked with a smile.

Xiyang didn't say anything, he didn't want to drag everyone down, but his strong character prevented him from lowering his head. He still looked at Yushenzun, but he endured the humiliation and put away the hatred in his eyes. .??.

The purple glow slowly lit up, and Langxing slowly activated the Purple Sun Sword. He saw that Yushenxianzun would not give up easily. Since the other party had set his sights on Xiyang, he had no way out. .

The Silver Bag Immortal and the Yushen Immortal looked at each other and smiled, then they separated to the left and right, and they were at this distance.

These people were waiting for them to take action from far away. What they wanted was for the other party to make the first move, and they also wanted to see how many tricks this senior disciple of Qianxu Palace could use.

The immortal sacrifice flag rose behind Hei Si. Since he had to fight, Hei Si's eyes became fierce.

Langxing felt bitter in his heart. At this point, he complained about painting pots, listening to incense, Gongsun Chong, and Xiyang, but what's the use? He still had to fight tooth and nail for the troubles caused by these people. Who made these people his brothers? It would be really unfair if he was really tricked to death by these people. The phantom of Qiancheng Mansion rose, and Lang Xing's face became a little ferocious. It is better to blame the two bullying monks than to blame the brothers. If they abide by the laws of heaven and stay out of the matter, these things would not happen. !

The Immortal Master Silver Bag heard about this powerful spiritual treasure from the Immortal Master Yu Shen. Now that he personally felt the terrifying power coming from the shadow, he still couldn't help but feel ashamed. This made him even more want to capture this kid and interrogate him. , how can a young monk in the early stage of Yuanying activate such a powerful spiritual treasure?

"Don't make a move yet!" Gongsun Chong retreated in front of Lang Xing. He wanted to ask how sure Lang Xing was. Once he made a move, they would be unreasonable. If Lang Xing was not sure, he would still have to compromise. Other solutions are better.

"They won't let us go!" Huahu shouted excitedly to Gongsun Chong. The atmosphere of rolling war clouds had completely excited him. He no longer had any fear in his heart and just wanted to start fighting as soon as possible!

At this moment, the Silver Bag Immortal and the Yushen Immortal looked at each other again, with a faint look of uneasiness in their eyes because they felt an extremely dangerous aura coming from the mid-air behind these people.

A great monk in the middle stage of becoming a feather! Both of them came to this conclusion from each other's eyes. Only the great monks in the middle stage of Feathering could bring them such a dangerous aura, and they could feel that they had been locked by some powerful magic power. Any abnormal movement will definitely lead to a fatal blow!

"Haha." Yu Shenxianzun laughed with a stiff expression, and then said to Yan Yue, "You little guys are really fierce. How can we two old men really make things difficult for you children? Hurry up and Put away all the treasures. I'm actually here to return the lost items in Xiyang. Let's put aside the grudge with Wanfu Xiuyu. There are injuries on both sides. Wanfu Xiuyu suffered heavy casualties, including one of my disciples, but in the end It was their fault first. I am responsible for the lax discipline of my disciples. For my sake, little Daoist friend Wang Xiyang, please don’t worry about it. I will compensate you two with the Ten Thousand Years Divine Beast Inner Pill and the Ten Thousand Years Immortal Grass. The refined resurrection pill will probably heal your and Jiang Xiao's injuries. You should go back as soon as possible and don't run around like this in the future."

After saying that, he took out Li Yan, Xuan'a, Qingyan and Xiyang's Qiankun bag, and then took out two small green wooden bottles and sent these things to Xiyang.

This sudden change made everyone feel a little stupid. Xiyang blinked and looked at the things in front of him and then at Yu Shen Xianzun. He didn't know what to say for a while.

"What does this mean?" Huahu moved the machete until it was dazzling. In his excitement, he was very dissatisfied with the result.

The Royal God Immortal and the Silver Bag Immortal did not dare to pay attention to the painting pot. They slowly stepped back for a while and then disappeared in a flash.

"This..." Huahu looked at Gongsun Chong angrily, wanting to hear his opinion.

Gongsun Chong was even more confused than him, and he said uneasily, "Stop talking, let's leave quickly!"

Langxing also wanted to escape far away first, so he urged the four-winged giant roc to run forward desperately.

Minglan, who was invisible thousands of miles away, put away her open hunter's bow, looked at Lang Xing's back with blurred eyes, and slowly followed.

When she rushed to Yuhai, she happened to run into the second senior brother who was let go by Gongsun Chong. After interrogation, she was quite surprised. Langxing actually killed two Yuhai Palace monks. This progress was too much. Soon.

After finding Lang Xing, she didn't dare to get too close and stayed three thousand miles away. When Yu Shen Xian Zun and Silver Bag Xian Zun blocked the way, she wanted to see what Lang Xing was capable of, but she was afraid that Lang Xing would be injured. After hesitating for a while, he finally decided to drive these two people away.

The four-winged giant roc flew at extremely high speeds, and everyone standing on the giant roc's back held their breath and remained vigilant. It was not until the giant roc was exhausted the next day that they stopped to let the giant roc rest.

"What do you think is going on?" Huahu broke the silence that had lasted all day and night.

Everyone looked at each other and no one could give an explanation.

"Does he really want to settle the matter? I don't think that's the case. Their attitude is just to fight with us." Huahu asked and answered his own question.

Hei Si looked at Lang Xing and said, "Maybe they are afraid of Lang Xing's spiritual treasure." When Qiancheng Mansion was activated, he was very close and deeply felt the terror of the spiritual treasure.

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "The Royal Immortal Master has already seen the power of Qiancheng Mansion once. Qiancheng Mansion cannot scare them."

"Could it be...your master..." Gongsun Chong glanced at Xiyang, and looked around vaguely as he spoke. Only a mid-stage Yu Yu monk could scare away the two Yu Yu monks.

As he looked around, Langxing also looked around. He really hoped to see Concubine Chan.

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