Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2129 What does it mean?

Lang Xing blinked twice and said to the two of them with his spiritual thoughts, "I used a trick to kill the Ice Water Fairy Princess..."

As soon as he heard this sentence, Zhixia showed a look of helplessness. How could he say that he was using tricks? This kid is so honest.

"I pretended to attack Gongsun Chong and lured her close. Then I used my mental power to scare her. Then I beat her half to death with the Water Ting Sword. Finally, Gongsun Chong killed her."

Xinxie asked with some disappointment, "How did you kill the other one?"

"You seal my cultivation." Lang Xing flew to his side and handed him his hand.

Xinxie's eyes lit up now, and he sealed his cultivation firmly without saying a word.

Langxing pointed at a basin-sized stone below, then looked at his fingers and pointed twice more.

Xinxie asked in confusion, "What do you mean?"

He failed to use his volley finger, so Lang Xing had to gather the power of his thoughts, pointed at the stone in a pretentious manner, and at the same time smashed the stone with the power of his thoughts.

Xinxie opened his eyes in shock.

Langxing explained with his spiritual thoughts, "This is a spell I learned from a treasure in the Qianxu Palace. Because I haven't fully understood it yet, it doesn't work most of the time. It happened to work that day when I was fighting against the Ancient Water Immortal Lord. I was poking at it." In his heart, in his panic, we killed him together." He was willing to reveal this hand because of Brother Fuze Sixth's intention, but he could only reveal part of it half-truth.

Xinxie pulled him and flew down to carefully observe the stone that was beaten into powder, then pointed to another stone more than ten feet away and said, "Show me again."

Langxing pointed and made some gestures, then shattered the stone.

Zhixia came over and said to Xinxie, "That's enough for you to comprehend. He has been very good to you. Don't make it too difficult for him. Find a place to comprehend."

Xinxie looked at Zhixia with a look of jealousy. He didn't know how much benefit this second senior sister had received from her junior brother. No wonder she was so protective of her junior brother. But Zhixia was right, Langxing could reveal this magical thing to him. His methods were already based on friendship, and if he continued to question him, he might cause trouble for his junior brother. He released the seal on Langxing, glanced at the boy unwillingly, and walked away.

Before Zhixia could speak again, Lang Xing directly relayed the scene of him killing the Ancient Water Immortal Lord, "I don't know how my power became so strong, and I don't have any headaches anymore," Gongsun Chong said, The monk Huayu died before he took action."

Zhixia took a breath. Lang Xing had told her about the power of thoughts before. At that time, the power was still very limited. She was silent for a long time before saying, "This kind of power can directly kill a Feather Monk. It is simply unbelievable. It Is it really something you’re born with?”

Lang Xing nodded uncertainly and said, "I think it is. It was like it was sealed before. It gave me a headache when I used it. But now somehow there is no such obstacle."

"Seal? Have you met anyone special recently?" Zhixia was thinking about Minglan, but it was not convenient to ask directly.

"Well... I have seen one, maybe it has something to do with him. Second Senior Sister, I really want to tell you about this person, but I can't do it now. I can only tell you first that there are masters in this world who are beyond our knowledge. "

Knowing Xia's

There was a look of horror in his eyes. Lang Xing himself was an unusual person. Even if he said that he would meet a true immortal, she would believe him.

"That's all I can say, Second Senior Sister." Lang Xing had a troubled expression on his face.

Zhixia nodded slowly. Although she wished she could get into Lang Xing's head and see this big secret clearly, she could only resist the idea of ​​asking further. Considering the relationship between her junior brother and her, as long as she could He would never hide what he said.

She took out a Qiankun bag and handed it to Lang Xing, "Your senior sister and I killed the Silver Bag Immortal because Xinxie refused to help. The fight made too much noise. Yushen and his junior sister You ran away after hearing the news. I don’t want you to go there again. If Xiyang insists on revenge, you must tell me and I will take care of you. "

"Don't worry, Xiyang has promised me not to take revenge. He will keep his word."

Zhixia showed a happy smile. After all, Langxing was more worry-free than Xunyi. At least he wouldn't think about committing suicide all day long. "Here are a few inner elixirs and a spiritual treasure, as well as a forbidden cultivation guide." I got all the secrets from the Silver Bag Immortal." She handed the Qiankun Bag forward.

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "I'll keep the secret book for now. I also want you to bring some inner elixirs and treasures to Yan Bing and the others. I'm too wealthy here."

Zhixia threw the Qiankun Bag to him and said, "This Immortal Lord has a very rich family. These are just some of them selected for you. Take it."

Langxing no longer refused, and took out a Qiankun bag, which was given to him by Gongsun Chong. It was filled with rare treasures from Wanfu Xiuyu and Yuhai, and he also put the two medium-grade spiritual treasures he obtained this time. Bao took it out and handed it over and said, "You can take these things back and share them with everyone. I don't need these."

Zhixia took those things over. With Langxing's current ability, it was not difficult to get these things. As a Feiyu Immortal Concubine, she was not suitable to collect property for her disciples with her cultivation. This little person who could kill Huayu Monk Junior brother, however, does not have to worry about violating the laws of heaven.

Langxing was reluctant to let the second senior sister go, and pulled her to chat for a long time. Finally, when Zhixia stood up to leave, he blinked and said, "I'll bring Xiang'er out to meet you. Her Qi Mansion has been repaired, but it's not me." To help her heal.”

Zhixia immediately guessed that this matter must be related to the master mentioned by Lang Xing, and couldn't help but pondered, "Is this good?"

Lang Xing made an excuse and said, "You know Xiang'er's injury. I can't hide this from you. Just don't tell anyone after reading this."

Zhixia couldn't resist the temptation and nodded gently.

After Bai Xiang was brought here, she happily stepped forward to greet the second uncle. Unexpectedly, the always gentle and approachable second uncle seemed a little strange this time. He grabbed her hand without saying anything and sent it to the spiritual power investigation. After getting up, after a long time, the second uncle let go of her hand and walked away without even looking at them.

Bai Xiang realized that this must be related to his Qi Mansion that had been repaired, and looked at the Master uneasily.

Lang Xing shook his head gently at her, and then took her back.

Xiyang couldn't sit still after learning the news that Jiangxiao would be sent back soon. He ran thousands of miles away and waited eagerly. This was not only because he wanted to see Jiangxiao as early as possible, but also because he didn't want Langxing to see him. He looked restless.

Xiaochun arrived two or three days later than Langxing expected. She appeared directly in front of Langxing. Lang Xing blinked twice and said to the two of them with his spiritual thoughts, "I used a trick to kill the Ice Water Fairy Princess..."

As soon as he heard this sentence, Zhixia showed a look of helplessness. How could he say that he was using tricks? This kid is so honest.

"I pretended to attack Gongsun Chong and lured her close. Then I used my mental power to scare her. Then I beat her half to death with the Water Ting Sword. Finally, Gongsun Chong killed her."

Xinxie asked with some disappointment, "How did you kill the other one?"

"You seal my cultivation." Lang Xing flew to his side and handed him his hand.

Xinxie's eyes lit up now, and he sealed his cultivation firmly without saying a word.

Langxing pointed at a basin-sized stone below, then looked at his fingers and pointed twice more.

Xinxie asked in confusion, "What do you mean?"

He failed to use his volley finger, so Lang Xing had to gather the power of his thoughts, pointed at the stone in a pretentious manner, and at the same time smashed the stone with the power of his thoughts.

Xinxie opened his eyes in shock.

Langxing explained with his spiritual thoughts, "This is a spell I learned from a treasure in the Qianxu Palace. Because I haven't fully understood it yet, it doesn't work most of the time. It happened to work that day when I was fighting against the Ancient Water Immortal Lord. I was poking at it." In his heart, in his panic, we killed him together." He was willing to reveal this hand because of Brother Fuze Sixth's intention, but he could only reveal part of it half-truth.

Xinxie pulled him and flew down to carefully observe the stone that was beaten into powder, then pointed to another stone more than ten feet away and said, "Show me again."

Langxing pointed and made some gestures, breaking the stone into pieces.

Zhixia came over and said to Xinxie, "That's enough for you to comprehend. He has been very good to you. Don't make it too difficult for him. Find a place to comprehend."

Xinxie looked at Zhixia with a look of jealousy. He didn't know how much benefit this second senior sister had received from her junior brother. No wonder she was so protective of her junior brother. But Zhixia was right, Langxing could reveal this magical thing to him. His methods were already based on friendship, and if he continued to question him, he might cause trouble for his junior brother. He released the seal on Langxing, glanced at the boy unwillingly, and walked away.

Before Zhixia could speak again, Lang Xing directly relayed the scene of him killing the Ancient Water Immortal Lord, "I don't know how my power became so strong, and I don't have any headaches anymore," Gongsun Chong said, The monk Huayu died before he took action."

Zhixia took a breath. Lang Xing had told her about the power of thoughts before. At that time, the power was still very limited. She was silent for a long time before saying, "This kind of power can directly kill a Feather Monk. It is simply unbelievable. It Is it really something you’re born with?”

Lang Xing nodded uncertainly and said, "I think it is. It was like it was sealed before. It gave me a headache when I used it. But now somehow there is no such obstacle."

"Seal? Have you met anyone special recently?" Zhixia was thinking about Minglan, but it was not convenient to ask directly.

"Well... I have seen one, maybe it has something to do with him. Second Senior Sister, I really want to tell you about this person, but I can't do it now. I can only tell you first that there are masters in this world who are beyond our knowledge. "

Knowing Xia's

There was a look of horror in his eyes. Lang Xing himself was an unusual person. Even if he said that he would meet a true immortal, she would believe him.

"That's all I can say, Second Senior Sister." Lang Xing had a troubled expression on his face.

Zhixia nodded slowly. Although she wished she could get into Lang Xing's head and see this big secret clearly, she could only resist the idea of ​​asking further. Considering the relationship between her junior brother and her, as long as she could He would never hide what he said.

She took out a Qiankun bag and handed it to Lang Xing, "Your senior sister and I killed the Silver Bag Immortal because Xinxie refused to help. The fight made too much noise. Yushen and his junior sister You ran away after hearing the news. I don’t want you to go there again. If Xiyang insists on revenge, you must tell me and I will take care of you. "

"Don't worry, Xiyang has promised me not to take revenge. He will keep his word."

Zhixia showed a happy smile. After all, Langxing was more worry-free than Xunyi. At least he wouldn't think about committing suicide all day long. "Here are a few inner elixirs and a spiritual treasure, as well as a forbidden cultivation guide." I got all the secrets from the Silver Bag Immortal." She handed the Qiankun Bag forward.

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "I'll keep the secret book for now. I also want you to bring some inner elixirs and treasures to Yan Bing and the others. I'm too wealthy here."

Zhixia threw the Qiankun Bag to him and said, "This Immortal Lord has a very rich family. These are just some of the ones chosen for you. Take it."

Langxing no longer refused, and took out a Qiankun bag, which was given to him by Gongsun Chong. It was filled with rare treasures from Wanfu Xiuyu and Yuhai, and he also took out the two medium-grade spiritual treasures he obtained this time. Bao took it out, handed it over and said, "Take these things back and share them with everyone. I don't need these."

Zhixia took those things over. With Langxing's current ability, it was not difficult to get these things. As a Huayu Immortal Concubine, she was not suitable to collect property for her disciples with her cultivation. This little girl who could kill Huayu monks was not suitable. Junior brother, however, does not have to worry about violating the laws of heaven.

Langxing was reluctant to let the second senior sister go, and pulled her to chat for a long time. Finally, when Zhixia stood up to leave, he blinked and said, "I'll bring Xiang'er out to meet you. Her Qi Mansion has been repaired, but it's not me." To help her heal.”

Zhixia immediately guessed that this matter must be related to the master mentioned by Lang Xing, and couldn't help but pondered, "Is this good?"

Lang Xing made an excuse and said, "You know Xiang'er's injury. I can't hide this from you. Just don't tell anyone after reading this."

Zhixia couldn't resist the temptation and nodded gently.

After Bai Xiang was brought here, she happily stepped forward to greet the second uncle. Unexpectedly, the always gentle and approachable second uncle seemed a little strange this time. He grabbed her hand without saying anything and sent it to the spiritual power investigation. After getting up, after a long time, the second uncle let go of her hand and walked away without even looking at them.

Bai Xiang realized that this must be related to his Qi Mansion that had been repaired, and looked at the Master uneasily.

Lang Xing shook his head gently at her, and then took her back.

Xiyang couldn't sit still after learning the news that Jiangxiao would be sent back soon. He ran thousands of miles away and waited eagerly. This was not only because he wanted to see Jiangxiao as early as possible, but also because he didn't want Langxing to see him. He looked restless.

Xiaochun arrived two or three days later than Langxing expected. She appeared directly in front of Langxing.

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