Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2131 Improve your cultivation level

Not far after taking Bai Xiang and flying on the spiritual crane, Langxing stopped, sat cross-legged on a grassy field and meditated for a while before continuing on his way again.

"What did you do just now?" Bai Xiang asked curiously.

"Improve your cultivation." Lang Xing winked at her.

Bai Xiang looked at the master in confusion, she couldn't understand what he was saying. ??

"I am currently in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. If necessary, I can create a late Nascent Soul at any time." Lang Xing smiled enigmatically, teasing her in a mysterious way.

"Master...can you please tell me more clearly..." Bai Xiang grabbed Lang Xing's wrist and used her weak spiritual power to try to find out whether she was addressed as "you" or "you". It depends on the situation. If she feels that Master is teasing her, then she will address him as "you". With such a childlike Master, she can only go along with it.

Lang Xing smiled heartily and said, "When you understand that set of exercises, you will know that it is easy to cheat in cultivation, and the inherent things in the cultivation world are of no use to us."

"Hey..." Bai Xiang sighed softly. He really wished he could reach the master's realm earlier and feel the feeling of transcending the world of cultivation.

Langxing helped her put the wooden fan fastened to her waist into the Qiankun bag, and warned her, "Your family wealth is far beyond that of ordinary wealthy disciples. When we go outside, we must restrain ourselves and not show off our wealth."

"Well, I don't even know how much treasure I have." Bai Xiang smiled happily, "Can I give something to Senior Uncle Xuan Ling and the little sisters? Senior Sister Huang Ying said that it can be done through Tianlu The alliance sent them items.”

"Of course you can. I think you can just give some spiritual stones. This is what they need most. They won't be able to use anything too expensive."

"Okay, then I will give each of them one hundred Nascent Soul Stones, and one thousand to Uncle Xuan Ling." Bai Xiang said, taking out a pile of Nascent Soul Stones and counting them.

Langxing watched speechlessly as she divided the pile of Nascent Soul Stones into pieces. He didn't know who gave Bai Xiang so many Nascent Soul Stones. What was the point of giving so many Yuanying Stones to a little girl in the Kairong stage? What to use? You can guess without asking that most of the Nascent Soul Stones should have been given by the people from Zixiao Palace. At that time, Bai Xiang had almost no cultivation, so he really didn't have many choices to give gifts to such a little girl.

When passing by a branch of the Tianlu Alliance, Langxing sent those spiritual stones for her, and included a letter written by Bai Xiang. Bai Xiang felt very happy and gave her a gift. The joy given is far more joyful than the joy received.

"The siege of Qianxu Palace should have been solved." After riding on the Linghe, Langxing told Bai Xiang the good news he had just learned.

"Then...are we going to Qianxu Palace?" Bai Xiang looked at the master without showing much enthusiasm. She used to be proud of being a disciple of Qianxu Palace, but she has been to Zixiao After the palace, she doesn't feel so good about this kind of sect, and her current "home" is already very good, so she doesn't want to live in a virtual palace anymore.

"You still have to go, but I won't leave you there unless you like it there."

Seeing the narrow-mindedness in Master's eyes, Bai Xiang immediately laughed and said, "Of course I don't like it anymore. There is no place better than where I live now. Don't even think about sending me anywhere else!"

Langxing smiled, then sighed softly and said, "Qianxu Palace has been destroyed by monsters."

The disaster was beyond recognition, and it was unknown how many people could survive. "

Bai Xiang gently stroked the master's arm and comforted him, "Don't be sad about this. Didn't you say that this disaster is God's will?"

Lang Xing nodded slightly and said nothing more.

When he came to Qingyuan Sect, Langxing couldn't help but frowned. The last time Shen Qing brought him here, it was a beautiful scenery with strange mountains and lush forests. But now many mountains and rivers have been either leveled to the ground or beaten to pieces. Although the vegetation has grown again, it still cannot cover the dilapidated scene. From this, it is not difficult to imagine how tragic the protracted war that took place here was, and it is also not difficult to infer what Qianxu Palace is now. look.

The mountain gate of the Qingyuan Sect was saved, but the disciples withered away. The majestic Qingyuan Mountain gave people a feeling of less vitality and more sadness and desolation.

Lang Xing brought Bai Xiang to the gate of the mountain and said to the disciples on duty, "I'm here, Lang Xing, to visit the Fifth Fairy. Please tell me, brothers."

One of the disciples looked troubled and said, "The fifth uncle is recuperating and it is not appropriate to receive guests. If you have nothing urgent to do, please come back later." Although Lang Xing looked like a middle-stage Nascent Soul monk at this moment, this point The cultivation level is still not qualified to meet the Five Fairies.

Lang Xing had no choice but to reveal his identity and said, "I am a disciple of Qianxu Palace, and I have some contacts with the Fifth Fairy. Please report me."

This identity really worked. The man looked at Lang Xing and said, "Since you are a fellow Taoist from Qianxu Palace, please wait a moment and I will report to you right away."

Bai Xiang couldn't help but straighten her back. Her bearing relied on her confidence. Currently, she had no confidence of her own to speak of. All she could show was her bearing supported by her master's reputation.

After a while, Qi Jia came out with a smile on his face and said from afar, "It's so rare. I thought you couldn't spare the time to see me."

Seeing that her face was still gray, Lang Xing couldn't help but said sadly, "I only found out that you came back to recuperate after hearing Huahu and the others talk about it. I always wanted to come and visit. I didn't expect you to be injured so seriously. If I had known It would have come a long time ago.”

Qi Jia smiled slightly and said, "What I just said was not a joke. I know you will be very busy. I am very happy that you can come to see me so soon." After that, she said to the disciples guarding the mountain gate, "Lang Xing is a distinguished guest. There is no need to notify him when he comes again, just let him come up. "

All the disciples hurriedly bowed to accept the order, and after standing up, they couldn't help but stealthily look at this disciple of Qianxu Palace who was so valued by the Fifth Fairy.

"Come on." Qi Jia turned around to lead the way, turned to look at Bai Xiang who looked high-spirited and said, "You have done well as a disciple. How about the grudge with the Junlu Sect? I heard that there was another fight in front of the Xuanfang Sect. A battle."

"You know all this?" Lang Xing was a little surprised.

Qi Jia smiled lightly and said, "In terms of being well-informed, no one can match our Qingyuan Sect."

At this time, they arrived at Qi Jia's residence on a mountain peak. The two of them sat across the table, with Bai Xiang standing behind Lang Xing in a dignified manner.

Qi Jia used his spiritual thoughts to summon a female disciple and said, "Take Xiang'er around to make her happy. She is my honored guest."

The female disciple brought Bai Xiang, who was a little embarrassed and proud, with a bright smile. The Fifth Fairy gave her too much face, and she immediately fell in love with the Fifth Fairy. Not far after taking Bai Xiang and flying on the spiritual crane, Langxing stopped, sat cross-legged on a grassy field and meditated for a while before continuing on his way again.

"What did you do just now?" Bai Xiang asked curiously.

"Improve your cultivation." Lang Xing winked at her.

Bai Xiang looked at the master in confusion, she couldn't understand what he was saying.

"I am currently in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. If necessary, I can create a late Nascent Soul at any time." Lang Xing smiled enigmatically, teasing her in a mysterious way.

"Master...can you please tell me more clearly..." Bai Xiang grabbed Lang Xing's wrist and used her weak spiritual power to try to find out whether she was addressed as "you" or "you". It depends on the situation. If she feels that Master is teasing her, then she will address him as "you". With such a childlike Master, she can only go along with it.

Lang Xing smiled heartily and said, "When you understand that set of exercises, you will know that it is easy to cheat in cultivation, and the inherent things in the cultivation world are of no use to us."

"Hey..." Bai Xiang sighed softly. He really wished he could reach the master's realm earlier and feel the feeling of transcending the world of cultivation.

Langxing helped her put the wooden fan fastened to her waist into the Qiankun bag, and warned her, "Your family wealth is far beyond that of ordinary wealthy disciples. When we go outside, we must restrain ourselves and not show off our wealth."

"Well, I don't even know how much treasure I have." Bai Xiang smiled happily, "Can I give something to Senior Uncle Xuan Ling and the little sisters? Senior Sister Huang Ying said that it can be done through Tianlu The alliance sent them items.”

"Of course you can. I think you can just give some spiritual stones. This is what they need most. They won't be able to use anything too expensive."

"Okay, then I will give each of them one hundred Nascent Soul Stones, and one thousand to Uncle Xuan Ling." Bai Xiang said, taking out a pile of Nascent Soul Stones and counting them.

Langxing watched speechlessly as she divided the pile of Nascent Soul Stones into pieces. He didn't know who gave Bai Xiang so many Nascent Soul Stones. What was the point of giving so many Yuanying Stones to a little girl in the Kairong stage? What to use? You can guess without asking that most of the Nascent Soul Stones should have been given by the people from Zixiao Palace. At that time, Bai Xiang had almost no cultivation, so he really didn't have many choices to give gifts to such a little girl.

When passing by a branch of the Tianlu Alliance, Langxing sent those spiritual stones for her, and included a letter written by Bai Xiang. Bai Xiang felt very happy and gave her a gift. The joy given is far more joyful than the joy received.

"The siege of Qianxu Palace should have been solved." After riding on the Linghe, Langxing told Bai Xiang the good news he had just learned.

"Then...are we going to Qianxu Palace?" Bai Xiang looked at the master without showing much enthusiasm. She used to be proud of being a disciple of Qianxu Palace, but she has been to Zixiao After the palace, she doesn't feel so good about this kind of sect, and her current "home" is already very good, so she doesn't want to live in a virtual palace anymore.

"You still have to go, but I won't leave you there unless you like it there."

Seeing the narrow-mindedness in Master's eyes, Bai Xiang immediately laughed and said, "Of course I don't like it anymore. There is no place better than where I live now. Don't even think about sending me anywhere else!"

Langxing smiled, then sighed softly and said, "Qianxu Palace has been destroyed by monsters."

The disaster was beyond recognition, and it was unknown how many people could survive. "

Bai Xiang gently stroked the master's arm and comforted him, "Don't be sad about this. Didn't you say that this disaster is God's will?"

Lang Xing nodded slightly and said nothing more.

When he came to Qingyuan Sect, Langxing couldn't help but frowned. The last time Shen Qing brought him here, it was a beautiful scenery with strange mountains and lush forests. But now many mountains and rivers have been either leveled to the ground or beaten to pieces. Although the vegetation has grown again, it still cannot cover the dilapidated scene. From this, it is not difficult to imagine how tragic the protracted war that took place here was, and it is also not difficult to infer what Qianxu Palace is now. look.

The mountain gate of the Qingyuan Sect was saved, but the disciples withered away. The majestic Qingyuan Mountain gave people a feeling of less vitality and more sadness and desolation.

Lang Xing brought Bai Xiang to the gate of the mountain and said to the disciples on duty, "I'm here, Lang Xing, to visit the Fifth Fairy. Please tell me, brothers."

One of the disciples looked troubled and said, "The fifth uncle is recuperating and it is not appropriate to receive guests. If you have nothing urgent to do, please come back later." Although Lang Xing looked like a middle-stage Nascent Soul monk at this moment, this point The cultivation level is still not qualified to meet the Five Fairies.

Lang Xing had no choice but to reveal his identity and said, "I am a disciple of Qianxu Palace, and I have some contacts with the Fifth Fairy. Please report me."

This identity really worked. The man looked at Lang Xing and said, "Since you are a fellow Taoist from Qianxu Palace, please wait a moment and I will report to you right away."

Bai Xiang couldn't help but straighten her back. Her bearing relied on her confidence. Currently, she had no confidence of her own to speak of. All she could show was her bearing supported by her master's reputation.

After a while, Qi Jia came out with a smile on his face and said from afar, "It's so rare. I thought you couldn't spare the time to see me."

Seeing that her face was still gray, Lang Xing couldn't help but said sadly, "I only found out that you came back to recuperate after hearing Huahu and the others talk about it. I always wanted to come and visit. I didn't expect you to be injured so seriously. If I had known It would have come a long time ago.”

Qi Jia smiled slightly and said, "What I just said was not a joke. I know you will be very busy. I am very happy that you can come to see me so soon." After that, she said to the disciples guarding the mountain gate, "Lang Xing is a distinguished guest, so there is no need to notify him when he comes again, just let him come up."

All the disciples hurriedly bowed to accept the order. After standing up, they couldn't help but stealthily look at this disciple of Qianxu Palace who was so valued by the Fifth Fairy.

"Come on." Qi Jia turned around to lead the way, turned to look at Bai Xiang who looked high-spirited and said, "You have done well as a disciple. How about the grudge with the Junlu Sect? I heard that there was another fight in front of the Xuanfang Sect. A battle."

"You know all this?" Lang Xing was a little surprised.

Qi Jia smiled lightly and said, "In terms of being well-informed, no one can match our Qingyuan Sect."

At this time, they arrived at Qi Jia's residence on a mountain peak. The two of them sat across the table, with Bai Xiang standing behind Lang Xing in a dignified manner.

Qi Jia used his spiritual thoughts to summon a female disciple and said, "Take Xiang'er around to make her happy. She is my honored guest."

The female disciple brought Bai Xiang, who was a little embarrassed and proud, with a bright smile. The Fifth Fairy gave her too much face, and she immediately fell in love with the Fifth Fairy.

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