Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2135 Please give me some advice

Wen Danzi had no intention of paying attention to him at all. He looked at those things with a smile and put them into categories casually.

"Senior brother, senior brother!" Lang Xing tugged at the sleeve of Wen Danzi, "They are all for you. Don't look at it in a hurry. Please help me refine a few elixirs, both for healing wounds and improving cultivation. Have a few."

Wen Danzi stopped, looked at him and asked, "Where is Shu Yan?"

"Well... we were together at first, but later we separated. I'm also looking for her and Lu Gang." Lang Xing could only make up a lie.

Wen Danzi frowned and said, "Tell me immediately after you find her. I have to think about what happened to that pill." He carefully avoided mentioning the word spiritual eye.

"Okay, okay, please help me refine some elixirs. It's best to give me some poison pills."

"Besides asking me for pills, you have nothing else to do!" After Wen Danzi scolded him, he glanced at the spiritual herbs in the room and said a little short of breath, "It's really hard for you to collect so many things." , Let’s talk about the elixirs later. First, tell me how you got these things. Even if you return the spiritual herbs from Puyunzhou, why are there still ones from Wanfu Xiuyu and Yuhai?”

"Good eyesight!" Lang Xing raised his thumb.

Wen Danzi looked at him with disdain and said, "If you read a few more classics, you won't flatter me like this."

"Hehe." Lang Xing smiled awkwardly, "I heard that there are many rare spiritual herbs in Wanfu Xiuyu, so I took a few friends on a trip. Some were collected, and some were bought. I also grabbed some.”

Wen Danzi didn't pay much attention to what he said. He looked at those things and said, "Go and study the classics for me first. Come back in two days."

The two have been separated for hundreds of years. Although Lang Xing seems to have reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul, the relationship between them seems to be stuck in the previous state. Asking Danzi scolded him at every turn, while Lang Xing was as arrogant as ever.

"Senior brother, I... still have a few important things at hand.

, I have to leave soon..." Lang Xing grinned like a bitter gourd.

Wen Danzi said impatiently, "What's the matter with you? Why are you so busy!"

Langxing pointed at his Qi Mansion and said carefully, "Senior brother, I have reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul. How can I be fine? The whereabouts of Lu Gang and Shu Yan are unknown. I have to look for them." ”

"You really disappoint me. How can you expect to achieve anything with so many busy things? I see you can't calm down!" Wen Danzi reprimanded somewhat angrily.

Lang Xing said with a smile, "Senior brother, don't you also want to find Shu Yan? I've been like this since childhood..."

Wen Danzi was really fed up with these words, and waved his hands repeatedly and said, "Shut up, shut up! If you want any elixirs, tell me immediately. After that, get out of here and come back to me within three years!"

"They are all urgently needed. I will pick them up in a year. Senior brother, I have to leave immediately. I will talk to you next time. I am so happy to see that you are safe and sound." Lang Xing took out a jade slip and put it on the table. After saying that, he turned around and ran away. The jade slips were prepared by him a long time ago. The pills he wanted and the injuries of Jiangxiao and Qi Jia were recorded in detail. If he told the pills one by one, The child will get annoyed if he can’t finish listening.

Wen Danzi glanced at Lang Xing's back and snorted heavily, but then threw out a jade bottle and said angrily, "Take it and come back soon!"

Lang Xing, who had run away, came back like a gust of wind, took the bottle of elixir, smiled stupidly, and left like the wind.

After picking up Bai Xiang, he urged Linghe to go straight to Xulang Mountain where Uncle Hengsi was. From a long way away, he saw mourning flags flying on the mountain peaks. Today, Qianxu Palace is full of mourning flags hanging on the mountain peaks. The mourning flag of the Immortal Lord was hung on the other eight mountains except Qianlang Mountain.

flag. The eldest disciple of the Four Immortal Lords in Hengsi Immortal Lord has already stepped into the ranks of feathers. It is really a pity to die like this.

When they approached Xulang Mountain, before he could say anything, a young disciple came up to him and took him and Bai Xiang directly to the residence of Hengsi Immortal Lord.

After Langxing saw the Hengsi Immortal Lord who still had a look of sorrow on his face, he stepped forward and saluted, "Uncle, please express my condolences. The death of our senior brother is inevitable, so please be patient."

Hengsi Xianzun smiled and said, "You don't need to persuade me about this kind of thing. I just hope you can come back safely. Who is this little girl?" .??.

"This is Bai Xiang, the disciple accepted by my nephew." Lang Xing turned to Bai Xiang and said, "Hurry and pay your respects to Master Si."

Immortal Lord Hengsi looked at Bai Xiang who was kneeling and saluting, with a look of deep thought on his face.

Langxing had experience in Zixiao Palace, and immediately used his spiritual thoughts to say to Hengsi Xianzun, "My nephew knows that he cannot accept disciples at will, but because he is quite attached to this girl, he accepted her on impulse. , I don’t plan to let her live in the palace from now on, so it doesn’t matter if she is not listed on the list. I hope my uncle can show her kindness. "

Hengsi Immortal Lord nodded to Lang Xing and asked Bai Xiang to stand up first, and then said to Lang Xing with his spiritual thought, "I don't care about this matter, as long as your master agrees."

Lang Xing said, "Do you have any news about my master?"

Immortal Lord Hengsi slowly shook his head and said, "He has not returned since he left." After that, he sighed softly and looked at Lang Xing as if he had something to say.

Lang Xing asked cautiously, "Why are uncles sighing?"

Hengsi Immortal Lord waved his hand and said, "How is Lu Gang?" The dead disciple intended to accept Lu Gang as his disciple. Now that the disciple is dead, he has to care about Lu Gang's condition.

Lang Xingzhen reported, "He wants to practice alone. He broke up with me more than ten years ago. I guess he is probably in Shui Qingzhou at the moment, and his nephew is preparing to go find him."

he. "

Immortal Lord Hengsi frowned slightly and said, "Don't go. Enough Immortal Lords have been damaged in Qianxu Palace. If something happens to you, I can't explain it to your master."

Lang Xing rolled his eyes and said, "My nephew is strong enough to protect himself. I have already fully understood the phantom body technique you taught me. I will practice it for you."

Immortal Lord Hengsi nodded with interest and sealed Bai Xiang. The Shadow Body Technique was a secret skill of Zixiao Palace. Although Bai Xiang could not see any secrets, he still had to be on guard.

Lang Xing's figure quickly retreated. Before he could leave the house, two figures appeared. One figure shot out from the door, and another figure flew out of the window. This was just a simple shadow movement. He was sure I won’t use the Spirit Heart Clan skills in front of my uncle.

Hengsi Immortal Lord stood up involuntarily, with a look of astonishment on his face. His eyes were fixed on the figure flying out of the window. Lang Xing's current attainments could not deceive his eyes.

Lang Xing, who flew thousands of feet in an instant, floated back and said with a smile, "Uncle, please give me some advice."

Immortal Lord Hengsi slowly sat back and looked at him silently for a while before saying, "Although your master, your uncle, and I have all known how extraordinary you are, we didn't expect your understanding to be so high." Qiu, have you made any progress in your understanding of Xuansu Astronomy?"

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "I still don't have any clues." He didn't dare to say something about whether the time was working or not. Then his uncle would definitely have to let him show the scene when it was working, which would lead to the killing of the ancient Narcissus. , all secrets can no longer be kept.

"Don't be anxious, it's very rare for you to understand the Shadow Body Technique to this level." Hengsi Immortal Master's expression was full of praise.

"Hey, ordinary great monks can't hurt my nephew, just let me go to Shui Qingzhou." Lang Xing showed a pleading look.

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