Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2139 The kid who wants to stand up and cheer

Cuiyu Peak, Tiansheng Peak, and Wuyu Peak in Dilang Mountain were all destroyed, and the entire Dilang Mountain became a towering rocky cliff.

Lang Xing felt a little uncomfortable when he saw the familiar place being beaten into this scene.

When they arrived at the old site of Cuiyu Peak, a middle-aged female cultivator came up to them. She looked at Lang Xing and Bai Xiang with a strange look and said, "Are you Lang Xing? Master Si just passed down a decree to me and ordered us to take care of it." Good Xiang'er. "The people who can fight in Cuiyu Peak have also gone to Shui Qingzhou. She was left to take care of the injured and young disciples. She was somewhat impressed by this Langxing. What puzzled her was that Why do these two people deserve to be preached by the master himself?

"Thank you." After Lang Xing bowed and thanked her, he looked at the ruins of the cliff behind her and said to Bai Xiang, "I think this place is pretty good."

"Yeah!" Bai Xiang blinked and responded heavily, what else could she say.

At this time, three female cultivators in the alchemy stage flew over and shouted happily, "Langxing! Langxing!"

These three are Shu Yan's little sisters, and they are all very familiar with Lang Xing. After the three flew over, they first saluted the middle-aged female cultivator, and then asked Lang Xing in unison, "Where is Shu Yan?"

Lang Xing smiled and said, "She's pretty good. She's with Lu Gang. After killing the monsters, they left me behind. I don't know where they went. I don't think they will be able to come back for a while."

"It's so heartless! We are worried about her every day, and we don't even know to check on us first when she comes back!"

"That's right! Let's wait until she comes back!"

"Of course she and Lu Gang will not miss such a good opportunity to escape. Don't blame her."

Some of the three female nuns blamed Shu Yan, and some said good things for Shu Yan.

Langxing felt relieved when he saw them. He pushed Bai Xiang over and said, "This is the child Shu Yan picked up. Please take care of it. I'm going to Shuiqingzhou to kill the monsters."

A female cultivator asked enviously, "Are you in the Nascent Soul stage now?" She was only in the middle stage of forming the elixir and could not tell how far Lang Xing's cultivation had reached.

The middle-aged female cultivator found it amusing and said, "I am already in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. You guys, don't ever think of having the level of cultivation he has now in this life!"

The three female cultivators all looked at Lang Xing dumbfounded. They were all a few years older than Lang Xing. When they broke up, Lang Xing's cultivation level was only about the same as theirs. Who would have thought that only a few hundred years have passed. He has become a great monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul!

Lang Xing took out dozens of inner elixirs and showed off, "I have killed many monsters. I will give these to you."

Now the three female cultivators were even more dumbfounded. Because their cultivation level was too low, they had never been on the battlefield. They had been hiding outside all these years and had never even seen the monsters in Shui Qingzhou.

Langxing took out two more weapons-refining materials and gave them to the middle-aged female cultivator. The middle-aged female cultivator refused to accept them. Taking care of Bai Xiang was something ordered by her master. How could she accept the benefits from Langxing? After giving in for a while, I stopped forcing myself.

A female cultivator pulled Lang Xing's sleeve and asked, "Someone told us that Shu Yan has given birth to a baby. Is it true?"

"It's true. You must strengthen your confidence. Even if she can conceive a baby, you must be able to do it too." Lang Xing took out several hundred Nascent Soul Stones and gave them to them. "This is what Shu Yan asked me to bring to you." Yes, you don’t have to worry about her anymore, she’s pretty awesome now.”

The three of them had never seen so many multi-dimensional infant stones, and their eyes widened in shock again.

Lang Xing said, "I leave this Xiang'er to you. There is no need to supervise her to practice. Let her play with the younger disciples of similar age. As long as she is happy."

\u003e The three female cultivators nodded repeatedly, with shock in their eyes.

The middle-aged female cultivator said with her spiritual thoughts, "Don't worry, we don't dare to neglect Master's instructions."

Langxing patted Bai Xiang's shoulder and floated away on the spiritual crane.

Xueding Mountain is located on the border. This area has always been sparsely visited, but now it has become a lively passage. There are constant rainbow lights in the sky, the sounds of spiritual birds and beasts, and Nanjingzhou monks coming from all directions. An endless stream of people are fighting towards Shui Qingzhou from here. They have been suppressed and beaten by monsters for hundreds of years. The monks in Nanjingzhou are all holding their breath. Now it is finally time to vent their anger.

When he saw Xieyun waiting here, Lang Xing grinned and said, "I didn't expect there were so many people here. If I had known, I wouldn't have let you wait here."

Xie Yunhun said nonchalantly, "It's nothing. How about it? Have you decided?"

Lang Xing nodded and said, "Go find Lu Gang. I have to tell you in advance. If this kid Lu Gang comes, he will definitely rush to the front, so we have to run to the front. Also, let's not kill innocent people indiscriminately." , What do you think about killing only those big monsters that provoked this war?”

Xie Yun said cheerfully, "It's just what I want. It would be even better if I could meet Hua Hu and the three of them."

Lang Xing waved his hand and said, "Forget it, just stay away if you encounter them. I don't have that much life to play with them. I still want to live a few more years."

Xieyun laughed and rode on the crane to urge Langxing to leave quickly. He was so happy that Langxing could go on this trip with him.

Neither of them wore the robes of their respective sects, and neither of them were famous people, so they were not afraid of being seen.

Lang Xing looked at a young monk who had just been left behind by Linghe and said, "Even those in the middle stage of the Linking Pill dare to run this way."

Xie Yunren smiled and said, "This is nothing. I saw a man in the Kaiyong stage yesterday. It's difficult for him to come here. He must have been flying for several years."

Lang Xing burst out laughing. Such a young monk who didn't know the heights of the world was really laughable.

"Look! That's it. It took me a whole day and a night to get here." Xie Yun pointed down with a smile.

Langxing looked in the direction of his finger and saw a little boy catching fish by a creek. It seemed that he was hungry and was going to catch fish to satisfy his hunger. His young face looked haggard and tired, and even his eyes were weak. .

He controlled the spirit crane and fell down. The little boy was not too alarmed when he saw the big monks coming over. He just stood there and looked at them with slightly wary eyes.

Lang Xing took out dozens of spirit stones, three Nascent Soul stones and a few inner elixirs, handed them over and said, "This is not a place you can come to. Go back quickly."

The little boy put away the guarded look in his eyes and looked at the spirit stones. His weak eyes burst with joy, "Thank you, senior. It's enough for you to reward me with some spirit stones. I can't use the Nascent Soul Stone, nor can I use the inner elixir." No. "There are mostly good people in Nanjingzhou, and Lang Xing is not the first one to take pity on him. He is not surprised by this kind of charity.

This kid's non-greedy character made Lang Xing fall in love with him. He smiled and asked, "Do you think you can kill monsters with your level of cultivation?"

There was determination in the child's eyes and he said, "I know I can't kill the monsters. I'm here to cheer you on and watch you kill the monsters!"

Xie Yun couldn't help laughing and said, "With your little cultivation, you still stand up to help? What can you do to help? It's not enough to cause trouble."

The child felt humiliated and looked at Xie Yun with dissatisfied eyes and said, "Then I will go too, I will fulfill my purpose!"

s:? Thanks to my mistress for another large reward. The Cuiyu Peak, Tiansheng Peak, and Wuyu Peak in Lang Son were all destroyed, and the entire Lang Son became a towering rocky cliff.

Lang Xing felt a little uncomfortable when he saw the familiar place being beaten into this scene.

When they arrived at the old site of Cuiyu Peak, a middle-aged female cultivator came up to them. She looked at Lang Xing and Bai Xiang with a strange look and said, "Are you Lang Xing? Master Si just passed down a decree to me and ordered us to take care of it." Good Xiang'er. "The people who can fight in Cuiyu Peak have also gone to Shui Qingzhou. She was left to take care of the injured and young disciples. She was somewhat impressed by this Langxing. What puzzled her was that Why do these two people deserve to be preached by the master himself?

"Thank you." After Lang Xing bowed and thanked her, he looked at the ruins of the cliff behind her and said to Bai Xiang, "I think this place is pretty good."

"Yeah!" Bai Xiang blinked and responded heavily, what else could she say.

At this time, three female cultivators in the alchemy stage flew over and shouted happily, "Langxing! Langxing!"

These three are Shu Yan's little sisters, and they are all very familiar with Lang Xing. After the three flew over, they first saluted the middle-aged female cultivator, and then asked Lang Xing in unison, "Where is Shu Yan?"

Lang Xing smiled and said, "She's pretty good. She's with Lu Gang. After killing the monsters, they left me behind. I don't know where they went. I don't think they will be able to come back for a while."

"It's so heartless! We are worried about her every day, and we don't even know to check on us first when she comes back!"

"That's right! Let's wait until she comes back!"

"Of course she and Lu Gang will not miss such a good opportunity to escape. Don't blame her."

Some of the three female nuns blamed Shu Yan, and some said good things for Shu Yan.

Langxing felt relieved when he saw them. He pushed Bai Xiang over and said, "This is the child Shu Yan picked up. Please take care of it. I'm going to Shuiqingzhou to kill the monsters."

A female cultivator asked enviously, "Are you in the Nascent Soul stage now?" She was only in the middle stage of forming the elixir and could not tell how far Lang Xing's cultivation had reached.

The middle-aged female cultivator found it amusing and said, "I am already in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. You guys, don't ever think of having the level of cultivation he has now in this life!"

The three female cultivators all looked at Lang Xing dumbfounded. They were all a few years older than Lang Xing. When they broke up, Lang Xing's cultivation level was only about the same as theirs. Who would have thought that only a few hundred years have passed. He has become a great monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul!

Lang Xing took out dozens of inner elixirs and showed off, "I have killed many monsters. I will give these to you."

Now the three female cultivators were even more dumbfounded. Because their cultivation level was too low, they had never been on the battlefield. They had been hiding outside all these years and had never even seen the monsters in Shui Qingzhou.

Langxing took out two more weapons-refining materials and gave them to the middle-aged female cultivator. The middle-aged female cultivator refused to accept them. Taking care of Bai Xiang was something ordered by her master. How could she accept the benefits from Langxing? After giving in for a while, I stopped forcing myself.

A female cultivator pulled Lang Xing's sleeve and asked, "Someone told us that Shu Yan has given birth to a baby. Is it true?"

"It's true. You must strengthen your confidence. Even if she can conceive a baby, you must be able to do it too." Lang Xing took out several hundred Nascent Soul Stones and gave them to them. "This is what Shu Yan asked me to bring to you." Yes, you don’t have to worry about her anymore, she’s pretty awesome now.”

The three of them had never seen so many multi-dimensional infant stones, and their eyes widened in shock again.

Lang Xing said, "I leave this Xiang'er to you. There is no need to supervise her to practice. Let her play with the younger disciples of similar age. As long as she is happy."

\u003e The three female cultivators nodded repeatedly, with shock in their eyes.

The middle-aged female cultivator said with her spiritual thoughts, "Don't worry, we don't dare to neglect Master's instructions."

Langxing patted Bai Xiang's shoulder and floated away on the spiritual crane.

Xueding Mountain is located on the border. This area has always been sparsely visited, but now it has become a lively passage. There are constant rainbow lights in the sky, the sounds of spiritual birds and beasts, and Nanjingzhou monks coming from all directions. An endless stream of people are fighting towards Shui Qingzhou from here. They have been suppressed and beaten by monsters for hundreds of years. The monks in Nanjingzhou are all holding their breath. Now it is finally time to vent their anger.

When he saw Xieyun waiting here, Lang Xing grinned and said, "I didn't expect there were so many people here. If I had known, I wouldn't have let you wait here."

Xie Yunhun said nonchalantly, "It's nothing. How about it? Have you decided?"

Lang Xing nodded and said, "Go find Lu Gang. I have to tell you in advance. If this kid Lu Gang comes, he will definitely rush to the front, so we have to run to the front. Also, let's not kill innocent people indiscriminately." , What do you think about killing only those big monsters that provoked this war?”

Xie Yun said cheerfully, "It's just what I want. It would be even better if I could meet Hua Hu and the three of them."

Lang Xing waved his hand and said, "Forget it, just stay away if you encounter them. I don't have that much life to play with them. I still want to live a few more years."

Xieyun laughed and rode on the crane to urge Langxing to leave quickly. He was so happy that Langxing could go on this trip with him.

Neither of them wore the robes of their respective sects, and neither of them were famous people, so they were not afraid of being seen.

Lang Xing looked at a young monk who had just been left behind by Linghe and said, "Even those in the middle stage of the Linking Pill dare to run this way."

Xie Yunren smiled and said, "This is nothing. I saw a man in the Kaiyong stage yesterday. It's difficult for him to come here. He must have been flying for several years."

Lang Xing burst out laughing. Such a young monk who didn't know the heights of the world was really laughable.

"Look! That's it. It took me a whole day and a night to get here." Xie Yun pointed down with a smile.

Langxing looked in the direction of his finger and saw a little boy catching fish by a creek. It seemed that he was hungry and was going to catch fish to satisfy his hunger. His young face looked haggard and tired, and even his eyes were weak. .

He controlled the spirit crane and fell down. The little boy was not too alarmed when he saw the big monks coming over. He just stood there and looked at them with slightly wary eyes.

Lang Xing took out dozens of spirit stones, three Nascent Soul stones and a few inner elixirs, handed them over and said, "This is not a place you can come to. Go back quickly."

The little boy put away the wary look in his eyes and looked at the spirit stones. His weak eyes glowed with joy, "Thank you, senior. It's enough for you to reward me with some spirit stones. I can't use the Nascent Soul Stone, nor can I use the inner elixir." No. "There are mostly good people in Nanjingzhou, and Lang Xing is not the first one to take pity on him. He is not surprised by this kind of charity.

This kid's non-greedy character made Lang Xing fall in love with him. He asked with a smile, "Do you think you can kill monsters with your level of cultivation?"

There was determination in the child's eyes and he said, "I know I can't kill the monsters. I'm here to cheer you on and watch you kill the monsters!"

Xie Yun couldn't help laughing and said, "With your little cultivation, you still stand up to help? What can you do to help? It's not enough to cause trouble."

The child felt humiliated and looked at Xie Yun with dissatisfied eyes and said, "Then I will go too, I will fulfill my purpose!"

s:?Thank you to my mistress for another large reward.

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