Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2143 Heavenly law is always there

Across the vast wilderness, there is a vast sea in front of us. This is the middle area between Shuiqingzhou and Nanjingzhou. After this wide strait, we will reach the mainland of Shuiqingzhou.

In the past, this strait was extremely dangerous. Not only were monsters entrenched, but there were also many void cracks. Now the monsters in the sea have been cleared away, and a safe passage has been marked in the sky. The Sky Law Alliance has also set up a The warning spirit tells everyone what kind of dangers they will encounter when going to Shui Qingzhou. This is to let everyone know about Shui Qingzhou, and the second is to dissuade those with lower cultivation levels. Nanjingzhou The siege has been resolved, and the Heavenly Law Alliance will hand back some of its wartime powers. Therefore, it has no right to stop the monks heading to Shuiqingzhou and can only issue warnings.

The monks walking on this passage were very cautious. Langxing and Xieyun also got off the back of the spirit crane and flew forward at a not too fast speed. However, there was no shortage of mavericks everywhere. They saw more than A person was flying on the sea outside the channel, and saw with his own eyes that a person was engulfed by a sudden green smoke. When the green smoke disappeared, only a Qiankun Bag fell down.

This passage leads directly to the beach. Behind the beach is a vast dark red desert. Here, they see an unexpected scene. A city has spontaneously formed here, and the scale is not small. Some Nanjingzhou Well-known merchants even built shops and pavilions. The market was divided into two parts. On the left was the one selling Shuiqingzhou specialties. This was the group of people who came earlier who were selling their harvests. On the right was the one selling magic weapons and elixirs. medicine and other things needed on the battlefield. Langxing really convinced these businessmen.

There is a temporary branch set up by the Tianlu League behind Fangshi. It is even more lively than Fangshi, because in addition to being responsible for handling transaction disputes in Fangshi, it is also responsible for sending items, announcing the battle situation at the front, and other functions. Almost all Zhengjue monks will go there to register when they arrive. When outside the country, everyone relies more on the Heavenly Law Alliance.

Lang Xing first went to the temporary branch to inquire about Lu Gang's news. The result was as he expected, there was no information about Lu Gang.

The two of them were not interested in visiting the market, so they got on the crane and headed straight ahead.

Not far away, Xianyun secretly said to Langxing, "Someone is eyeing us. They probably want to prey on this crane."

Langxing used his spiritual consciousness to sweep behind him, and sure enough he saw three mid-stage Nascent Soul monks following him, so he urged the spirit crane to fly towards a place with few people.

"What? Do you want to get rid of them?" Xie Yun asked somewhat unexpectedly. He originally thought that Lang Xing would urge Linghe to get rid of them.

Lang Xing said calmly, "You can't kill people with such evil intentions, but since I bumped into them, I have to teach them a lesson."

Xie Yun said leisurely, "Why are you teaching me a lesson? Just kill him. This is Shui Qingzhou and is not bound by the laws of the Heavenly Law Alliance."

Lang Xing snorted softly and said, "They should think so too, then I have to let them understand that there are laws of nature where there are no laws, and the consequences of violating the laws of nature are even more serious." After saying this, he There was a look of thinking in his eyes.

After a while, Qiyun saw the three people getting closer and closer, so he pushed Langxing and said, "What are you thinking about? Are you ready to take action?"

Lang Xing regained his composure, stopped the Linghe and said to the three people who were less than two thousand feet apart, "Three fellow Taoists are following closely, but do you have any advice?"

An old man with gray hair looked at the two of them with twinkling eyes and said, "This crane of yours is pretty good, sell it to us."

A smile appeared on Xie Yun's lips, and he guessed it.


"We don't want to sell." Langxing refused seriously.

A burly man looked at the two of them and said with his spiritual thoughts, "We can offer a high price for two spiritual stones. What do you think?" He felt that what he said was very funny, and he laughed heartily after passing on his spiritual thoughts. , the two accomplices also showed evil smiles.

A golden light suddenly flashed, and Kaikawa drew an arc and slashed towards the three people. The three people did not expect that the other party would dare to take the lead, and they would fight at will. When they wanted to fight back, Kaikawa had already killed them in front of them. Until then, Only then did they realize how powerful this treasure was. Three balls of brilliance flashed, and the protective divine light of the three people was shattered. They vomited blood and fell down almost at the same time.

Langxing supported them with a piece of spiritual power, flew over and said with a sullen face, "This is the retribution you three deserve. Heaven has always been there. I hope you fools can figure this out in the rest of your lives." After that, he A burst of spiritual power shot out at the old man's Qi Palace, destroying his Yuanying that was about to collapse after being injured by Kaikawa. The Yuanying of the other two people had already collapsed. The three of them lost their Yuanying and their meridians were seriously damaged. They need to be nursed back to health. At most, there will only be one alchemy cultivation level left.

After Langxing finished speaking, he put away the spiritual power and let the three of them fall from the sky. Then he turned around and left with Xianyun on the spiritual crane.

"You don't have to bother so much. I think it's hard for them to repent." Xieyun said calmly.

Lang Xing said thoughtfully, "It would be easier to kill directly, but I don't think that would be good, and some people don't want me to develop a murderous temperament."

"Who is it?" Xieyun asked with interest.

"Shen Qing."

"Shen Qing?" Xieyun became more interested, but Langxing had no intention of continuing.

"Judging from the news I just asked, it has become a chaotic battle now, and the Tianlu Alliance's army has slowed down its attack."

Xie Yun pointed to the northeast and said, "Pu Yunzhou's army must have also entered Shui Qingzhou. Whichever side rushes harder will attract more monsters. There is no need for the Tianlu Alliance to make wedding clothes for Qianzonghui, and After hundreds of years of catastrophe, our side has suffered heavy losses. It’s time for the soldiers to take a breath. Tianlu Alliance’s approach is quite humane. I think it is right. But looking at it on the other hand, Nanjingzhou and Puyunzhou will also be destroyed again. A missed opportunity to severely damage Shui Qingzhou is not something that happens once or twice, and the monster will come back in a few thousand years."

Lang Xing said calmly, "People have good and evil, and monsters and monsters also have good and evil. When I mentioned the laws of heaven just now, I was thinking..." At this point, he closed his mouth as if sensing something in his heart, and looked up at the sky.

Xie Yun also felt the danger. Looking at the sudden dark clouds in the sky, he said to Lang Xing, "It looks like a calamity cloud. There should be monsters here to overcome the calamity!"

"It's Jie Yun!" Lang Xing's eyes flashed with excitement.

"Huh? Why did it disappear?" Xie Yun looked at the sky that suddenly became clear in confusion.

"Maybe we saw it wrong." Lang Xing said with a blink.

"Even if it's not a calamity cloud, there must be a reason for the clouds gathering and dispersing suddenly." Xie Yun vigilantly checked the situation around him.

Lang Xing knew very well in his heart that it was the calamity cloud, and Tianlei was here to strike him. One of his important purposes in coming to Shui Qingzhou was to find Tianlei. Unexpectedly, he had another idea that could lead to thunder calamity. , which made him very excited. On the one hand, the ideas that can attract thunder are close to the way of heaven. The idea he just thought of is worth exploring. On the other hand, he can save this opportunity to attract thunder at any time in the future. It could supplement the Water Ting Sword, so he forcibly dispelled the thoughts lingering in his mind. Across the vast wilderness, there is a vast sea in front of us. This is the middle area between Shuiqingzhou and Nanjingzhou. After this wide strait, we will reach the mainland of Shuiqingzhou.

In the past, this strait was extremely dangerous. Not only were monsters entrenched, but there were also many void cracks. Now the monsters in the sea have been cleared away, and a safe passage has been marked in the sky. The Sky Law Alliance has also set up a The warning spirit tells everyone what kind of dangers they will encounter when going to Shui Qingzhou. This is to let everyone know about Shui Qingzhou, and the second is to dissuade those with lower cultivation levels. Nanjingzhou Now that the siege has been resolved, the Heavenly Law Alliance will hand back some of its wartime powers, so it has no right to stop the monks heading to Shuiqingzhou and can only issue warnings.

The monks walking on this passage were very cautious. Langxing and Xieyun also got off the back of the spirit crane and flew forward at a not too fast speed. However, there was no shortage of mavericks everywhere. They saw more than A person was flying on the sea outside the channel, and saw with his own eyes that a person was engulfed by a sudden green smoke. When the green smoke disappeared, only a Qiankun Bag fell down.

This passage leads directly to the beach. Behind the beach is a vast dark red desert. Here, they see an unexpected scene. A city has spontaneously formed here, and the scale is not small. Some Nanjingzhou Well-known merchants even built shops and pavilions. The market was divided into two parts. On the left was the one selling Shuiqingzhou specialties. This was the group of people who came earlier who were selling their harvests. On the right was the one selling magic weapons and elixirs. medicine and other things needed on the battlefield. Langxing really convinced these businessmen.

There is a temporary branch set up by the Tianlu League behind Fangshi. It is even more lively than Fangshi, because in addition to being responsible for handling transaction disputes in Fangshi, it is also responsible for sending items, announcing the battle situation at the front, and other functions. Almost all Zhengjue monks will go there to register when they arrive. When outside the country, everyone relies more on the Heavenly Law Alliance.

Lang Xing first went to the temporary branch to inquire about Lu Gang's news. The result was as he expected, there was no information about Lu Gang.

The two of them were not interested in visiting the market, so they got on the crane and headed straight ahead.

Not far away, Xianyun secretly said to Langxing, "Someone is eyeing us. They probably want to prey on this crane."

Langxing used his spiritual consciousness to sweep behind him, and sure enough he saw three mid-stage Nascent Soul monks following him, so he urged the spirit crane to fly towards a place with few people.

"What? Do you want to get rid of them?" Xie Yun asked somewhat unexpectedly. He originally thought that Lang Xing would urge Linghe to get rid of them.

Lang Xing said calmly, "You can't kill people with such evil intentions, but since I bumped into them, I have to teach them a lesson."

Xie Yun said leisurely, "Why are you teaching me a lesson? Just kill him. This is Shui Qingzhou and is not bound by the laws of the Heavenly Law Alliance."

Lang Xing snorted softly and said, "They should think so too, then I have to let them understand that there are laws of nature where there are no laws, and the consequences of violating the laws of nature are even more serious." After saying this, he There was a look of thinking in his eyes.

After a while, Qiyun saw the three people getting closer and closer, so he pushed Langxing and said, "What are you thinking about? Are you ready to take action?"

Lang Xing regained his composure, stopped the Linghe and said to the three people who were less than two thousand feet apart, "Three fellow Taoists are following closely, but do you have any advice?"

An old man with gray hair looked at the two of them with twinkling eyes and said, "This crane of yours is pretty good, sell it to us."

A smile appeared on Xie Yun's lips, and he guessed it.


"We don't want to sell." Langxing refused seriously.

A burly man looked at the two of them and said with his spiritual thoughts, "We can offer a high price, two spiritual stones, what do you think?" He thought what he said was very funny, and after passing on his spiritual thoughts, he laughed heartily. , the two accomplices also showed evil smiles.

A golden light suddenly flashed, and Kaikawa drew an arc and slashed towards the three people. The three people did not expect that the other party would dare to take the lead, and they would fight at will. When they wanted to fight back, Kaikawa had already killed them in front of them. Until then, Only then did they realize how powerful this treasure was. Three balls of brilliance flashed, and the protective divine light of the three people was shattered. They vomited blood and fell down almost at the same time.

Langxing supported them with a piece of spiritual power, flew over and said with a sullen face, "This is the retribution you three deserve. Heaven has always been there. I hope you fools can figure this out in the rest of your lives." After that, he A burst of spiritual power shot out at the old man's Qi Palace, destroying his Nascent Soul that was about to collapse after being injured by Kaikawa. The Nascent Souls of the other two people had already collapsed. The three lost their Nascent Souls and their meridians were seriously damaged. They need to be nursed back to health. At most, there will only be one alchemy cultivation level left.

After finishing speaking, Langxing put away the spiritual power and allowed the three of them to fall from the sky. Then he turned around and left with Xianyun on the spiritual crane.

"You don't have to bother so much. I think it's hard for them to repent." Xieyun said calmly.

Lang Xing said thoughtfully, "It would be easier to kill directly, but I don't think that would be good, and some people don't want me to develop a murderous temperament."

"Who is it?" Xieyun asked with interest.

"Shen Qing."

"Shen Qing?" Xieyun became more interested, but Langxing had no intention of continuing.

"Judging from the news I just asked, it has become a chaotic battle now, and the Tianlu Alliance's army has slowed down its attack."

Xie Yun pointed to the northeast and said, "Pu Yunzhou's army must have also entered Shui Qingzhou. Whichever side rushes harder will attract more monsters. There is no need for the Tianlu Alliance to make wedding clothes for Qianzonghui, and After hundreds of years of catastrophe, our side has suffered heavy losses. It’s time for the soldiers to take a breath. Tianlu Alliance’s approach is quite humane. I think it is right. But looking at it on the other hand, Nanjingzhou and Puyunzhou will also be destroyed again. A missed opportunity to severely damage Shui Qingzhou is not something that happens once or twice, and the monster will come back in a few thousand years."

Lang Xing said calmly, "People have good and evil, and monsters and monsters also have good and evil. When I mentioned the laws of heaven just now, I was thinking..." At this point, he closed his mouth as if sensing something in his heart, and looked up at the sky.

Xie Yun also felt the danger. Looking at the sudden dark clouds in the sky, he said to Lang Xing, "It looks like a calamity cloud. There should be monsters here to overcome the calamity!"

"It's Jie Yun!" Lang Xing's eyes flashed with excitement.

"Huh? Why did it disappear?" Xie Yun looked at the sky that suddenly became clear in confusion.

"Maybe we saw it wrong." Lang Xing said with a blink.

"Even if it's not a calamity cloud, there must be a reason for these dark clouds to gather and disperse suddenly." Xie Yun vigilantly checked the situation around him.

Langxing knew very well in his heart that it was the calamity cloud, and Tianlei was here to strike him. One of his important purposes in coming to Shui Qingzhou was to find Tianlei. Unexpectedly, he had another idea that could lead to thunder calamity. , which made him very excited. On the one hand, the ideas that can attract thunder are close to the way of heaven. The idea he just thought of is worth exploring. On the other hand, he can save this opportunity to attract thunder at any time in the future. It could supplement the Water Ting Sword, so he forcibly dispelled the thoughts lingering in his mind.

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