Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2146 Langxing, don’t force me!

"Long Xing!"

"Langxing! Run!"

"Lang Xing, don't come over!"

After Huaying and others saw Lang Xing, they all used their spiritual thoughts to warn them. The three Yuyu monks in the field didn't pay attention to this mid-stage Nascent Soul monk who was close to the battlefield. It could be seen that he actually came straight to the three of them, and they couldn't help but stop. After getting off the table, he looked towards him.

Langxing slowed down, and with a stern face, he shouted at the painting that rushed out of the void formation, "Go back!"

Huaying hesitated for a moment and retreated to the edge of the formation, but did not enter the formation. She was ready to step forward and lead Lang Xing to escape at any time. Although it was difficult for her to save her life with her late Nascent Soul cultivation, she could not leave Lang Xing behind. .

"This fellow Taoist is..." Lingye looked at Lang Xing in confusion. He didn't usually live in Qianxu Palace, so he didn't know Lang Xing. Moreover, Lang Xing was not wearing Qianxu Palace Taoist robes. Hezhu Huaying, and many of his disciples knew him, which made him a little confused.

Langxing didn't have time to explain. He stopped five thousand feet behind Lingye and directly activated the Qiancheng Mansion. When the shadow behind him slowly rose to a height of three hundred feet, he asked Lingye, "They Do you agree to reconcile?"

The powerful power emitted by the Qiancheng Mansion made the three Yuyu monks change their colors slightly. Lingye involuntarily stepped aside and asked with hope in his heart, "Fellow Taoist are here to help the Xu Palace." ?"

A Feather Demon Cultivator looked at Lang Xing and said, "The hatred between Shui Qingzhou and Qianxu Palace is as deep as the sea. Today's battle is to settle this feud. You'd better not wade into this muddy water. The only people in Qianxu Palace are here." No one except fellow Taoist fellow Lingye can even think of leaving.”??.??

Lang Xing took out his Qianxu Palace Taoist robe, put it on his shoulders, and stared at the feather-shaped demon cultivator, "I am a disciple of Qianxu Palace." After saying that, he pointed to the black mass behind them. "The two seniors will not attack Qianxu Palace personally. With this treasure, the junior can kill a dozen of them. Moreover, the junior not only has this method, if they fight, they will be killed." You may not be able to take advantage. This junior is not an empty threat. If you don't believe me, you can ask them to send ten great monks to fight with me." After he finished speaking, he slightly moved the light in his hand and showed himself to them. The power of protection.

Seeing the brilliance shining from the light, the two feathered demon cultivators frowned slightly. The opponent had both strong attack power and strong defensive power. This would be difficult to deal with. They could tell that this The power contained in the shadow behind the boy is enough to severely damage them. It is not an exaggeration to say that it can kill a dozen or so late Yuanying monks. They only have about twenty late Yuanying cultivators here. If they are removed at once If there were ten or so, the battle would be too brutal.

"Who are you?" Lingye's eyes were filled with joy. This really saved his life. When did such a powerful character appear in Qianxu Palace? He didn't even know it at all.

While the two Feather Demon Cultivators were hesitating, another erratic white shadow appeared in the shadow behind Lang Xing. He did not want to reveal too many secrets, but he had to continue to put pressure on the other party. The Purple Sun Sword is too conspicuous, and a small whiteboard is more suitable. Both camps are tens of thousands of feet away. Under the strong pressure of Qiancheng Mansion, only these three Yuyu monks can detect that there is another thing in the shadow. The activated spirit treasure.

Two feathered demons cultivate themselves

The body-protecting light was shining outside, and they had to take better precautions. This kid was so evil. Who knew if he had more powerful methods.

Lingye secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but he still had that stern expression on his face. Now he had to guard against the two great demon cultivators suddenly attacking Lang Xing. Although this might not be a big deal, he had to add This caution.

Langxing looked at the two great demon cultivators, "Both Qianxu Palace and Shui Qingzhou have suffered heavy losses in the hundreds of years of fighting. Now it doesn't make much sense to find out who is right and who is wrong, because those who initially provoked the trouble Most of the people are dead. In the opinion of the younger generation, it is better for each of us to give up and put this grudge behind us. The people from Qianxu Palace will immediately withdraw to Antarctica and will no longer participate in this battle of revenge. In the future, the monks from Shuiqingzhou will not go looking for them anymore. The trouble in Qianxu Palace is a blessing for both parties. I don’t know what the two seniors think. "

The Feather Demon Cultivator who had not spoken said, "Hate cannot be put down simply by letting it go. We cannot restrain all the Shui Qingzhou cultivators, and you may not be able to restrain all the Qianxu disciples, but we can accept it." With your proposal, you people from Qianxu Palace will immediately withdraw from Nanjingzhou, and you will not be allowed to set foot on Shuiqingzhou in large numbers from now on. The remaining few who cannot let go of their hatred are their own business."

"Okay! According to what the two Taoists said, and thanks to the two Taoists, the disciples of Qianxu Palace will withdraw from Shuiqing Continent immediately. From now on, I will strictly instruct the disciples not to step into Shuiqing Continent." Before Langxing could speak, Ling Ye rushed to agree. He just wanted to ask others to agree to this matter, but they had clearly refused.

The feathered demon cultivator who spoke before looked at Lang Xing and said, "Others can leave, but you have to stay." After saying that, he turned to Lingye, "We want to talk to him, and we can guarantee with our Dao Heart that we will not hurt him. ”

Lingye frowned. He knew that these two feather demon cultivators wanted to inquire about the secrets of Lang Xing. Not to mention these two demon cultivators, he was also eager to ask.

"No!" Huaying yelled bravely and slowly flew towards this side.

"Don't come over here!" Lang Xing stopped Hui Ying, then smiled and said to the two feather demon cultivators, "I was just about to talk to the two seniors, let them disperse first."

The two feathered demon cultivators moved away the army of monsters behind them, and then looked at Lang Xing with interest.

Lingye also conveyed his divine thoughts and ordered the people from Qianxu Palace to evacuate Shuiqingzhou immediately. Only Huaying resisted this order and stood still refusing to move.

Lang Xing had no choice but to go over and persuade him, "Go ahead, I'll be fine."

Huaying's bright eyes shone with a complex light, she grabbed his wrist tightly and said with spiritual thought, "If we want to go together, Master Guan personally told me to take care of you, and I must obey the master's instructions."

Lang Xing was amused by the excuse she made, "Are you capable enough to take care of me? Go quickly. If you don't leave, it will only make me more worried. With Fifth Senior Brother here, they dare not touch me." "

"Then I won't leave either, Lang Xing, don't force me!" Hua Ying was scared and anxious, almost with tears in her eyes.

Lang Xing looked at her with a slightly reproachful look and said, "You shouldn't have come. Go back. I came prepared. Nothing will happen to me. Besides, I have some things to do here, so I have to stay for a while." It will be very inconvenient to take you with me at this time. It will be fine as long as Fifth Senior Brother takes care of me."

"Langxing! Run!"

"Lang Xing, don't come over!"

After Huaying and others saw Lang Xing, they all used their spiritual thoughts to warn them. The three Yuyu monks in the field didn't pay attention to this mid-stage Nascent Soul monk who was close to the battlefield. It could be seen that he actually came straight to the three of them, and they couldn't help but stop. After getting off the table, he looked towards him.

Langxing slowed down, and first calmly shouted at the painting that rushed out of the void formation, "Go back!"

Huaying hesitated for a moment and retreated to the edge of the formation, but did not enter the formation. She was ready to step forward and lead Lang Xing to escape at any time. Although it was difficult for her to save her life with her late Nascent Soul cultivation, she could not leave Lang Xing behind. .

"This fellow Taoist is..." Lingye looked at Lang Xing in confusion. He didn't usually live in Qianxu Palace, so he didn't know Lang Xing. Moreover, Lang Xing was not wearing Qianxu Palace Taoist robes. Hezhu Huaying, and many of his disciples knew him, which made him a little confused.

Langxing didn't have time to explain. He stopped five thousand feet behind Lingye and directly activated the Qiancheng Mansion. When the shadow behind him slowly rose to a height of three hundred feet, he asked Lingye, "They Do you agree to reconcile?"

The powerful power emitted by the Qiancheng Mansion made the three Yuyu monks change their colors slightly. Lingye involuntarily stepped aside and asked with hope in his heart, "Fellow Taoist are here to help the Xu Palace." ?"

A Feather Demon Cultivator looked at Lang Xing and said, "The hatred between Shui Qingzhou and Qianxu Palace is as deep as the sea. Today's battle is to settle this feud. You'd better not wade into this muddy water. The only people in Qianxu Palace are here." No one except fellow Taoist Lingye can even think of leaving."

Lang Xing took out his Qianxu Palace Taoist robe, put it on his shoulders, and stared at the feather-shaped demon cultivator, "I am a disciple of Qianxu Palace." After saying that, he pointed to the black mass behind them. "The two seniors will not attack Qianxu Palace personally. With this treasure, the junior can kill a dozen of them. Moreover, the junior not only has this method, if they fight, they will be killed." You may not be able to take advantage. This junior is not an empty threat. If you don't believe me, you can ask them to send ten great monks to fight with me." After he finished speaking, he slightly moved the light in his hand and showed himself to them. The power of protection.

Seeing the brilliance shining from the light, the two feathered demon cultivators frowned slightly. The opponent had both strong attack power and strong defensive power. This would be difficult to deal with. They could tell that this The power contained in the shadow behind the boy is enough to severely damage them. It is not an exaggeration to say that it can kill a dozen or so late Yuanying monks. They only have about twenty late Yuanying cultivators here. If they are removed at once If there were ten or so, the battle would be too brutal.

"Who are you?" Lingye's eyes were filled with joy. This really saved his life. When did such a powerful character appear in Qianxu Palace? He didn't even know it at all.

While the two Feather Demon Cultivators were hesitating, another erratic white shadow appeared in the shadow behind Lang Xing. He did not want to reveal too many secrets, but he had to continue to put pressure on the other party. The Purple Sun Sword is too conspicuous, and a small whiteboard is more suitable. Both camps are tens of thousands of feet away. Under the strong pressure of Qiancheng Mansion, only these three Yuyu monks can detect that there is another thing in the shadow. The activated spirit treasure.

Two feathered demons cultivate themselves

The body-protecting light was shining outside, and they had to take better precautions. This kid was so evil. Who knew if he had more powerful methods.

Lingye secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but he still had that stern expression on his face. Now he had to guard against the two great demon cultivators suddenly attacking Lang Xing. Although this might not be a big deal, he had to add This caution.

Langxing looked at the two great demon cultivators, "Both Qianxu Palace and Shui Qingzhou have suffered heavy losses in the hundreds of years of fighting. Now it doesn't make much sense to find out who is right and who is wrong, because those who initially provoked the trouble Most of the people are dead. In the opinion of the younger generation, it is better for each of us to give up and put this grudge behind us. The people from Qianxu Palace will immediately withdraw to Antarctica and will no longer participate in this battle of revenge. In the future, the monks from Shuiqingzhou will not go looking for them anymore. The trouble in Qianxu Palace is a blessing for both parties. I don’t know what the two seniors think.”

The Feather Demon Cultivator who had not spoken said, "Hate cannot be put down simply by letting it go. We cannot restrain all the Shui Qingzhou cultivators, and you may not be able to restrain all the Qianxu disciples, but we can accept it." With your proposal, you people from Qianxu Palace will immediately withdraw from Nanjingzhou, and you will not be allowed to set foot on Shuiqingzhou in large numbers from now on. The remaining few who cannot let go of their hatred are their own business."

"Okay! According to what the two Taoists said, and thanks to the two Taoists, the disciples of Qianxu Palace will withdraw from Shuiqing Continent immediately. From now on, I will strictly instruct the disciples not to step into Shuiqing Continent." Before Langxing could speak, Ling Ye rushed to agree. He just wanted to ask others to agree to this matter, but they had clearly refused.

The feathered demon cultivator who spoke before looked at Lang Xing and said, "Others can leave, but you have to stay." After saying that, he turned to Lingye, "We want to talk to him, and we can guarantee with our Dao Heart that we will not hurt him. ”

Lingye frowned. He knew that these two feather demon cultivators wanted to inquire about the secrets of Lang Xing. Not to mention these two demon cultivators, he was also eager to ask.

"No!" Huaying yelled bravely and slowly flew towards this side.

"Don't come over here!" Lang Xing stopped Hui Ying, then smiled and said to the two feather demon cultivators, "I was just about to talk to the two seniors, let them disperse first."

The two feathered demon cultivators moved away the army of monsters behind them, and then looked at Lang Xing with interest.

Lingye also conveyed his divine thoughts and ordered the people from Qianxu Palace to immediately withdraw from Shui Qingzhou. Only Huaying resisted this order and stood still refusing to move.

Lang Xing had no choice but to go over and persuade him, "Go ahead, I'll be fine."

Huaying's bright eyes shone with a complex light, she grabbed his wrist tightly and said with spiritual thought, "If we want to go together, Master Guan personally told me to take care of you, and I must obey the master's instructions."

Lang Xing was amused by the excuse she made, "Are you capable enough to take care of me? Go quickly. If you don't leave, it will only make me more worried. With Fifth Senior Brother here, they dare not touch me." "

"Then I won't leave either, Lang Xing, don't force me!" Huaying was scared and anxious, almost with tears in her eyes.

Lang Xing looked at her with a slightly reproachful look and said, "You shouldn't have come. Go back. I came prepared. Nothing will happen to me. Besides, I have some things to do here, so I have to stay for a while." It will be very inconvenient to take you with me at this time. It will be fine if Fifth Senior Brother takes care of me."

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