Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2148 Teach them a lesson!

His spiritual ambition couldn't help but feel painful. Qianxu Palace was really unlucky. Just after escaping the siege of the monsters, Qianjie Sect came to seek revenge. He had considered that Qianjie Sect would take the opportunity to cause trouble. But he didn't expect that they would be so crazy. More than ten monks came at once. After seeing Liu Yun, who had broken his mirror, he understood that Liu Yun must have instigated this.

He let out a sigh in his heart. This can only be said to be that the disaster in Qianxu Palace is not over yet. The sect has suffered so badly. Almost all the disciples have friends who died at the hands of monsters. How can such a blood feud be avoided? Let them come to Shui Qingzhou for revenge? The Qianxu Palace was too cowardly. Even though it knew that there was danger from Qianjie Sect, it still had to come, but Liuyun was broken at this time. It was really a leak in the house and it rained all night.

Liu Yun raised his eyebrows and said, "If you don't dare to fight with me, don't make excuses. How can two of us beat you one? If you don't worry, I can ask senior brother to go back."

"Then let him go back." Lingye said calmly. Now is not the time to show off as a hero. Although he knew in his heart that Mu Yun would not go far, it would be good to make him retreat a thousand or twenty thousand miles.

"Okay!" Liu Yun turned around and waved to Mu Yun, urging him to leave quickly.

Mu Yun disappeared from the air in a flash. The winner of the battle of Huayu was not so easy to determine. Since the seventh junior sister was determined to fight Lingye, he had no choice but to go through with it. Even if the seventh junior sister was defeated, she would not have to escape. opportunity, and he knew that Lingye would not dare to kill the seventh junior sister.

"You won't make excuses anymore, will you?" Liu Yun confidently pointed his hand at Ling Ye, and a flowing multi-colored divine light burst out from outside his body.

"Teach them a lesson!" An old man from the Qianjie Sect camp, whose eyes glowed with hatred, roared as if he wanted to cheer Liu Yun on to start the war.

"Don't move!" Lang Xing, who rushed to the front of the formation, shouted sharply.

"Fuck you!" After the old man cursed, he rushed over at the top of Qianjie.

He is not a leader among the Zong group, and he has just entered the late Nascent Soul stage. Because the Taoist monk died at the hands of the disciples of Qianxu Palace a long time ago, he is the most active in the vendetta between the two sides. Since then, With the late Nascent Soul cultivation, he had enough energy to vent the hatred in his heart.

As soon as the old man moved, the people from Qianjie Sect followed him and came to kill him. Only one person did not move.

It was Xieyun. While he was waiting for Langxing, he was discovered by his senior brother and seventh senior sister who led a team to seek revenge. The two asked him why he was here. Xieyun could only say that he came to travel. Muyun and Xieyun Although I was suspicious, because I knew the temperament of this junior brother, I didn't ask any more questions and asked him to follow me. The current situation is extremely difficult for Qiyun, so he can only sit back and watch.

"Lang Xing, retreat!" Huaying, who had just returned, saw Lang Xing in front of the formation, shouted and rushed over with all his strength.

Another void formation was formed here in the Qianxu Palace. Five great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage rushed out of the formation at the same time. They wanted to save Lang Xing back.

The old man swung forward and rushed to Lang Xing. He thought that he could just slap to death this ignorant mid-stage Nascent Soul monk with one palm, so he focused his energy mainly on the man who rushed out of the void formation. Several people were thinking of trying to entangle them first, so that the people on their side would be able to kill them in just a moment.

Just when the old man raised his hand to slap Lang Xing, his heart suddenly shook, and then his eyes were filled with purple light.

"Hey!" Lang Xing let out this violent shout at the same time as he launched a mental attack on the old man.

The power of the Purple Sun Sword caused the people rushing behind the old man to subconsciously move to both sides. They never expected that there would be a Nascent Soul.

It's so unexpected, so sudden, and so scary that a monk in the middle period can exert such terrifying power!

"Let's see who moves again!" Lang Xing shouted again. At this time, the glare had already flashed dazzlingly outside his body. The shadow of Qiancheng Mansion rose into the air, leaving only the two Hua Yu in the sky. The monk could see his ferocious face. This was due to the influence of Qiancheng Mansion and he was really anxious. If he could not stop the war with thunder, he would have no choice but to continue killing people.

This time his fierce shouting worked. Everyone looked at this terrifying figure. The Qianjie Sect disciples who were closer to him carefully stepped back and killed a late Nascent Soul cultivator in one move. It turned invisible, and this fighting power was really terrifying.

Liuyun, who was urging Lingye to compete with him, was also shocked by this scene. He hurriedly said to Qianjie Sect's people, "Retreat thirty thousand feet away!" After saying that, she fell down. The power of Qiancheng Mansion was too great. It's so powerful. If everyone is not allowed to retreat, I don't know how many people will be unlucky.

Lingye fell down and stood in front of Langxing. He used his spiritual thoughts to say to Liuyun, "This is my second uncle's disciple Lingxing. The few people you brought are not enough for him to kill. Fortunately, my little junior brother He is not a murderer, otherwise how would you and Mu Yun go back and explain? "

After transmitting his spiritual thoughts to Liuyun, Lingye said to Lang Xing, "Put away the treasure first." He is a Huayu monk from Qianxu Palace. He must be outstanding among the Huayu monks in terms of knowledge. He has long seen that This overbearing treasure will have a bad impact on Lang Xing.

Langxing took Qianchengfu and Yiguang away. Huaying, who was about to get closer, stopped in surprise when she saw his ferocious face. She never expected that Langxing could show such a cruel face.

"You..." Liu Yun looked at Lang Xing and didn't know what to say. Of course she had many things to ask, but she was a disciple of Qianxu Palace, so she couldn't ask.

Lang Xing tried his best to calm down, then he cupped his hand to Liu Yun and said with his spiritual thoughts, "I have met Seventh Senior Sister. I am Lingxing, a disciple of Guanxian Zun. In order to stop this war, I have to kill people to establish my authority. Please be considerate of Seventh Senior Sister. No matter how much hatred the Seventh Senior Sister has with Qianxu Palace, I think it’s time to let it go. Otherwise, I haven’t had a truly clear mind. In fact, I don’t want to get involved in such sect disputes. I just suffered from Uncle Si. I have to do it reluctantly. Even my younger brother has such insight, so Seventh Senior Sister should see more clearly. Don’t be dragged down by hatred, and don’t be dragged down by fellow sects. Senior Sister is expected to step into the Immortal Sect. It’s time for you to focus on the great road, and both your disciples and fellow disciples should take it lightly.”

"Bring him up to talk." Liuyun said to Lingye with a stern face before rising into the sky tens of thousands of feet high.

Lingye sighed and said to Lang Xing with his spiritual thoughts, "Didn't Uncle Master give you any orders? I am responsible for two orders from Uncle Master and Uncle Si."

"Master uncle looked away and has already left Qianxu Palace."

"Huh? When did you leave?" Lingye took Langxing up to the sky.

"Well... it has something to do with me. Let's get rid of the Qianjie Sect group first. It's best to take this opportunity to resolve the hatred between the two factions."

"It's difficult." Lingye led Langxing directly into an isolation circle covered by flowing clouds.

s: Thank you for supporting good books. My brother’s 50-yuan reward. His book reviews have greatly encouraged me. It’s really tiring and painful to write until now. I want to give up several times, mainly because there are too few cheers. , it is too difficult to keep writing for several years. If more people support and encourage, the quality of this book will definitely be higher than it is now. I will continue to write and hope that my brothers and sisters will give me more encouragement and help in publicity. Thank you again for your support, brother.

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