Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2150 Playing Clouds

Xie Yun flew up and said to Liu Yun expressionlessly, "I am traveling with Lang Xing this time. Neither of us wants to participate in the vendetta between the two factions. I am waiting to continue traveling with him." He was not afraid. Although it is not appropriate for everyone to know about Liu Yun's friendship with Lang Xing, he must tell the Seventh Senior Sister now in order to make the Seventh Senior Sister more worried.

"I see, why did you show up to them?" A mystery in Liu Yun's mind was solved, and he waved his hand and said, "Go back first, I won't kill him."

Xieyun said calmly, "I'm afraid he will kill you."

"Ha!" Liu Yun was so angry that she was a little dizzy. She was full of pride and confidence and came to Lingye to seek revenge. She didn't want to be frustrated again and again. Now even her junior brother came to attack her. She was a person. Feather Feather!

"Take my spirit crane and wait for me at Tianjian Camp." After Langxing said to Xieyun, he took the fifth senior brother and flew towards the depths of Shuiqingzhou.

Lingye turned his head and said to Liuyun in a provocative tone, "If you don't dare to go, you can admit defeat now. Are you still afraid that the two of us will beat you up? The Ganxu disciples will not do such dirty things." Something." He had noticed Liu Yun's arrogance at the moment and was not afraid that she would not succeed in this provocation.

Liu Yun felt really weak, and used her spiritual consciousness to search for the figure of her senior brother. Just now, she hoped that her senior brother would go as far away as possible, but now she wanted to secretly curse her senior brother for being too ambitious. How could he really run away? No trace left.

Mu Yun, who had traveled 50,000 to 60,000 miles away, was slowly strolling this way. He didn't want to give Lingye an excuse, and he was afraid of making Seventh Junior Sister angry. He just planned to wander as far as he could barely see the battlefield situation with his spiritual consciousness. He was waiting to see what would happen. He knew very well that the fight between these two people would be a stalemate, and it would be impossible to determine the winner in a short period of time.

Liu Yun, who failed to find her senior brother, secretly gritted her teeth and chased Lingye fiercely. She didn't believe that Lingye really dared to run into the hinterland of Shui Qingzhou. If she was frightened by the two of them today, her face would be terrible. It's a huge loss.

After flying for half an hour, Liu Yun gradually began to panic. They were Yuyu monks. Although Lingye’s flying speed with a junior brother would be affected a little, it was not too slow. If he continued flying like this, he would really have to fly. Entering the hinterland of Shuiqingzhou.

He sent a spiritual thought to Lingye and said, "Lingye! Are you going to fight so hard to avoid attacking me? If you meet the Feather Demon Cultivator, you will die even more miserably."

Lingye sent back his thoughts and said, "If you are timid, just give me a sweet word."

Liuyun's face darkened, and he was determined to surpass them and fly in front of them, but in the end he still couldn't muster the courage, so he had no choice but to follow them and continue flying forward.

After flying for a while, she couldn't help but convey her spiritual thoughts again: "Lingye, you have been beaten by monsters in Qianxu Palace for hundreds of years. Have you been driven crazy? Even if you are not afraid of death, aren't you afraid of killing your junior brother?" Kill him? He is almost a closed disciple of your Qianxu Palace."

Lingye slowed down and replied, "I am indeed driven crazy, but it is not driven by monsters, but by you. Now that the strength of Qianxu Palace has dropped sharply, if you and Mu Yun cannot be allowed to withdraw from the vendetta, I won’t have a clean day, and I will fight to the death to make you admit defeat.”

"You're dreaming!" He spoke directly and made a strong retort, then pretended to be relaxed and said, "Do you think I'm stupid? If I encounter a strong enemy, I can run away, but it will be difficult for you to escape with him.

I'm taking it off, so you can't scare me. "

Lingye stopped and asked with a half-smile, "Do we have such a big hatred? What I planned in my heart is that if I encounter a strong enemy, I will fight side by side with you first. It turns out that you have already planned to abandon us."

"Bah!" Liuyun spat, and said with a frosty face, "We have a big hatred. You trapped me into the belly of the monster beast, and you want me to help you defend yourself against the enemy. Why do you think of good things so much? "

Lingye raised his eyebrows and asked, "What grudge do we two have? Tell me everything."

Liuyun scolded, "You know it in your heart!"

Lingye's face changed slightly and he quickly said, "There seems to be a great demon cultivator!"

"Where?" Liu Yun asked nervously, leaning towards them involuntarily.

Lingye pointed at a little demon bird flying in the distance and said, "I saw it wrong."

Liuyun's pretty face turned red with anger, and he cursed, "Lingye, you bastard! How dare you tease me!"

Lingye said with an innocent face, "I really thought he was a great demon cultivator. The demon cultivator's magical powers are all kinds of strange, and his invisibility ability is even more difficult to guard against. It is inevitable to make mistakes occasionally. I informed you as soon as I was alert, and I didn't have time to pay attention to it." Detailed analysis."

"Hmph!" Liu Yun felt that he was teasing her on purpose, but he had already been fooled, and it would be even more boring to pursue it further.

Lingye said with a smile, "Why don't it be a draw this time? Let's not go to the hinterland. You go back and think about what my junior brother said, and let go of those old grudges."

"Don't even think about it!" Liu Yun said fiercely. He had just been teased again, and this account would also be recorded for him.

"Then let's go to the hinterland where the monsters are entrenched and have a fight to settle the grudge between the two of us." Lingye began to fly deep into Shuiqingzhou again.

"I noticed something strange!" Liuyun sent an urgent alarm message to Lingye.

"Bang!" Lingye snorted disdainfully.

"I really noticed something was wrong!" Liuyun rushed in front of the two of them, because the strange thing she just noticed appeared behind her.

In fact, Lingye also noticed it, but he knew in his heart that it was caused by two feather demon cultivators.

"Are you still going forward? As long as you promise not to participate in the vendetta between the two factions, we will give up on this matter today."

"Ling Ye!" Liu Yun yelled angrily and anxiously, observing the situation around him nervously, because he didn't know where the other party was hiding. If he ran away in panic, he could easily fall into an ambush.

Fear comes from the unknown. Liuyun is not afraid of fighting against the Feather-Transformed Demon Cultivator, but that is limited to fighting one Feather-Transformed Demon Cultivator. This is the territory of monster beasts. It is not unusual for two or three Feather-Transformed Demon Cultivators to come. Although she has just broken the mirror, she She was confident, but not arrogant. In addition, Lang Xing and Ling Ye had scared her about Hengcha Xianzun just now, so she was really a little panicked at the moment.

"Don't be afraid." Lingye put away his teasing smile, showed a calm look, and said sincerely, "If the two of us join forces, no one can do anything to us."

"Yes." Liu Yun responded with her spiritual thoughts. She was embarrassed to say this word in front of Lang Xing. After agreeing to join hands to fight against the enemy, she leaned closer to the two of them, feeling a little more at ease. Xie Yun flew up and said to Liu Yun expressionlessly, "I am traveling with Lang Xing this time. Neither of us wants to participate in the vendetta between the two factions. I am waiting to continue traveling with him." He was not afraid. Although it is not appropriate for everyone to know about Liu Yun's friendship with Lang Xing, he must tell the Seventh Senior Sister now in order to make the Seventh Senior Sister more worried.

"I see, why did you show up to them?" A mystery in Liu Yun's mind was solved, and he waved his hand and said, "Go back first, I won't kill him."

Xieyun said calmly, "I'm afraid he will kill you."

"Ha!" Liu Yun was so angry that she was a little dizzy. She was full of pride and confidence and came to Lingye to seek revenge. She didn't want to be frustrated again and again. Now even her junior brother came to attack her. She was a person. Feather Feather!

"Take my spirit crane and wait for me at Tianjian Camp." After Langxing said to Xieyun, he took the fifth senior brother and flew towards the depths of Shuiqingzhou.

Lingye turned his head and said to Liuyun in a provocative tone, "If you don't dare to go, you can admit defeat now. Are you still afraid that the two of us will beat you up? The Ganxu disciples will not do such dirty things." Something." He had noticed Liu Yun's arrogance at the moment and was not afraid that she would not succeed in this provocation.

Liu Yun felt really weak, and used her spiritual consciousness to search for the figure of her senior brother. Just now, she hoped that her senior brother would go as far away as possible, but now she wanted to secretly curse her senior brother for being too ambitious. How could he really run away? No trace left.

Mu Yun, who had traveled 50,000 to 60,000 miles away, was slowly strolling this way. He didn't want to give Lingye an excuse, and he was afraid of making Seventh Junior Sister angry. He just planned to wander as far as he could barely see the battlefield situation with his spiritual consciousness. He was waiting to see what would happen. He knew very well that the fight between these two people would be a stalemate, and it would be impossible to determine the winner in a short period of time.

Liu Yun, who failed to find her senior brother, secretly gritted her teeth and chased Lingye fiercely. She didn't believe that Lingye really dared to run into the hinterland of Shui Qingzhou. If she was frightened by the two of them today, her face would be terrible. It's a huge loss.

After flying for half an hour, Liu Yun gradually began to panic. They were Yuyu monks. Although Lingye’s flying speed with a junior brother would be affected a little, it was not too slow. If he continued flying like this, he would really have to fly. Entering the hinterland of Shuiqingzhou.

He sent a spiritual thought to Lingye and said, "Lingye! Are you going to fight so hard to avoid attacking me? If you meet the Feather Demon Cultivator, you will die even more miserably."

Lingye sent back his thoughts and said, "If you are timid, just give me a sweet word."

Liuyun's face darkened, and he was determined to surpass them and fly in front of them, but in the end he still couldn't muster the courage, so he had no choice but to follow them and continue flying forward.

After flying for a while, she couldn't help but convey her spiritual thoughts again: "Lingye, you have been beaten by monsters in Qianxu Palace for hundreds of years. Have you been driven crazy? Even if you are not afraid of death, aren't you afraid of killing your junior brother?" Kill him? He is almost a closed disciple of your Qianxu Palace."

Lingye slowed down and replied, "I am indeed driven crazy, but it is not driven by monsters, but by you. Now that the strength of Qianxu Palace has dropped sharply, if you and Mu Yun cannot be allowed to withdraw from the vendetta, I won’t have a clean day, and I will fight to the death to make you admit defeat.”

"You're dreaming!" He spoke directly and made a strong retort, then pretended to be relaxed and said, "Do you think I'm stupid? If I encounter a strong enemy, I can run away, but it will be difficult for you to escape with him.

I'm taking it off, so you can't scare me. "

Lingye stopped and asked with a half-smile, "Do we have such a big hatred? What I planned in my heart is that if I encounter a strong enemy, I will fight side by side with you first. It turns out that you have already planned to abandon us."

"Bah!" Liuyun spat, and said with a frosty face, "We have a big hatred. You trapped me into the belly of the monster beast, and you want me to help you defend yourself against the enemy. Why do you think of good things so much? "

Lingye raised his eyebrows and asked, "What grudge do we two have? Tell me everything."

Liuyun scolded, "You know it in your heart!"

Lingye's face changed slightly and he quickly said, "There seems to be a great demon cultivator!"

"Where?" Liu Yun asked nervously, leaning towards them involuntarily.

Lingye pointed at a little demon bird flying in the distance and said, "I saw it wrong."

Liuyun's pretty face turned red with anger, and he cursed, "Lingye, you bastard! How dare you tease me!"

Lingye said with an innocent face, "I really thought he was a great demon cultivator. The demon cultivator's magical powers are all kinds of strange, and his invisibility ability is even more difficult to guard against. It is inevitable to make mistakes occasionally. I informed you as soon as I was alert, and I didn't have time to pay attention to it." Detailed analysis."

"Humph!" Liu Yun felt that he was teasing her on purpose, but he had already been fooled, and it would be even more boring to pursue it further.

Lingye said with a smile, "Why don't it be a draw this time? Let's not go to the hinterland. You go back and think about what my junior brother said, and let go of those old grudges."

"Don't even think about it!" Liu Yun said fiercely. He had just been teased again, and this account would also be recorded for him.

"Then let's go to the hinterland where the monsters are entrenched and have a fight to settle the grudge between the two of us." Lingye began to fly deep into Shuiqingzhou again.

"I noticed something strange!" Liuyun sent an urgent alarm message to Lingye.

"Bang!" Lingye snorted disdainfully.

"I really noticed something was wrong!" Liuyun rushed in front of the two of them, because the strange thing she just noticed appeared behind her.

In fact, Lingye also noticed it, but he knew in his heart that it was caused by two feather demon cultivators.

"Are you still going forward? As long as you promise not to participate in the vendetta between the two factions, we will give up on this matter today."

"Ling Ye!" Liu Yun yelled angrily and anxiously, observing the situation around him nervously, because he didn't know where the other party was hiding. If he ran away in panic, he could easily fall into an ambush.

Fear comes from the unknown. Liuyun is not afraid of fighting against the Feather-Transformed Demon Cultivator, but that is limited to fighting one Feather-Transformed Demon Cultivator. This is the territory of monster beasts. It is not unusual for two or three Feather-Transformed Demon Cultivators to come. Although she has just broken the mirror, she She was confident, but not arrogant. In addition, Lang Xing and Ling Ye had scared her about Hengcha Xianzun just now, so she was really a little panicked at the moment.

"Don't be afraid." Lingye put away his teasing smile, showed a calm look, and said sincerely, "If the two of us join forces, no one can do anything to us."

"Yes." Liu Yun responded with her spiritual thoughts. She was embarrassed to say this word in front of Lang Xing. After agreeing to join hands to fight against the enemy, she leaned closer to the two of them, feeling a little more at ease.

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