Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2154 It’s coming, be careful!

Di Ming warned Xuanshang, "That's almost enough. If it attracts divine punishment, the gain will outweigh the loss."

My beloved daughter, who was already hiding under the conical golden barrier, was pleading with tears in her eyes, urging her mother to leave quickly.

Fairy Concubine Xuanshang glanced at her beloved daughter one last time with red eyes, then gritted her teeth and retreated thousands of miles away.

Langxing said anxiously to the trembling little snake, "You can start now. Don't be afraid. I have withstood the thunder. You only need to withstand the first three thunders. I will block the rest for you." Overcoming the tribulation was different from the lightning strikes he had suffered before. The demon cultivators had already summed up a lot of experience, one of which was that they had to withstand at least three lightning strikes on their own strength.

The Purple Eyed Black Snake's soul-destroying calamity only had six heavenly thunders. Lang Xing was not very nervous at first, but the busy work of the four great demon cultivators in setting up defensive formations, and the begging look on his face by the Fairy Princess Xuanshang made him nervous. A lot of pressure.

"Thank you very much. My name is Yuze." Little Snake looked at Langxing with panic eyes and sent a spiritual message to him.

"My name is Lang Xing. I have been struck by lightning several times. It's nothing to be afraid of. You can't cause lightning disasters like this. If you want to improve your Taoism, have the courage to do it. If you survive this disaster, you will be a great monk. ”

A fierce look flashed in the little snake's eyes, which made Lang Xing's heart tremble. No matter what, this was a purple-eyed black snake, and it was a purple-eyed black snake with only eight scales left on its head, tail and both sides of the body. With her Taoism, she can easily kill the human monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

The little snake slowly flew out from under the four protective barriers. After reaching a thousand feet away, it coiled its slender body. Its upper body stood straight up, and it opened its mouth to face the sky.

Langxing retreated three thousand feet away from her, waiting with bated breath for the moment the mirror broke.

The little snake's body quickly shone with light and became transparent. After a while, the entire skeleton was clearly visible, and the skeleton gradually became transparent. A four to five hundred feet in size appeared outside her body. Inside the black aperture is a colorful and dazzling auspicious light.

The beloved daughter of Immortal Concubine Xuanshang could have advanced to Taoism a long time ago, but it has been delayed for hundreds of years due to fear of thunder tribulation. Of course, this is not a long time for a demon cultivator. Many demon cultivators have delayed it until they can no longer delay it. He was forced to overcome the tribulation. There is a big difference between human cultivators and demon cultivators in this regard, so when Yuze wants to improve his cultivation, he can do it relatively easily.

The dark clouds gathered in the sky rolled rapidly, and the dangerous atmosphere rose rapidly.

"It's coming, be careful!" Immortal Concubine Xuanchang, who was hiding thousands of miles away, sent her spiritual message from afar. This was almost at the edge of what her spiritual sense could detect. The other three great demon cultivators were all hiding twenty thousand miles away. outside.

Before the dark calamity cloud appeared, Lang Xing felt something in his heart. It was a feeling of fear, familiarity, and a bit of intimacy. These three feelings must be mixed together in a mess. Needless to say, fear and familiarity. Because of the relationship between Tianting Spirit, he can come into contact with Tianlei at any time, and it is inevitable that he will develop a sense of intimacy over time.

When the first thunder struck down, the little snake had already shrunk into a ball and stuck its head in the entangled body of the snake. This was not the correct way to fight against the thunder. Logically speaking, it would have to use its magic power to fight back. She would definitely not be able to withstand the sixth thunderbolt if she resisted so hard.

This little snake named Yuze is naturally timid. She is a shame among the purple-eyed black snakes. She didn't have the courage to fight against Tianlei, but now that her mother has found helpers for her, she has no intention to do so. I resisted, I just wanted to survive three lightning strikes and then

Just leave it to fate.

"Ze'er! This can't work!" Immortal Concubine Xuanchang, who was thousands of miles away, was so anxious that her eyes were burning. She rushed forward for more than a thousand miles in desperation. Di Ming, who had a good relationship with her, rushed over and pulled her away. go back.

Langxing's eyes narrowed as he stared at the thunder that struck down from the sky. The fear that was rising rapidly at this moment had already squeezed out any trace of intimacy. He had been struck several times, and he always felt that the thunder would suddenly turn around and strike. To himself, fortunately, this thunder was only as thick as a small snake's body, while the thunder that struck him was as thick as an arm, which showed how much he was hated by God.

He held Yi Guang in one hand and the Purple Sun Sword in the other, always on guard against the sky thunder turning to hit him. In fact, he himself knew that this possibility was not high. Although he was full of fear, it was not the same as when he was struck by thunder. There is still a big difference between the feeling when he chops. That kind of fear can scare him silly and drive him crazy. At this moment, Yuze is suffering from the kind of fear that is frightening.

The sky thunder penetrated the black aperture and struck hard on the little snake's glowing body. A heart-breaking thunder followed. Langxing seemed to hear the little snake's scream, but the thunder was too loud. , he wasn't sure he really heard it, but he could really smell the burnt smell. Three of the scales on the little snake's body were destroyed, and the skin underneath showed a burnt black color.

"Don't let it hit one place!" Lang Xing hurriedly sent out his spiritual thoughts. He felt that the little snake had been completely controlled by fear. If he didn't remind her, she might not move at all.

As soon as the little snake twisted her body, the second thunder struck down. Black-red blood flowed from the corner of the little snake's mouth. The light on her body was so dim that it was almost invisible. She was completely frightened. She must have I can't bear the third thunder.

Lang Xing decisively released the Water Ting Sword. The spirit of Tian Ting had been restless since the Jie Yun appeared. At this moment, without waiting for Lang Xing's prompting, it shot at the third thunder that struck down.

Seven or eight tentacle-like black and green filaments radiated from the tip of the Shui Ting Sword. These filaments were twisting as if alive, and there was a layer of rippling water waves connected between them. Lang Xing's atmosphere did not dare to come out. He stared at this strange scene. Last time, Xuanshui Sword absorbed the sky thunder first, and then the sky thunder spirit absorbed it bit by bit. This was also the first time he had seen such a scene of two weapon spirits joining forces to attack the sky thunder. .

The dark green lightning slightly thicker than a thumb struck the water wave held up by the Spirit of Heaven, and then a dark green cocoon of light formed outside the sword, with two tentacle-like black and green filaments like It snaked towards the calamity cloud above as if it was dissatisfied with desire, but it only extended a few feet before shrinking back.

Langxing felt the joy from the spirit of Tianting, and the spirit of Xuanshui also became stupidly happy. The two closely related spirit spirits had an increasing influence on each other. The more silly the spirit, the easier it was to This inexplicable feeling of dependence on life and death formed.

Lang Xing could finally let go. While using his thoughts to advise the spirit of Tianting not to attack the calamity cloud, he said to the little snake, "Cheer up quickly. Did you see that? I can easily withstand the thunder for you. But you have to bear another lightning strike yourself, otherwise this time it will be in vain!”

Yuze originally thought that she could not escape this disaster, and her mind went blank. Langxing's spiritual thoughts made her wake up a little. She looked bravely and saw the fourth thunder striking down, which scared her. He closed his eyes in despair.

"Quick! If you don't cheer up, it'll be too late!" Lang Xing shouted urgently.

Yuze realized that he was not dead, and that the thunder did not hit him, so he opened his eyes a crack and looked up again. Di Ming warned Xuanshang, "That's almost enough. If it attracts divine punishment, the gain will outweigh the loss."

My beloved daughter, who was already hiding under the conical golden barrier, was pleading with tears in her eyes, urging her mother to leave quickly.

Fairy Concubine Xuanshang glanced at her beloved daughter one last time with red eyes, then gritted her teeth and retreated thousands of miles away.

Langxing said anxiously to the trembling little snake, "You can start now. Don't be afraid. I have withstood the thunder. You only need to withstand the first three thunders. I will block the rest for you." Overcoming the tribulation was different from the lightning strikes he had suffered before. The demon cultivators had already summed up a lot of experience, one of which was that they had to withstand at least three lightning strikes on their own strength.

The Purple-Eyed Black Snake's soul-destroying calamity only had six thunders. Lang Xing was not very nervous at first, but the busy work of the four great demon cultivators in setting up defensive formations, and the begging look on his face by the Fairy Princess Xuanshang made him nervous. A lot of pressure.

"Thank you very much, my name is Yuze." Little Snake looked at Langxing with panic eyes and sent a spiritual message to him.

"My name is Lang Xing. I have been struck by lightning several times. It's nothing to be afraid of. You can't cause lightning disasters like this. If you want to improve your Taoism, have the courage to do it. If you survive this disaster, you will be a great monk. ”

A fierce look flashed in the little snake's eyes, which made Lang Xing's heart tremble. No matter what, this was a purple-eyed black snake, and it was a purple-eyed black snake with only eight scales left on its head, tail and both sides of the body. With her Taoism, she can easily kill the human monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

The little snake slowly flew out from under the four protective barriers. After reaching a thousand feet away, it coiled its slender body. Its upper body stood straight up, and it opened its mouth to face the sky.

Langxing retreated three thousand feet away from her, waiting with bated breath for the moment the mirror broke.

The little snake's body quickly shone with light and became transparent. After a while, the entire skeleton was clearly visible, and the skeleton gradually became transparent. A four to five hundred feet in size appeared outside her body. Inside the black aperture is a colorful and dazzling auspicious light.

The beloved daughter of Immortal Concubine Xuanshang could have advanced to Taoism long ago, but it has been delayed for hundreds of years due to fear of thunder tribulation. Of course, this is not a long time for a demon cultivator. Many demon cultivators have delayed it until they can no longer delay it. He was forced to overcome the tribulation. There is a big difference between human cultivators and demon cultivators in this regard, so when Yuze wants to improve his cultivation, he can do it relatively easily.

The dark clouds gathered in the sky rolled rapidly, and the dangerous atmosphere rose rapidly.

"It's coming, be careful!" Immortal Concubine Xuanchang, who was hiding thousands of miles away, sent her spiritual message from afar. This was almost at the edge of what her spiritual sense could detect. The other three great demon cultivators were all hiding twenty thousand miles away. outside.

Before the dark calamity cloud appeared, Lang Xing felt something in his heart. It was a feeling of fear, familiarity, and a bit of intimacy. These three feelings must be mixed together in a mess. Needless to say, fear and familiarity. Because of the relationship between Tianting Spirit, he can come into contact with Tianlei at any time, and it is inevitable that he will develop a sense of intimacy over time.

When the first thunder struck down, the little snake had already shrunk into a ball and stuck its head in the entangled body of the snake. This was not the correct way to fight against the thunder. Logically speaking, it would have to use its magic power to fight back. She would definitely not be able to withstand the sixth thunderbolt if she resisted so hard.

This little snake named Yuze is naturally timid. She is a shame among the purple-eyed black snakes. She didn't have the courage to fight against Tianlei, but now that her mother has found helpers for her, she has no intention to do so. I resisted, I just wanted to survive three lightning strikes and then

Just leave it to fate.

"Ze'er! This can't work!" Immortal Concubine Xuanchang, who was thousands of miles away, was so anxious that her eyes were burning. She rushed forward for more than a thousand miles in desperation. Di Ming, who had a good relationship with her, rushed over and pulled her away. go back.

Lang Xing stared at the thunderbolt with his pupils shrunken. The fear that was rising rapidly at this moment had squeezed out the intimacy. He had been struck several times before, and he always felt that the thunderbolt would suddenly turn and strike him. Fortunately, this thunderbolt was only as thick as the snake's body. The thunderbolt that struck him was as thick as an arm, which showed how much God hated him.

He held the radiant light in one hand and the purple sun sword in the other, always on guard against the thunderbolt turning and striking him. In fact, he knew that this possibility was not great. Although he was full of fear, it was still very different from the feeling when he was struck by thunder. That kind of fear could scare him silly and crazy. At this moment, Yuze was enduring that kind of fear that made people lose their souls.

The thunder penetrated the black light circle and hit the shining body of the little snake fiercely. The thunder that was horrifying exploded. Lang Xing seemed to hear the scream of the little snake, but the thunder was too loud. He was not sure that he really heard it, but he could smell the burning smell. The three scales on the little snake were destroyed, and the skin underneath was charred black.

"Don't let it hit the same place!" Lang Xing sent out his divine thoughts in a hurry. He felt that the little snake was completely controlled by fear. If she was not reminded, she would probably not move at all.

The little snake just twisted her body, and the second thunder struck. Black and red blood flowed from the corner of the little snake's mouth. The light on her body was so dim that it was almost invisible. She was completely scared and could not withstand the third thunder.

Lang Xing decisively released the Water Thunder Sword. The spirit of the Thunder became agitated when the robbery cloud appeared. At this moment, it shot at the third thunder without waiting for Lang Xing to urge it.

Seven or eight tentacle-like dark green filaments radiated from the tip of the Water Thunder Sword. These filaments twisted as if they had life, and there was a layer of rippling water waves between them. Lang Xing stared at this strange scene without daring to breathe. Last time, the Black Water Sword first absorbed the sky thunder, and then the Sky Thunder Spirit absorbed it bit by bit. This was the first time he saw two weapon spirits join forces to fight against the sky thunder.

The dark green lightning, slightly thicker than a thumb, hit the water wave supported by the Sky Thunder Spirit, and then a dark green light cocoon formed outside the sword body. Two tentacle-like dark green filaments seemed to be unsatisfied and meandered towards the robbery cloud above, but they only extended a few feet and then retracted.

Lang Xing felt the joy from the Sky Thunder Spirit, and the Black Water Spirit also followed suit and became silly and happy. The two close weapon spirits had an increasing influence on each other. The more stupid the spirits, the easier it was for them to form this inexplicable life and death relationship.

Lang Xing finally felt relieved. While using his mind to persuade the spirit of the sky thunder not to attack the calamity cloud, he sent a telepathic message to the little snake, "Come on, cheer up. See? I can easily block the thunder for you, but you have to bear the thunder strike again, otherwise you will suffer in vain this time!"

Yu Ze thought she could not escape this calamity. Her mind was blank. Lang Xing's telepathy made her sober up a little. She looked up with courage. Just in time, she saw the fourth thunder strike down. She was so scared that she closed her eyes in despair.

"Hurry! It will be too late if you don't cheer up!" Lang Xing shouted anxiously.

Yu Ze realized that she was not dead, and the thunder did not strike her, so she opened her eyes a little and looked up again.

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