Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2159 Are you going to interrogate me together?

One day, two days, three days.

Lingye became a little restless on the third day. In addition to the previous day of waiting, it was already the fourth day and the demon cultivators had not yet sent their junior brother back.

"I have to go back to Qianxu Palace to report." He said worriedly.

Liuyun had already felt something bad, but he just didn't dare to show it. Seeing that Lingye couldn't hold on any longer, he said, "Well, I'll wait for you on the other side of the strait, and then I'll go rescue him with you." At this moment, the only Huayu monk in Qianxu Palace was Hengsi Xianzun. Although she was afraid of going deep into Shuiqingzhou, she had to help Lingye.

"I can't let you take this risk." Lingye said with a deep look. Now the junior brother's weight in his heart is far less than that of Liuyun. Both of them are willing to betray the junior brother. , anyway, neither Xianyun nor Langxing can have deep feelings with them.

"Ling Ye!" Liu Yun could only be irrationally angry. She couldn't find any reason or excuse in this matter.

Just when Lingye was about to persuade him, he suddenly heard someone shouting in the distance. He made a silent gesture to Liuyun and listened attentively.

"Fifth Senior Brother! Seventh Senior Sister! I'm back." .??.

Liuyun heard that this was Langxing's call and was about to run out immediately. Lingye grabbed her and carefully used his consciousness to look over there. Then he grinned and put away the void wood. , flying towards that direction with Liuyun.

What made Lingye grin was that quite a few of the four great demon cultivators came to see off their junior brother. And the junior brother who had made the two of them wait in fear for several days was much more dashing now. He was flying slowly with his head held high, as if he was in the clear water. Zhou Zhou's territory was shouting loudly and unscrupulously, and four feathered demon cultivators followed tens of thousands of feet away to protect him.

After seeing Lingye and Liuyun, Langxing turned around and waved to the four great demon cultivators with a smile. The four great demon cultivators smiled at him and then drifted away together.

This demeanor made Lingye a little jealous. When he wanted to ask about the specific situation of the past few days, Liuyun had already stepped forward and pulled Langxing back quickly. She didn't want to stay in this dangerous place for a moment longer.

The flowing clouds flew so fast that Langxing could not use his consciousness to check on the fifth senior brother. All his eyes could see were patches of flying light and shadow.

"Seventh Senior Sister, how have you been talking to Fifth Senior Brother and I over the past two days? Didn't they start fighting again?" Lang Xing asked seriously.

Liu Yun's face felt a little feverish, and he said in an evil voice, "Why have you been gone for so long!"

Langxing moved his arms and said, "Don't you see? They found me some spiritual fruits that can strengthen my muscles and bones. It should have taken me a few months to absorb the spiritual effects. I was afraid that you would be anxious, so I came back in a hurry. ”

Hearing what he said, Liu Yun noticed it immediately, opened his eyes wide and asked, "There must be a golden body fruit, right?"

"You guessed it right, which one can you guess?" Lang Xing looked at her with a challenging look.

"You should really absorb the spiritual effects. It's such a pity." Liu Yun really wanted to throw him down and ask him to meditate immediately.

"It's okay, there's more."

"What else is there?" Liu Yun asked puzzledly.

"Golden Body Fruit. Although I am in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, my body bones are relatively weak, so they specially found more spiritual fruits for me to strengthen my muscles and bones."

"How many Golden Body Fruits did I give you?" Liu Yun held his breath and waited for his answer. The Golden Body Fruit is a rare treasure at the level of heavenly materials and earthly treasures. It is a great blessing to get one. This thing can actually be used. How many do you have?

Lang Xing giggled and said, "

There are a few of them anyway. If you agree to withdraw from the vendetta between the two factions, I can give you one. How about it? "

"Have they told you the value of the Golden Body Fruit?" Liu Yun's heartbeat accelerated a little.

Lang Xing said proudly, "You don't need to tell them. I have studied alchemy at Xianlin Academy for several years. Although I have never made alchemy much, there are very few things that I don't know about spiritual herbs and spiritual fruits."

Liu Yun asked with concern, "Can you really help monsters overcome tribulation? How many have you helped? Send me the scene of tribulation."

Langxing imitated his fifth senior brother and showed a somewhat nonchalant smile, "This is the secret of our Qianxu Palace. I don't know yet whether we are enemies or friends. I can't tell you casually. You should tell me about this first." How was your conversation with Fifth Senior Brother these days?"

Liuyun secretly gritted his teeth and sent out a stream of spiritual power in his hand, wanting to give him some pain. He was about to be kicked out of the school. This kid must have seen something about his relationship with Lingye. This was obvious. It was meant to be a joke, and he had to be given a blow to make him behave more honestly in front of him in the future.

"Ah!" Langxing's arm seemed to have been pricked by a needle. Although it wasn't very painful, he screamed loudly.

"Ah!" Liu Yun also exclaimed, because she was holding Lang Xing's arm, and as soon as the spiritual power was sent out, the sleeve flashed with dazzling brilliance, and most of her spiritual power was dissolved. The unexpected change shocked her so much that she almost threw Lang Xing away.

Lang Xing smiled evilly and said, "If you bully me, I will tell Fifth Senior Brother later."

Before Liu Yun could speak, Ling Ye's voice came over, "I can see clearly, so you don't need to accuse me. Where did you get this robe?"

Lang Xing looked towards the direction of the sound with a smile and said, "Okay! We have colluded so quickly. It seems that I can't count on you to help me. You are betraying me."

Does the teacher know? "

Lingye gloated, "It's not all your fault. I've helped you a lot. Originally, she was waiting for you to come back here just to skin you. I've been saying good things for you these days, so I persuaded you." She needs to spare you."

Lang Xing said disdainfully, "She wants to take my skin off. As a senior brother, shouldn't you beat her until she has teeth all over the floor? How dare you sell me a favor with just a few words of persuasion?"

In terms of reasoning, eight Lingye bundled together couldn't explain this junior brother, so he had to retreat and said, "I can't beat her."

"You're going to betray me if you can't beat her? Are you going to work with her?" Lang Xing pressed on her step by step, scolding her happily.

Liuyun stopped and threw Langxing to Lingye. She felt that she could not cure this freak, and she would only be humiliating herself if she stayed in her hands.

Lingye activated the Void Wood, arranged the hiding space, and then looked at Lang Xing with a smile and said, "Senior Sister Liuyun has been very worried about you these days. Tell me, where did your sword and this robe come from?" ?”

"You're going to interrogate me together, right?" Lang Xing looked at them both disdainfully.

Lingye changed his sincere expression and said, "This incident has alarmed the two ancestors of Qianjie Sect. You have caused Senior Sister Liuyun to be kicked out of the school. It is also appropriate to answer her doubts." , tell us what you can say.”

Lang Xing snorted and said, "Is it me or you? It doesn't matter if I take the blame for you, but we have to live up to our own consciences."

Liu Yun saw that he was rambling here and there and obviously didn't want to say more in front of him, so he ducked out of the hiding space knowingly.

Lang Xing sent a spiritual thought and said, "Hey! Seventh Senior Sister, I think it's not a big deal for you to leave the sect now. After all, you are already the Concubine of Feather Transformation."

Liuyun ignored him and vigilantly checked the surrounding situation.

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