Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2164 Looking for the wind, strong wind, gentle wind

After Xunfeng sat on the spiritual crane, he kept looking at Huaying with his innocent eyes, and whispered to Langxing, "This sister is so beautiful."

Huaying looked at him with a smile on her face. This little guy is quite daring to speak.

"Well, she is the most beautiful woman in the cultivation world of Nanjingzhou." Langxing said humorously.

"Really?" Xunfeng believed it and stared at Huaying with wide eyes.

Langxing suppressed his laughter and said, "If you want to marry her, you must have at least Huayu cultivation."

"I didn't think about that..." Xunfeng blushed, embarrassed and didn't dare to look at Huaying again.

Huaying sent a cold thought to Langxing, "You can abuse me. I advise you to give the disciple you accepted before to someone else. You are a frivolous master who can only mislead students." Langxing laughed and said, "Xiang'er is in Qianxu Palace. You can go and see her. Her cultivation speed is not slower than you and Shen Qing. Good disciples do not need to be disciplined too much. Just give them some guidance." Xunfeng whispered, "Uncle, I will not cause you too much trouble. You just need to give me some guidance on cultivation. You don't need to worry about anything else." Langxing stroked his head and said, "I can see that you are a sensible child. Don't worry. I will try my best to take good care of you. But your name is a bit taboo for me. Can you change it?" Xunfeng's eyes suddenly showed a begging look. Lang Xing frowned and said, "I know this name was given by your master, but it is indeed a big taboo. One of our deceased friends also has the word 'Xun' in his name. We all miss him very much, and this will evoke our sorrow."

"If that's the case...then please change it for me." Xun Feng agreed very sensibly.

"You can change it yourself. If you can't think of a good one, I will help you change it." Lang Xing felt very relieved. This child has a deep affection for his teacher. The fact that he agreed so quickly proved that he was very reasonable.


Huaying curled his lips and smiled, "You are Kuangfeng? I think it's better to call it Breeze."

"Breeze is too unimpressive..." The child muttered timidly.

"Then call him Little Cyclone." Huaying teased him with a smile on her face.

"I'm young now, but I'll grow up soon." Although the child was dissatisfied, he didn't dare to speak loudly. He argued in a pitiful manner.

"Then call him Big Cyclone!" The smile in Huaying's eyes was about to flow out.

"This is too ugly." The child lowered his head pitifully.

Huaying covered her mouth and smiled, and said to Langxing, "This child is really interesting."

Langxing smiled and glanced at her, then said to the child in a gentle tone, "The wind is too violent, no one likes it. I hope you can become a person that everyone likes. Even if you can't do it, try not to hurt others."

The child blinked twice and said, "How about... Hefeng?"

Huaying shook her head disdainfully and said, "It's too unimpressive. It's better to call it Xianfeng. It has a good meaning and is loud."

The child looked at Langxing with an inquiring look.

Langxing smiled without expressing his opinion and said, "You decide your own name."

The child rolled his eyes and thought for a while and said, "I think Hefeng is better. Xianfeng is also very good. If my sister likes the name Xianfeng, you can call me Xianfeng in the future."

"Little rascal." Huaying gave a comment with a slight smile. The child is quite likable, but she will not accept him as a disciple because of this.

Lang Xing nodded with a smile. The word "gentle wind" fits the true meaning of his teaching just now. This child is smart enough, and he accepted such a big change from strong wind to gentle wind in a moment. It can be seen that this child has a very smart mind. Compared with the crazy behavior of going to Shuiqingzhou to support everyone, he is completely different. This is the fatal flaw of a person with great passion and character.

Linghe rushed all the way, and Lang Xing's body could withstand this extreme speed at this time.

When they were still tens of thousands of miles away from Qianxu Palace, Huaying and Langxing noticed the tense atmosphere. Qianxu Palace, which had just experienced a disaster, was in danger again. Revenge came earlier than Langxing expected. There were already sneaky figures here. Some people even wanted to come up to intercept them, but were scared away by the pressure exerted by Huaying.

"You don't know your own strength. You dare to come to Qianxu Palace to act wild with such a little cultivation." Huaying said with a gloomy face.

Lang Xing persuaded, "It's also our disciples' fault for being too arrogant in the past. I've heard a lot of accusations and complaints about us outside. Qianxu Palace shouldn't protect its shortcomings. Whoever caused the trouble should bear the responsibility. There should be justice for right and wrong. We don't need to support those evil disciples. We can't blindly protect them just because we are from the same sect. Don't talk about fellow disciples' friendship with them. They don't deserve it. Those with bad character should be expelled from the sect." Huaying frowned and looked at him and said, "You are always different from everyone else. Qianxu Palace is in danger now. We should unite against the enemy. If there is another internal conflict, Qianxu Palace will be finished. "I can think of that, but we should treat them one by one. We don't have to be polite to those who take advantage of the situation, but we must treat those who really have grudges differently. I don't think that only by protecting the shortcomings can Qianxu Palace be saved. On the contrary, it will arouse greater public outrage. If we can deal with it impartially and make everyone convinced, we can win a good reputation for Qianxu Palace. It is also a stern warning to the disciples, so that they can realize that Qianxu Palace will never protect its shortcomings. "

Huaying disapproved and said, "You think too simply. If we do this now, people will only think that we are forced to do it, that we are submissive and begging for mercy to survive the difficulties. This will attract more people to come and take advantage of the situation."

Langxing's eyes flashed with coldness as he said, "I didn't say that I would have to compromise. I would kill those who took advantage of the situation. I would destroy the dignity of Qianxu Palace and let those young people see clearly that there is still a dominant force in the severely damaged Qianxu Palace." With our strength, those who dare to invade will never come back!”

Xiao Hefeng's blood boiled when he heard this, and he was gearing up to make plans secretly. He had never heard of Qianxu Palace, and judging from this, Qianxu Palace must be an extremely powerful sect. If he could practice in Qianxu Palace, it would be his destiny.

Huaying still disagreed with Lang Xing's words. Things were not that simple. It was difficult to sort out grudges and deal with them fairly in this complicated situation. Moreover, the most indispensable thing in the world was people who were troublemakers and troublemakers. Before she could When he opened his mouth to argue, a spiritual thought with obvious sarcasm came over him.

"What a formidable young man. As his abilities grow, his domineering power becomes stronger and stronger."

The expression on the painting changed drastically, and she could tell that this was a spiritual thought coming from Monk Huayu.

Langxing was very calm, and secretly said to Huaying, "This is Qimu Xianzun, the ancestor of the Junlu sect. You take Feng'er to Cuiyu Peak to find Xiang'er and hide Xiang'er well. This is very important, otherwise it will happen." There's big trouble." After Xunfeng sat on the crane, he kept looking at Huaying with his childlike eyes, and whispered to Langxing, "This sister is so beautiful."

Huaying looked at him sideways with a smile on her lips. This little guy was quite brave enough to speak.

"Well, she is the most beautiful woman in the cultivation world in Nanjingzhou." Lang Xing said jokingly.

"Really?" Xunfeng Xin thought it was true and stared at the painting with wide eyes.

Lang Xing held back his laughter and said, "If you want to marry her, you must at least have the skills to become a feather."

"I didn't think about that..." Xunfeng blushed and was too embarrassed to look at Huaying anymore.

Huaying sent a cold spiritual thought to Lang Xing and said, "Just go ahead and mess with me. I advise you to give away all the disciples you accepted before. You, an unserious master, can only mislead others."

Lang Xing laughed and said, "Xian'er is in Qianxu Palace. Go and have a look. Her cultivation speed will not be slower than that of you and Shen Qing. Good disciples don't need to be disciplined, as long as they are given appropriate guidance." "

Xunfeng whispered, "Uncle Master, I won't cause you too much trouble. All you need to do is give me some guidance on cultivation. You don't need to worry about anything else." .??.

Langxing stroked his head and said, "I can see that you are a sensible child. Don't worry, I will try my best to take good care of you. However, your name is a bit taboo to me. Can you change it?"

Xunfeng's eyes suddenly showed a look of pleading.

Lang Xing frowned and said, "I know this name was given by your master, but it does violate a big taboo. One of our deceased friends also had the word 'Xun' in his name. We are all very fond of it." Remembering him brings us sadness."

"If that's the case... then you can change it for me." Xunfeng agreed sensibly.

"You can change it yourself. If you don't think well, I will help you change it." Langxing felt very pleased. The child had a deep affection for his teacher, and being able to agree so quickly proved that he was very reasonable.

"Hmm... strong wind?"

Huaying curled her lips and smiled, "You're the only one calling it a strong wind? I think calling it a gentle breeze is about the same."

"Breeze is too lackluster..." the child muttered timidly.

"That's called Little Tornado." Huaying teased him with a smile on her face.

"I'm young now, but I will grow up soon." Although the child was dissatisfied, he did not dare to raise his voice and argued in a low voice with a pitiful look.

"Then it's called a big whirlwind!" The smile in Huaying's eyes was about to flow out.

"This is too unpleasant to hear." The child lowered his head pitifully.

Huaying smiled and said to Lang Xing, "This kid is really fun."

Langxing smiled and glanced at her, and then said to the child in a gentle tone, "The wind is too violent and no one likes it. I hope you can become a person that everyone likes. Even if you can't, try not to hurt others." "

The child blinked twice and said, "How about calling it... Zephyr?"

Huaying shook her head disdainfully and said, "It's too unimpressive. It's better to call it Xianfeng. The meaning is good and loud."

The child looked at Long Xing with questioning eyes.

Lang Xing smiled and said without making any comment, "You decide your own name."

The child rolled his eyes and thought for a while and said, "I think Gentleman is better. Xianfeng is also very good. If my sister likes the name Xianfeng, she can call me Xianfeng in the future."


"Little naughty boy." Huaying commented with a slight smile. This kid was quite lovable, but she would not accept him as her disciple just because of this.

Langxing smiled and nodded. The word "gentle wind" fits the true meaning of what he just taught. This child is smart enough, and he accepted such a big change from strong wind to gentle breeze in a short time. This shows that this child has a very smart mind. Toru, compared to going to Shui Qingzhou to stand up for everyone and support his crazy behavior, he is completely different. This is the fatal flaw of a person who is passionate and sincere.

Linghe traveled quickly, and Langxing's body could now withstand such extreme speed.

When they were still tens of thousands of miles away from Qianxu Palace, Huaying and Langxing noticed the tense atmosphere. Qianxu Palace, which had just experienced a disaster, was already in danger. Revenge came earlier than Langxing expected. There were already sneaky The figures appeared here, and some people even wanted to come up to intercept them, but were scared off by the pressure exerted by Huaying.

"You don't overestimate your capabilities. With such little cultivation, you dare to come to Qianxu Palace and act wild." Hua Ying said with a gloomy face.

Langxing persuaded, "It's also my fault that our disciples were too arrogant in the past. I have heard many accusations and complaints against us outside. Qianxu Palace should not be responsible for protecting shortcomings. Whoever causes trouble will bear the responsibility, right and wrong." There should be justice between right and wrong. We don't need to support those disciples who do evil. We can't blindly protect them just because they are fellow disciples. Don't talk about friendship with them. They are not worthy. Those with bad conduct should be expelled from the disciples. Door."

Huaying frowned and looked at him and said, "You are always different from everyone else. At this moment, Qianxu Palace is in critical danger, so we should share our hatred with the outside world. If internal strife breaks out again, Qianxu Palace will be doomed. Do you think these people are here for revenge? I Let me tell you, many of them are here to take advantage of us and come for our secret books and treasures.”

Lang Xing said calmly, "I can think of it, but one code must be the same. We don't have to be polite to those who take advantage of the situation, but those who really have grudges must be treated differently. I don't think that only by protecting shortcomings can we save Qianxu Palace. On the contrary, it will irritate It will arouse greater public indignation. If we can deal with it impartially and convince everyone, it will win a good reputation for Qianxu Palace. It will also be a stern warning to the disciples, letting them realize that Qianxu Palace will never protect its shortcomings. ”

Huaying disapproved and said, "You think too simply. If we do this now, people will only think that we are forced to do it, that we are submissive and begging for mercy to survive the difficulties. This will attract more people to come and take advantage of the situation."

Langxing's eyes flashed with coldness as he said, "I didn't say that I would have to compromise. I would kill those who took advantage of the situation. I would destroy the dignity of Qianxu Palace and let those young people see clearly that there is still a dominant force in the severely damaged Qianxu Palace." With our strength, those who dare to invade will never come back!”

Xiao Hefeng's blood boiled when he heard this, and he was gearing up to make plans secretly. He had never heard of Qianxu Palace, and judging from this, Qianxu Palace must be an extremely powerful sect. If he could practice in Qianxu Palace, it would be his destiny.

Huaying still disagreed with Lang Xing's words. Things were not that simple. It was difficult to sort out grudges and deal with them fairly in this complicated situation. Moreover, the most indispensable thing in the world was people who were troublemakers and troublemakers. Before she could When he opened his mouth to argue, a spiritual thought with obvious sarcasm came over him.

"What a formidable young man. As his abilities grow, his domineering power becomes stronger and stronger."

The expression on the painting changed drastically, and she could tell that this was a spiritual thought coming from Monk Huayu.

Langxing was very calm, and secretly said to Huaying, "This is Qimu Xianzun, the ancestor of the Junlu sect. You take Feng'er to Cuiyu Peak to find Xiang'er and hide Xiang'er well. This is very important, otherwise it will happen." There's big trouble."

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