Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2166 Master, please wait a moment

"Uncle, wait a minute." Langxing clenched the Yiguang in his hand, looked at the two old men and said with a smile, "I don't understand the reason behind this. Revenge for one's brother is an act of justice. It can be said anywhere. In the past, it was even more admirable to not forget to avenge your brothers after five thousand years. But logically speaking, shouldn't your revenge be directed at my uncle and uncle? You should pay with blood and kill them? You can comfort your brother's spirit in heaven, but under the guise of avenging your brother, you are seeking benefits for yourself. What's the point? Even if you want to seek the classics, it should be the descendants and disciples of Pinxiangzi. What qualifications do you have?”

There was a cold light in the eyes of the two old men. This was something they could not justify, and Pinxiangzi had neither descendants nor disciples.

When it comes to reasoning, Lang Xing is born to be a good hand. He also likes to reason, and he is fair and just. He will not mess around. Whenever he encounters a situation where he is reasonable, he must clearly distinguish the right from wrong, and then he will Take action.

The old man with white hair and childish face threatened, "We intend to reduce the big things to small things and settle this old blood debt. Since you say so, let's use Hengsi's life to pay tribute to our brother."

Lang Xing felt that they had run out of excuses, and now they didn't have to worry about whether they were losing their hearts or not, so he activated Yi Guang and said in a cold voice, "You just praised me, so I'll say it again. Anyone who dares to take advantage of the situation and rob me of Qianxu Palace will be punished." We will make sure there is no return for him!”

There was a look of contempt on Qimu Xianzun's mouth, and he stepped back. He really had nothing to do with this matter. He came to Qianxu Palace to report Lang Xingyi, and of course he also wanted to get some benefits. In Qianxu Palace As soon as Nei finished telling Heng Si what had happened, these two men came to the door. Now they were finally about to take action, and he didn't want to help either side.

"Back off! I can handle it!" Heng Si was extremely anxious. It would be terrible if Lang Xing was beaten to death or captured by these two men. In order to buy Lang Xing some time to escape, he pinched the seal with both hands at the same time. He waved towards the two old men.

Lang Xing seemed to have listened to his uncle's orders and retreated towards Qianxu Palace. The opponent was too far away. If he rushed over and fought with them, he would definitely suffer losses. The best way was to wait until they were fighting with his uncle before killing them. A carbine.

"Hurry!" Heng Si shouted angrily, and Lang Xing's dawdling was so anxious that his forehead was about to burst into flames.

The spiritual power waves caused by the Battle of Transformation Yu surged like the roaring waves of the angry sea. Although Langxing's spiritual consciousness was stronger than ordinary late-stage Nascent Soul monks in terms of detection ability, it was too delicate to be sent to the battlefield. They will be shaken away, and it is impossible to see through the colorful and flashing bursts of light with eyesight alone. You can only use your mind and supernatural powers to sense the positions of the three people.

At this time, a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage rushed out from the magic circle of Qianxu Palace. This was Hengsi’s only remaining disciple—Twelve Immortals Lord Lingjun.

The group of people who went to Shuiqingzhou for revenge have long since returned. There are currently nine great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage in Qianxu Palace. Several of them are seriously injured and have been recuperating in the palace. The remaining warriors are Heng Si didn't want these disciples to suffer any more losses, so he strictly ordered them to guard the three mountains of Qian, Xu and Dao and not go out to fight. The formations on these three mountains were still very strong. If he couldn't win, he would retreat. Go back and hold on, waiting for Lingye to come back.

As a disciple of Hengsi Xianzun, Lingjun could not let his master face the enemy alone under any circumstances, so he did not go to the three mountains with everyone, but stayed at the mountain gate. As soon as the battle started, he rushed forward with the heart of death. Come over.

Fighting against two powerful enemies, Hengsi Xianzun couldn't care less about Guan Lingjun.

With this powerful spell, he barely managed to fight an even match with these two people. Unfortunately, he was not seriously injured in the previous disaster. Otherwise, he would really not be afraid of these two people. But based on his current fighting style, he knew that Can't last long.

"Go back!" Lang Xing sent a spiritual message to Lingjun.

Ling Jun had a ferocious look on his face, and he urged a spiritual treasure to move forward quickly without paying any attention. He also understood the phantom body technique, but it was obvious that the fire was still far from enough.

"Back off!" Hengsi Immortal Lord issued a stern divine thought. There was no room for any distraction in this kind of fight. In order to keep this only remaining disciple, he was really a little anxious.

Lingjun was so determined that he ignored his master's order and shot the spiritual treasure at the red-haired old man in front of him!

"Hmph!" The red-haired old man snorted with disdain, preparing to ward off the spiritual treasure with his hand, and then kill Ling Jun with a sharp blow to chaos Hengsi's heart.

At this moment, a loud shout suddenly sounded in his heart, "Duh!"

This sudden violent shout made his heart tremble. Before he could recover, he saw two figures rushing towards him quickly. The speed was much faster than Lingjun, and both figures were Langxing, which made him He was even more surprised. When he subconsciously wanted to dodge, Lingjun's spiritual treasure was already in front of him. The spiritual treasure hit the body-protecting divine light and bloomed with dazzling light. His body trembled, and Qianxugong Shi The grade of the spiritual treasure used by the second-generation disciple was not too bad. Being beaten so hastily made him feel uncomfortable, but it also woke him up from the panic caused by the violent shout.

The sudden awakening at this moment was not a good thing for him, because it allowed him to clearly see two terrifying rays of light coming in succession. The one in front was a purple light full of chilling meaning, and the one behind was a dark green light of thunder.

Although Lingjun was attacking in front, Kelangxing still launched the Purple Sun Sword as a feint attack because he didn't have much confidence in the power of Lingjun's treasure. Within a distance of five to six thousand feet, the speed of the Shui Ting Sword Although it was faster than the Purple Sun Sword, it was unable to arrive first. The Purple Sun Sword had just flashed the light from the opponent's body-protecting divine light when the Crescent Moon Spear struck. The Purple Sun Sword was so fast Flying out diagonally, this is not the first time that the weapon spirit of the Purple Sun Sword has dealt with the Water Ting Sword. It is well aware of the ferocity of the Heavenly Ting Spirit, and can also feel that the Heavenly Thunder Spirit that has just absorbed the Heavenly Thunder has become even more powerful. It was so fierce that it escaped by instinct without Long Xing's command.

The purple sun sword hit the red-haired old man and a thin line of blood spurted out, but the huge fear made him almost not feel the pain, and his frightened eyes did not even have time to show the look of despair. As soon as the blood line spurted out from his mouth, Xuan Yue The spear pierced the place where the Purple Sun Sword had just struck.

Qimu Xianzun, who was five or sixty thousand feet away, stared straight-eyed at the place where the great magical power was turned invisible, and involuntarily stepped back. This scene was so frightening to him that a giant transformed into a feather. The magical power was killed in an instant. Even a monk in the middle stage of Yuyu may not be able to do this.

What also frightened him was the kid's growth rate. When the Junlu Sect was causing trouble, it was enough to surprise him that this kid could activate two high-grade spiritual treasures, but now with the addition of defensive spiritual treasures, it was three. , and they are three completely different things from before. How long has it been? How did he refine these treasures?

Lingjun was also a little stupid, but he looked at Langxing with a surprised look and then summoned another treasure and rushed towards the master. His spiritual treasure also fled in panic like the Purple Sun Sword. , has now fallen to the ground, and even if it is activated again, it will be difficult to reuse it for a while. "Uncle, wait a minute." Langxing clenched the Yiguang in his hand, looked at the two old men and said with a smile, "I don't understand the reason behind this. Revenge for one's brother is an act of justice. It can be said anywhere. In the past, it was even more admirable to not forget to avenge your brothers after five thousand years. But logically speaking, shouldn't your revenge be directed at my uncle and uncle? You should pay with blood and kill them? You can comfort your brother's spirit in heaven, but under the guise of avenging your brother, you are seeking benefits for yourself. What's the point? Even if you want to seek the classics, it should be the descendants and disciples of Pinxiangzi. What qualifications do you have?”

There was a cold light in the eyes of the two old men. This was something they could not justify, and Pinxiangzi had neither descendants nor disciples.

When it comes to reasoning, Lang Xing is born to be a good hand. He also likes to reason, and he is fair and just. He will not mess around. Whenever he encounters a situation where he is reasonable, he must clearly distinguish the right from wrong, and then he will Take action.

The old man with white hair and childish face threatened, "We intend to reduce the big things to small things and settle this old blood debt. Since you say so, let's use Hengsi's life to pay tribute to our brother."

Lang Xing felt that they had run out of excuses, and now they didn't have to worry about whether they were losing their hearts or not, so he activated Yi Guang and said in a cold voice, "You just praised me, so I'll say it again. Anyone who dares to take advantage of the situation and rob me of Qianxu Palace will be punished." We will make sure there is no return for him!”

There was a look of contempt on Qimu Xianzun's mouth, and he stepped back. He really had nothing to do with this matter. He came to Qianxu Palace to report Lang Xingyi, and of course he also wanted to get some benefits. In Qianxu Palace As soon as Nei finished telling Heng Si what had happened, these two men came to the door. Now they were finally about to take action, and he didn't want to help either side.

"Back off! I can handle it!" Heng Si was extremely anxious. It would be terrible if Lang Xing was beaten to death or captured by these two men. In order to buy Lang Xing some time to escape, he pinched the seal with both hands at the same time. He waved towards the two old men.

Lang Xing seemed to have listened to his uncle's orders and retreated towards Qianxu Palace. The opponent was too far away. If he rushed over and fought with them, he would definitely suffer losses. The best way was to wait until they were fighting with his uncle before killing them. A carbine.

"Hurry!" Heng Si shouted angrily, and Lang Xing's dawdling was so anxious that his forehead was about to burst into flames. .??.

The spiritual energy waves set off by the Battle of Transformation Yu surged like the roaring waves of the angry sea. Although Langxing's spiritual consciousness was stronger than ordinary late-stage Nascent Soul monks in terms of detection ability, it was too delicate to be sent to the battlefield. They will be shaken away, and it is impossible to see through the colorful and flashing bursts of light with eyesight alone. You can only use your mind and supernatural powers to sense the positions of the three people.

At this time, a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage rushed out from the magic circle of Qianxu Palace. This was Hengsi’s only remaining disciple—Twelve Immortals Lord Lingjun.

The group of people who went to Shuiqingzhou for revenge have long since returned. There are currently nine great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage in Qianxu Palace. Several of them are seriously injured and have been recuperating in the palace. The remaining warriors are Heng Si didn't want these disciples to suffer any more losses, so he strictly ordered them to guard the three mountains of Qian, Xu and Dao and not go out to fight. The formations on these three mountains were still very strong. If he couldn't win, he would retreat. Go back and hold on, waiting for Lingye to come back.

As a disciple of Hengsi Xianzun, Lingjun could not let his master face the enemy alone under any circumstances, so he did not go to the three mountains with everyone, but stayed at the mountain gate. As soon as the battle started, he rushed forward with the heart of death. Come over.

Fighting against two powerful enemies, Hengsi Xianzun couldn't care less about Guan Lingjun.

With this powerful spell, he barely managed to fight an even match with these two people. Unfortunately, he was not seriously injured in the previous disaster. Otherwise, he would really not be afraid of these two people. But based on his current fighting style, he knew that Can't last long.

"Go back!" Lang Xing sent a spiritual message to Lingjun.

Ling Jun had a ferocious look on his face, and he urged a spiritual treasure to move forward quickly without paying any attention. He also understood the phantom body technique, but obviously the firepower was still far from enough.

"Back off!" Hengsi Immortal Lord issued a stern divine thought. There was no room for any distraction in this kind of fight. In order to keep this only remaining disciple, he was really a little anxious.

Lingjun was so determined that he ignored his master's order and shot the spiritual treasure at the red-haired old man in front of him!

"Hmph!" The red-haired old man snorted with disdain, preparing to ward off the spiritual treasure with his hand, and then kill Ling Jun with a sharp blow to chaos Hengsi's heart.

At this moment, a loud shout suddenly sounded in his heart, "Duh!"

This sudden violent shout made his heart tremble. Before he could recover, he saw two figures rushing towards him quickly. The speed was much faster than Lingjun, and both figures were Langxing, which made him He was even more surprised. When he subconsciously wanted to dodge, Lingjun's spiritual treasure was already in front of him. The spiritual treasure hit the body-protecting divine light and bloomed with dazzling light. His body trembled, and Qianxugong Shi The grade of the spiritual treasure used by the second-generation disciple was not too bad. Being beaten so hastily made him feel uncomfortable, but it also woke him up from the panic caused by the violent shout.

The sudden awakening at this moment was not a good thing for him, because it allowed him to clearly see two terrifying rays of light coming in succession. The one in front was a purple light full of chilling meaning, and the one behind was a dark green light of thunder.

Although Lingjun was attacking in front, Kelangxing still launched the Purple Sun Sword as a feint attack because he didn't have much confidence in the power of Lingjun's treasure. Within a distance of five to six thousand feet, the speed of the Shui Ting Sword Although it was faster than the Purple Sun Sword, it was unable to arrive first. The Purple Sun Sword had just flashed the light from the opponent's body-protecting divine light when the Crescent Moon Spear struck. The Purple Sun Sword was so fast Flying out diagonally, this is not the first time that the weapon spirit of the Purple Sun Sword has dealt with the Water Ting Sword. It is well aware of the ferocity of the Heavenly Ting Spirit, and can also feel that the Heavenly Thunder Spirit that has just absorbed the Heavenly Thunder has become even more powerful. It was so fierce that it escaped by instinct without Long Xing's command.

The purple sun sword hit the red-haired old man and a thin line of blood spurted out, but the huge fear made him almost not feel the pain, and his frightened eyes did not even have time to show the look of despair. As soon as the blood line spurted out from his mouth, Xuan Yue The spear pierced the place where the Purple Sun Sword had just struck.

Qimu Xianzun, who was five or sixty thousand feet away, looked straight at the place where the great magical power was turned invisible, and involuntarily stepped back. This scene frightened him so much. The magical power was actually destroyed in an instant. Even a monk in the middle stage of Yuyu may not be able to do this.

What also frightened him was the kid's growth rate. When the Junlu Sect was causing trouble, it was enough to surprise him that this kid could activate two high-grade spiritual treasures, but now with the addition of defensive spiritual treasures, it was three. , and they are three completely different things from before. How long has it been? How did he refine these treasures?

Lingjun was also a little stupid, but he looked at Langxing with a surprised look and then summoned another treasure and rushed towards the master. His spiritual treasure also fled in panic like the Purple Sun Sword. , has now fallen to the ground, and even if it is activated again, it will be difficult to reuse it for a while.

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