Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2168 The Way to Be the Leader

"Did Lingye really get together with Liuyun?" Hengsi asked casually as he led Langxing back leisurely.

Because Lang Xing repeatedly refused to answer his uncle's questions, now he finally had a question that he could answer, so he tried his best to betray Ling Ye, "I think they have been interested in being concubines for a long time, but neither of them dared to go there." Taking that step forward, I created an opportunity for them. Sure enough, the two people became inseparable immediately. However, Liuyun was in a bit of trouble. The fifth senior brother said that the two ancestors of Qianjie Sect found them and almost Drive Liu Yun out of the school, uncle, I think the two of them are quite suitable. Let’s not make it difficult for the fifth senior brother. They are all Feather monks. Let them go. This will also help ease the conflict between the two factions. fight.”

"Okay, I'll tell him later that it was you who begged for him, and for your sake we won't interfere in this matter."

Lang Xing laughed happily, "Uncle, you really love me. Are you not going to interfere in this matter at all?"

Immortal Lord Hengsi smiled slightly and said, "Our senior brothers are not as narrow-minded as Tiansu and Dilos. Of course, this is mainly because of your master's years of persuasion. Although we are determined to end the dispute between these two factions, , but there is too much hatred accumulated over the ages, and it cannot be terminated if one party wants to, so we can only let it go."

Lang Xing sighed. He couldn't think of any good solution for the vendetta between the two factions. The honor of the sect is more important than life in the hearts of most disciples. He fully understood this. Back then, Lu Gang, Shuyan and the three of them He is also willing to fight to the death with the Qianjie Sect for the honor of his master. It’s ridiculous to think about it now, but many people will never wake up in their lifetime. For them, there is no doubt that they will fight to the death with the Qianjie Sect. The right thing to do is to die in battle and die well.

Heng Si advised, "You don't have to worry about this. If you want to fight, let them fight. Qianxu Palace is too big. Although there are not many disciples of our generation left, there were hundreds of them at the beginning. Except for premature Most of those who died have left disciples, many of whom are outstanding like the fifth senior brother, and it is not convenient for us to have much control over these people."

Lang Xing frowned and said, "Then I think the rules in the palace should not be relaxed, and the dispute between the two factions should be settled. But for those who do evil outside and ruin the reputation of Qianxu Palace, I don't think Qianxu Palace should protect them."

Heng Si stopped and looked at him with a meaningful look and said, "It is the responsibility of the head of the family to clean up the atmosphere and strictly enforce the rules. Your master is too lazy to meddle in these nosy matters, and he is even more disdainful after he was promoted to Yu Xiu. Yu went to take care of it, and he only accepts one disciple. He will only accept the next one after the previous one dies. The temperaments of the senior brothers in front of you are similar to that of your master. None of them are willing to take care of complicated affairs. So are you willing to do this?"

Lang Xing grinned, shook his head and said, "My nephew is not this material, and I am too busy with my own affairs to take care of these things all day long."

Hengsi smiled lightly and said, "That's it."

Lang Xing blinked and said, "I think my master doesn't care about the position of the leader, and neither does my nephew. Do you think you can change the leader? Let someone who is willing to take care of these things be the leader?"

Hengsi Immortal Lord shook his head and said, "There are enough intrigues in the palace. If you do this, it will only make the situation worse. Moreover, to be the head of Qianxu Palace, you must have great wisdom and ability." Conquering the prestige of the crowd and visiting Qianxu Palace, only those with this talent can

You two masters and disciples, people with great wisdom must disdain to waste energy on this, and mediocrity in power will inevitably lead the sect to mediocrity. This seems to be the dilemma faced by Qianxu Palace, but in fact it is not. . "

Lang Xing was puzzled and said, "Uncle, please give me some advice."

Hengsi Immortal Lord looked at Qianxu Palace and said, "Your master has been the leader for thousands of years. Although he rarely manages affairs, Qianxu Palace has not caused any big trouble because of this, because everyone knows that no matter what No tricks will work in front of your master, so no one dares to make big mistakes. Although small fights continue all year round, they do not harm the fundamentals. Qianxu Palace always maintains its due Inheritance is the greatest guarantee for the Qianxu Palace to produce talented people in large numbers.

After a pause, he continued, "If a mediocre person takes over the power, even if he is extremely busy every day, he will bring Qianxu Palace to decline. We are different from other sects. Qianxu Palace has to bring some elegance and immortality." Yes, so the leader must first have some immortality. Nothing in the world is perfect. If the disciples are controlled to obey the rules, then Qianxu Palace will no longer be Qianxu Palace. "

Langxing looked up at the sky and realized something, "I feel that Master's role is a bit like God. He is aloof. Although he rarely shows his power, he makes people feel awe and develops self-discipline."

Immortal Lord Hengsi was startled for a moment, and then said, "This is a good metaphor. I have watched thousands of years of changes in Qianxu Palace, but I have never thought about it. Your metaphor made it clear at once."

Lang Xing slightly frowned and said, "If you unite with the Heaven and the Dao, you will prosper. Judging from the situation of Qianxu Palace, the Heavenly Dao is not perfect. Is there no way to maintain the elegance and immortality of the Qianxu Palace while preventing adultery?" Happen?"

Hengsi Immortal Master showed a thoughtful look in his eyes and said, "It's difficult. With your master's wisdom, he only chose to accept fewer disciples. This is of course the most worry-free and labor-saving approach. What he wants to do is not to educate all living beings, but to be kind to himself." , This is the blessing that only a truly wise man can enjoy. I used to blame him for being too selfish, but now it seems that I have not yet reached his level.”

Although the uncle's words were praising the master, Langxing still felt that there was a thorn in them, so he defended the master and said, "I think this is also a helpless move, master. There are too many fools in the world. In the eyes of the master, Even the palace of Qianxu is full of fools. If you want to teach and give advice, you have to have some wisdom. If you let a person with great knowledge and talent teach a bunch of monkeys to read, he will definitely not have the patience. no point."

"The fact that you can say something like this shows that you have the same feelings as your master. It's up to you to take care of things here. I need to retreat for a while." Lang Xing's comparison of Hengguan to God caused a stir. The vibration in his heart was palpable. If he looked at Qianxu Palace as a whole world, there would be a lot worth savoring.

"You are a bit too picky at this time..." Lang Xing murmured to his uncle with a bitter face as he floated towards Qianxu Palace.

This sentence reminded Immortal Hengsi that the currently chaotic Qianxu Palace was indeed not a good place for retreat, so he changed his direction and said to Lang Xing, "I want to go to a pure place to retreat. Don't come looking for me."

Lang Xing's grin became even more bitter, this time there was no hope at all.

The things that triggered Hengsi Xianzun's retreat were nothing to Lang Xing. He and Shen Qing had thought more deeply about these aspects a long time ago, so Hengsi looked at things that he had not been able to think of for tens of thousands of years. It came out right away. "Did Lingye really get together with Liuyun?" Hengsi asked casually as he led Langxing back leisurely.

Because Lang Xing repeatedly refused to answer his uncle's questions, now he finally had a question that he could answer, so he tried his best to betray Ling Ye, "I think they have been interested in being concubines for a long time, but neither of them dared to go there." Taking that step forward, I created an opportunity for them. Sure enough, the two people became inseparable immediately. However, Liuyun was in a bit of trouble. The fifth senior brother said that the two ancestors of Qianjie Sect found them and almost Drive Liu Yun out of the school, uncle, I think the two of them are quite suitable. Let’s not make it difficult for the fifth senior brother. They are all Feather monks. Let them go. This will also help ease the conflict between the two factions. fight.”

"Okay, I'll tell him later that it was you who begged for him, and for your sake we won't interfere in this matter."

Lang Xing laughed happily and said, "Uncle, you really love me. Will you not interfere in this matter at all?"

Immortal Lord Hengsi smiled slightly and said, "Our senior brothers are not as narrow-minded as Tiansu and Dilos. Of course, this is mainly because of your master's years of persuasion. Although we are determined to end the dispute between these two factions, , but there is too much hatred accumulated over the ages, and it cannot be terminated by one party if it wants, so we can only let it go. "

Lang Xing sighed. He couldn't think of any good solution for the vendetta between the two factions. The honor of the sect is more important than life in the hearts of most disciples. He fully understood this. Back then, Lu Gang, Shuyan and the three of them He is also willing to fight to the death with the Qianjie Sect for the honor of his master. It’s ridiculous to think about it now, but many people will never wake up in their lifetime. For them, there is no doubt that they will fight to the death with the Qianjie Sect. The right thing to do is to die in battle and die well.

Heng Si advised, "You don't have to worry about this. If you want to fight, let them fight. Qianxu Palace is too big. Although there are not many disciples of our generation left, there were hundreds of them at the beginning. Except for premature Most of those who died have left disciples, many of whom are outstanding like the fifth senior brother, and it is not convenient for us to have much control over these people."

Lang Xing frowned and said, "Then I think the rules in the palace should not be relaxed, and the dispute between the two factions should be settled. But for those who do evil outside and ruin the reputation of Qianxu Palace, I don't think Qianxu Palace should protect them."

Heng Si stopped and looked at him with a meaningful look and said, "It is the responsibility of the head of the family to clean up the atmosphere and strictly enforce the rules. Your master is too lazy to meddle in these nosy matters, and he is even more disdainful after he was promoted to Yu Xiu. Yu went to take care of it, and he only accepts one disciple. He will only accept the next one after the previous one dies. The temperaments of the senior brothers in front of you are similar to that of your master. None of them are willing to take care of complicated affairs. So are you willing to do this?"

Lang Xing grinned, shook his head and said, "My nephew is not this material, and I am too busy with my own affairs to take care of these things all day long."

Hengsi smiled lightly and said, "That's it."

Lang Xing blinked and said, "I think my master doesn't care about the position of the leader, and neither does my nephew. Do you think you can change the leader? Let someone who is willing to take care of these things be the leader?"

Hengsi Immortal Lord shook his head and said, "There are enough intrigues in the palace. If you do this, it will only make the situation worse. Moreover, to be the head of Qianxu Palace, you must have great wisdom and ability." Conquering the prestige of the crowd and visiting Qianxu Palace, only those with this talent can

You two masters and disciples, people with great wisdom must disdain to waste energy on this, and mediocrity in power will inevitably lead the sect to mediocrity. This seems to be the dilemma faced by Qianxu Palace, but in fact it is not. . "

Lang Xing was puzzled and said, "Uncle, please give me some advice."

Hengsi Immortal Lord looked at Qianxu Palace and said, "Your master has been the leader for thousands of years. Although he rarely manages affairs, Qianxu Palace has not caused any big trouble because of this, because everyone knows that no matter what No tricks will work in front of your master, so no one dares to make big mistakes. Although small fights continue all year round, they do not harm the fundamentals. Qianxu Palace always maintains its due Inheritance is the greatest guarantee for the Qianxu Palace to produce talented people in large numbers.

After a pause, he continued, "If a mediocre person takes over the power, even if he is extremely busy every day, he will bring Qianxu Palace to decline. We are different from other sects. Qianxu Palace has to bring some elegance and immortality." Yes, so the leader must first have some immortality. Nothing in the world is perfect. If the disciples are controlled to obey the rules, then Qianxu Palace will no longer be Qianxu Palace. "

Langxing looked up at the sky and realized something, "I feel that Master's role is a bit like God. He is aloof. Although he rarely shows his power, he makes people feel awe and develops self-discipline."

Immortal Lord Hengsi was startled for a moment, and then said, "This is a good metaphor. I have watched thousands of years of changes in Qianxu Palace, but I have never thought about it. Your metaphor made it clear at once."

Lang Xing slightly frowned and said, "If you unite with the Heaven and the Dao, you will prosper. Judging from the situation of Qianxu Palace, the Heavenly Dao is not perfect. Is there no way to maintain the elegance and immortality of the Qianxu Palace while preventing adultery?" Happen?"

There was a look of thought in the eyes of Hengsi Immortal Lord and he said, "It's difficult. With your master's wisdom, he only chose to accept fewer disciples. This is of course the most worry-free and labor-saving way. What he wants to do is not to educate all living beings, but to be kind to himself." , This is the blessing that only a truly wise man can enjoy. I used to blame him for being too selfish, but now it seems that I have not yet reached his level.”

Although the uncle's words were praising the master, Langxing still felt that there was a thorn in them, so he defended the master and said, "I think this is also a helpless move, master. There are too many fools in the world. In the eyes of the master, Even the palace of Qianxu is full of fools. If you want to teach and give advice, you have to have some wisdom. If you let a person with great knowledge and talent teach a bunch of monkeys to read, he will definitely not have the patience. no point."

"The fact that you can say something like this shows that you have the same feelings as your master. It's up to you to take care of things here. I need to retreat for a while." Lang Xing's comparison of Hengguan to God caused a stir. The vibration in his heart was palpable. If he looked at Qianxu Palace as a whole world, there would be a lot worth savoring.

"You are a bit too picky at this time..." Lang Xing murmured to his uncle with a bitter face as he floated towards Qianxu Palace.

This sentence reminded Immortal Hengsi that the currently chaotic Qianxu Palace was indeed not a good place for retreat, so he changed his direction and said to Lang Xing, "I want to go to a pure place to retreat. Don't come looking for me."

Lang Xing's grin became even more bitter, this time there was no hope at all.

The things that triggered Hengsi Xianzun's retreat were nothing to Lang Xing. He and Shen Qing had thought more deeply about these aspects a long time ago, so Hengsi looked at things that he had not been able to think of for tens of thousands of years. It came out right away.

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