Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2172 I don’t accept it either

"Lingjun! Is this what you mean?!" Someone asked Lingjun, and everyone's eyes were fixed on Lingjun's face.

Lingjun looked into the distance with a gloomy face and didn't answer a word. He felt that he had been tricked by Lang Xing. At this point, he could only hold on. Who knew that Lang Xing had just helped his master to deal with a powerful enemy? Woolen cloth.

Lingjun's attitude aroused even greater anger from everyone, and the voices of dissatisfaction and accusation started again, and the noise was even louder than before.

"It's what the palace regulations mean!" Lang Xing shouted loudly, and everyone suddenly fell silent again, looking at him with various eyes.

Langxing looked at them with cold eyes and said, "The Twelve Immortals are just acting according to the rules. This is what the rules stipulate. If you think the rules are unreasonable, you can mention it to several masters, but who dares to test the law now? Just take off your Taoist robes and hand over your badges!"

"Hmph, what qualifications do you have to say these things?" Someone finally couldn't stand Lang Xing's arrogance and said this coldly.

"Isn't it enough that he saved your lives twice?" Ling Jun had to speak for Lang Xing.

"Those are two different things. How many years has he stayed in Qianxu Palace? Is he qualified to participate in the punishment of Qianxu Palace?"

Lingjun was forced to have no way out, and he said with determination, "What he just said is what I meant! If you dare to disturb the law enforcers again, you will be expelled from the school! I am qualified to say this!"

"You don't have the qualifications either! You weren't even born when we entered Qianxu Palace. We don't accept your arbitrary enforcement of the law!"

"Yes! If you don't accept it! If you can, expel us all from the school!"

"Yes! If you don't accept it! Let go of Guangzhao!"

Several people shouted and flew over to snatch Guangzhao back.

Lang Xing said to Ling Jun, "It doesn't matter even if all these people are kicked out of the school. I will be responsible for everything. If you don't dare, then I will."

After being ignored by everyone for so long, now they want to snatch Guangzhao away, and Lingjun's face is going to be stripped naked. He is a great monk in the late Yuanying stage, and he is the only immortal king in Xulang Mountain. Although Langxing is They falsely preached the Dharma, but these people didn't know it. What they did was already insulting the majesty of the Master.

"Okay!" He waved his hand and drew a thick red line between everyone and Guangzhao, and said with a fierce look in his eyes, "Whoever steps over this line will no longer be a disciple of Qianxu Palace!"

The shouting stopped abruptly, and the Twelve Immortal Lords took action. Everyone looked at each other in disbelief at the other Immortal Lords present. They had to wait for the Immortal Lords to express their stance.

The three people who had rushed to Guangzhao's side before Lingjun drew the red line had different expressions. Some were indignant and dissatisfied, while others were wondering what the three of them should do and whether they had been expelled from the school.

Lang Xing was not polite, and used the God Binding Jue to imprison the three of them, and then took away their Taoist robes and waist badges. These three people had just made the most violent noise, and he was just using them to establish their power.

Langxing raised the three people's robes and waistbands high, and used a burst of spiritual power to turn them invisible. After his arm fell, he pointed at the red line drawn by Lingjun and asked in a cold voice, "Is there any more?" ?”

"Me! I don't accept it!"

"I'm not convinced either! Expel me from the master's sect and let the masters comment on this theory later!"

Two disciples of Guangzi generation with high prestige have crossed the red line one after another.

, and then more than twenty people crossed the red line with frowning eyes. They didn't believe that Ling Jun dared to expel so many people from the school.

"I'm not convinced either." Ling Tong took off his Taoist robe and threw it to Ling Jun, but he stood there without crossing the red line.

Lingjun used his spiritual thoughts to say to Lang Xing, "It was Ling Tong who encouraged these people to fight against us to the end. What do you think we should do?" Although he couldn't hear what Ling Tong said to these people, he could sense what Ling Tong said to them. They preached spiritual thoughts.

Lang Xing said with an expressionless expression, "Throw up his Taoist robe."

Lingjun didn't understand what he meant, but he still threw Lingtong's Taoist robe high into the air.

As the Taoist robe fluttered downwards, the sky and earth were suddenly illuminated by the purple glow, and the purple sun sword that shot out quickly destroyed the Taoist robe until nothing was left.

In the stunned eyes of everyone, Langxing pointed to the group of people who had crossed the red line and said calmly to Lingsheng, "They voluntarily left the master's sect and collected their Taoist robes and badges."

"You..." Ling looked at Lang Xing with angry eyes, and then turned to Ling Jun.

Lang Xing used his spiritual thoughts to the spirit channel, "It was my idea, there is no need to resent the Twelve Immortals."

After passing on this spiritual thought, he looked at the more than twenty people who had crossed the red line with cold eyes, and said in a scolding tone, "It is the dream of countless people to become a disciple of Qianxu Palace, but you don't know how to cherish it. , it is easy to use it as a bet. I have said that if you are not satisfied with the judgment of the Twelve Immortal Lords, you can appeal to several masters. But if you still want to use the method of not punishing the law to resist law enforcement, then you are not worthy of doing so. Disciples of Qianxu Palace, do you think Qianxu Palace will care about you stupid people who don’t know right from wrong?

After showing a contemptuous expression, he continued, "Guangzhao deserves his punishment, but you insist on protecting him, even risking your identity as a disciple of Qianxu Palace. Then I will tell you that if we expel you, Qianxu Palace will change Better yet, who are you trying to scare? Who can you scare? One hundred will drive out one hundred, and one thousand will drive away one thousand. I believe this is what the masters mean. Come back, you can go and complain, but now hand over your Taoist robes and belts. Anyone who dares to resist will be a traitor to Qianxu Palace, and the whole palace will be punished together!"

These words made the more than twenty people who crossed the red line feel uneasy, and they all looked at the Sixth Immortal Lord secretly.

Ling Tong looked at Lang Xing with a sullen expression, and said with a spiritual thought, "You are taking credit for yourself, Lang Xing, you are too forgetful. We really hope to be as close to you as possible, don't make things impossible, in the palace." The matter is very complicated. It is not as simple as you and Lingjun think. If it continues like this, it will be difficult for you to gain a foothold in Qianxu Palace. This is my advice out of good intentions. Go back to the palace first and don't worry about this matter anymore. , you are not qualified to care about these things."

Langxing looked at the more than 20 people with different expressions, and passed on to Lingtong the scene where the master accepted him as his disciple and Hengsi Xianzun asked him to do his best for Qianxu Palace. This sixth senior brother was so annoying to him. Disappointed, he could only reveal his true identity to him when things got to this point, in order to prevent him from putting all his resentment on Ling Jun.

After passing on the two memories, he turned to his psychic medium and said with his spiritual thoughts, "Everything was my idea, because the master has a decree that prevents me from revealing my identity easily, so I pulled senior brother Lingjun to stand in front of me. Today's matter has nothing to do with Senior Brother Lingjun. If Sixth Senior Brother has any dissatisfaction, just come to me. The verdict has been announced and there is no room for change. Please don't make things difficult for me." "Lingjun! ?!" Someone asked Lingjun, and everyone's eyes were fixed on Lingjun's face.

Lingjun looked into the distance with a gloomy face and didn't answer a word. He felt that he had been tricked by Lang Xing. At this point, he could only hold on. Who knew that Lang Xing had just helped his master to deal with a powerful enemy? Woolen cloth.

Lingjun's attitude aroused even greater anger from everyone, and the voices of dissatisfaction and accusation started again, and the noise was even louder than before.

"It's what the palace regulations mean!" Lang Xing shouted loudly, and everyone suddenly fell silent again, looking at him with various eyes.

Langxing looked at them with cold eyes and said, "The Twelve Immortals are just acting according to the rules. This is what the rules stipulate. If you think the rules are unreasonable, you can mention it to several masters, but who dares to test the law now? Just take off your Taoist robes and hand over your badges!"

"Hmph, what qualifications do you have to say these things?" Someone finally couldn't stand Lang Xing's arrogance and said this coldly.

"Isn't it enough that he saved your lives twice?" Ling Jun had to speak for Lang Xing.

"Those are two different things. How many years has he stayed in Qianxu Palace? Is he qualified to participate in the punishment of Qianxu Palace?"

Lingjun was forced to have no way out, and he said with determination, "What he just said is what I meant! If you dare to disturb the law enforcers again, you will be expelled from the school! I am qualified to say this!"

"You don't have the qualifications either! You weren't even born when we entered Qianxu Palace. We don't accept your arbitrary enforcement of the law!"

"Yes! If you don't accept it! If you can, expel us all from the school!"

"Yes! If you don't accept it! Let go of Guangzhao!"

Several people shouted and flew over to snatch Guangzhao back.

Lang Xing said to Ling Jun, "It doesn't matter even if all these people are kicked out of the school. I will be responsible for everything. If you don't dare, then I will."

After being ignored by everyone for so long, now they want to snatch Guangzhao away, and Lingjun's face is going to be stripped naked. He is a great monk in the late Yuanying stage, and he is the only immortal king in Xulang Mountain. Although Langxing is They falsely preached the Dharma, but these people didn't know it. What they did was already insulting the majesty of the Master.

"Okay!" He waved his hand and drew a thick red line between everyone and Guangzhao, and said with a fierce look in his eyes, "Whoever steps over this line will no longer be a disciple of Qianxu Palace!"

The shouting stopped abruptly, and the Twelve Immortal Lords took action. Everyone looked at each other in disbelief at the other Immortal Lords present. They had to wait for the Immortal Lords to express their stance.

The three people who had rushed to Guangzhao's side before Lingjun drew the red line had different expressions. Some were indignant and dissatisfied, while others were wondering what the three of them should do and whether they had been expelled from the school.

Lang Xing was not polite, and used the God Binding Jue to imprison the three of them, and then took away their Taoist robes and waist badges. These three people had just made the most violent noise, and he was just using them to establish their authority.

Langxing raised the three people's robes and waistbands high, and used a burst of spiritual power to turn them invisible. After his arm fell, he pointed at the red line drawn by Lingjun and asked in a cold voice, "Is there any more?" ?”

"Me! I don't accept it!"

"I'm not convinced either! Expel me from the master's sect and let the masters comment on this theory later!"

Two disciples of Guangzi generation with high prestige have crossed the red line one after another.

, and then more than twenty people crossed the red line with frowning eyes. They didn't believe that Ling Jun dared to expel so many people from the school.

"I'm not convinced either." Ling Tong took off his Taoist robe and threw it to Ling Jun, but he stood there without crossing the red line.

Lingjun used his spiritual thoughts to say to Lang Xing, "It was Ling Tong who encouraged these people to fight against us to the end. What do you think we should do?" Although he couldn't hear what Ling Tong said to these people, he could sense what Ling Tong said to them. They preached spiritual thoughts.

Lang Xing said with an expressionless expression, "Throw up his Taoist robe."

Lingjun didn't understand what he meant, but he still threw Lingtong's Taoist robe high into the air.

As the Taoist robe fluttered downwards, the sky and earth were suddenly illuminated by the purple glow, and the purple sun sword that shot out quickly destroyed the Taoist robe until nothing was left.

In the stunned eyes of everyone, Langxing pointed to the group of people who had crossed the red line and said calmly to Lingsheng, "They voluntarily left the master's sect and collected their Taoist robes and badges."

"You..." Ling Ling glanced at Lang Xing with angry eyes, and then turned to Ling Jun.

Lang Xing used his spiritual thoughts to the spirit channel, "It was my idea, there is no need to resent the Twelve Immortals."

After passing on this spiritual thought, he looked at the more than twenty people who had crossed the red line with cold eyes, and said in a scolding tone, "It is the dream of countless people to become a disciple of Qianxu Palace, but you don't know how to cherish it. , it is easy to use it as a bet. I have said that if you are not satisfied with the judgment of the Twelve Immortal Lords, you can appeal to several masters. But if you still want to use the method of not punishing the law to resist law enforcement, then you are not worthy of doing so. Disciples of Qianxu Palace, do you think Qianxu Palace will care about you stupid people who don’t know right from wrong?

After showing a contemptuous expression, he continued, "Guangzhao deserves his punishment, but you insist on protecting him, even risking your identity as a disciple of Qianxu Palace. Then I will tell you that if we expel you, Qianxu Palace will change Better yet, who are you trying to scare? Who can you scare? One hundred will drive out one hundred, and one thousand will drive away one thousand. I believe this is what the masters mean. Come back, you can go and complain, but now hand over your Taoist robes and belts. Anyone who dares to resist will be a traitor to Qianxu Palace, and the whole palace will be punished together!"

These words made the more than twenty people who crossed the red line feel uneasy, and they all looked at the Sixth Immortal Lord secretly.

Ling Tong looked at Lang Xing with a sullen expression, and said with a spiritual thought, "You are taking credit for yourself, Lang Xing, you are too forgetful. We really hope to be as close to you as possible, don't make things impossible, in the palace." The matter is very complicated. It is not as simple as you and Lingjun think. If it continues like this, it will be difficult for you to gain a foothold in Qianxu Palace. This is my advice out of good intentions. Go back to the palace first and don't worry about this matter anymore. , you are not qualified to care about these things."

Langxing looked at the more than 20 people with different expressions, and passed on to Lingtong the scene where the master accepted him as his disciple and Hengsi Xianzun asked him to do his best for Qianxu Palace. This sixth senior brother was so annoying to him. Disappointed, he could only reveal his true identity to him when things got to this point, in order to prevent him from putting all his resentment on Ling Jun.

After passing on the two memories, he turned to his psychic medium and said with his spiritual thoughts, "Everything was my idea, because the master has a decree that prevents me from revealing my identity easily, so I pulled senior brother Lingjun to stand in front of me. Today's matter has nothing to do with Senior Brother Lingjun. If Sixth Senior Brother has any dissatisfaction, just come to me. The verdict has been announced and there is no room for change. Please don't make things difficult for me. "

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