Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2176: First Hearing the Shocking Bell

Soon Lingjun arrived. This scene made him furious, but he could only act according to the rules. As the acting head, he vouched for the two children and allowed them to stay in Cuiyu Peak temporarily as visitors. Only then did the gang They dispersed angrily, knowing that they couldn't make a big fuss about this matter, just to disgust Xingjun and Langxing.

Lingjun took Lang Xing's hand and said with great apologies, "I have made you feel wronged. Don't take it personally, let alone run away in anger. Qianxu Palace needs your help and support now."

Lang Xing smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, I won't be on the same level as them. I'm not guarding the sect for them, but for those fellow sects who are good in their time."

Lingjun patted his shoulder and said happily, "You are really a sensible person, so I won't say more. Just bear with me. The reason why I moved out of Qianxu Palace early is because I can't stand these stupid things." "People, we can feel more relaxed when Lingye comes back."

After Lingjun left, Langxing thanked the people at Cuiyu Peak, then took Xiao Hefeng and Bai Xiang aside and comforted them, saying, "Don't be afraid, no one dares to touch you. If you endure it for a few more days, we will leave."

Bai Xiang said with a nonchalant expression, "Master, just worry about it, I'm not afraid at all. I've met a few little sisters during this period, and I'm living a good life here."

Xiao Hefeng looked at Lang Xing with complicated eyes and whispered, "I was thinking before that it would be great if I could stay in Qianxu Palace to practice..."

Langxing stroked his head and said, "Don't regret this. There are pros and cons to entering a famous family. I will find you a better place than here later."

"Really?" Little Hefeng's eyes shone with light.

Bai Xiang poked Xiao Hefeng's forehead with his finger, smiled and said to Lang Xing, "He is the best at pretending to be pitiful. Master, don't be deceived by him."

"I didn't..." Xiao Hefeng defended himself in an innocent voice.

Bai Xiang covered his mouth and smiled and said, "Do you think so? Look at him like this!"

Looking at the two of them, Langxing's mood improved.

At this time, Guangpu, the headmaster of Xianlin Academy, flew over with several disciples of Xianlin Academy. They heard the news that Qianxu Palace was going to have internal strife and came out to check the situation. After finding out that the news of internal strife was fabricated out of thin air, they heard about Huaying. Something happened here, and several people rushed over.

After Guangpu asked about the situation here, he looked at Lang Xing with twinkling eyes and said, "It would save a lot of trouble if we temporarily place these two children in Xianlin Courtyard. Has Master Si mentioned similar care?" "He really wanted to help Langxing, but Xianlinyuan is the important place of Qianxu Palace, and he has no right to make the decision without authorization. Fortunately, it is commonplace for Langxing to falsely preach the law. If Langxing takes on this responsibility, he will Not afraid anymore.

Langxing smiled knowingly and said, "Master Si actually mentioned that if the situation becomes too chaotic, these two children should be sent to Xianlin Academy first. I didn't want to trouble senior brother, but I can't do it now." If that’s not the case, then please help me take care of them, senior brother.”

Guangpu said cheerfully, "It's easy to talk about. Since we have Master's instructions, it will be easy to handle. Don't worry, I will take care of them personally. No one dares to go to Xianlin Court to cause trouble."

Huaying looked at the two of them angrily and amusedly. Guangpu, who had never been a meddlesome person, actually took the initiative to take matters into his own hands. This was really difficult.

Yes, she can understand Guang Pu's mood. Lang Xing helped Guang Pu a lot in resolving the dispute between Xianlin Yuan and Xuanjie Yuan in Yuanyizhou. Guang Pu must have been thinking about repaying Lang Xing's favor.

"Can we go to Xianlin Academy?" Bai Xiang asked excitedly. Master is a disciple of Xianlin Academy. She has long wanted to visit this holy place in Qianxu Palace.

Langxing winked at her and warned, "Don't mention this matter to anyone in the future. Just follow Uncle Guangpu. You must obey Uncle Guangpu's instructions in everything."

Xiao Hefeng looked confused. He had never even heard of Qianxu Palace before, let alone Xianlin Academy.

Langxing said to Huaying, "You should also go back and help me take care of these two children. You have to be careful about Xingpeng, Ke Jun and others." He also had enemies in Xianlinyuan, which reminded him of A conversation I had with Shen Qing.

At that time, he had just come back from Yu Chan. Xiao Ma Zhaxing felt that the road was narrow and wanted to make more enemies. Shen Qing warned him to cherish the peaceful life without any hatred or resentment, otherwise it would be difficult to extricate himself once he was trapped. , now he feels that what Shen Qing said is so right. In the past, there was peace around him, but now there is a lot more hostility, and he has fallen into it.

Huaying had no choice but to return to Xianlin Academy. She knew the attitude of the people in Xianlin Academy towards Lang Xing. Although most of them respected Lang Xing, there were also some who were jealous and resentful. Xing Peng and Xing Peng mentioned by Lang Xing Needless to say, He Jun also ran away from Zhe Feng. In the battle between the two houses, he forced one person to go into battle and died at the hands of Xie Yun.

After He Feng and Bai Xiang were properly settled, Lang Xing felt relaxed and went to the hill alone where Aunt Xu Shujuan lived. The originally peaceful and peaceful place had long been devastated, and traces of the war could be seen everywhere. The small yard filled with memories of his childhood no longer exists.

Langxing built another small courtyard on the old site as it was before, and then he sat on the stone benches in the courtyard and fell into silence, recalling the scenes in the past. His eyes were red and red, but he never shed tears. After many years, the grief is no longer so sharp, and there is more bitterness and helplessness in the grief.

For three days in a row, he sat so quietly, and his thoughts drifted from remembering Aunt Xu Shujuan to various things that needed to be solved. When he was a child, he often sat like this, but at that time he didn't think about anything, like a He just looked at the world quietly like a bystander, which seemed very special and difficult to understand. But now, although he is still sitting like that, it can't be said to be anything special. He has entered this world, or rather He has fallen into the net of heaven.

In the early morning of the fourth day, the newly lit sky suddenly flashed an unsettling red light. This was a warning method that Qianxu Palace would only use in critical moments. Then the deep and soul-stirring sound of the bell came. The alarm bell was rung, and even the people in seclusion were awakened to fight. Such an emergency had only occurred three times in Qianxu Palace. Even when the monsters from Shui Qingzhou attacked in large numbers, the alarm bell was not sounded. , because there were several immortals in charge at that time, and everyone could deal with the disaster calmly, but now there is not even one great supernatural power in the palace.

Langxing sighed softly, and slowly stood up with a hint of boredom in his brows. After looking around at the familiar yet unfamiliar environment again, he flew towards the mountain gate. With his current situation He is already strong enough to be calm and leisurely, and in terms of combat power, he is already at the pinnacle of the cultivation world. Soon Lingjun arrived. This scene made him furious, but he could only act according to the rules. As the acting head, he vouched for the two children and allowed them to stay in Cuiyu Peak temporarily as visitors. Only then did the gang They dispersed angrily, knowing that they couldn't make a big fuss about this matter, just to disgust Xingjun and Langxing.

Lingjun took Lang Xing's hand and said with great apologies, "I have made you feel wronged. Don't take it personally, let alone run away in anger. Qianxu Palace needs your help and support now."

Lang Xing smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, I won't be on the same level as them. I'm not guarding the sect for them, but for those fellow sects who are good in their time."

Lingjun patted his shoulder and said happily, "You are really a sensible person, so I won't say more. Just bear with me. The reason why I moved out of Qianxu Palace early is because I can't stand these stupid things." "People, we can feel more relaxed when Lingye comes back."

After Lingjun left, Langxing thanked the people at Cuiyu Peak, then took Xiao Hefeng and Bai Xiang aside and comforted them, saying, "Don't be afraid, no one dares to touch you. If you endure it for a few more days, we will leave."

Bai Xiang said with a nonchalant expression, "Master, just worry about it, I'm not afraid at all. I've met a few little sisters during this period, and I'm living a good life here."

Xiao Hefeng looked at Lang Xing with complicated eyes and whispered, "I was thinking before that it would be great if I could stay in Qianxu Palace to practice..."

Langxing stroked his head and said, "Don't regret this. There are pros and cons to entering a famous family. I will find you a better place than here later." .??.

"Really?" Little Hefeng's eyes shone with light.

Bai Xiang poked Xiao Hefeng's forehead with his finger, smiled and said to Lang Xing, "He is the best at pretending to be pitiful. Master, don't be deceived by him."

"I didn't..." Xiao Hefeng defended himself in an innocent voice.

Bai Xiang covered his mouth and smiled and said, "Do you think so? Look at him like this!"

Looking at the two of them, Langxing's mood improved.

At this time, Guangpu, the headmaster of Xianlin Academy, flew over with several disciples of Xianlin Academy. They heard the news that Qianxu Palace was going to have internal strife and came out to check the situation. After finding out that the news of internal strife was fabricated out of thin air, they heard about Huaying. Something happened here, and several people rushed over.

After Guangpu asked about the situation here, he looked at Lang Xing with twinkling eyes and said, "It would save a lot of trouble if we temporarily place these two children in Xianlin Courtyard. Has Master Si mentioned similar care?" "He really wanted to help Langxing, but Xianlinyuan is the important place of Qianxu Palace, and he has no right to make the decision without authorization. Fortunately, it is commonplace for Langxing to falsely preach the law. If Langxing takes on this responsibility, he will Not afraid anymore.

Langxing smiled knowingly and said, "Master Si actually mentioned that if the situation becomes too chaotic, these two children should be sent to Xianlin Academy first. I didn't want to trouble senior brother, but I can't do it now." If that’s not the case, then please help me take care of them, senior brother.”

Guangpu said cheerfully, "It's easy to talk about. Since we have Master's instructions, it will be easy to handle. Don't worry, I will take care of them personally. No one dares to go to Xianlin Court to cause trouble."

Huaying looked at the two of them angrily and amusedly. Guangpu, who had never been a meddlesome person, actually took the initiative to take matters into his own hands. This was really difficult.

Yes, she can understand Guang Pu's mood. Lang Xing helped Guang Pu a lot in resolving the dispute between Xianlin Yuan and Xuanjie Yuan in Yuanyizhou. Guang Pu must have been thinking about repaying Lang Xing's favor.

"Can we go to Xianlin Academy?" Bai Xiang asked excitedly. Master is a disciple of Xianlin Academy. She has long wanted to visit this holy place in Qianxu Palace.

Langxing winked at her and warned, "Don't mention this matter to anyone in the future. Just follow Uncle Guangpu. You must obey Uncle Guangpu's instructions in everything."

Xiao Hefeng looked confused. He had never even heard of Qianxu Palace before, let alone Xianlinyuan.

Langxing said to Huaying, "You should also go back and help me take care of these two children. You have to be careful about Xingpeng, Ke Jun and others." He also had enemies in Xianlinyuan, which reminded him of A conversation I had with Shen Qing.

At that time, he had just come back from Yu Chan. Xiao Ma Zhaxing felt that the road was narrow and wanted to make more enemies. Shen Qing warned him to cherish the peaceful life without any hatred or resentment, otherwise it would be difficult to extricate himself once he was trapped. , now he feels that what Shen Qing said is so right. In the past, there was peace around him, but now there is a lot more hostility, and he has fallen into it.

Huaying had no choice but to return to Xianlin Academy. She knew the attitude of the people in Xianlin Academy towards Lang Xing. Although most of them had respect for Lang Xing, there were also some who were jealous and resentful. Xing Peng and Xing Peng mentioned by Lang Xing Needless to say, He Jun also ran away from Zhe Feng. In the battle between the two houses, he forced one person to go into battle and died at the hands of Xie Yun.

After He Feng and Bai Xiang were properly settled, Lang Xing felt relaxed and went to the hill alone where Aunt Xu Shujuan lived. The originally peaceful and peaceful place had long been devastated, and traces of the war could be seen everywhere. The small yard filled with memories of his childhood no longer exists.

Langxing built another small courtyard on the old site as it was before, and then he sat on the stone benches in the courtyard and fell into silence, recalling the scenes in the past. His eyes were red and red, but he never shed tears. After many years, the grief is no longer so sharp, and there is more bitterness and helplessness in the grief.

For three days in a row, he sat so quietly, and his thoughts drifted from remembering Aunt Xu Shujuan to various things that needed to be solved. When he was a child, he often sat like this, but at that time he didn't think about anything, like a He just looked at the world quietly like a bystander, which seemed very special and difficult to understand. But now, although he is still sitting like that, it can't be said to be anything special. He has entered this world, or rather He has fallen into the net of heaven.

In the early morning of the fourth day, the newly lit sky suddenly flashed an unsettling red light. This was a warning method that Qianxu Palace would only use in critical moments. Then the deep and soul-stirring sound of the bell came. The alarm bell was rung, and even the people in seclusion were awakened to fight. Such an emergency had only occurred three times in Qianxu Palace. Even when the monsters from Shui Qingzhou attacked in large numbers, the alarm bell was not sounded. , because there were several immortals in charge at that time, and everyone could deal with the disaster calmly, but now there is not even one great supernatural power in the palace.

Langxing sighed softly, and slowly stood up with a hint of boredom in his brows. After looking around at the familiar yet unfamiliar environment again, he flew towards the mountain gate. With his current situation He is already strong enough to be calm and leisurely, and in terms of combat power, he is already at the pinnacle of the cultivation world.

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