Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2179 You are nothing!

The battle broke out immediately, and it was the twenty or so people who made the first move. They just wanted to die more tragically and heroically, so they had no scruples and started fighting with all their might.

"Kill!" Lingtai roared and rushed out of the magic circle first.

"If you don't want to join the war, don't move!" Lang Xing yelled immediately.

"People from the Qianxu Sect would rather die than be humiliated!" someone shouted and followed Lingtai to kill him.

"If you don't want to join the war, don't move!" Ling Jun, with veins protruding from his forehead, issued a stern warning.

This is a moment that makes people's blood boil. More than twenty disciples who have been expelled from the sect are fighting for the dignity of the sect. People around them are constantly rushing out to join the battle group. In this situation, it is difficult for people to stay calm. and sane.

After Lang Xing finished shouting, he stopped taking any action. He just stood there like a piece of emotionless ice. This was more effective than continuing to shout advice loudly. Some people who were unwilling to join the war just saw this. It looked like he had just stood firm. .??.

Nearly half of the people rushed out, and it was already very good to be able to save half of the people. On the one hand, this was due to the majesty of the acting leader, and on the other hand, the principles they preached worked. Although the two factions were vendetta Continuously, but after all, most people have not fallen in, or have not fallen in deeply. In the current situation, if you rush out, you will probably not be able to come back. Since this battle has nothing to do with the dignity of the master, then why die in vain.

Not all those who rushed out rushed to the battlefield enthusiastically. Some people who rushed out due to the atmosphere slowed down when they realized that there were not many people coming out, and some simply ran back.

"Just watching them die in battle like this?" someone asked Lingjun.

Lingjun had a dark face and kept silent. He didn't expect that so many people would not listen to his advice and let hundreds of disciples die fighting in front of the Qianxu Palace. How could he bear the responsibility?

"It is not a pity to die for a foolish and stubborn person." After Lang Xing said these words coldly, he turned to his spiritual thoughts and said to Ling Jun, "Don't be afraid, I will be responsible for the ancestors. You can lead everyone to abide by the law." "Come on, I'll go talk to Mu Yun."

"It's better for me to go." Ling Jun grabbed Lang Xing's hand. If he wanted to talk, he should talk to Mu Yun. There was no reason for his junior brother to take the risk.

Lang Xing smiled at him and sent back his thoughts: "If he dares to act wild, I can teach him a lesson, can you? Don't worry, he can't do anything to me."

Lingjun let go of his hand and looked at the back of Lang Xing walking gracefully. He felt a little chill in his heart. Due to Lang Xing's calmness, he was convinced that this kid had the ability to kill the Feathered Monk. Maybe he could intimidate him. He wanted to help the other party resolve the war, but he would rather let those people die. His heart was not cold-hearted.

Langxing is really no longer the same as before. His coldness is partly related to his current state, and partly because he has been upset and tired from dealing with the affairs of Qianxu Palace these days. He is not in the mood. Too much energy was wasted on these fools. Let the damned people die. He has feelings for Qianxugong, but not with these fools. In his opinion, these fools are burdens and stains on Qianxugong. , it would be better to die. The actions of those twenty or so people may be so tragic as to make people cry, but in his opinion, these people are just causing trouble. If they had not interfered, he and Lingjun would definitely be able to Convince more people. It is unclear whether his indifference, ruthlessness and frequent use of Qianchengfu are related to each other.

Flying above the battlefield where brilliance shines and spiritual power ripples

, Langxing seemed to have seen nothing, and walked leisurely towards the blue light in the distance. In fact, although the fighting below was quite fierce, it was far from tragic. The big sect with the same name as Xu Gong maintained the due respect and dignity despite fighting more and less. They did not rush to attack in a hurry. The most common fights were two against one, and more often they fought alone and started. It does not blindly kill people, except those with deep hatred, so only a part of them actually fight to the death.

The only late-stage Nascent Soul monks from Qianxu Palace who entered the battlefield to fight were Lingtai and three others. Although the four late-Nascent Soul monks including Lingtong had rushed out of the magic circle, they were only sitting in the rear for everyone. There was no need for Lang Xing and Lingjun advised them that these people also knew the importance. After all, they were in the late stage of Yuanying. They had already passed the period of desperate efforts. The main force of the two factions' vendetta had always been the group of people in the early stage of Yuanying and the middle stage of Yuanying.

Ling Tong saw Lang Xing flying towards Mu Yun, but he did not follow him. With the magic circle of Qianxu Palace behind him, he could retreat at any time. Following Lang Xing into the depths of the enemy camp would be courting death. Although he He wanted to protect this closed disciple, but he couldn't bear to risk his own life.

"Come back! Don't go any further!" He called to Lang Xing. Although he knew it wouldn't work, he still had to do something to save face.

Lang Xing waved his hand to him without looking back, and continued to fly forward calmly.

Ling Tong saw seven great monks from the enemy camp surrounding Lang Xing. He asked his three fellow disciples around him to be on guard to be on guard against anyone coming over to attack. He himself kept an eye on the situation at Lang Xing. He wanted to see Let’s see if this kid really has incredible abilities or is just being stupid.

The seven great monks who came up to surround Langxing appeared to be very cautious, forming an encirclement within a distance of about ten thousand feet.

"I'm here to see Immortal Mu Yun." Lang Xing said calmly, with scattered pieces of light shining outside his body, he continued to fly towards Mu Yun unhurriedly.

"What the hell! You can see the Great Immortal whenever you want?" A person yelled. He had a good relationship with the old man who was killed by Lang Xing in Shui Qingzhou, and he was holding back his desire to avenge the old man.

Lang Xing ignored him and continued flying forward with his eyes looking in the direction of Mu Yun. He believed that Mu Yun must have noticed what was going on here.

"Who do you think you are!" A man as strong as a black iron tower was angered by Lang Xing's attitude of not paying attention to them. He stepped forward and swung a ray of spiritual power at Lang Xing.

This person is not a great monk of Qianjie Sect, nor is he a helper brought by Qianjie Sect. He came to Qianxu Palace alone to seek revenge. It happened that Qianjie Sect invaded in a large scale, and he and the two great monks of Qianjie Sect The monks were familiar with each other, so he joined in. He was dissatisfied with the situation of the battle at the moment. He felt that the Qianjie Sect's group was not ruthless enough, and now they even surrounded and refused to attack a middle-stage Nascent Soul monk. He thought that these people He was following the rule that the two parties should not kill each other when fighting. If he killed this kid, it might allow both sides to fight to the death.

He wanted to kill Lang Xing at once, because he saw that the defensive treasure that Lang Xing activated was a bit extraordinary, so he rushed up and gave Lang Xing a hard blow. This was also worried about the later stage of Nascent Soul. identity, otherwise he would directly use the treasure to greet Lang Xing.

They are three thousand feet apart. At this distance, there is no reason for a full-strength blow from a late Yuanying monk to a middle Yuanying monk to miss. The other six great monks and the psychic in the distance all opened their eyes and waited to see this. The result of the hit. The battle broke out immediately, and it was the twenty or so people who made the first move. They just wanted to die more tragically and heroically, so they had no scruples and started fighting with all their might.

"Kill!" Lingtai roared and rushed out of the magic circle first.

"If you don't want to join the war, don't move!" Lang Xing yelled immediately.

"People from the Qianxu Sect would rather die than be humiliated!" someone shouted and followed Lingtai to kill him.

"If you don't want to join the war, don't move!" Ling Jun, with veins protruding from his forehead, issued a stern warning.

This is a moment that makes people's blood boil. More than twenty disciples who have been expelled from the sect are fighting for the dignity of the sect. People around them are constantly rushing out to join the battle group. In this situation, it is difficult for people to stay calm. and sane.

After Lang Xing finished shouting, he stopped taking any action. He just stood there like a piece of emotionless ice. This was more effective than continuing to shout advice loudly. Some people who were unwilling to join the war just saw this. It looked like he had just stood firm.

Nearly half of the people rushed out, and it was already very good to be able to save half of the people. On the one hand, this was due to the majesty of the acting leader, and on the other hand, the principles they preached worked. Although the two factions were vendetta Continuously, but after all, most people have not fallen in, or have not fallen in deeply. In the current situation, if you rush out, you will probably not be able to come back. Since this battle has nothing to do with the dignity of the master, then why die in vain.

Not all those who rushed out rushed to the battlefield enthusiastically. Some people who rushed out due to the atmosphere slowed down when they realized that there were not many people coming out, and some simply ran back.

"Just watching them die in battle like this?" someone asked Lingjun.

Lingjun had a dark face and kept silent. He didn't expect that so many people would not listen to his advice and let hundreds of disciples die fighting in front of the Qianxu Palace. How could he bear the responsibility?

"It is not a pity to die for a foolish and stubborn person." After Lang Xing said these words coldly, he turned to his spiritual thoughts and said to Ling Jun, "Don't be afraid, I will be responsible for the ancestors. You can lead everyone to abide by the law." "Come on, I'll go talk to Mu Yun."

"It's better for me to go." Ling Jun grabbed Lang Xing's hand. If he wanted to talk, he should talk to Mu Yun. There was no reason for his junior brother to take the risk.

Lang Xing smiled at him and sent back his thoughts: "If he dares to act wild, I can teach him a lesson, can you? Don't worry, he can't do anything to me."

Lingjun let go of his hand and looked at the back of Lang Xing walking gracefully. He felt a little chill in his heart. Due to Lang Xing's calmness, he was convinced that this kid had the ability to kill the Feathered Monk. Maybe he could intimidate him. He wanted to help the other party resolve the war, but he would rather let those people die. His heart was not cold-hearted.

Langxing is really no longer the same as before. His coldness is partly related to his current state, and partly because he has been upset and tired from dealing with the affairs of Qianxu Palace these days. He is not in the mood. Too much energy was wasted on these fools. Let the damned people die. He has feelings for Qianxugong, but not with these fools. In his opinion, these fools are burdens and stains on Qianxugong. , it would be better to die. The actions of those twenty or so people may be so tragic as to make people cry, but in his opinion, these people are just causing trouble. If they had not interfered, he and Lingjun would definitely be able to Convince more people. It is unclear whether his indifference, ruthlessness and frequent use of Qianchengfu are related to each other.

Flying above the battlefield where brilliance shines and spiritual power ripples

, Langxing seemed to have seen nothing, and walked leisurely towards the blue light in the distance. In fact, although the fighting below was quite fierce, it was far from tragic. The big sect with the same name as Xu Gong maintained the due respect and dignity despite fighting more and less. They did not rush to attack in a hurry. The most common fights were two against one, and more often they fought alone and started. It does not blindly kill people, except for those with deep hatred, so only a part of them actually fight to the death.

The only late-stage Nascent Soul monks from Qianxu Palace who entered the battlefield to fight were Lingtai and three others. Although the four late-Nascent Soul monks including Lingtong had rushed out of the circle, they were only sitting in the rear for everyone. There was no need for Lang Xing and Lingjun advised them that these people also knew the importance. After all, they were in the late stage of Yuanying. They had already passed the period of desperate efforts. The main force of the two factions' vendetta had always been the group of people in the early stage of Yuanying and the middle stage of Yuanying.

Ling Tong saw Lang Xing flying towards Mu Yun, but he did not follow him. With the magic circle of Qianxu Palace behind him, he could retreat at any time. Following Lang Xing into the depths of the enemy camp would be courting death. Although he He wanted to protect this closed disciple, but he couldn't bear to risk his own life.

"Come back! Don't go any further!" He called to Lang Xing. Although he knew it wouldn't work, he still had to do something to save face.

Lang Xing waved his hand to him without looking back, and continued to fly forward calmly.

Ling Tong saw seven great monks from the enemy camp surrounding Lang Xing. He asked his three fellow disciples around him to be on guard to be on guard against anyone coming over for a sneak attack, while he kept an eye on the situation on Lang Xing's side. He wanted to see Let’s see if this kid really has incredible abilities or is just being stupid.

The seven great monks who came up to surround Langxing appeared to be very cautious, forming an encirclement within a distance of about ten thousand feet.

"I'm here to see Immortal Mu Yun." Lang Xing said calmly, with scattered pieces of light shining outside his body, he continued to fly towards Mu Yun unhurriedly.

"What the hell! You can see the Great Immortal whenever you want?" A person yelled. He had a good relationship with the old man who was killed by Lang Xing in Shui Qingzhou, and he was holding back his desire to avenge the old man.

Lang Xing ignored him and continued flying forward with his eyes looking in the direction of Mu Yun. He believed that Mu Yun must have noticed what was going on here.

"Who do you think you are!" A man as strong as a black iron tower was angered by Lang Xing's attitude of not paying attention to them. He stepped forward and swung a ray of spiritual power at Lang Xing.

This person is not a great monk of Qianjie Sect, nor is he a helper brought by Qianjie Sect. He came to Qianxu Palace alone to seek revenge. It happened that Qianjie Sect invaded in a large scale, and he and the two great monks of Qianjie Sect The monks were familiar with each other, so he joined in. He was dissatisfied with the situation of the battle at the moment. He felt that the Qianjie Sect's group was not ruthless enough, and now they even surrounded and refused to attack a middle-stage Nascent Soul monk. He thought that these people He was following the rule that the two parties should not kill each other when fighting. If he killed this kid, it might allow both sides to fight to the death.

He wanted to kill Lang Xing at once, because he saw that the defensive treasure that Lang Xing activated was a bit extraordinary, so he rushed up and gave Lang Xing a hard blow. This was also worried about the later stage of Nascent Soul. identity, otherwise he would directly use the treasure to greet Lang Xing.

They are three thousand feet apart. At this distance, there is no reason for a full-strength blow from a late Yuanying monk to a middle Yuanying monk to miss. The other six great monks and the psychic in the distance all opened their eyes and waited to see this. The result of the hit.

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